Key to KeckiellaView taxon page for Keckiella
(For a list of species in Keckiella, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Corolla bright pink to red or red-orange, tube 16–25 mm, throat indistinct 2. Leaves ± opposite 1. Arranged in pairs along an axis - e.g., two leaves per node. 2. Occurring in the same rank, directly above or below, as 'stamens opposite petals'. 3. Located directly across from. 3. Leaf base rounded to cordate Heart-shaped; often pertaining to a leaf in which the blade base on both sides of the petiole is rounded and convex. ; anther sacs 1.1–1.5 mm ..... K. cordifolia 2' Leaves generally whorled Arranged in groups of three or more at nodes or positions along an axis (e.g., three leaves per node). in 3s (occasionally few opposite) ..... K. ternata 1' Corolla white, yellow, or brown-purple, short tube and distinct throat together 4–11 mm 5. Corolla 10–15 mm, tube + throat > upper lip 6. Inflorescence a panicle 1. In flowering plants excluding Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a branched inflorescence in which the basal or lateral flowers (or some of them) open before the terminal or central flowers on any axis. 2. In Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a panicle-like inflorescence is one in which at least some of the inflorescence units (e.g., heads in Asteraceae; spikelets in Cyperaceae and Poaceae), instead of individual flowers, are attached (stalked or unstalked) to branches and not directly to the main axis of the inflorescence and in which floral development may or may not proceed as in 1. ; flowers pedicelled; anther sac valves spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. widely; staminode densely hairy; young stems glabrous, glaucous ..... K. lemmonii 6' Inflorescence spike-like; flowers ± sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk. ; anther sac valves barely spreading; staminode glabrous near tip; young stems densely short-hairy, green ..... K. rothrockii 5' Corolla 12–23 mm, tube + throat < upper lip 9. Calyx 3–6 mm, lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. widely ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. , tips obtuse Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. to acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. ; plant finely hairy; anther sacs 1.4–1.8 mm ..... var. antirrhinoides 9' Calyx 5.5–9 mm, lobes lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. , tips acute to acuminate Having a long-tapered, sharp tip, the sides concave. ; plant canescent; anther sacs 1.1–1.5 mm ..... var. microphylla 8' Staminode glabrous near tip; corolla white, cream, or rose-tinged; anther sacs 0.6–0.8 mm ..... K. breviflora
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