The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
Visiting the HerbariaThe Herbaria are on the campus of the University of California in Berkeley. Hours are 8:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday. The doors are locked during the lunch hour (12:00 to 1:00.). Digital Access to Herbaria Resources You may be able to get the information you need through the UC/JEPS Specimen Portal, powered by CollectionSpace. DIRECTIONS The University and Jepson Herbaria are located on the ground floor of the central atrium of the Valley Life Sciences Building. The entrance is prominently marked, flanked by planters, and directly in front of a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton. The Valley Life Sciences Building is a large building easily identified by its "neo-Babylonian" bas relief, located east of the prominent eucalyptus grove that is near the West Gate entry kiosk at the east end of University Avenue. By car: From Interstate 80/580 in Berkeley, take the University Avenue exit and drive east (away from the Bay). University Avenue ends at the University of California campus. Parking is at a premium in Berkeley during business hours; the following options are available to visitors (see also campus website):
By BART: The University and Jepson Herbaria are within a few blocks of the downtown Berkeley BART station. Follow Central Avenue to the east (the main flow of students) to campus, and then continue east on the walkway that crosses the bridge and goes through a wooded area. This will take you to the south side of the Valley Life Sciences Building. A campus map is available online, as well as directions to campus by transit and directions to campus by car. Public and Visitor Parking Information If you want to use the collection, and you have not received a formal orientation from us previously, we strongly suggest that you make an appointment ahead of time to ensure that an appropriate staff member will be available to orient you. You will not be allowed to use the collection without an orientation. If you have specimens that you want to use in the Herbaria, consider mailing them ahead of time so that they may be frozen to kill pests. Please call 510-642-2465 or email the collections staff for an appointment. VISITOR RESPONSIBILITIES AND HERBARIUM POLICIES
Have you been wanting to visit the University & Jepson Herbaria (UC/JEPS)?
Well, you’re in luck! We are officially announcing the beginning of regular
public herbaria tours.
Four times a year, there will be the opportunity to come learn all about
UC/JEPS and herbaria. We’ll discuss how we started,
how herbarium specimens are collected and how they end up here,
our curation practices, ongoing projects, and so much more!
Beautiful specimens will be on display, and curators from the
different collections will be available for questions.
There are two tours coming soon:
Thursday, April 25th at 10:30AM and Thursday, July 11th at 10:30AM.
Spots are limited! Sign up here today if you’re interested in a tour: Tour groups will meet at the front of the herbaria, located at: 1001 Valley Life Sciences Building Berkeley, CA 94720-2465 We look forward to seeing you! |