Habit: Tree, thorny; dioecious.
Stem: buds scaly; stipule scars obscure, not encircling stem.
Leaf: alternate, or clustered with inflorescences, entire, deciduous; major veins pinnate.
Inflorescence: +- erect, spheric; staminate an umbel or umbel-like raceme, > 1 per axil, peduncled; pistillate a head, 1 per axil, sessile.
Pistillate Flower: style simple.
Fruit: spheric, bumpy, of many achenes within fleshy calyces, yellow-green [red].
Species In Genus: +- 12 species: warm parts of America, Africa, Asia, Australia.
Etymology: (William McClure, American geologist, 1760--1840)
Note: Wind-pollinated.
Jepson eFlora Author: Alan T. Whittemore & Elizabeth McClintock
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