Habit: Rhizome generally ascending to suberect, short, old stipe bases many.
Leaf: often glandular or hairy; stipe base ×-section with 2 vascular strands; blade 1--2-pinnate, segments +- toothed to pinnately lobed, veins free, ending just short of margin.
Sporangia: sori round, generally not at margins; indusium cup-like, often of many segmented hair- or scale-like fragments or lobes encircling sorus from below [sphere-like], often of crusty, +- white beads, often obscure in age.
Species In Genus: +- 30 species: generally northern temperate.
Etymology: (J. Woods, Britain, b. 1776)
Jepson eFlora Author: John C. Game, Alan R. Smith and Thomas Lemieux
Reference: Windham 1993 FNANM 2:270--280
Unabridged Reference: Brown 1964 Beih Nova Hedwigia 16:1--154Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Woodsia
Previous taxon: WoodsiaceaeNext taxon: Woodsia oregana