The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
Jepson Herbarium 2015 Workshops Our 21st Season! |
Workshops by Type
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Workshop Descriptions |
Lycophytes: Past and Present Lycophytes (clubmosses, spikemosses, quillworts, and allies) have an iconic presence in the fossil record. Yet, living members are seldom a focus of botanical study, horticulture, and conservation projects. This workshop will emphasize the fossil history of this group, how to recognize living members in the field, and their current biological and ecological diversity. Additionally, participants will learn techniques for cultivating lycophytes in terraria and outdoors. There is no field trip; we will observe fossil and living specimens in the classroom.
Intermediate Bryology The general goal of this two-day class will be to build upon the skills taught in the Jepson introductory bryology class (or equivalent preparation elsewhere, such as SO BE FREE). We will emphasize mosses in this class and specifically work towards genus recognition of all California mosses and use more advanced keys than those used in the beginner’s class. We will provide mosses from the central coast to work on, and participants also are encouraged to bring their own collections. Lecture time will be kept to a minimum, so that students will be able to maximize time in the lab working with microscopes collaboratively on plants. There will be no field trip; instead, BYOB (bring your own bryophytes!).
Botanizing Baja California Come on a botanical journey south of the border to explore the Central Desert ecoregion of Baja California and the spectacular Cataviña boulder fields while focusing on the area's flora. After the spring rains arrive, the Baja California desert will come alive with color and diversity as desert annuals spring forth in all of their splendor. This floristic adventure will stop and explore Coastal Sage Scrub, Coastal Chaparral, and Baja California endemic Maritime Succulent Scrub and Central Desert vegetation. Many of the plants that we will see do not make it north of the USA/Mexico border, and others are restricted to small populations along our route, so be prepared to encounter many new plant species (some of which can stretch one’s imagination in respect to plant form and structure). Some of the special plants in the Cataviña area include: the bizarre Boojum Tree (Fouquieria columnaris); the giant Cardón cactus (Pachycereus pringlei), and strange elephant trees (Pachycormus discolor and Bursera spp.). We will see these plants and many more, including some newly described cacti. March 5-9 (Thursday-Monday) • Workshop fee ($750/$790) includes instruction, van transportation from La Jolla (UCSD) to and around Baja California, meals from lunch on Thursday through lunch on Monday, and campsite fees. Accommodations will be tent camping at two beautiful, but primitive, locations with no running water or electricity. Drinking water and hand wash stations will be provided. Campsite toilet facilities will be outhouses or portable latrines. All workshop participants must possess (and bring) a valid passport. Participants must provide their own transportation to UCSD. All participants MUST travel to and from Baja California in the workshop vans. Introduction to Plant Morphology Would you like to learn more about plant morphology and expand your botanical vocabulary? If so, join us for this workshop to explore the morphology of flowers, fruits, and non-reproductive plant structures. Workshop participants will become familiar with the floral characters and terminology frequently used in the second edition of The Jepson Manual and other plant identification guides. This workshop is designed to start at an introductory level and is appropriate for the beginning botanist, nature lover, or avid gardener. The workshop includes four three-hour sessions over two days. Each session will consist of a short lecture followed by examination of fresh (mostly non-native) plant material using hand lenses and dissecting microscopes. Microscope experience is helpful but not necessary. March 7-8 • Workshop fee $160/$200
Definitions and Methods for Identifying and Delineating California Wetlands
Wetlands are typically recognized as soggy portions of the landscape that are covered—often intermittently—with shallow water, have soils saturated with water, or have plants that look different from those in the surrounding areas. Scientific studies have shown that wetlands are essential to maintaining the biological, chemical, and physical integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. State and federal programs have been established that regulate impacts to wetlands as part of their overall water quality protection strategy. These agencies differ in how wetlands are defined and geographically delineated. March 12-15 • Workshop fee ($500/$540) includes instruction, handouts, and materials. Camping is available at Rush Ranch on Wednesday and Thursday night for participants who need accommodations.
Characterization and Identification of Desert Plants
The purpose of this workshop is to learn basic morphological terminology and dissection skills, learn to recognize the most common plant families, and gain skills in identification of species of the Colorado Desert in San Diego. March 20-22 • Workshop fee $370/$410 includes instruction, lodging at the Research Center, and meals from dinner on Friday through lunch on Sunday. Accommodations at the (newly-constructed!) Research Center are dormitory-style, with bunkbeds in shared rooms with shared bathrooms. Potable water, showers, and flush toilets are available.
50 Families in the Field: Introduction to Keying
Are you ready to jump into botanical detective work? With a working knowledge of common plant families, and comfort in using taxonomic keys, identification can be an enjoyable challenge. This workshop introduces students to the flora of the San Francisco Bay area and the techniques used to identify plants of California. Emphasis will be on learning to recognize characteristics of the Bay Area’s plant families. We will practice keying plants in the field using the third edition of the book Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region: Mendocino to Monterey (Linda H. Beidleman and Eugene N. Kozloff, 2014). A general familiarity with morphological terms is helpful but not necessary; these will be reviewed during the introductory session. The workshop will be held outdoors (rain or shine). Participants may drive up to 75 miles per day to the field sites and walk up to three miles each day (easy hiking). This workshop will not involve collection of plants. Students must attend all four days of the workshop, because the introductory information will lay the foundation for the rest of the workshop. Please note that this is an introductory workshop, geared towards beginning botanists. Participants must purchase their own copy of the book. Two Sessions:
April 23-26 at UC Hastings Natural History Reservation • Workshop fee ($490/$530) also includes lodging, meals from dinner on Thursday through lunch on Sunday, and some transportation. Most participants will be accommodated in dormitory-style rooms with twin or bunk-style beds. Space outside the bunkhouse is also available for camping. Showers and flush toilets are available. Space is limited to 16 students. Registration preference will be given to individuals who have not previously attended 50 Families in the Field.
Inventorying the Floristic Frontier: A Botanical Expedition into the Eastern Mojave Desert of California Workshop Full: Wait List Only The eastern Mojave Desert represents one of the least documented floristic areas of California. Most herbarium records from this region were collected before 1950 or are limited to major road corridors and a handful of mountain ranges where floristic studies have been conducted. To date, numerous valleys and ranges (e.g, Woods, Hackberry, Piute, and Mesquite mountains) have fewer than 200 records and represent a significant void in California’s floristic knowledge. April 16-19 • Workshop fee ($490/$530) includes instruction, meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch, and accommodations at GMDRC. Most participants will camp. Potable water, flush toilets, and showers are available. Some dormitory-style accommodations may be available for those who prefer to sleep indoors; please indicate this preference on your registration form under “notes.” Native Plants of the UC Merced Vernal Pool Grasslands Reserve Workshop Full: Wait List Only Vernal pools are ephemeral wetlands that are scattered throughout the Central Valley of California. These pools function as islands in a sea of grasslands for the more than 200 species of plants that are associated with this unique habitat. The undulating microtopography of the landscape, Mediterranean climate, and impermeable subsurface soils cause pools to temporarily form in natural depressions during the winter; the pools rapidly disappear at the onset of summer. During the transition from aquatic to terrestrial conditions, these habitats erupt into spectacular floral displays of native plants, many of which are endemic to this environment in California. April 25-26 • Workshop fee ($250/$290) includes instruction and transportation around the Reserve. Participants are responsible for their own meals and lodging in Merced. Plant Families of the World in Bay Area Public Gardens We learn our first plants one at a time. But sooner or later it becomes important to have a framework to organize and remember this knowledge. Learning the plant families provides this framework. It also helps us to understand the evolutionary relationships of the plants around us, and to identify unknown plants wherever we go, whether it is a desert or a rainforest. We will begin with a short introduction. We will proceed to visit three highly acclaimed public gardens, a tropical plant conservatory, and one botanically rich natural area. Mini lectures will focus on plant diversity and how to recognize the most common families of flowering plants.
May 1-3 • Workshop fee ($250/$290) includes admission to all public gardens, and energy-boosting snacks. Some transportation will be available for participants who cannot (or would prefer not to) drive. Flora of Santa Rosa Island With an area of 84 square miles, Santa Rosa is the second-largest of the eight California Channel Islands. The island’s flora is comprised of just under 400 native taxa and about 100 non-native taxa. At least 37 of the native taxa are restricted to two or more of the California Islands. Six taxa are now found only on Santa Rosa Island, including Arctostaphylos confertiflora, Dudleya blochmaniae subsp. insularis, Dudleya gnoma, Gilia tenuiflora subsp. hoffmanii, Castilleja mollis, and Pinus torreyana subsp. insularis. Although the island has a long history of agricultural uses, cattle have been removed, and the vegetation is slowly recovering. May 7-10 • Workshop fee ($680/$720) includes instruction, lodging Thursday-Saturday nights at the CISRIRS, water transportation from Ventura to Santa Rosa Island, and all meals on Santa Rosa Island (Thursday lunch through Sunday lunch). Accommodations at the Research Station are dormitory-style, with bunkbeds in shared rooms with shared bathrooms. Potable water, showers, and flush toilets are available. We will be back in Ventura at 6:00 PM Sunday (conditions permitting: weather delays are always possible). Poaceae Workshop Full: Wait List Only “I am the grass; I cover all.” —Carl Sandburg, “Grass” May 30-31 • Workshop fee: $250/$290 California’s Native Bees: Biology, Ecology, and Identification Are you interested in learning more about the most important pollinators in your gardens? California’s native bees are extremely diverse (about 1,600 species) and are critical for providing ecosystem services not only in wild habitats but also in agricultural and urban settings.
June 3-7 • Workshop fee ($600/$640) includes lodging and meals from Wednesday dinner through Sunday lunch. Most participants will be accommodated in dormitory-style rooms with twin or bunk-style beds. Space outside the bunkhouse is also available for camping. Showers and flush toilets are available. This workshop will conclude Sunday afternoon. Seaweeds of Central California
This workshop will focus on the seaweeds in the vicinity of the Landels-Hill Big Creek Ecological Reserve in Monterey County. We will review the basics of intertidal seaweed zonation and ecology as we collect specimens for closer study in our campground lab. Seaweeds can be difficult to identify: we will focus on vegetative morphology. Let’s update a preliminary list of conspicuous seaweeds generated from our new specimen database! June 5-7 • Workshop fee ($370/$410) includes instruction, meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch, and Reserve fees. Trees of California, Part 1 How many native species of trees are there in California? When Jepson published The Trees of California in 1923, he included 121 species of woody plants in his book, of which he counted “90 trees.” According to Jepson, “accurate and detailed knowledge of [trees] lifts the possessor out of the commonplace and enables him directly or indirectly to contribute to the well-being and happiness of his community.” In this workshop, we will do our best to follow Jepson’s excellent advice: we we will learn how to identify native California trees in the field using reliable sterile characters (bark, architecture, leaves) that are always present on the plant. We will revisit Jepson’s list of trees and update it to match current taxonomic concepts and also add species that were inexplicably left out of his book. In the first installment of this workshop (we envision this workshop as the first in an annual series that will eventually visit nearly all of the native trees throughout the state), we will visit three Bay Area parks and learn around 70 species of native woody plants in their natural habitats, including (almost) all of the San Francisco Bay Area trees, about 45 different species. June 13-14 • Workshop fee $250/$290 Strange Soils and Unknown Plants: Botanical Documentation in the Trinity Alps Northwestern California, particularly the Klamath-Siskiyou region, is a hotspot of botanical diversity in North America, supporting more than 2,000 plant species, many of them found nowhere else on earth. The region’s extreme botanical diversity is probably due to its complex geology and topography, and long-term stability of climate, allowing many soil-specialist plants to evolve and to persist in the region. The area is poorly explored from a botanical perspective, due to its rugged terrain and distance from large cities and universities. A lack of extensive data on plant distribution means that it is difficult to understand and protect the remarkable flora of this strange and wonderful part of California.
June 25-28 • Workshop fee $490/$530 includes instruction, campground fees, and meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch. We will be staying in a developed campground with drinking water, picnic tables, flush toilets, and access to swimming in a nearby creek. Advanced Grasses For those who have taken the introductory workshop or have experience with grass identification, the advanced grasses workshop offers a greater variety of California genera and species for study, more practice with keying, and more genera to learn on sight. Time will be split between the lab and field. Completion of the Poaceae workshop, or equivalent prior experience, is highly recommended. Participants are encouraged to bring samples of grasses to share with the group. Hiking will be easy to moderate.
July 16-19 • Workshop fee ($490/$530) includes instruction, tent or tent cabin camping at the Field Station, and meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch. Accommodations include showers, toilets, and potable water. The High and Wet Flora of the White Mountains
Jim Morefield The White Mountains are located at the southwest corner of the Great Basin floristic region, and their geologic and habitat diversity, high relief (over 10,000 feet from bottom to top), and proximity to the Sierra Nevada and Mojave Desert all contribute to an unusually rich and well-documented flora. By mid-August most flowering activity is limited to high elevations and wetland areas, where many species are at their peak just before their growing season comes to a close.
August 13-16 • Workshop fee Workshop fee ($510/$550) includes meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch, dormitory-style accommodations with indoor bathrooms and showers (or camping) at Crooked Creek Station, and some transportation. This workshop begins Thursday morning in Bishop.
Late-Season Compositae Beginning with an overview of morphological characteristics of composites (family-wide), including a review of terms used in descriptions and keys, we will provide a synopsis of diversity within Compositae and a brief introduction to recognition of tribes. Then, we will concentrate on identifying the diversity of summer/fall-flowering composites that go unnoticed by spring-oriented botanists and will consider their evolutionary relationships and natural history. We hope this workshop will provide participants with botanical enthusiasm for California’s second spring, well after the last of the early-season bloom fades. This workshop does not include a field trip. Familiarity with a dissecting microscope and experience using dichotomous keys is useful but not essential. August 22-23 • Workshop fee $250/$290 Fire Ecology in the Central Sierra Nevada Fire shapes California. It is part of California’s past and future, so we need to coexist. Fire has wide ranging effects throughout the Sierra Nevada due to variations in land management and plant communities; there is both good and bad fire, and we will learn about the nuance of its effects on the landscape. In this workshop, we will explore how fire functioned historically in the Sierra Nevada and how it works today, given land management and climate change. We will compare how the effects of fire on natural communities in areas where fire has been restored as a natural process (e.g., the Illilouette Creek Basin) differ from the effects of the 2013 Rim Fire in areas where fire had been suppressed for over a century. The workshop will be grounded in fire physics, fire history studies, and modern fire effects studies.
September 24-27 • Workshop fee ($490/$530) includes instruction, park entrance, fee, lodging, some transportation, and meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch. Lodging is in cabins with dormitory-style beds, indoor bathrooms, and showers. Aquatic Plants By October, lowland botanizing is largely long gone… at least on dry land. However, in, on, and around the various lakes, streams, and other wetlands, delightfully diverse aquatic plants are still going strong. Some are native, some non-native, representing families both familiar and otherwise, from Alismataceae to Zosteraceae. For those willing to get their feet muddy, a new world of botanizing opens up, with a high probability of finding new occurrence records with relative ease. Because of the broad spectrum of plants that will be covered, the workshop will focus more on gaining familiarity with this diversity, relying on fresh material and illustrations of diagnostic characters of families and genera, than on keys to species. Learn how to tell Zannichellia from Potamogeton, Najas from Callitriche, Elatine from Cypselea. Depending on conditions and interest, there will be the option of a field trip to local wetlands on Sunday afternoon. October 10-11 • Workshop fee $250/$290 Restoration Ecology Restoration ecology is the process of returning form and function to disturbed or destroyed ecosystems. Areas once supporting extensive habitat have often experienced drastic changes, making the return of historic ecosystems extremely challenging. Adapting to these challenges is a central pursuit of restoration ecologists and restoration practitioners. October 17-18 • Workshop fee $250/$290 Evolution and Diversity of Mushrooms The mild to cool, wet winters and the variety of habitats found in California make it one of the best places in North America to find both an abundance and a high diversity of fungi. This workshop will provide an introduction to the biology and identification of California’s mushrooms. Through a combination of lectures and discussions, workshop participants will learn about the evolutionary history of fungi and the ecological role of fungi in nature. Most of the time will be spent with fresh mushrooms in the lab, where participants will have hands-on opportunities for learning how to identify mushrooms. A field trip to Pt. Reyes National Seashore (with easy to moderate hiking) will be a highlight of the weekend. This workshop begins Friday afternoon in Berkeley. December 11-13 • Workshop fee $330/$370 |
About Our Instructors |
Jim André is the Director of the UC Riverside, Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center, a plant ecologist, and Curator of the Center’s herbarium. He has studied flora of the desert southwest for 30 years and has research interests in the demographics of long–lived shrubs, rare plant conservation, and natural areas management. He is author of a flora of the Mojave National Preserve and is currently working on the publication of a flora of the San Bernardino County Desert.
Bruce G. Baldwin is Curator of the Jepson Herbarium and Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, where he teaches Vascular Plant Systematics and the botany section of General Biology. Bruce received his Ph.D. in Botany at UC Davis in 1989. His research emphasizes systematics (including the use of biosystematic, molecular, and phylogenetic methods) of Californian vascular-plant groups, especially our native Compositae. He is Convening Editor of the Jepson Flora Project, which produced The Jepson Desert Manual (2002) and The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition (2012).
Linda Beidleman has an M.S. in biology from Rice University. She is co-author of Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region and Plants of Rocky Mountain National Park. She has worked with the California Native Plant Society, especially as co-supervisor for the CNPS East Bay plant nursery. Linda has taught short flora and ornithology courses for the Rocky Mountain National Park and the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies.
Jeff Benca is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Integrative Biology and Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley. His research ranges from developing cultivation and conservation strategies for living lycopsids to studying vegetation turnover during earth’s largest mass extinction, about 252 million years ago. Jeff received his BA from the University of Washington.
Dylan Burge is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia. He is generally interested in the evolution of edaphic ecology—the relationship between plants and their soils. His research uses genetic tools in combination with experiments and soil chemistry data to discover how soils have influenced diversification in a diverse group of plant genera, including Ceanothus, Garrya, and Streptanthus. Other areas of interest include the evolution of drought resistance, ecology, floristics, and taxonomy. Dylan is also an avid photographer, and writes general interest articles on a diversity of botanical subjects.
Dylan Chapple is a graduate student in the Suding Lab at UC Berkeley. He studies the implications of habitat fragmentation on seed dispersal and restoration outcomes in tidal wetlands in the San Francisco Bay, with his main study sites in the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project. Dylan also serves as the Graduate Student Coordinator for the Strawberry Creek Restoration Project on the Berkeley Campus. Prior to returning to school, he worked as a community-based restoration practitioner with the Oakland-based non-profit Save The Bay.
Travis Columbus is a Research Scientist at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden and Professor of Botany at the Claremont Graduate University. He has a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, where he worked on Bouteloua and related taxa. His current research focuses on the evolution and classification of the grass subfamily Chloridoideae.
Jennifer Buck-Diaz is a vegetation ecologist and botanist with the CNPS Vegetation Program where she surveys, classifies, and maps vegetation across California. She has recently focused her work on the classification and description of grassland vegetation including the study of spatial and temporal dynamics in these systems. She earned both a B.S. and a M.S. degree in Plant Biology from the University of California, Davis where she participated in a state-wide classification project looking at fine-scale vegetation in vernal pools.
Nancy Emery is a plant evolutionary ecologist who strives to understand how plants adapt and respond to rapidly changing environments, including the seasonal flooding and drying conditions experienced by plants that occupy vernal pool wetlands. Emery received a B.S. in Biology from Brown University, a Ph.D. in Population Biology from UC Davis, and conducted post-doctoral research with Dr. David Ackerly and Dr. Bruce Baldwin at UC Berkeley. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Purdue University with a joint appointment in Biological Sciences and Botany and Plant Pathology. Despite living in the Midwest, goldfields and vernal pool plants remain a major focus of her research program.
Barbara Ertter is Curator of Western North American Flora and former Administrative Curator at the University and Jepson Herbaria at UC Berkeley. Although now based primarily in home town of Boise, Idaho, she continues her research on floristics of the East Bay and other parts of western North America, Potentilla and related genera, and the history of California botany. Significant publications include an updated edition of The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Mount Diablo, California (2002, with M. L. Bowerman), Annotated Checklist of the East Bay Flora (2nd edition 2013, with L. Naumovich), and several treatments for The Jepson Manual, Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition, and Flora of North America North of Mexico (pending). She has taught an aquatics workshop for the Jepson Workshop series on three previous occasions.
Paul Fine, an associate professor at UC Berkeley, has been in the Department of Integrative Biology since 2007. His research investigates the origin and maintenance of Amazonian rain forest tree diversity. Originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan, he headed west for undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley, and went on to receive his Ph.D. from the University of Utah. Read about his popular IB 157 course here.
Gordon Frankie is Professor of Insect Biology in the College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in entomology from UC Berkeley (1968). His research interests are in plant reproductive biology, pollination ecology, and solitary-bee biology. His field research is split equally between California and the seasonally dry tropical forests of Costa Rica. He teaches lecture and field courses in applied conservation biology at UC Berkeley and in Costa Rica.
Sara Leon Guerrero is a recent graduate of UC Berkeley with a B.S. in Conservation and Resource Studies. She now works as a Research Assistant to Dr. Gordon Frankie in the UCB Urban Bee Lab. Sara acts as project manager for the Bee Lab’s Farming for Native Bees project, working with several small farmers in Brentwood, Contra Costa Co. to establish and monitor high quality native bee habitat on their farms.
Terry Huffman has a Ph.D. in botany with research emphasis in wetland plant ecology and has been working as a wetland scientist for over 35 years. He has worked for the Army Corps of Engineers and as a private consultant. While with the Corps, he developed the definition of wetlands and criteria for the delineation methodology currently used by the Corps and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Steve Junak recently retired from the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden after 37 years as a botanist and herbarium curator. He has been studying the plants of the California Islands for more than 30 years. He is an active field botanist who has co-authored insular floras, including A Flora of Santa Cruz Island (1995) and A Flora of San Nicolas Island (2008). He is currently working on a revised flora for Catalina Island. He often leads field trips to the Channel Islands and to areas of botanical interest on the adjacent mainland.
Seth Kauppinen is a Ph.D. candidate in Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, studying microbial symbiosis in Amazonian trees. He’s worked on a range of topics in biology, but has a special affinity for plants—an interest first kindled by an undergraduate course in plant morphology.
Dean Kelch is Primary Botanist for the California Department of Food and Agriculture and a research associate and lecturer at UC Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in botany from UC Davis, studying under the tropical botanist, Grady Webster. His research interests are in seed plant phylogeny (especially the conifers), California floristics, and horticultural taxonomy. He is coauthor of The Flora of the Carquinez Strait Region of California. He was previously the Director of the Ruth Bancroft Garden.
Ken Kellman is a Field Associate at the California Academy of Sciences who has been studying bryophytes since 1995. Ken has published a catalog of the Mosses of Santa Cruz County, California, and is currently working on a catalog of the bryophytes of Monterey County. He is largely self-taught, which puts him in the position of understanding how to teach and encourage beginning bryologists.
Anu Kramer is a Ph.D. candidate in Berkeley’s department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. Her research focuses on using LiDAR remote sensing to better quantify forest structure, especially that which drives wildland fire. She also loves sharing her knowledge about fire with students and the public and has developed exciting fire demonstrations for both young and mature audiences.
Tasha La Doux Ph.D., Botany, is the Assistant Director of the UC Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center and part-time Botanist at Joshua Tree National Park. Her research interests include: reproductive biology in plants, rare plant management, and floristics; she is active in public lands management and the conservation of rare plants in the region. She is working on a flora of Joshua Tree National Park.
Laurel Larsen, is an assistant professor of Geography at UC Berkeley. She previously worked as a Research Ecologist in the US Geological Survey. As a hydroecologist and geomorphologist, she has been researching restoration of the Florida Everglades for 10 years and has also worked on stream restoration in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and restoration of wet meadows on both coasts. At Berkeley, Laurel teaches Terrestrial Hydrology, Water Resources and the Environment, and Complex Environmental Systems, among other courses.
Cindy Looy is an assistant professor in the Department of Integrative Biology and Curator of the Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley. She received her Ph.D. from Utrecht University (The Netherlands) in 2000. Her research interests include using fossil plants to determine how plants and plant communities may have responded to past environmental changes (and the resulting evolutionary consequences), and the evolution of Late Paleozoic conifers and Early Mesozoic lycopsids.
Kathy Ann Miller has loved seaweeds since her first phycology class in 1976. She was trained at UC Berkeley, receiving her B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in botany. She has extensive intertidal and subtidal field experience and is particularly devoted to the seaweed flora of California. She works as Curator of seaweeds at the University Herbarium at UC Berkeley.
Brent D. Mishler is Director of the University and Jepson Herbaria as well as professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, where he teaches systematics and plant diversity. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1984. His research interests are in the systematics, evolution, and ecology of bryophytes, especially the diverse moss genus Tortula, as well as in the phylogeny of green plants and the theory of systematics.
Jim Morefield began studying botany as a student at Deep Springs College, spent many field seasons exploring and revising the flora of the adjacent White Mountains in the 1980s, and still conducts regular field work and workshops in the area. After finishing a degree in Botany and Geology in Flagstaff, Arizona, he completed a Ph.D. at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, where he studied Stylocline and related genera of composites. He contributed treatments to The Jepson Manual and Flora of North America North of Mexico for these genera plus Chaenactis. Currently, Jim works as the botanist for the Nevada Natural Heritage Program.
Julie Kierstead Nelson has been a professional botanist since 1976, doing rare plant surveys and conservation work in Oregon and California. She has a B.S. in botany from Oregon State University and an M.S. in biology from Northern Arizona University; she has worked in the herbarium at both schools. Since 1989, she has been Forest Botanist for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Redding, California. With Gary Nakamura she edited the 2001 publication Field Guide to Selected Rare Plants of Northern California (UC Press). More recently, she wrote the content for the rare plant and Klamath-Siskiyou Mountain serpentine pages on the Forest Service’s national Celebrating Wildflower website.
Nhu Nguyen is a mycologist who studies the symbiotic interactions between fungi and other organisms. His current work is in fungal ecology as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota. Having been trained as a yeast taxonomist, he never quite got over putting organisms into groups so he does mushroom taxonomy on the side.
Jaime Pawelek is a research assistant in the Urban Bee Lab at UC Berkeley where her main focus is identifying bees from all over California, and even some in Costa Rica. She has a B.S. in conservation and resource studies from UC Berkeley and has been studying native bees for almost seven years.
Jon P. Rebman, Ph.D. has been the Mary and Dallas Clark Endowed Chair/Curator of Botany at the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM) since 1996. He has a Ph.D. in botany (plant taxonomy), M.S. in biology (floristics), and B.S. in biology. He conducts extensive floristic research in Baja California and in San Diego and Imperial Counties, and contributed taxonomic treatments to the second edition of The Jepson Manual.
Kristen Shive’s passion for fire ecology grew out of her experience working in both fire and vegetation management on public lands. She is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at UC Berkeley, focusing her research on the long-term effects of severe, stand-replacing wildfire on mixed conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada.
Michael G. Simpson is a professor in the Department of Biology at San Diego State University and Curator of the SDSU Herbarium. He received his Ph.D. in botany from Duke University in 1983. He specializes in the phylogeny of monocots and Cryptantha and relatives of the Boraginaceae. At SDSU, he teaches Plant Systematics, Taxonomy of California Plants, and specialty courses. He is an author of Plant Systematics (Elsevier-Academic Press, 2nd edition 2010), Plant Collecting and Documentation Field Notebook (2013), and co-author of Checklist of the Vascular Plants of San Diego County (2013).
John L. Strother is in charge of Compositae (Asteraceae) in the University Herbarium (and curates the comps in JEPS as well). He also participates in matters concerning curation of other seed-plant collections.
Robbin Thorp is Professor Emeritus, Department of Entomology, UC Davis. He received a B.S. (1955) and an M.S. (1957) in zoology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and his Ph.D. (1964) in entomology from UC Berkeley. During his tenure on the faculty at UC Davis, he taught courses in entomology, natural history of insects, insect classification, California insect diversity, and pollination ecology until retirement in 1994. His continued research interests include ecology, systematics, biodiversity, conservation, and biology of bees.
Else Vellinga is a mycologist who studies the diversity of parasol mushrooms worldwide. She was trained at the state herbarium in the Netherlands and has been living and mushrooming in California for the last 16 years. She is currently an adjunct associate professor at San Francisco State University. Her work has focused on describing the mushroom flora of California, and she has discovered over 20 new mushroom species in the state so far.
Kate Wilkin’s love of colorful flowers turned into an admiration of wildland fire when her work as a biologist with The Nature Conservancy and Yosemite National Park took her through natural, frequently-burned areas that were teeming with color. Today, as a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at UC Berkeley, she studies wildland fire: how it worked historically, how it works today, and what are solutions to protect both people and nature.
Morgan Williams is a member of the Environmental Systems Dynamics Laboratory at UC Berkeley, where he studies humans as soil-forming factors with a focus on the social construction of anthrosols and technosols. His research interests include soil micromorphology, soil as a complex system, and the history, philosophy, and sociology of soil science.
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Terms of Use — Page last updated February 12, 2015 |
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(510) 643-7008 University of California, Berkeley University and Jepson Herbaria 1001 Valley Life Sciences Building #2465 Berkeley, CA 94720-2465 USA |