Jepson eFlora

Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) . Jepson eFlora, [accessed on ]

Key to groups

Family key to Group 7

Group 7: Trees, shrubs, or woody vines; only staminate flowers present; pistillate or bisexual flowers unavailable for examination

1. Plant parasitic on stem of woody host plant ..... VISCACEAE {G6,8,9,11,12,14}

1' Plant free-living, rooted in ground

2. Trunk unbranched, generally stout, covered with persistent woody  bases; leaves 4–7 m, pinnately compound ..... ARECACEAE (Phoenix) {G9,10}

2' Trunk(s) generally branched, stout or slender, generally not covered with persistent  bases; leaves generally smaller,  or compound

3. Leaves stiff and sword-like, 0.6–2 m, base much expanded, white, fleshyinflorescence a large  ..... RUSCACEAE (Nolina) {G6,8,9,16}

3' Leaves not sword-like, mostly smaller, base not much expanded, white, and fleshyinflorescences various

4. Leaves  or 

5. Leaves compound

6. Leaves  ..... SAPINDACEAE

6' Leaves 

7. Woody vinesepals generally 4, conspicuous, petal-like ..... RANUNCULACEAE (Clematis) {G9}

7' Tree or large shrubsepals generally 5 or number difficult to determine, very small

8. Flowers  or borne on short, stout  ..... OLEACEAE (Fraxinus) {G9,12,16}

8' Flowers borne on elongated, thread-like  ..... SAPINDACEAE (Acer negundo) {G9}

5' Leaves 

9. Leaf toothed or lobed

10. Leaf palmately veined and lobed ..... SAPINDACEAE (Acer) {G12,23}

10' Leaf pinnately veined and toothed

11. Petals 0; stamens 4–10 ..... PICRODENDRACEAE (4) {G9,12}

11' Petals 5, united in  corollastamens 4,  ..... SCROPHULARIACEAE (Buddleja) (2) {G9,19}

9' Leaf  (strongly wavy in some Garrya species)

12. Inflorescence

13. Leaf blades well developed;  elongate, pendent ..... GARRYACEAE {G9,11}

13' Leaves scale-, awl-, or needle-like; "catkins" short, not pendent — actually catkin-like pollen cone of gymnosperm

14. Internodes very short; stem concealed by persistent, overlapping, green, scale-, awl-, or needle-like leavespollen sacs  beneath scales of small cone ..... CUPRESSACEAE (2) {G4}

14' Internodes long; stem green, bearing dry, scale-like, often early-deciduous leavespollen sacs borne on filament-like stalk ..... EPHEDRACEAE {G4,9}

12' Inflorescence not a 

15. Leaves 

16. Leaf with abaxial groove ..... ERICACEAE (Empetrum) (2) {G9,12,16}

16' Leaf flat or with midvein raised on abaxial face

17. Stamens 4; weak-stemmed shrubstems 4-angled when young ..... RUBIACEAE (Galium) {G6,8,9,12}

17' Stamens 5–10; stiff shrubstems round ..... PICRODENDRACEAE (4) {G9,12}

15' Leaves 

18. Herbage covered with silvery scales ..... ELAEAGNACEAE (Shepherdia) {G9,12}

18' Herbage glabrous or variously hairy

19. Petals fused proximallystamens fused to corolla

20. Leaves glossy ..... RUBIACEAE ([Coprosma]) {G9}

19' Petals free or 0; stamens free from corolla

21. Leaves thick, leathery, evergreen; flowers in peduncled, head-like clusters; sepals well developed ..... SIMMONDSIACEAE {G9,12}

21' Leaves thin, deciduous; flowers in   clusters or short-peduncled racemessepals very small

22. Bark of young stems ± red; flowers pedicelled in short  racemesstamens 5–10 ..... PICRODENDRACEAE (4) {G9,12}

22' Bark of young stems gray; flowers ±  in  clusters; stamens 1–4 ..... OLEACEAE (Forestiera) {G9,12}

4' Leaves  (leaf often tendril or inflorescence in Vitaceae)

23. Tendrils present; plant a vineinflorescence of umbels or a  of head- or umbel-like clusters

24. Tendrils each calyx 0 or 5-lobed; petals 5, adherent at tips, ± yellow ..... VITACEAE (Vitis) {G9,12,23}

24' Tendrils 2+ near  base; perianth parts 6 in 2 whorls of 3, petal-like, free, white to ± green or ± yellow ..... SMILACACEAE {G6,8,9,16}

23' Tendrils 0; plant a shrub or tree, rarely a vineinflorescence various

25. Inflorescence or 

26. Leaves compound

27. Leaves 1- and 2-pinnate, leaflets 20–28 on 1-pinnate leaves ..... FABACEAE (Gleditsia) {G9}

27' Leaves 1-pinnate, leaflets 5–21

28. Plant evergreen — inflorescence resembles  when young, but is actually a branched  ..... ANACARDIACEAE (Pistacia) {G11,12}

28' Plant deciduous ..... JUGLANDACEAE {G9,11}

26' Leaves 

29. Shrubs of ± saline desert habitatsleaves sometimes thick, ± fleshyspikes  or very short and 

30. Leaf blades generally flat; perianth present though generally small and inconspicuous; bracts 0 or not  ..... CHENOPODIACEAE (2) {G6,8,9,11,15}

30' Leaf blades generally ± perianth 0; bracts  ..... SARCOBATACEAE {G9,11}

29' Shrubs or trees, generally of non-saline habitatsleaves mostly thinner, not fleshyspikes or   to pendent

31. Leaves scale-, awl- or needle-like; plants evergreen — catkin-like structure actually pollen cone of a gymnosperm

32. Pollen sacs borne on filament-like stalks ..... TAXACEAE {G4}

32' Pollen sacs  on abaxial side of scale-like structures

33. Scales with 2 pollen sacs; needle-like leaves 1–30 cm; bark generally separating in flakes or plates ..... PINACEAE {G4}

33' Scales with several pollen sacs; needle-like leaves (if present) 1–2.5 cm; bark thick, persistent ..... CUPRESSACEAE (2) {G4}

31' Leaves with well developed blades; plants evergreen or deciduous

34. Bractlets of inflorescence well developed and readily visible at time of flower

35. Catkins pendent

36. Catkin-bractlets fringe-margined, early-deciduous; stamens 8–60; trees ..... SALICACEAE (Populus)

36' Catkin-bractlets  or appearing 3-lobed, persistentstamens 1–10; shrubs or trees ..... BETULACEAE {G9,11}

35' Catkins ± stiff, ±  to  but generally not pendent

37. Low, brittle shrubsleaves thin,  ..... EUPHORBIACEAE (Acalypha) {G9,11}

37' Shrubs or trees, not brittle; leaves  or toothed —  bracts sometimes early-deciduous ..... SALICACEAE (Salix)

34' Bractlets of inflorescence 0 or very inconspicuous at time of flower

38. Evergreen shrubs or trees

39. Main veins of  parallel or nearly so — 2 perianth whorls actually present but sepals small and easily overlooked ..... FABACEAE (Acacia) (2)

39' Main veins of  clearly 

40. Leaves glabrous or with  hairs, not gland-dotted; sepals present; generally of dry-land habitats slender, pendent, generally >= 2 cm ..... FAGACEAE (2) {G9,11}

40' Leaves glabrous or with minute, straight hairs, dotted with tiny resin glandssepals 0; generally of moist, often wetland habitats short, dense, generally < 2 cm ..... MYRICACEAE (2) {G9,11}

38' Deciduous shrubs or trees

41. Sepals small but evident

42. Sepals 5–7; stamens 5–20; veins  bases generally symmetric ..... FAGACEAE (2) {G9,11}

42' Sepals 4; stamens 4; veins  bases  ..... MORACEAE {G11,12}

41' Sepals 0 or calyx modified into cup- or saucer-shaped structure or reduced to a nectary

43. Leaves dotted with tiny resin glands; individual flowers difficult to distinguish ..... MYRICACEAE (2) {G9,11}

43' Leaves not gland-dotted; individual flowers clearly distinguishable on close examination ..... SALICACEAE {G9,11}

25' Inflorescence not a  or 

44. Leaves and stems armed with prickles

45. Petals freestamens many ..... ROSACEAE (Rubus ursinus) {G9}

45' Petals fusedstamens 5 ..... SOLANACEAE (Solanum marginatum)

44' Foliage not prickly, sometimes stems thorny or leaves spiny-toothed

46. Leaves palmately lobed

47. Leaves inflorescence ..... EUPHORBIACEAE (Ricinus) {G9,12}

47' Leaves not inflorescence ..... PLATANACEAE {G9,10,12}

46' Leaves not palmately lobed

48. Stems and leaves densely covered with  hairs ..... EUPHORBIACEAE {G9,15}

48' Stems and leaves glabrous or hairy but hairs not 

49. Stamens many

50. Sepals 4

51. Leaves not aromatic; petals 4; anthers dehiscing by slits ..... EBENACEAE

{G9, 19}

51' Leaves strongly aromatic; petals 0; anthers dehiscing by uplifted lids ..... LAURACEAE ([Laurus]) (2) {G9}

50' Sepals 5

52. Flowers in spheric headspetals yellow, generally concealed by stamensleaves  or 2-pinnate ..... FABACEAE (Acacia) (2)

52' Flowers in racemespetals white, conspicuous; leaves  ..... ROSACEAE (Oemleria) {G9}

49' Stamens 12 or fewer

53. Leaves compound

54. Leaflets with a few, gland-tipped teeth near base ..... SIMAROUBACEAE (Ailanthus) {G9,10,20}

54' Leaflets  or teeth not gland-tipped

55. Leaflets 3–20, lance-linear to , 10–130 mm ..... ANACARDIACEAE (2) {G9,20,23}

55' Leaflets 7–33, linear-oblong or narrowly , 2–10 mm ..... BURSERACEAE {G9,20}

53' Leaves  (occasionally reduced to scales)

56. Shrub with thorny, generally leafless green stemsleaves scale-like to narrowly , early deciduous ..... SIMAROUBACEAE (Castela) {G9,10,23}

56' Treeshrub, or woody vinethorns occasionally present but stems generally leafy; leaves various, sometimes deciduous in winter or dry season

57. Flower parts in 3s — leaves with abaxial groove ..... ERICACEAE (Empetrum) (2) {G9,12,16}

57' Flower parts generally in 4s, 5s, or 6s

58. Flowers in involucred heads, these generally in few- to many-headed clusters ..... ASTERACEAE {G6,8,9,12,14,17}

58' Flowers solitary or variously clustered, not in involucred heads

59. Leaves generally ± gray, either softly hairy or covered with powdery scales ..... CHENOPODIACEAE (2) {G6,8,9,11,15}

59' Leaves green

60. Petals present

61. Leaves  to lobed, not spiny-toothed; inflorescenceterminal or   or umbel-like cluster, or flowers 1; flower parts generally in 5s

62. Petals 1–5 mm ..... ANACARDIACEAE (2) {G9,20,23}

62' Petals 10–15 mm ..... PITTOSPORACEAE (Pittosporum)

61' Leaves spiny-toothed or inflorescence an  ; flower parts in 4s or 5s

63. Stamens generally 4,  petals ..... AQUIFOLIACEAE {G9,19,23}

63' Stamens 4–5,  petals ..... RHAMNACEAE (Rhamnus) (2) {G9}

60' Petals 0

64. Leaves strongly aromatic; anthers dehiscing by uplifted lids ..... LAURACEAE ([Laurus]) (2) {G9}

64' Leaves not aromatic; anthers  by slits

65. Stamens = in number to and  sepals ..... RHAMNACEAE (Rhamnus) (2) {G9}

65' Stamens = in number to and  sepals or > in number than sepals

66. Leaf  2–12 mm; shrubs ..... PICRODENDRACEAE (4) {G9,12}

66' Leaf  30–140 mm; trees or large shrubs

67. Leaf 3-veined from base; inflorescence  cluster ..... CANNABACEAE (Celtis) {G12}

67' Leaf 1-veined from base; inflorescence a stalked  or umbel-like  ..... MORACEAE (Maclura) {G9}