Dicranodontium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1847.
In the field, Dicranodontium would be identified as a Dicranum on the basis of the falcate-secund leaves and large size. Further inspection would show the broad costa, and one would revise the guess to Paraleucobryum or Campylopus. Removal of a leaf would then show a somewhat auriculate leaf base and the determination as Dicranodontium would be secure. In the Dicranaceae, the pattern of asexual reproduction by plant fragments is quite interesting – Orthodicranum tauricum has regular loss of leaf apices; Campylopus subulatus loses stem fragments with attached leaves; Dicranodontium denudatum loses entire leaves. The pattern of leaf loss is so constant as to allow identification of Dicranodontium denudatum.
see key to Campylopus Etc.
Species included:
Dicranodontium denudatum (Bridel) E. Britton in R. S. Williams, not known from CA