Jepson eFlora: Taxon page
Vascular Plants of California
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Habit: [Perennial herb] shrub, tree, generally erect, often thorny. Leaf: simple, generally alternate, often clustered on short-shoots; stipules generally present, occasionally modified into spines; generally petioled; blade pinnate-veined or 1--5-ribbed from base. Inflorescence: cyme, panicle, umbel, or flowers 1 or clustered in axils or on short-shoots. Flower: generally bisexual, radial; hypanthium subtending, surrounding, or partly fused to ovary; sepals 4--5; petals 0, 4--5, generally clawed; stamens 0, 4--5, alternate sepals, attached to hypanthium top, each generally fitting into a petal concavity; disk (0 or) between stamens, ovary, thin to fleshy, entire or lobed, free from ovary, adherent or fused to hypanthium; ovary superior or +- inferior, chambers [1]2--4, 1--2-ovuled, style 1, stigma entire or 2--3-lobed. Fruit: capsule, drupe.
Genera In Family: 50--52 genera, 950 species: especially tropics, subtropics some cultivated (Ceanothus; Frangula; Rhamnus; Ziziphus).
Jepson eFlora Author: John O. Sawyer, Jr.
Reference: Richardson et al. 2000 Amer J Bot 87:1309--1324
Unabridged Reference: Brizicky 1965 J Arnold Arbor 45:439--463; Richardson et al. 2000 Kew Bull 55:311--341
Scientific Editor: Steve Boyd, Thomas J. Rosatti.
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)
Key to Rhamnaceae

Previous taxon: Reseda odorata
Next taxon: Adolphia

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Citation for this treatment: John O. Sawyer, Jr. 2020, Rhamnaceae, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 8,, accessed on July 15, 2024.

Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2024, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on July 15, 2024.