Field Notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg | 1940 Field Notes (Continued) |
Annie Alexander
and Louise Kellogg |
Topics in this Article: March, 1940 April, 1940 May, 1940 June, 1940 July, 1940 | This article
contains the 1940 Field Notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg. I have attempted to reproduce the field notes as faithfully as possible while taking advantage of opportunities presented by the World Wide Web. For details about the Field Notes, please see About the Field Notes."
| April, 1940
Potrero Hills looking northwest from the bridge over Montezuma Slough at Beldons Landing.
| Locations: Potrero Hills.
996 |
Collinsia sparsiflora Dougl. | Purple and white flower. |
997 |
Calandrinia caulescens H.B.K. var. Menziesii Gray. | Magenta fl. succulent leaves in large patches on hillside and in pasture fields. |
998 |
Orthocarpus erianthus Benth. | Abundant along road near ferry. |
999 |
Lasthenia glabrata Lindl. | Growing with Owl's clover.
1000 |
Cotula coronopifolia L. | Abundant in wet places.
1001 |
Erodium botrys Bertol. Erodium brachycarpam (Gedo.) Thallung. det. M. S. Taylor 1986 | In grass along road. |
1002 |
Achyrachaena mollis Schauer. |
1003 |
Spergula arvensis L. | Small white flower, Leaves very small, in fascicles. |
1004 |
Spergularia macrotheca (Hornem.) Heynh. | White flower growing in marshy ground. |
1005 |
Lomatium utriculatum (Nutt.) C. & R. | On sidehill.
1006 |
Sidalcea malvaeflora Gray | On sidehill.
1007 |
Viola pedunculata T.& G. | In seep, sidehill.
1008 |
Orthocarpus purpurascens Benth. | Large patch on hilltop. |
1009 |
Linnanthus rosea Hartw. | In field, low, wet spot.
1010 |
Plagiobothrys (mature nutlets needed) |
| Locations: Bakersfield. Isabella. Kern River. Onyx. Walker Pass.
Walker Pass, Kern Co. Calif.
| April 12 From Bakersfield 50 miles to Isabella following up Kern R. through canyon. Isabella in long valley. Onyx at upper end. Start collecting at 3750 ft. alt. Conspicuous bush in full bloom - wild peach - from this point on nearly to summit of pass. |
1011 |
Prunus Andersonii Gray | Shrub 3 ft. high, full bloom.
1012 |
Eriophyllum ambiguum Gray | Common.
1013 |
Coreopsis Biglovii (Gray) Hall ! E. B. Smith 1979
| |
1014 |
Gilia exilis (?) (Gray) Abrams |
1015 |
Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene | Common lower down.
1016 |
Anisocoma acaulis Torr. & Gray |
| Locations: Walker Pass. |
Summit Walker Pass - 5250 ft.
| A clump of Joshua trees on east slope just below summit. Bare, granite sand hillsides. A yellow bloom far up slope facing south. |
1017 |
Calyptridium monadrum Nutt. Cistanthe monandra (Nutt. in Torrey & A. Gray) Hershkolitz, Hershkolitz 1992. | Very common. |
1018 |
Phacelia Fremontii Torr. |
| Locations: Walker Pass.
1019 |
Phacelia Fremontii Torr. |
1020 |
Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl. | Scarce.
1021 |
Cryptantha circumcissa (H. & A.) Jtn. |
1022 |
Astragalus ( Mature pods needed) |
Walker Pass Road – E Summit 4870 ft.
| Joshua trees along road, granite sand. |
1023 |
Linanthus aureus (Nutt.) Greene |
1024 |
Oenothera dentata Cav. var. Johnstonii Munz |
1025 |
Eriophyllum Pringlei Gray |
1026 |
Erysimum asperum ( Nutt.) DC. |
Walker Pass Road E of summit 4630 ft. |
1027 |
Haplopappus linearifolius DC. subsp. interior (Cov.) Hall. Ericameria linearifolia (DC.) Urbatsch & Wussow, det. Urbatsch 1979 | In full bloom. First seen. |
1028 |
Arabis pulchra M. E. Jones |
1029 |
Lomatium mohavense C. & R. | Hardly out yet.
| Locations: Inyokern.
Inyokern, Kern Co. Calif. |
1030 |
Castilleia chromosa Nels. (Dupl. Det. F. W. Pennell 1945)
| |
1031 |
Oenothera dentata Cav. var. Johnstonii Munz |
1033 |
Chaenactis Fremontii Gray |
1034 |
Pectocarya penicillata (H.& A.) A. DC. ! Barbara Veno, 1977
| |
Inyokern 2400 ft. April 12
| Open plains, sandy, many plants in bloom. | Locations: Inyokern.
1035 |
Langlosia Mathewsii ( Gray) Greene Loeselastrum matthewsii (Gray) Timbrook, Timbrook 1978 | Very common, some large specimens. |
5 mi. E. Inyokern, Kern Co. 2330 ft.
| April 13 |
1036 |
Salvia carduacea Benth. | Quite common in spots along road to County line east. |
1037 |
Coreopsis californica ( Nutt.) Torr. & Gray. C. californica (Nutt.) Sharsmith, California race, E. B. Smith 1979.
| | Locations: Poison Canyon.
Poison Canyon 1900 ft.
| Salt stream with encrusted margins, Rocky outcrops separated by sand slopes. |
1038 |
Gilia filiformis Parry | Quite common when found.
1039 |
Atrichoseris platyphylla Gray | Quite common.
1040 |
Palafoxia linearis ( Cav.) Lag. | Infested with bugs. Seen in open valley. | Locations: Valley Wells.
Valley Wells 5 mi. N. E. Trona
| Inyo Co. Calif. April 13 |
1041 |
Sphaeralcea rotundifolia Gray | In sand and gravel, scattered. |
1042 |
Malacothrix sonchoides (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray | Sand and gravel. |
1043 |
Eriophyllum Wallacei Gray | Sand and gravel.
1044 |
Astragulus dispermus Gray | Flat growing, attracted by ants. For honey in flowers? | Locations: Valley Wells.
1045 |
Baileya pleniradiata Harv. & Gray | Large stands on east side of valley. They with eriogonum giving a yellowish green tinge to landscape in distance. |
1046 |
Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl. | Occasional.
1047 |
Chaenactis macrantha D.C. Eat. | Single specimen seen.
| Locations: Salt Canyon.
April 14
| Mouth of Salt Canyon, sandy flat. S, Trona S. B. Co. Calif. |
1048 |
Gilia leptomeria Gray var.? | Small white, pinkish tinge. |
1049 |
Monoptilon bellioides ( Gray) Hall | Common.
1050 |
Astragulus Coulteri Benth. | Quite common.
1051 |
Lupinus Shockleyi Wats. | Occasional.
1052 |
Cleomella obtusifolia Torr. & Frem. | Seen again on road to Trona and Valley Wells. |
1053 |
Eriogonum angulosum Benth. subsp. maculatum (Heller) Stk.
| |
1054 |
Atriplex phyllostegia ( Torr.) Wats. |
1055 |
Amphipappus Fremontii Torr. & Gray | Among rocks in Salt Canyon. Seen again in Great Falls Canyon 7 mi. N. E. Trona and again at Stockwell Mine, Slate Range, Inyo Co. |
1056 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. brevifolia Wats. | At bases of rocks, nearly dry. | Locations: Trona.
1057 |
Rafinesquia neomexicana Gray | By roadsides in sand.
Locations: Argus Mountains. Great Falls Canyon.
Great Falls Canyon of Argus Mts.
| Inyo Co. Calif. The canyon heads up in precipitous granite cliffs, in large cleft of which a small stream trickles. Source of water for Trona. 20 ladders have been erected in the narrow opening in the cliffs to reach the summit. 7 mi. N Trona- Mouth of Canyon |
1058 |
Eriophyllum Pringlei Gray |
1059 |
Eriophyllum Wallacei Gray | Associated with several other species of bright yellow composites in sandy ground. |
1060 |
Chaenactis Fremontii Gray. | Straight leaves.
1061 |
Chaenactis stevioides Hook & Arn. var. brachypappa ( Gray) Hall | Curly leaves. |
1062 |
Oenothera dentata Cav. var. Johnstonii Munz |
1063 |
Eriophyllum ambiguum Gray |
1064 |
Coreopsis Bigelovii ( Gray) ) Hall ! E. B. Smith 1979
| |
1065 |
Microseris linearifolia (DC.) Schultz | In rocks on slope above sand wash. |
1066 |
Plerostegia drymarioides F.&.M. | Same.
1067 |
Brickellia arguta Rob. | Same.
1068 |
Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia ( Benth) Greene var. bipinnatifida (Torr.) Constance
| |
Locations: Argus Mountains. Great Falls Canyon.
Argus Mts. Inyo Co. Cal. |
1069 |
Cheilanthes viscida Davenp. | Same, under rocks.
1070 |
Thysanocarpus laciniatus Nutt. | In rocks on slope.
1071 |
Mirabilis Bigelovii Gray | Same.
1072 |
Parietaria floridana Nutt. | Same.
1073 |
Filago arizonica Gray | Same.
1074 |
Eriophyllum ambiguum Gray | In rocks on slope above sand wash. |
1075 |
Gilia filiformis Parry | Same.
1076 |
Stephanomeria exigua Nutt.? | Same.
1077 |
Rafinesquia californica Nutt. | Same.
1078 |
Eucrypta micrantha (Torr.) Heller | Same, sticky.
1079 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt.var. brevifolia Wats | Same. |
1080 |
Baeria microglossa (DC.) Greene | No rays.
Bases of cliffs. Gt. Falls Canyon
| 2773 ft. |
1081 |
Senecio monoensus Greene = S. douglasii var. moncensis (Greene) Jeps. | Tall composite. Specimens taken from one with stalks numbering 38 from base, average measurement 31 in. |
Locations: Great Falls Canyon.
1082 |
Phacelia vallis-mortae Voss. | Among rocks.
1083 |
Lotus humistratus Greene |
1084 |
Linanthus dichotomus Benth | In sand.
1085 |
Scrophularia occidentalis (Rydb.) Bickn. | In rocks several plants seen Scrophularia multiflora Pennell, ined. (Dupl. Det. F. W. Pennell, 1945) |
1086 |
Pityrogramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Maxon | Among and under rocks. |
1087 |
Thysanocarpus laciniatus Nutt. var. Hitchcockii Munz
| |
1088 |
Carex | Growing in moist places up in the rocks in the big cleft of the precipice. |
| [There is a pencilled arrow pointing to the back of the previous page, which has the following notation:] |
1088.2 |
Amsinckia cf. tessellata Gray
| |
1089 |
Melica imperfecta Torr. | In moist bank of small stream in big cleft. |
1090 |
Mimulus guttatus DC. | Same Mimulus nasutus Greene (Dupl. Det. F. W. Pennell, 1945) |
1091 |
Montia perfoliata (Dorm) Haw. | Same.
1092 |
Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth. | In sand, base of cliffs. |
1093 |
Pholistoma membranaceum ( Benth.) Constance | Under rocks. |
1094 |
Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (Harv. & Gray) Gray
| | Locations: Slate Mountains.
April 16
| 9 mi. N. E. Trona Inyo Co. Calif. Dry Wash Slate Mts. 2880 ft. |
1095 |
Delphinium amabile Tides | In dry wash and on north facing sand and gravel slope. | Locations: Slate Mountains.
1096 |
Gilia latiflora Gray var.? | Same.
1097 |
Calycoseris Parryi Gray | Same.
1098 |
Oenothera decorticans (H. & A.) Greene var. desertorum Munz | In dry bed and on north facing slope. Sand and gravel. |
1099 |
Oenothera brevipes Gray | Same.
1100 |
Oenothera brevipes Gray | Same.
1101 |
Oenothera clavaeformis Torr. & Frem. | Same.
1102 |
Sphaeralcea ambigua Gray? | Mature carpels needed. Same |
1103 |
Mirabilis Bigelovii Gray | White flowers, hardly in bloom yet. | Locations: Stockwell Mine.
Stockwell Mine 3240 ft. Slate Mts.
| 10 mi. N. E. Trona Inyo Co. Calif. |
1104 |
Mimulus Bigelovii Gray var. cuspidatus Grant | In dry wash above mine. Scarce. |
1105 |
Mohavea breviflora Cov. (Dupl. Det. F. W. Pennell, 1945) | In wash but more plentiful on rock and sand bank of wash. Flowers sulphur yellow Lower 3 lobed lip with streaks of red and 2 red dots on palate- varies much in size- thrifty plants with several. |
1106 |
Plantago insularis Eastw. var. fastigiata (Morris) | In arid draw. | Locations: Slate Mountains.
1107 |
Eriogonum deflexum Torr. subsp. Watsonii (T. & G.) Stokes Det. Susan G. Stokes | In wash- thrifty growing. |
1108 |
Castilleia chromosa A. Nels. (Dupl. Det. F. W. Pennell, 1945) | Small, narrow canyon above mine. |
1109 |
Oxytheca perfoliata Torr. & Gray | Same.
1110 |
Gilia filiformis Parry | Same.
1111 |
Anthirrhinum filipes Gray | Same. Growing from under rock and clinging to it. |
1112 |
Eucrypta micrantha ( Torr.) Heller | Small, narrow canyon. |
1113 |
Phacelia distans Benth. var. australis Brand | Same. |
1114 |
Phacelia crenulata Torr. var. ambigua (Jones) Macbride | Same. |
1115 |
Eriogonum reniforme Torr. & Frem. subsp. pusillum (Torr. & Gray) Stokes | Det. Stokes Same. |
1116 |
Ephedra | Same |
1117 |
Lotus tomentellus Greene? | On open ridge above small canyon in sand. |
1118 |
Lotus tomentellus Greene. |
1119 |
Lupinus concinnus Agardh. var. desertorum (Heller) C. P. Sm. | On open ridge. |
1120 |
Stephanomeria runcinata Nutt. | Wash above mine. Small pencilled arrow pointing to the back of the previous page, which has the following notation: | Locations: Slate Mountains.
1121 |
Galium stellatum Kell. var. eremicum Hilend, & Howell | Same. |
Common flowers in bloom - Chaenactis, purple Gilia, Oenothera, Cryptantha, Aster abatus.
| | Locations: Trona.
South of Trona S.B. Co. Calif.
| April 17
1122 |
Oligomeris linifolia (Vahl.) Mackr. | By roadside at base of rock outcrop. |
Locations: Salt Wells Canyon.
1123 |
Stillingia linearifolia Wats. | Head of Salt Wells Canyon. S. B. Co. Cal. |
1124 |
Chorizanthe rigida (Torr.) Torr. & Gray | Growing in patches on arid rocky hillside. |
1125 |
Nama demissa | Sand hillside.
1126 |
Chaenactis macrantha D.C. Eat.? | Same.
April 18
| 7 mi. N. E. Trona Inyo Co. Cal. 1800 ft. |
1127 |
Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frem. | In sand, open valley. |
1128 |
Phacelia rotundifolia Torr. |
| Locations: Ophir Mine.
Ophir Mine 2200 ft. Slate Mts. 8 mi. N. E.
| Trona, Inyo Co. Calif. |
1129 |
Notholaena Parryi D.C. Eat. | Rocky hill- under rocks.
1130 |
Eschscholtzia minutiflora Wats. | Wash above mine- common. |
1131 |
Haplopappus Cooperi (Gray) Hall? | In rocks above wash, Ophir Mine. | Locations: Slate Mountains.
1132 |
Orobanche Ludoviciana Nutt. var. latiloba Munz | Wash above mine, 3000 ft. bet. rocks. Flower purple, 2 yellow marks on lower 3- lobed lip. |
1133 |
Brickellia frutescens Gray ? | Growing in crevices on face of rock 3100 ft. |
1134 |
Mohavea breviflora Cov. | 2 mi. e. Ophir Mine. A small stand on sidehill facing E, 3100 ft. |
1135 |
Malacothrix Clevelandii Gray |
| Locations: Ophir Mine.
The following plants were taken in a deep, narrow, rocky, canyon, mostly on side facing N., in shade early in afternoon. Remains of an old trail leads up the canyon and was at some early time, used we think by pack animals taking out ore. Canyon about 2 mi. E of Ophir Mine reached within a mile by car up wash from mine. Plants in bloom in canyon, not collected Mallow, Larkspur, Perityle, small Gilia, Lotus, Argemone? Sysymbrium incisum, Cryptantha, Oenothera, Creosote.
| |
1136 |
Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl. | Only specimens seen.
1137 |
Pholistoma membranaceum (Benth.) Constance | Under rocks. |
1138 |
Pterostegia drymanoides Fisch. & Mey. | Same.
1139 |
Cryptantha decipiens (Jones) Heller? | Same.
1140 |
Gilia latifolia Wats. | Very sticky- a stand on sandy bank facing S Canyon 2 mi. E. Ophir nine 3200 ft. Slate Mts. Inyo Co. Calif. | Locations: Slate Mountains.
1141 |
Phacelia rotundifolia Torr. | Quite common in rocky bed of canyon. |
1142 |
Phacelia crenulata Torr. var. vulgaris Brand | Coming into bloom- pale purple flowers. A sticky, rank growing and strong smelling Phacelia. |
1143 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. brevifolia Wats. | Under rocks on north facing side. |
1144 |
Nemacladus rigidus Curran var. rubescens (Gre.) Munz | White flowers, pink dots on point of lobes of the 3-lobed petal- taken together under rock, not noticed elsewhere. |
1145 |
Cheilanthus Covillei Maxon | Quite a number seen in crevices under rock. |
1146 |
Gilia filiformis Parry | At its best as far as we have seen in this canyon and plentiful among rocks in its bed. |
1147 |
Mirabilis Bigelovii Gray | Hardly in bloom yet.
| Locations: Johannesburg.
Trona and Johannesburg Road
| San Bernadino Co. Calif. April 19 |
1148 |
Oenothera dentata Cav. var. Johnstonii Munz | In sand, fl. yellow alt. 3200 ft. Field of Coreopsis in bloom. |
1149 |
Coreopsis Californica (DC) Gray Has 2 hard-written notations: 1. = C. californica (Nutt.) H. K. Sharsm., 2. C. californica (Nutt.) Sharsmith California race E. B. Smith 1979 | Quite common. |
1150 |
Gilia | Growing thickly by roadside. Large blue flower. | Locations: Kramer Junction. Red Mountain.
Road to Kramer from Red Mt. | [Undoubtedly this is present day U. S. Highway 395.] |
1151 |
Coreopsis calliopsidea (DC) Gray. ! E. B. Smith, 1979 | Growing thickly in cleared ground 2770 ft. |
1152 |
Oenothera dentata Cav. var. Parishii (Abrams) Munz | Sandy ground |
1153 |
Chaenactis stevioides H&A det. Stockwell | Same.
1154 |
Layia glandulosa (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. |
| Locations: Barstow.
April 20 | 7 mi. E of Barstow
1155 |
Dyssodia Cooperi Gray | Gravel. Flower dark orange. Strong odor. |
32 mi. E. Barstow 1780 ft. | Sandy basin in lava flow |
1156 |
Sphaeralcea angustifolia var. cuspidata Gray |
1157 |
Malvastrum exile Gray |
1158 |
Rafinesquia neomexicana Gray |
| Locations: Pisgah.
Pisgah 2100 ft. | Sandy basin in lava flow.
1159 |
Langlosia Loeselastrum matthewsii (Gray) Timbrook. Timbrook 1978
| |
1160 |
Baileya pleniradiata Harv. & Gray |
| Locations: Ludlow.
1161 |
Parosela molissima Gray | Flat growing plant near highway. Keel white, banner purple, yellow at the back. | Locations: Location Anchor: "CAOldDadMtns" not found in tblLocations
Unusual abundant growth of Gerea canescens along the road. Field of it seen on the W slope of Old Dad Mt.
| |
Amboy 615 ft. |
1162 |
Psathryotes ramossisima (Torr.) Gray | Quite common in restricted locality. |
Porophyllum gracilis along road for miles |
| Locations: Chambless.
3 mi. W Chambless 765 ft. |
1163 |
Chaenactis carphoclinia Gray | Specimens preserved all from one plant. | Locations: Danby.
Summit bet. Chambless and Danby 1195 ft. | [Probably Cadiz Summit] |
1164 |
Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene var. aspera Greene | In gravel. |
1165 |
Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. | Same. [Small pencilled arrow pointing to back of previous page, which has the following notation:] = S. pauciflora (Torr.) A. Nels. |
1166 |
Krameria Grayi Rose & Painter | Same.
19 mi. N. W. Needles 2195 ft. |
1167 |
Encelia frutescens Gray | Large bushes.
15 mi N. W. Needles E slope 2000 ft. |
1168 |
Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus Gray | Few seen.
April 21 | |
1169 |
Funastrum hirtellum (Gray) Schlecter | Climbing 6 ft. high in smoke tree. 7.7mi. S Needles. Several vines in full bloom seen along road. | Locations: Lubeck Pass.
1170 |
Philostrophe Cooperi (Gray) Greene | Lubeck Pass. 14.4 mi. S Needles 1650 ft. About 2 ft. high, round. Few bushes seen. |
17.3 mi, S. Needles 1850 ft. | Stony ground.
1171 |
Calycoseris Wrightii Gray |
Locations: Cross Roads. Parker Dam. Whipple Mountains.
We follow the Power Line road to the Parker Dam to go to Crossroads. 52 mi, leaving the Needles- Vidal highway at 20.7 mi. S Needles. The road crosses many washes coming from the Whipple Mts. and 10 miles of it is up and down deep canyons
| |
1172 |
Eriogonum inerme (Wats.) Jepson | Very common on the dry, rocky hillsides. |
3 1/2 mi. from highway 1700 ft. |
1173 |
Brandegea Bigelovii (Wats.) Cogn. | Climbing dead brush. Gopher workings in wash. |
14 mi. on Power Line Rd. 800 ft. | In rocky, hot hills. Temperature in car 95° |
1174 |
Haplopappus spinulosus (Pursh) var. Gooddingi (Nels.) Blake | In rocks. Common plant along road. |
1175 |
Eucnide urens Parry | Growing among rocks.
Some Mohavea confertiflora in these rocky hills but nearly dry.
| |
3.8 mi. on Power Line Rd. | Wide wash
1176 |
Cercidium floridum Benth | Several large trees in full bloom. |
Wash from Whipple Mts. 24 mi. on Power Line Rd. Water comes to the surface in places. Rank growth of Perityle Emoryi & Hyptis. Saw several quail.
| |
1177 |
Phacelia | Fl. pure white.
1178 |
Oenothera cardiophylla Torr. | Several in wash. Fl. orange, fading to red. |
1179 |
Lepidium virginicum L. var. pubescens | Specimens from plant growing in a bush. Those in the open much smaller. |
1180 |
Filago californica Nutt. | Few seen.
1181 |
Gilia | Pinkish lavender flowers.
1182 |
Phacelia | Fl. pale blue. strong odor, Plant sticky leaving stain. |
1183 |
Phacelia | Lavender flowers.
1184 |
Conyzia Coulteri Gray | Only plant in blossom.
Photographs on the back of page 30.
"Cliff Ravines," cut to left of bluff.
| |
Cliff Ravines, cut to left of bluff |
Looking down from "Cliff Ravines" Whipple Mts. Calif. Apr 22, 1940
| |
Looking down from "Cliff Ravines" | Whipple Mts. Calif. Apr 22, 1940 |
1185 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. integrifolia Wats.? | Some large dried specimens seen in open bed of wash. | Locations: Parker Dam.
Deep canyon Power Line Rd. to Parker Dam. Water in canyon. |
1186 |
Mimulus nasutus Greene | Growing among tules. Flower small yellow series of red spots on palate. Plants 1½-3ft tall. |
April 22 | | Locations: Cliff Ravines. Cross Roads.
We are told at Crossroads that heavy rain last Sept. resulted in early blooming of flowers in Dec. & Jan and that we are here in between seasons! We notice an unusual flowering of the Palo Verde of both species in the washes and on the stony hillside. Perityle Emoryi has made a tremendous growth and become a prey to hordes of grasshoppers. Our purpose in coming here was to secure more specimens of Teucrium glandulosum. We climbed higher in the Cliff Ravine today than we did last year. Saw several beautiful plants in bloom. The locality is well protected from wind and sun.
| | Locations: Cliff Ravines. Copper Basin. Gene Wash.
Cliff Ravine 1450 ft. W of the Copper Basin and Gene Wash Rd. |
Teucrium glandulosum Kellogg, Specimen no 1188
| 1188 |
Teucrium glandulosum Kellogg | A climb of 350 ft. to where the Teucrium begins. Made 7 sheets from one plant, growing under Cat's claw next a high rock and surrounded by Crossosoma, Sphaeralcea and Thamnosma. The plant, an old perennial with long, prostrate branches from which sprang upright flowering shoots. Other Teucriums seen had long flowering stems radiating from a common center. Plants were isolated, some growing in the open among rocks. Flowers of those most exposed to sunlight were white, those in shade the greater part of the day were pale purple with parallel lines of dots of darker purple on the palate and purple veining inside the wings. Flowers softly pubescent. |
Locations: Cliff Ravines. Whipple Mountains.
Photograph on the back of page 31.
Teucrium glandulosum Kellogg, Specimen no 1188
| |
Teucrium glandulosum Kellogg | Specimen no. 1188.
Locations: Cliff Ravines. Whipple Mountains.
1188.1 |
Teucrium glandulosum Kellogg |
1189 |
Phacelia cf. pedicillata Gray | Few straggling specimens seen. |
1190 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. brevifolia Wats.? |
1191 |
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones | Among the rocks. Seeded specimen from bottom of ravine. |
1192 |
Mentzelia puberula Darlington | High up the ravine.
1193 |
Notholaena Parryi D. C. Eat. | Same under rocks.
1194 |
Oenothera cardiophylla Torr. | Here and there in the ravine |
1195 |
Thamnosma montana Torr. & Frem. | Large bush with a multitude of branches. |
1196 |
Salvia mohavensis Greene | More in fresh bloom than on May 5 last year. |
Locations: Copper Basin Lake. Whipple Mountains.
1197 |
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones | On bank above lake- all plants gone to seed. |
1198 |
Ditaxis lanceolata (Benth.) Pax. & Hoffm. | Several plants in flower seen. |
1199 |
Mentzelia multiflora Gray | Taken among rocks near road. | Locations: Copper Basin Lake.
1 mi. S. Copper Basin Lake 1100 ft. |
1200 |
Cercidium microphyllum (Torr.) Rose & Johnston | Palo verde of the small leaf dominant here. Bloom a lighter yellow and more open and feathery than Floridanus. | Locations: Cross Roads.
5-7/10 mi. N. Crossroads | Flat near Colorado R. |
1201 |
Nama | Quite plentiful.
1202 |
Aster canescens Pursh | Rank growth near highway. Large patches in bloom. |
1203 |
Hymenoxys chrysanthemoides DC. var. excurrens Ckll. | Large patches in bloom. |
1204 |
Viguiera deltoides Gray var. Parishii (Greene) Vasey & Rose.
| | Locations: Bowmans Wash. Copper Basin Lake.
April 23 | N. W. side of Copper Basin Lk. 1000 ft. Reached by Bowman Wash Rd. 11 mi. Few plants by the lake in bloom compared with May 5 of last year. Tamarix gallica now flourishing where we had found other things. Saw the dried plants of Malvestrum rotundifolia, Oenothera contorta var., Langloisia setossima, Mohavea confertiflora, Monoptilon, Nama and others which must have bloomed early, following the September rains. Two plants in bloom on this visit, Dalea Parryi and Dalea mollis var. mollissisima. The latter raises its branches from the ground as it matured. Found grasshoppers in swarms. | Locations: Copper Basin Lake.
1205 |
Ditaxis serrata (Torr.) Heller | Several specimens seen. |
1206 |
Peucephyllum Schottii Gray | Branches radiating from the center and hanging down. |
1207 |
Oenothera contorta Dougl. var. flexuosa (Nels.) Munz | Only specimens seen. |
1208 |
Calycoseris Wrightii Gray | Scarce.
1209 |
Lycium Andersonii Gray | Growing under Palo Verde trees. |
1210 |
Viguiera deltoides Gray var. Parishii (Greene) Vasey & Rose | Out. |
1211 |
Sphaeralcea ambigua Gray | Large rounded bushes with long, slender, graceful flowering stems. Fl. small. Several large plants in bloom along the road to the lake. | Locations: Cross Roads.
1212 |
Coldenia Palmeri Gray? | Sand dunes above Colorado R. N Crossroads. Last Year May 5 this plant was not in bloom. Fl. pinkish, lower half of tube yellow. |
Spring Wash, Whipple Mts. where plants were collected Apr 21, 25, 26, 27 & 28, 1940
| Locations: Spring Wash. Whipple Mountains. |
Spring Wash, Whipple Mts. where plants were collected Apr 21, 25, 26, 27 & 28, 1940
"Spring Wash"looking west. | Locations: Spring Wash.
Spring Wash, Looking west. |
| Locations: Cross Roads.
1213 |
Gaura parviflora Dougl. | On flat near the river. Large bush with several tall flowering spikes. A few plants Heliotropium curassavicum on the flat. | Locations: Cross Roads.
Crossroads |
1214 |
Tribulus terrestris L. | Only specimen seen.
| Locations: Cross Roads.
Crossroads, S. B. Co. Cal. 350 ft. | April 24
1215 |
Oenothera contorta Dougl. var. flexuosa (Nels.) Munz | In the village. |
April 25 | |
1216 |
Mohavea confertiflora (Benth.) Heller |
Power Line Rd. 13 Mi. S. Needles & | Vidal Hi. 750 ft. S. B. Co. | Locations: Spring Wash.
Spring Wash 950 ft. N.E. side | Whipple Mts. S. B. Co. |
1217 |
Mirabilis Bigelovii Gray | Growing among rocks under Hyptis and climbing up in it. |
1218 |
Franseria dumosa Gray | Hanging over rock.
1219 |
Dyssodia porophylloides Gray | Fl. dark orange. Plant 18 in. high Strong odor. |
1220 |
Mimulus nasutus Greene | A thicket of Mimulus growing in a seep width 48 in. height 24 to 27 in. | Locations: Spring Wash.
April 26 | |
Locations: Whipple Mountains.
We came over to the wash yesterday to make camp, hoping to reach some of the higher summits of the Whipple Mts. on foot. Followed up a canyon today to a ridge beyond which descent was impossible. As far as we can tell a range of hills parallels the main rrange, separated by a deep canyon. Owing as I said before to the early rains many plant specimens had matured. One, a Lotus, in the wash, measured 21" across. The commonest plant of the whole region is Perityle Emoryi. Hyptis Emoryi is a close second, growing very tall in the washes - in full bloom just now. What with Paloverde in bloom, as it has not been for years, the hum of bees is heard constantly. They begin their work at 4:30 a.m.! Other common plants of the washes are Encelia farinosa, past its bloom, Franseria dumosa and a variety of composites.
| |
1221 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. brevifolia Wats. | In canyon emptying into Spring Wash. |
1222 |
Notholaena Parryi D. C. Eat. | Same.
April 27 | Spend morning and afternoon collecting down the wash which cuts through some rough, rocky hills for the distance of ¼ mi. or more. Water comes to the surface, runs for a short distance, at intervals and finally disappears altogether at within ¼ mi. |
Spring Wash, Whipple Mts. Calif.
| Locations: Spring Wash. |
Spring Wash, Whipple Mts. Calif. |
| Locations: Spring Wash.
Some miners we met said it rained here in Jan. & Feb. last, every two weeks. From the looks of drift wood against the trees a big stream must have flowed through the wash. The miners also told us the water dried up by May or June. Polywogs are in the pools and small toads are hopping around in all the moist places. While nearly all the annuals which evidently bloomed early this year have dried up, we secured green specimens of most of them.
| |
1223 |
Argemone platyceras Link. & Otto. | Specimens from one plant. |
1224 |
Lotus salsuginosus Greene var. brevivexillus Ottley | Common plant of the wash. Dried out in most cases. |
1225 |
Filago Californica Nutt. | Quite common.
1226 |
Hofmeisteria pluriseta Gray | From one plant. Several plants seen in rocks at edge of wash. |
1227 |
Nemacladus edge var. rubescens (Greene) Munz | From under rock. Fl.white. Upper 3-lobed petal red-tipped, lower 2-lobed joined, faintly pink. Only specimen seen. |
1228 |
Hugelia | Several seen- wide spreading in moist ground.
1229 |
Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene | Has coarse, white prickly hairs. Fl. dull orange. |
Spring Wash | Locations: Spring Wash.
Spring Wash | | Locations: Spring Wash.
1230 |
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones | Not common, growing in middle of wash. |
1231 |
Arabis perennaris Wats.? | Fl. small, pink. All others seen dried up. |
1232 |
Oenothera contorta Dougl. var. flexuosa (Nels.) Munz | Quite common. |
1233 |
Gilia | Flower pink, speckled dark pink on under side of petals. Must have been quite common from the many dried plants seen. |
1234 |
Circium mohavense (Greene) Jepson? | From one plant, few plants seen. |
1235 |
Gnaphalium chilense Spreng. | From one plant 30" high, coming into bloom. |
1236 |
Lygodesmia exigua Gray | Several large plants seen.
1237 |
Gilia | Fl. white, 2 red stripes at base of each petal. Several dried specimens seen. |
1238 |
Plantago insularis Eastw. var. fastigeata (Morris) Jepson | Very responsive to moisture. Covers dry slopes 1" to 2" high. |
1239 |
Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene | Large, rounded bush, many blooms. |
1240 |
Nicotiana trigonophylla Dunal |
1241 |
Nama | Only one seen.
1242 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. brevifolia Wats. | Many dried plants seen. | Locations: Spring Wash.
1243 |
Oenothera chamaenerioides Gray |
1244 |
Cryptantha | Bushy, sticky plant Fl. white 3½ mm.
1245 |
Gilia | In open wash, only one seen.
April 28 | Collected down the wash again below the road. |
1246 |
Langloisia | Fl. pale blue with darker blue lines. Several dried specimens seen. |
1247 |
Trichoptilium incisum Gray | Taken in dry stony ground just above floor of wash. Only one seen. |
1248 |
Allionia incarnata L. var. Villosa (Standl.) Munz | Same. | Locations: Earp.
1249 |
Parosela mollissima Rydb. | Common plant this season. Noted along highway for several miles after leaving Earp. Pink dots on either side of keel and on banner. Specimen taken from one plant which had innumerable branches. |
1250 |
Cryptantha | Fl. white 4 mm. Think some of the plants in the wash suffered from too much moisture. |
1251 |
Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. |
1252 |
Gilia | Specimens from one plant.
1253 |
Sterile specimen Young plants of Dalea spinosa | Psorothamnus spinosus (Gray) Barneby, det. Duane Isely 1987. | Locations: Spring Wash.
1254 |
Antirrhinum filipes Gray | Rooted under a rock and climbing out over ground- one other specimen seen, dried. |
1255 |
Haplopappus spinulosus (Pursh) DC var. Gooddingii (Nels.) Blake = H. gooddingii | Quite common. |
1256 |
Cruciferae | In shade of rock, growth not normal compared with stocky dead specimens in the open in the wash. |
1257 |
Acacia Greggii Gray (Senegalis Greggii Britt & Rose) | Common, in full bloom. |
1258 |
Stephanomeria exigua butt. | A few bushes seen. Has small pencilled arrow pointing to back of previous page, which points to the following notation: = S. pauciflora (Torr.) A. Nels. |
1259 |
Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene var. aspera Greene | Flower dull orange. Saw one plant measuring 4 feet across. |
1260 |
Parietaria floridana Nutt. | Climbing bushes in moist places. |
1261 |
Krameria Grayi Rose and Painter | In full bloom.
1262 |
Stylocline micropoides Gray | A few dried plants seen.
1263 |
Muhlenbergia microsperma (DC.) Kunth | Seen in several places in the wash. |
1264 |
Leaves for determination of a fast growing tall plant, reddish color from straight red dish lines. Beginning, to branch. One plant as high as 10 ft.
| | Locations: Spring Wash.
1265 |
Cercidium microphyllum (Torr.) Rose & Jtn. | Of the two species of Paloverde this one appears to be the only one in this wash. Bloom heavy, a swarm of bees in every tree. |
1266 |
Conyzia Coulteri Gray | A few coming into bloom.
1267 |
Chaenactis carphoclinia Gray | Only green one seen.
List of plants noted in the wash at about 950 ft. alt. but not collected | Chorizanthe Larrea Lupinus sparsiflora Chrysothamnus sp. Asclepias subulata Dyssodia sp. Oligomeris linifolia Peucephyllum Sphaeralcea sp. Salvia columbarieae |
Locations: Whipple Mountains.
Lycium Andersonii | No flowers as yet, Common. Mentzelia involucrata Mirabilis Bigelovii Mimulus Bigelovii Gallium sp. Hyptis Emoryi Perityle Emoryi Viguiera sp. | Locations: Spring Wash.
April 30 | Canyon 1 mi. in straight line E of Spring Wash. Narrow with precipitous walls and rocky bed. Found water about ¼ mi. above road, which we followed up for several hundred yards to what seemed its source, as vegetation became scanty and dry above it |
1268 |
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. var. foliololosum (Benth.) Torr. & Gray | One bush growing among rocks near stream |
1269 |
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var. integrifolia Wats. | Young, green plant. Large dried ones seen |
1270 |
Chorizanthe brevicornu Torr. | Few seen.
1271 |
Parietaria floridana Nutt. | Climbing in Hyptis Emoryi, common in damp places. |
Locations: Whipple Mountains.
1272 |
Mimulus Bigelovii Gray | On rocky slope just above bed of canyon. |
1273 |
Viguiera deltoides Cray, var. Parishii (Green) Vasey & Rose | Several large bushes in flower. |
1274 |
Mimulus nasutus Greene | Growing in clumps in moist sand, nearly all gone to seed and dry. Small yellow fl. 11-13 mm. |
1275 |
Phacelia | Few seen.
1276 |
Phacelia | Mixed in with dead plants of same.
1277 |
Notholaena Parryi D. C. Eat. | Under rock near water.
1278 |
Mentzelia involucrata Wats. | From one plant.
1279 |
Oenothera chamaenerioides Gray? | Few seen.
1280 |
Atrichoseris platyphylla Gray | Single specimen.
1281 |
Trixis californica Kell. | Not common.
[Four lines of text for May 1, 1940 have been moved to the next page.]
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| Date and time this article was prepared: 12/24/2004 11:53:40 AM |