Featuring California vascular plant data from the Consortium of California Herbaria and other sources
CCH1 New Features In-Development Progress Log
Jepson eFlora
Revising and loading illustrations that needed updated due to Revisions 9-11 — In Progress
Redesign the Map Window — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in Progress
— Add California Geologic Map overlay
— Add the new version of Jepson Regions Map needed for the new Yellow Flag process
Develop a new Heath Bar script to interface with the new CCH1
Develop a new Elevation Graph script to interface with the new CCH1 — being redeveloped to interface with the new CCH1 hybrid database
Replace the search database with a hacker-resistent hybrid-version, the main database is still in MariaDB — In Progress
The search and list page is being further redesigned due to recent hacker and web crawler attacks overloading the CCH1 server — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in progress
The first "F" column (Flag Color/Checkbox) on the Results page needs to be re-activated
Sorting on the Results page is current disabled due to this server overload emergency
Downloading Search Results is currently disabled to this server overload emergency
Complete the Update Statistics process, number of specimens, georeferences, yellow flags, etc — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in progress
Complete the Update History Archive process, including sorting by accession and annotation — In Progress
Replace the CCH2 georeferences with CCH1 revised versions in maps — In Progress
— add Baldwin dataset georeferences (for example)
Locality field standardization to increase percent of positive search results — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in Progress
Restore Collector field standardization
— revise Dick Moe's original table to be compatible with the new CCH1
— merge with the Baldwin dataset collector standardizations & resolve duplicates
Create a new Brewer and Jepson Field notebooks lookup interface
Develop a new Yellow Flagging process — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in Progress
— Jepson Regions Map error revisions needed for new Yellow Flag process — In Progress
Redevelop the ability to use BerkeleyMapper to map the search results — In Progress
Redevelop the Download Search Results interface — In Progress
Redevelop the Download User survey interface (i.e. how are you using this data) — In Progress
Redevelop the Georeference Polygon Search and Multi-Mapper interface to use the new CCH1 — In Progress
Adding CA records from CCH2 EXCA (extra-California) herbaria — In Progress
— UNLV - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
— OSC - Oregon State University Herbarium
— SOC - Southern Oregon University Herbarium
Adding CA records from other portals via GBIF — In Progress
— Harvard* (A,AMES,ECON,GH) — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in Progress
— ARIZ* - University of Arizona Herbarium
— ASC* - Deaver Herbarium, Northern Arizona University
— ASU* - Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
— BRY* - Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium(BRY-V)
— F* - Field Museum of Natural History
— MO* - Missouri Botanical Garden
— NY* - New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in Progress
— PH - Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
— RENO - University of Nevada, Reno
— RM - Rocky Mountain Herbarium
— US - Smithsonian Institution — Prototype live, further testing and debugging in Progress
— UTC* - Intermountain Herbarium, Utah State University
— UT* - Garrett Herbarium, University of Utah
— Y - Yale University Herbarium
*Loaded in the orginal CCH1 pre-2018 as 'SEINET' records
CCH1 Feature Development Completed
Jepson eFlora & ICPN
County distribution maps from the ICPN now read live from the current version of CCH1
Updating Yellow Flags on eflora maps
Create a new map dataset that links the eflora to the new CCH1
Redesign the Map Window
— Redesign and optimize the map icons to eliminate lag on loading
— Use optimized map icons that allow the retirement of the clustering map
Downloading Search Results in Excel-compatible CSV text format has been re-developed
The CCH1 database has been moved to Maria DB
Hartman script re-coded and dot maps now use all georeferenced specimens in the new CCH1
New CCH2 member databases added in 2022
— ELH - BLM, Eagle Lake Field Office Herbarium
— GDRC - Green Diamond Resource Co.
— KNFY - Klamath National Forest Herbarium
— LVNP - Lassen Volcanic National Park
— NCC - Sonoma State University Herbarium
— PPWD - Pepperwood Preserve
— PUA - Pacific Union College Hebarium
— SSRD - Salmon/Scott Ranger District, USFS
— STNF - Shasta-Trinity National Forest Herbarium
— THRI - Herbarium of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Results page enhancement
— restore ability to sort by first column (yellow & georef flags)
— Queries only show yellow flags in results if the box is checked on the search page