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Index Nominum Algarum

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Gymnophlaea capensis (C. Agardh) Kützing
Bot. Zeit. 5: 25. 1847.
See Halymenia furcellata var. capensis C. Agardh 1822
[cites "Gymnophlaea capensis Kg. = Halymenia capensis Mont. Canar."; this can be interpreted either as a combination in Gymnophlaea of the Agardh variety, or as a new name for Halymenia capensis sensu Montagne; however the latter has the consequence of making Kützing's later name Gymnophlaea canariensis (Kützing 1849, p. 712) superfluous, so perhaps it is permissible to interpret the epithet as a lapsus for "canariensis", which would change the date of the basionym of Nemastoma canariensis Montagne to 1847. ]

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Botanische Zeitung
5: 1-5 (Jan. 1), 22-25 (Jan. 8), 33-38 Jan. 15), 52-55 (Jan. 22), 164-167 (Mar. 5), 177-180 (Mar. 12), 193-198 (Mar. 19), 219-223 (Mar. 23)

Taxa in INA: 77 keyboarded  p

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Page last updated 7 October 2024