The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
W.A. Setchell & H.D. Johnstone, San Pedro, California, late 1800s with Pelagophycus porra |
Paul Claude Silva (31 October 1922 - 12 June 2014): In Memoriam by R. L. Moe
Full list of Paul Silva's publications |
Pelagophycus porra, in situ, La Jolla, California |
The Center's endowment will fund the Silva Curator, who will be in charge of the Index Nominum Algarum and the Bibliographia Phycologica Universalis (see below).
Currently, Center associates are Richard L. Moe (Silva Curator, Emeritus), who continues to contribute to the INA, and Kathy Ann Miller (Curator of Algae), who maintains and builds the seaweed collections in UC, prepares loans, and assists visitors. She also participates in ongoing NSF-funded specimen digitization projects and helps others identify California seaweeds.
The library housed in the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation contains books, journals and reprints in many languages. The 300 linear feet of books were collected by curators W.A. Setchell, G.F. Papenfuss and P.C. Silva, who bought or were given books for their personal collections. Their collections were driven by an unparalleled understanding of the phycological literature and comprises rare editions by the most important authors of their eras as well as lesser, but significant lights. Some of the classic authors of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries — Esper, Turner, Stackhouse, Grunow, Bory, Harvey, Kützing, DeToni and the Agardh — are represented here, in addition to a comprehensive collection of 20th century literature. Rare expedition fascicles (such as the Voyage of La Coquille) are here and hard to find elsewhere. Many of the rare books were purchased in Europe after WWII. The Silva Center houses books belonging to the UC Berkeley library, many of them rare, that pertain to algal nomenclature and botanical history. Books are arranged in alphabet order by author and are catalogued in a card file, as are reprints.
The reprint collection (150 linear feet) resulted, in part, from the founding of the International Phycological Society by P.C. Silva. This resulted in connections with colleagues and booksellers all over the world, who shared their research via reprint exchange. The library has also been given reprint collections from other herbaria. International phycological journals (80 linear feet) have, for the most part, been bound.
In 2011, the University Herbarium was awarded a major grant from the National Science Foundation to image and database marine macroalgae (seaweeds) that are known to grow in California, Oregon, or Washington, wherever in the world they occur. These collections are available for viewing at:
In 2014, a collaborative NSF grant (The Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium: Accessing 150 Years of Specimen Data to Understand Changes in the Marine/Aquatic Environment) initiated the imaging and databasing of seaweed collections in herbaria throughout the United States. UC digitized collections from Humboldt State University and Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station, and is currently working on completing the imaging and databasing of its worldwide seaweed collections. To see the results of this ongoing project as they accumulate, see:
An eFlora project on California Seaweeds has been funded by a grant from the Packard Foundation. This online flora will update Abbott & Hollenberg's Marine Algae of California (1976) and provide a portal for students, ecologists, managers, and the public who wish to learn more about our 750 seaweed species.
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Terms of Use — Page last updated March 14, 2015 |
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(510) 642-2465 University of California, Berkeley University and Jepson Herbaria 1001 Valley Life Sciences Building #2465 Berkeley, CA 94720-2465 USA |