- Lemnicola hungarica var. pusilla (Grunow) L.N. Bukhtiyarova in Bukhtiyarova & Compère
Algologia 16: 282.
Basionym: See Achnanthes pusilla Grunow 1880
invalid: lacking complete citation of place of publication of basionym
[basionym cited as "Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow var. pusilla Grunow in Cleve et Grunow 1880. K. Norske Videnskab. Selskb. Skr. 17(2): 23"; in International Journal on Algae, 2008, 10: 65, Bukhtiyarova cites as basionym Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow var. pusilla Grunow in Cleve et Grunow 1880 (Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 17(2): 23) which in that reference on that page is Achnanthes (linearis var.?) pusilla Grunow]
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