Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Fragilaria biceps (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot
Biblioth. Diatomol. 27: 43. 1993.

Basionym: See Synedra biceps Kützing 1844
illegitimate: not Fragilaria biceps Ehrenberg 1843

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85 neue Taxa und über 100 weitere neu definierte Taxa ergänzend zur Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa Vol. 2/1-4. 85 new taxa and much more than 100 taxonomic clarifications supplementary to Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa Vol. 2/1-4
Bibliotheca Diatomologica
27. XXIII + 454 pp., incl. 134 pls
Taxa in INA: 147 keyboarded  p

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