Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Coenococcus fottii F. Hindák
Biol. Práce [Slov. Akad. Vied] 23(4): 14, pl. 2. 1977. (L)
Type: Pl. 2: fig. 1
Type locality: Slovakia: Lake Halčianske jazero, central Slovakia

See image Eutetramorus fottii (F. Hindák) J. Komárek 1979
See Coenochloris fottii (F. Hindák) P.M. Tsarenko 1990
See Radiococcus fottii (F. Hindák) I. Kostikov, T. Darienko, A. Lukešová, & L. Hoffmann 2002

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