Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
The Jepson Online Interchange for California Floristics
About the Interchange
Search the Interchange using the Index to California Plant Names
Scientific Name

Partial names are allowed (e.g., Seq gig). You can retrieve all species in a genus by entering a genus name only. When entering infraspecific names, do not include the words "var.", "subsp.", or "f.".
Common Name

Partial names are allowed (e.g., Parish). This search uses only the common names included in The Jepson eFlora
Index to California Plant Names, which include hyperlinks to the Jepson eFlora, the specimen databases, CalPhotos, and other sources of information about the California flora

Go to the Consortium of California Herbaria search page
The Consortium of California Herbaria consolidates specimen records from many California herbaria, including UC and JEPS. The records can be searched on taxon name, collector, collection date, location information, source herbarium, and geographic coordinates. Point maps can be generated and lists and other data downloaded.
  1. All names in ICPN arranged alphabetically by genus A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  2. Current Status Categories from the ICPN (including totals and lists of names)
  3. Index to genus names in Jepson's A Flora of California; List of all names [>1.6 M]
  • Please use this Google Form for feedback or comments
  • JEPSON MANUAL 1993 → 2012
    1. Dynamic concordance: Use this search tool to look up names that were accepted in The Jepson Manual (1993). The return page will indicate how (or if) the name is treated in the Second Edition (e.g., if it was accepted, excluded, or listed as a synonym under a newly adopted name).
    2. Superseded names: Browse this list of names from The Jepson Manual (1993) that are no longer recognized in the Second Edition (or, browse the same list without authors included).
    3. Jepson Manual name words: Import this list of names to build custom dictionaries (for example, for Word).
    4. Errata sheet for Jepson Manual, Second Edition
    The Jepson eFlora contains taxonomic treatments for native and naturalized plants occurring in wildlands or otherwise outside of cultivation in California. Documented waifs and some agricultural weeds are also included. Treatments were initially derived from The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition, available at the University of California Press.

    The eFlora has diverged from the print book in that it: (1) contains descriptions not in the print book (e.g., waifs, agricultural weeds); (2) contains errata as well as other small changes made relative to the print book; (3) contains direct links to the Consortium of California Herbaria; (4) contains direct links to the Online Interchange for California Floristics, and (5) contains substantive revisions of scientific content for some taxa, see Supplements 1-11.

    Lists (PDF format) from various places contributed by users