The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here
Results from INA database
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
HYDROLITHON | (Foslie) Foslie | image | ||
HYDROLITHON | Foslie | image | ||
Hydrolithon abyssophila | A. Athanasiadis, D.L. Ballantine, & H. Ruiz | Botanica Marina | 56: 496, figs. 1-17 | 2013 |
Hydrolithon arenicola_('arenicolum') | Dawson | image | ||
Hydrolithon arenicola_('arenicolum') | E.Y. Dawson | Pacific Naturalist | 2: 26, pl. 18 | 1960 |
Hydrolithon atalayense | (Me. Lemoine) Mendoza | image | ||
Hydrolithon boergesenii | (Foslie) Foslie | image | ||
Hydrolithon boreale | (Foslie) Y.M. Chamberlain in Irvine & Chamberlain | Seaw. Brit. Isles | 1{2B}: 116 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon braganum | W. Woelkerling, D. Bassi & Y. Iryu | Phycologia | 51: 606, figs. 2-5, 8-13 | 2012 |
Hydrolithon breviclavium | (Foslie) Foslie | K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. | 1909{2}: 56 | 1909 |
Hydrolithon chamaedoris | (Foslie & Howe) M.J. Wynne | Beih. Nova Hedwigia | 129: 81 | 2005 |
Hydrolithon chamberlainiae_('chamberlainii') | A. Athanasiadis | Phycol. Europ.: | 275, figs. 56, 57 in Chamberlain (Seaweeds British Isles 1:2B. 1994) | 2016 |
Hydrolithon conicum | E.Y. Dawson | Pacific Naturalist | 2: 27, pl. 19 | 1960 |
Hydrolithon consociatum | (Foslie) Mendoza | image | ||
Hydrolithon craspedium | (Foslie) P.C. Silva in Silva, Basson, & Moe | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 79: 235 | 1996 |
Hydrolithon cruciatum | (Bressan) Y.M. Chamberlain in Irvine & Chamberlain | Seaw. Brit. Isles | 1{2B}: 120 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon cymodoceae | (Foslie) D. Penrose | Phycologia | 31: 89 | 1992 |
Hydrolithon decipiens | (Foslie) Adey | image | ||
Hydrolithon decipiens | (Foslie) W.H. Adey | K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. | 1970{1}: 11 | 1970 |
Hydrolithon discoideum | (Foslie) M.L. Mendoza & J. Cabioch | Cryptogamie: Algologie | 5: 148 | 1985 |
Hydrolithon falklandicum | (Foslie) Mendoza | image | ||
Hydrolithon farinosum | (Lamouroux) D. Penrose & Y.M. Chamberlain | Phycologia | 32: 295, 302 | 1993 |
Hydrolithon farinosum f. callithamnioides | (Foslie) D. Serio | Giorn. Bot. Ital. | 128: 969 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon farinosum var. chalicodictyum | (W.R. Taylor) D. Serio | Giorn. Bot. Ital. | 128: 969 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon gardineri | (Foslie) E. Verheij & W.M. Prud'homme van Reine | Blumea | 37: 451 | 1993 |
Hydrolithon guatemalaense_('guatamalaensum') | (J.H. Johnson & Kaska) Basso & Granier | Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia | 124(1): 91 | 2018 |
Hydrolithon improcerum | (Foslie & Howe) Foslie | image | ||
Hydrolithon improcerum var. tenue | Segonzac | Hommage à Gabriel Lucas: | 250 | 1983 |
Hydrolithon iyengarii | Desikachary & E. Ganesan | Phykos | 5: 85, 89, figs. 1-9, 11, 13 | 1967 |
Hydrolithon iyengarii | Desikachary & Ganesan | image | ||
Hydrolithon krusadiense | Krishnamurthy & Jayagopal | image | ||
Hydrolithon krusadiense | V. Krishnamurthy & Jayagopal | Seaweed Res. Utilis. | 10: 89, 90, figs. 14-17 | 1987 |
Hydrolithon laeve | Adey, Townsend & Boykins | image | ||
Hydrolithon masakii | Y.P. Lee & J.H. Kim in Y.P. Lee | Mar. Alg. Jeju: | 196 | 2008 |
Hydrolithon megacystum | Adey, Townsend & Boykins | image | ||
Hydrolithon munitum | (Foslie & Howe) D.L. Penrose | image | ||
Hydrolithon munitum | (Foslie & M. Howe) D.L. Penrose in Womersley | Mar. Benth. Fl. S. Australia 3B: | 263 | 1996 |
Hydrolithon murakoshii | Y. Iryu & S. Matsuda | Phycologia | 35: 528, figs. 1-14, 16-18 | 1996 |
Hydrolithon onkodes | (Heydrich) D. Penrose & W. Woelkerling | Phycologia | 31: 83 | 1992 |
Hydrolithon onkodes f. subramosum_(`subramosa') | (Foslie) T.V. Desikachary, V. Krishnamurthy, & M.S. Balakrishnan | Rhodophyta. Part II B: | 37 | 1998 |
Hydrolithon pachydermum | (Foslie) J.C. Bailey, J.E. Gabel, & D.W. Freshwater | Phycologia | 43: 8 | 2004 |
Hydrolithon pellire | Y.M. Chamberlain & R.E. Norris | Phycologia | 33: 291, figs. 1-27 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon reinboldii | (Weber-van Bosse & Foslie) Foslie | K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. | 1909{2}: 55 | 1909 |
Hydrolithon rupestre_('rupestris') | (Foslie) D.L. Penrose | image | ||
Hydrolithon rupestre_(`rupestris') | (Foslie) D.L. Penrose in Womersley | Mar. Benth. Fl. S. Australia 3B: | 265 | 1996 |
Hydrolithon samoënse | (Foslie) D.W. Keats & Y.M. Chamberlain | South African Journal of Botany | 60: 15 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon sargassi | (Foslie) Y.M. Chamberlain in Irvine & Chamberlain | Seaw. Brit. Isles | 1{2B}: 128 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon setchellii | (Foslie) Setchell & Mason | Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. | 29: 97 | 1943 |
Hydrolithon somaliae | (Raineri) P.C. Silva in Silva, Basson, & Moe | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 79: 240 | 1996 |
Hydrolithon superficiale | D.W. Keats & Y.M. Chamberlain | South African Journal of Botany | 60: 12, figs. 20-30 | 1994 |
Hydrolithon taishakuense_('taishakuensis') | (Ishijima) Y. Iryu, D. Bassi, & W.J. Woelkerling | Palaeontology | 52: 409 | 2008 |
Hydrolithon verrucosum | Krishnamurthy & Jayagopal | image | ||
Hydrolithon verrucosum | V. Krishnamurthy & Jayagopal | Seaweed Res. Utilis. | 10: 91, figs. 18-22 | 1987 |
PARAHYDROLITHON | M.L Mendoza & J. Cabioch in Mendoza | Scientia Marina | 63(suppl. 1): 140 | 1999 |
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Page last updated 7 October 2024