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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Mt. St. helena.
No. 10,376. Erythronium californicum Purdy. Flowers with a large yellow eye, the segments above white or flushed with pink! Inner segments at very base with two low rounded elevations which embrace the filament base or lower part of the filament rather. These low mounds or hillocks stand in a pair in center of claw, the sides being very obscurely developed as auricles.
No. 10,377. Ceanothus Jepsonii Greene. All the shrubs examined had flowers with 6 or 7 petals, one or the other number prevailing on a shrub. Ca_on slopes, thin chaparral, [e.] base Mt. St. Helena.
April 27, 1924.
No. 10,378. Ceanothus incanus T.&G. Flats at Mt. St. Helena e. side, (Lake Co.) Bushes 8 ft. high.
No. 10,379. Rhododendron occidentale Gray. Splendid clumps along stream in ca_on bottom. e. of Mt. St. Helena. Upper lip witha great yellow blotch. Corolla white, sometimes pinkish.
No. 10,380. Calochortus maweanus Leichtl.
1 Sheet discarded - Insect-dmamged III 1970
No. 10,381. Convolvulus villosus Gray. Rocky soil, open chaparral, e.[east] of Mt. St.Helena.
No. 10,382.[Pellaea densa Hook. crossed out] Cheilanthes siliquosa Maxon (det. Tryon, Jr. 1958)
This fern grew under the edge of rocks in half-open chaparral.
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