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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Royal Bot. [Botanical] Garden
[Edinburgh, Sept. 6, 1905]

John Jeffrey, cont. [continued].
4 1/2 to 5 inches long, narrowing gradually towards the summit. Scales 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 inch long, and about 1/2 inch broad. Apophysis flattened, 4-sided, [?umbs?] dark brown, transversely elliptical. Seed with a mottled spermoderm, winged, 3/10 inch long, with a wing about an inch in length. Tree 80 feet high, by 3 in. diam. [inches diameter]. Mountains between Shasta and Scots Valley. N. [Northern] California. Lat. 40 degrees 30 feet to 41 degrees 50 feet. Elevation 5-8000 feet.
P.1. [Page 1] of the leaflet. The Plate shows a cone, closed and a winged seed, and a cluster of 4 needles, the cone like enough
[Royal Botanical Garden]
Edinburgh, Sept. 6, 1905

to the closed cones obtained by me on the Mt. Whitney Trip.
="No. 731. Pinus Jeffreyi. Oreg. Com. Leaves 8 to 9 inches long, in clusters of 3, with a brownish sheath about 1 1/4 inch long. Cones large ovate, about 8 inches long, and 11 inches in circumference at the broadest part, slightly unequal at the base. Scales 1 1/2 inch long, with a more or less pyramidal apophysis and a hooked umbo, the hook being 9/10 of an inch long and slightly incurved. Seeds about 4/10 of an inch in length, dark brown, winged; wings rather more than an inch in length, beautifully marked with dark striate. Tree 150
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