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Dulcicalothrix necridiiformans A.G. Saraf et al.
FEMS Microbiology Letters 366(17): 8, figs. 1, 2. 2019. (E)
Type: National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India: MCC 3314
Type locality: India: Maharashtra: Ahmednagar: Shrirampur (19.62N, 77.65E)
See T. of generic name

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SARAF, Aniket, Archana SURADKAR, Himanshu G. DAWDA, Lira A. GAYSINA, Yunir GABIDULLIN, Ankita KUMAT, Isha BEHERE, Manasi KOTULKAR, Priyanka BATULE, & Prashant SINGH
2019 (Oct. 21)
Phylogenetic complexities of the members of Rivulariaceae with the re-creation of the family Calotrichaceae and description of Dulcicalothrix necridiiformans gen nov., sp nov., and reclassification of Calothrix desertica
FEMS Microbiology Letters
366{17}: 1-10, 6 figs.
cardnote: doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnz219
Taxa in INA: 3 keyboarded  p

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