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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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Duncan M. Porter

Herb, shrub, often armed; caudex present or not
Stem branched; nodes often angled, swollen
Leaves 1-compound, opposite; stipules persistent or deciduous; leaflets entire
Inflorescence: flowers 1–2 in axils
Flower bisexual; sepals 5, free, persistent or deciduous; petals 5, free, generally spreading, sometimes twisted and appearing propeller-like; stamens 10, sometimes appendaged on inside base; ovary superior, chambers 5–10, ovules 1–several per chamber, placentas axile
Fruit: capsule or splitting into 5–10 nutlets
Genera in family: 26 genera, ± 250 species: widespread especially in warm, dry regions; some cultivated (Guaiacum, lignum vitae; Peganum, harmal (NOXIOUS and illegal); Tribulus, caltrop (pernicious)). Peganum harmala L. has been reported as a pernicious weed near Daggett, San Bernardino Co
Reference: [Porter 1972 J Arnold Arbor 53:531–552]


Annual, unarmed
Stem spreading radially, prostrate to ascending, < 1 m
Leaf even-1-pinnate; stipules narrow, green
Inflorescence: flowers solitary in axils
Flower: sepals deciduous or persistent; petals yellow to orange, withering but not deciduous
Fruit 10-lobed, splitting into 10 tubercled nutlets; style persistent; peduncle reflexed
Seed 1 per chamber
Species in genus: 17 species: warm and tropical Am
Etymology: (A. Kallstroem, obscure contemporary of Scopoli, author of genus)
Reference: [Porter 1969 Contr Gray Herb 198:41–153]


K. parviflora Norton

Stem prostrate to decumbent, < 1 m, strigose to glabrous
Leaf: stipules 5–7 mm; leaflets 6–10
Flower: peduncle > subtending leaf; sepals persistent, ± = to slightly > fruit body, appressed; petals 6–12 mm, orange
Fruit 4–6 mm wide, ovoid; style to 3 X fruit body
Ecology: Uncommon. Sandy roadsides, slopes
Elevation: 1500–2000 m.
Bioregional distribution: c Peninsular Ranges (near Warner Hot Springs, San Diego Co.), e Desert Mountains (Clark Mtns, San Bernardino Co.), expected elsewhere
Distribution outside California: native Arizona to c US, c Mexico
Flowering time: Aug–Oct
Waif in CA.

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