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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.



Dale W. McNeal, except as specified

Perennial to trees, from membranous bulb, fibrous corm, scaly rhizome, or erect caudex
Stem generally underground
Leaves generally basal, often withering early, alternate, generally ± linear
Inflorescence various, generally bracted
Flower generally bisexual, generally radial; perianth often showy, segments generally 6 in two petal-like whorls (outer sometimes sepal-like), free or fused at base; stamens 6 (or 3 + generally 3 ± petal-like staminodes), filaments sometimes attached to perianth or fused into a tube or crown; ovary superior or inferior, chambers 3, placentas generally axile, style generally 1, stigmas generally 3
Fruit: generally capsule, loculicidal or septicidal (berry or nut)
Genera in family: ± 300 genera, 4600 species: especially ± dry temp and subtropical; many cultivated for ornamental or food; some TOXIC. Here includes genera sometimes treated in Agavaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and other families.


Perennial; bulb ovoid to ± elongate, outer coats black
Stem: 25–90 cm, slender, ± scapose
Leaves basal, 19–55 mm, 4–14 mm wide, grass-like, keeled, ± glaucous
Inflorescence: raceme or panicle, terminal, bracted; flowers 20–70+
Flower: perianth segments 6 in 2 petal-like whorls, free; stamens 6, epipetalous; ovary superior, chambers 3, style 1, stigma 3-lobed
Fruit: capsule, short-stalked, loculicidal
Seeds ovoid, flat, black
Species in genus: 4 species: CA, OR
Etymology: (Namesake unknown)
Reference: [Sherman & Becking 1991 Madroño 38:130–138]
Segregated from Schoenolirion of se US.


H. serpentinicola Becking

Bulb 23–40 mm, 14–21 mm wide
Stem 28–52 cm
Leaf 19–35 cm
Inflorescence open; branches generally 0(–3)
Flower 5–6 mm; perianth parts 1–2 mm, linear, reflexed > 2/3 their length, greenish to yellowish, midvein greenish yellow to light purple; stamens ± equal, exserted
Fruit 5–8 mm, oblong
Chromosomes: n=26, 27?
Ecology: Well-drained, exposed serpentine
Elevation: 1800–2200 m.
Bioregional distribution: n&c Northwestern California
Distribution outside California: sw Oregon
Horticultural information: DRN, SUN, IRR: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16.

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