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  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.



Annual to subshrubs, fleshy
Leaves generally simple, generally basal and cauline, alternate or opposite, generally reduced upward
Inflorescence: generally cyme, generally bracted
Flower: sepals generally 3–5, generally ± free; petals generally 3–5, ± free or fused; stamens = to >> sepals, free or epipetalous; pistils generally 3–5, simple (sometimes fused at base), ovary 1-chambered, placenta 1, parietal, ovules 1–many, style 1
Fruit: follicles generally 3–5
Seeds 1–many, small
Genera in family: ± 30 genera, ± 1500 species: ± worldwide, especially dry temp; many cultivated for ornamental. Family description and generic key by Melinda F. Denton and Reid Moran.


Jim A. Bartel

Perennial, fleshy, glabrous
Stem generally caudex or corm-like, generally vertical, branched or not, generally covered with dried leaves or leaf bases
Leaves in basal rosettes, evergreen vernal and ephemeral
Inflorescence: cyme, axillary, 1-sided; bracts leaf-like, alternate
Flower: sepals 5, fused below; petals 5, fused at base, erect to spreading above; stamens 10, epipetalous; pistils 5, ± fused below
Fruit: follicles 5, erect to spreading, many-seeded
Seed < 1 mm, narrowly ovoid, brown, striate
Species in genus: ± 45 species: sw North America
Etymology: (W.R. Dudley, western US botanist, 1849–1911)
Reference: [Moran in Jacobsen 1960 Handb Succ Plant:344–359]
Unopened follicles generally most reliable for posture (erect, spreading, etc.).


D. abramsii Rose

Stem: caudex simple to generally branched, cespitose
Leaf 1.5–11 cm, 5–20 mm wide, oblong-lanceolate or tapered base to tip, rarely elliptic to oblanceolate, generally glaucous, upper surface generally ± flat; rosette 2–6 cm wide
Inflorescence: 1° branches 0 or generally 2–3, generally simple, ascending; terminal branches 3–15 cm, 2–15-flowered; lower bracts 4–40 mm; pedicel 0.5–5(11) mm
Flower: sepals 2–5 mm, deltate; petals 8–13 mm, 1.5–3.5 mm wide, fused 1–4.5 mm, elliptic, acute, pale yellow, keel generally with fine, purple to red lines, margin often jagged
Chromosomes: n=17
Ecology: Rocky outcrops
Elevation: 50–2600 m.
Bioregional distribution: s Outer South Coast Ranges, s Western Transverse Ranges, San Bernardino Mountains, Peninsular Ranges, sw edge Mojave Desert
Distribution outside California: n Baja California
Sspp. bettinae, murina, parva exude purple dye when crushed.


subsp. affinis K.M. Nakai


Stem: caudex 10–15 mm wide, generally simple
Leaf 2–4 cm, 7–15 mm wide, glaucous, oblanceolate to elliptic
Inflorescence: peduncle 5–11 cm, 1–3 mm wide; lower bracts 5–6 mm
Flower: petals fused 1.5–2.5 mm, keel generally red-lined
Ecology: UNCOMMON. Outcrops, granitic or quartzite, rarely limestone
Elevation: 1800–2600 m.
Bioregional distribution: San Bernardino Mountains, sw edge Mojave Desert.

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