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Warren L. Wagner, except as specified Peter H. Raven, Family Coordinator

Annual to tree
Leaves basal or cauline, alternate, opposite, or whorled, generally simple and toothed (to pinnately compound); stipules 0 or generally deciduous
Inflorescence: spike, raceme, panicle, or flowers solitary in axils; bracted
Flower generally bisexual, generally radial, opening at dawn or dusk; hypanthium sometimes prolonged beyond ovary (measured from ovary tip to sepal base); sepals generally 4(2–7); petals generally 4 (or as many as sepals, rarely 0), often "fading" darker; stamens generally 4 or 8(2), anthers 2-chambered, opening lengthwise, pollen generally interconnected by threads; ovary inferior, chambers generally 4 (sometimes becoming 1), placentas axile or parietal, ovules 1–many per chamber, style 1, stigma 4-lobed (or lobes as many as sepals), club-shaped, or hemispheric
Fruit: capsule, loculicidal (sometimes berry or indehiscent and nut-like)
Seeds sometimes winged or hair-tufted
Genera in family: 15 genera, ± 650 species: worldwide, especially w North America; many cultivated (Clarkia, Epilobium, Fuchsia, Gaura, Oenothera )
Reference: [Munz 1965 North America Fl II 5:1–278]



Annual, perennial herb, from taproot or lateral roots
Leaves basal, cauline, or both, alternate, simple to 2-pinnate
Inflorescence bracted; spike, raceme, or flowers solitary in axils
Flower radial, generally opening at dawn (rarely at dusk); sepals 4, reflexed (sometimes 2–3 remaining adherent); petals 4, yellow, white, lavender, often with darker basal spots, generally fading purplish or reddish; stamens (4)8, longer ones opposite sepals, anthers generally attached at middle (or base), pollen grains 3-angled except in polyploid taxa (visible with hand lens); ovary chambers 4, stigma ± head-like or hemispheric, generally > anthers and cross-pollinated (or ± = anthers and self-pollinated)
Fruit straight to coiled, generally sessile
Seeds in 1–2 rows per chamber
Species in genus: 62 species: w North America (especially CA-FP), 1 South America
Etymology: (L.A. von Chamisso, French-born German botanist, 1781–1838)
Reference: [Raven 1969 Contr US Natl Herb 37:161–396]
Polyploidy and self-pollination have predominated in evolution of genus. Previously included in Oenothera (" O." in synonyms).


C. boothii (Douglas) P.H. Raven

Annual, generally reddish; rosette generally ± 0 (to well developed); hairs minutely strigose and spreading (some glandular, especially in inflorescence)
Stem erect, 3–65 cm, peeling
Leaves 20–100(130) mm, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic or narrowly ovate, sparsely minutely dentate or serrate; lower oblanceolate or not
Inflorescence nodding; flowers generally 0 at lower nodes
Flower opening at dusk; hypanthium 4–8 mm; sepals (2.7)4–8 mm; petals 3–7.5 mm, generally white (red) fading reddish
Fruit 8–35 mm, 1–3.8 mm wide, cylindric except base wider than tip, ± curved outward to very wavy and twisted, persistent, tardily dehiscent
Seeds in 1 row per chamber, 1.4–2.1 mm, generally of 2 kinds (minutely pitted in rows and pale brown; coarsely papillate and dark brown)
Chromosomes: 2n=14
Ecology: Shrubby or open, dry areas, generally desert
Elevation: < 2400 m.
Bioregional distribution: s Sierra Nevada, Tehachapi Mountain Area, s San Joaquin Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, Inner South Coast Ranges, Western Transverse Ranges, Great Basin Floristic Province, Desert
Distribution outside California: to Washington, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, nw Mexico
Synonyms: O. b. Douglas

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