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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.



Annual to tree
Leaves generally compound, alternate, stipuled; leaflets generally entire
Inflorescence: generally raceme, spike, umbel or head; flowers sometime 1–2 in axils
Flowers generally bisexual, generally bilateral; hypanthium generally flat or cup-like; sepals generally 5, fused; petals generally 5, free, or the 2 lower ± fused; stamens 1–many, often 10 with 9 filaments at least partly fused, 1 (uppermost) free; pistil 1, ovary superior, generally 1-chambered, ovules 1–many, style, stigma 1
Fruit: legume, sometimes including a stalk-like base above receptacle, dehiscent, or indehiscent and breaking into 1-seeded segments, or indehiscent, 1-seeded, and achene-like
Seeds 1–several, often ± reniform, generally hard, smooth
Genera in family: ± 650 genera, 18,000 species: worldwide; with grasses, requisite in agriculture and most natural ecosystems. Many cultivated, most importantly Arachis , peanut; Glycine , soybean; Phaseolus , beans; Medicago ; Trifolium ; and many orns
Reference: [Polhill & Raven (eds) 1981 Advances in legume systematics; Allen & Allen 1981 Leguminosae]
Family description and key to genera by Duane Isely.


Duane Isely

Annual, perennial herb, shrub, unarmed
Leaves generally odd-1-pinnate (sometimes ± palmately compound, rarely some or most simple); stipules conspicuous or not; leaflets 3–many, often irregularly arranged
Inflorescence: umbel or 1–2-flowered, axillary, generally peduncled, often bracted
Flower: corolla generally yellow (sometimes white or pink), fading darker; 9 filaments fused, 1 free
Fruit dehiscent or not, exserted from calyx or not, ovoid to oblong, ± beaked
Seeds 1–several
Etymology: (Greek: derivation unclear)
Reference: [Isely 1981 Mem New York Bot Garden 25:128–206]
Spp. generally variable; intermediates may be hybrids. Key below separates natural groups.


L. nevadensis (S. Watson) Greene

Perennial, conspicuously hairy
Stems mat-forming or ascending
Leaf subpinnate or palmate; stipules gland-like; leaflets 3–5, irregularly arrayed, 4–12 mm, obovate to oblong, generally green
Inflorescence 3–12-flowered; peduncle generally bracted
Flower: calyx 4–9 mm, lobes < tube; corolla 5–10 mm
Fruit indehiscent; body exserted, tapered-oblong, bent; beak slender, recurved
Seeds 1–2
Chromosomes: 2n=14
Ecology: Oak, yellow-pine, lodgepole, and fir forests, open bracken meadows
Elevation: 850–2750 m.
Bioregional distribution: Klamath Ranges, North Coast Ranges, Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, Central Coast, South Coast, Transverse Ranges, Peninsular Ranges, Desert Mountains
Distribution outside California: to British Columbia, Idaho, Nevada
Forms intermediates with L. argophyllus, L. scoparius. Many named variants.

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bioregional map for LOTUS%20nevadensis being generated
N.B. The distribution depicted here differs from that given in The Jepson Manual (1993)

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