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UC specimens and range limits for Cryptopleura ruprechtiana
  • Blue markers: specimen records
  • Yellow marker: type locality, if present
  • Red markers: endpoints of range from literature

View map from the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria

Cryptopleura Kützing 1843

Thalli differentiated into creeping, ribbonlike bases attached by hapterous pegs on ventral surfaces and erect, ribbonlike to bladelike tufts of branches divided flabellately, subalternately, or subdichotomously. Margins plane, undulate, or proliferous. Axes polystromatic except for upper and marginal portions; midribs a collection of macroscopic veins of main blade divisions, each vein dividing and gradually spreading upward, be coming narrower and disappearing in fine network of microscopic veins. Tetrasporangia along margins or in oval or lunate sori in proliferations. Spermatangia in elliptical to linear sori along margins. Cystocarps scattered over blades, each with an ostiolate pericarp; carposporangia terminal.

Botryoglossum ruprechtianum (J. Ag.) DeToni

Nitophyllum ruprechtiana J. Agardh 1872: 51. Botryoglossum ruprechtianum (J. Ag.) DeToni 1900: 676; Hollenberg & Abbott 1966: 110. Cryptopleura spatulata Gardner 1927a: 241; Dawson 1962: 100.

iffering from B. farlowianum in having discrete proliferations on margins; ruffles lacking; and thallus delicate, not coarse.

Occasional, saxicolous, subtidal (to 30 m), Puget Sd., Wash., to I. Todos Santos, Baja Calif. Type locality: northwest coast of N. America.

Excerpt from Abbott, I. A., & Hollenberg, G. J. (1976). Marine algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. xii [xiii] + 827 pp., 701 figs.

Classification: Algaebase


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Copyright © 2024 Regents of the University of California
Citation for this page: Cryptopleura ruprechtiana, in Kathy Ann Miller (ed.), 2024 California Seaweeds eFlora, [accessed on April 23, 2024]
Citation for the whole website: Kathy Ann Miller (ed.) 2024. California Seaweeds eFlora, [accessed on April 23, 2024].

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