Index Nominum Algarum Image Index

beginning with TENAREA

This index completed by R.Jahn/AlgaTerra-Project

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  1. TENAREA Bory
  2. Tenarea adhaerens Me. Lemoine
  3. Tenarea ascripticia (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  4. Tenarea bermudensis_('bermudense') (M. Foslie & M.A. Howe) W.H. Adey
  5. Tenarea canescens (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  6. Tenarea carpophylli (F. Heydrich) V.J. Chapman & P.G. Parkinson
  7. Tenarea caspica (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  8. Tenarea confinis (H.M. Crouan & P.L. Crouan) W.H. Adey & P.J. Adey
  9. Tenarea conspecta (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  10. Tenarea dispar (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  11. Tenarea dispar (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  12. Tenarea erecta Me. Lemoine
  13. Tenarea expansa (R.A. Philippi) C.E.O. Kuntze
  14. Tenarea hapalidioides (H.M. Crouan & P.L. Crouan) W.H. Adey & P.J. Adey
  15. Tenarea irregularis (M. Foslie) Me. Lemoine
  16. Tenarea lichenodes (J. Ellis & D.C. Solander) C.E.O. Kuntze
  17. Tenarea polycephala (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  18. Tenarea polyclona (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  19. Tenarea prototypa (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  20. Tenarea pustulata (J.V.F. Lamouroux) W.H. Adey
  21. Tenarea pustulata (J.V.F. Lamouroux) M. Shameel
  22. Tenarea pustulata (J.V.F. Lamouroux) M. Shameel
  23. Tenarea rasilis_('rasile') (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  24. Tenarea stefaninii M. Airoldi
  25. Tenarea tessellata_('tessellatum') (Me. Lemoine) M.M. Littler
  26. Tenarea tortuosa (E.J.C. Esper) Me. Lemoine
  27. Tenarea tortuosa f. crassa (S.M. Rozanov) Me. Lemoine
  28. Tenarea tortuosa f. cristata (G.G.A. Meneghini) Me. Lemoine
  29. Tenarea tortuosa f. decumbens (M. Foslie) Me. Lemoine
  30. Tenarea tortuosa f. decumbens (M. Foslie) J. Feldmann
  31. Tenarea tortuosa f. undulosa (Bory) Me. Lemoine
  32. Tenarea tumidulum (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  33. Tenarea tumidula (M. Foslie) W.H. Adey
  34. Tenarea undulosa Bory
  35. Tenarea undulosa var. crassa (S.M. Rozanov) P.A. Hariot
  36. Tenarea undulosa var. cristata (G.G.A. Meneghini) P.A. Hariot
  38. Tendaridea castor Bory
  39. Tendaridea cruciata (J.P.E. Vaucher) T.G. Lestiboudois
  40. Tendaridea decussata (J.P.E. Vaucher) T.G. Lestiboudois
  41. Tendaridea pectinata (J.P.E. Vaucher) T.G. Lestiboudois
  42. Tendaridea pollux Bory
  43. Tendaridea stellina (O.F. Müller) T.G. Lestiboudois
  44. TENDARIDELLA F.B. Gaillon
  45. Tendaridella irradiata F.G. Gaillon
  46. TENDINARIUS H.F.A. Roussel
  47. Tendinarius filum (C. Linné) H.F.A. Roussel
  48. Tendinarius spiralis H.F.A. Roussel
  49. TENERIDINIUM W. Krutzsch
  50. Teneridinium magnoides W. Krutzsch
  51. TENTACULAMONAS B.V. Skvortzov & M. Noda
  52. Tentaculamonas laevis B.V. Skvortzov & M. Noda
  53. Tentaculamonas natans B.V. Skvortzov & M. Noda
  56. TENUA A. Eisenack
  57. TENUA R.J. Davey
  58. Tenua anaphrissa (W.A.S. Sarjeant) P.N. Benedek
  59. Tenua atlantica D. Habib
  60. Tenua bigotii_('bigoti') (Deflandre) G.V. Deflandre & M. Deflandre
  61. Tenua capitata (I.C. Cookson & A. Eisenack) G.U. Gitmez
  62. Tenua capitata (I.C. Cookson & A. Eisenack) G.U. Gitmez & W.A.S. Sarjeant
  63. Tenua echinata G.U. Gitmez & W.A.S. Sarjeant
  64. Tenua evittii S.A.J. Pocock
  65. Tenua hystricella A. Eisenack
  66. Tenua hystrix A. Eisenack
  67. Tenua neophytensa N.S. Ioannides, G.N. Stavrinos & C. Downie
  68. Tenua pilosa (C.G. Ehrenberg) W.A.S. Sarjeant
  69. Tenua rioulti W.A.S. Sarjeant
  70. Tenua taugourdeaui A.K. Varma & A.K. Dangwal
  71. Tenua varispinosa (W.A.S. Sarjeant) W.A.S. Sarjeant
  72. Tenua verrucosa W.A.S. Sarjeant
  73. Tenua villersensis_('villersense') W.A.S. Sarjeant
  74. TENUIA O.C. Schmidt
  75. TENUOFILUM J.W. Schopf
  76. Tenuofilum septatum J.W. Schopf
  77. TERANYMPHA Koidzumi
  78. TERATONYMPHA Koidzumi
  79. Teratonympha mirabilis Koidzumi
  80. Teratonympha mirabilis var. formosana Koidzumi
  81. TEREBRARIA R.K. Greville
  82. Terebraria barbadensis R.K. Greville
  83. Terebraria kerguelensis E. O'Meara
  84. TERETIA T. Yoshida
  85. TERGESTIELLA E. Kamptner
  86. Tergestiella adriatica E. Kamptner
  87. Tergestiella barnesiae_('barnesae') (M. Black) P. Reinhardt
  88. Tergestiella calumnia J. Lecal-Schlauder in F. Bernard & J. Lecal-Schlauder
  89. Tergestiella gemma J. Lecal-Schlauder
  90. Tergestiella margereli (D. Noël) S.I. Shumenko
  91. Tergestiella ? margeli (D. Noël) P. Reinhardt
  92. Tergestiella mediterranea M. Gardet
  93. Tergestiella ? reinhardtii (K. Perch-Nielsen) P. Reinhardt
  94. Tergestiella reinhardtii (K. Perch-Nielsen) S.I. Shumenko
  95. Tergestiella rotaclypeata (J.D. Bukry) S.I. Shumenko
  96. TERPSINOE C.G. Ehrenberg
  97. TERPSINOE [subgenus or section] PLEURODESMIUM (F.T. Kützing) F. Schütt, H.G.A. Engler & K.A.E. Prantl
  98. Terpsinoe americana (Bailey) A. Grunow
  99. Terpsinoe americana f. trigona A. Grunow & J. Pantocsek
  100. Terpsinoe anguinea J.A. Long, D.P. Fuge & J. Smith
  101. Terpsinoe asiatica (C.G. Ehrenberg) J. Ralfs
  102. Terpsinoe australis C.G. Ehrenberg
  103. Terpsinoe brasiliensis C.G. Ehrenberg
  104. Terpsinoe brunii J. Pantocsek
  105. Terpsinoe indica C.G. Ehrenberg
  106. Terpsinoe indica (trinodis) C.G. Ehrenberg, nomen
  107. Terpsinoe indica (C.G. Ehrenberg) F.T. Kützing
  108. Terpsinoe inflata J.-J. Brun
  109. Terpsinoe japonica C.G. Ehrenberg
  110. Terpsinoe javanensis C.G. Ehrenberg
  111. Terpsinoe libycum C.G. Ehrenberg
  112. Terpsinoe libyca (C.G. Ehrenberg) J. Ralfs
  113. Terpsinoe magna Bailey
  114. Terpsinoe minima Bailey
  115. Terpsinoe musica C.G. Ehrenberg
  116. Terpsinoe nodosa P. Harting
  117. Terpsinoe novae-caesareae (C.S. Boyer) C.S. Boyer
  118. Terpsinoe pellucida P. Harting
  119. Terpsinoe petitiana (G. Leuduger-Fortmorel) N.I. Hendey
  120. Terpsinoe polygibba J. Pantocsek
  121. Terpsinoe tetragramma Bailey
  122. Terpsinoe triquetra J. Pantocsek
  123. Terpsinoe warriensis F.W. Mills
  124. TERQUEMELLA Munier-Chalmas
  125. TERQUEMELLA Munier-Chalmas ex L. Morellet & J. Morellet
  126. Terquemella bellovacina Munier-Chalmas
  127. Terquemella dissimilis L. Morellet & J. Morellet
  128. Terquemella globularis G.F. Elliott
  129. Terquemella lenticularis J. Pia, S. Rao & K. Rao
  130. Terquemella macrocarpus Munier-Chalmas ex L. Morellet & J. Morellet
  131. Terquemella minima V.P. Maslov
  132. Terquemella parisiensis Munier-Chalmas ex L. Morellet & J. Morellet
  133. Terquemella parvula L. Morellet & J. Morellet
  134. TERSELLA J. Morellet
  135. Tersella alpina P. Cros & Me. Lemoine
  136. Tersella incompleta J. Morellet
  137. TERTIARIUS H. Håkansson & G. Khursevich
  138. Tertiarius pygmaeus (J. Pantocsek) H. Håkansson
  139. Tertiarius transylvanicus (J. Pantocsek) H. Håkansson
  140. Tertiarius transylvanicus var. disseminatepunctatus (J. Pantocsek) H. Håkansson & G. Khursevich
  141. TESSARARTHRA C.G. Ehrenberg
  142. TESSARARTHRA C.G. Ehrenberg ex A.K.H. Braun
  143. Tessararthra ampullacea C.J.E. Morren
  144. Tessararthra ampullacea C.J.E. Morren
  145. Tessararthra crispa C.J.E. Morren
  146. Tessararthra crispa C.J.E. Morren
  147. Tessararthra didyma (F.T. Kützing) G.L. Rabenhorst
  148. Tessararthra elegans (C.J.E. Morren) C.J.E. Morren
  149. Tessararthra elegans (C.J.E. Morren) C.J.E. Morren
  150. Tessararthra fasciculata C.J.E. Morren
  151. Tessararthra filiformis C.G. Ehrenberg
  152. Tessararthra filiformis (C.G. Ehrenberg) G.L. Rabenhorst
  153. Tessararthra filiformis K.E. Eichwald
  154. Tessararthra moniliformis (J. Ralfs) A.K.H. Braun
  155. Tessararthra orbiculata (J. Ralfs) A. Grunow
  156. Tessararthra vertebrata (L.A. Brébisson) G.L. Rabenhorst
  157. TESSARATHRA C.G. Ehrenberg
  158. Tessarathra moniliformis (P.J.F. Turpin) C.G. Ehrenberg
  159. TESSARTHONIA P.J.F. Turpin
  160. Tessarthonia moniliformis_('moniliforme') P.J.F. Turpin
  161. Tessarthonia moniliformis_('moniliforme') P.J.F. Turpin
  162. TESSARTHRA C.G. Ehrenberg
  163. Tessarthra filiformis (C.G. Ehrenberg) F.T. Kützing
  164. Tessarthra moniliformis (P.J.F. Turpin) F.T. Kützing
  165. TESSARTHRONIA P.J.F. Turpin
  166. TESSELLA C.G. Ehrenberg
  167. TESSELLA G.I. Playfair
  168. Tessella adriatica (F.T. Kützing) A. Mann
  169. Tessella arcuata (H.C. Lyngbye) C.G. Ehrenberg
  170. Tessella interrupta C.G. Ehrenberg
  171. Tessella catena C.G. Ehrenberg
  172. Tessella hyalina C. Janisch & G.L. Rabenhorst
  173. Tessella japonica (J.A. Tempère & J.-J. Brun) A. Mann
  174. Tessella spiralis K.E. Eichwald
  175. Tessella striata A. Wigand
  176. Tessella volvocina G.I. Playfair
  177. TESSELLARIA G.I. Playfair
  178. Tessellaria volvocina (G.I. Playfair) G.I. Playfair
  180. Tessellatolithus dentatus B.U. Haq
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