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beginning with PORPHYRA
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- PORPHYRA C. Agardh
- PORPHYRA C. Agardh
- PORPHYRA sect. DENTATA C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
- PORPHYRA sect. EDENTATA C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
- PORPHYRA sect. MARGINATA C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
- PORPHYRA subg. DIPLODERMA Rosenvinge
- PORPHYRA subg. EUPORPHYRA Rosenvinge
- Porphyra abbottiae f. fasciaria L.P. Perestenko
- Porphyra abbottiae ('abbottae') V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra abyssicola Kjellman
- Porphyra acanthophora E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
- Porphyra acanthophora var. brasiliensis E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
- Porphyra adamsiae W.A. Nelson
- Porphyra akasakae ('akasakai') A. Miura
- Porphyra akasakae ('akasakai') A. Miura
- Porphyra amethystea Kützing
- Porphyra amplissima (Kjellman) Setchell & Hus
- Porphyra amplissima f. crassa S. Kawabata
- Porphyra amplissima f. elliptica Nagai
- Porphyra amplissima f. lanceolata Nagai
- Porphyra angusta Okamura & Ueda
- Porphyra angusta f. sanrikuensis M. Kurogi
- Porphyra areolata Kjellman
- Porphyra argentinensis M.L. Piriz
- Porphyra atropurpurea (Olivi) De Toni
- Porphyra atropurpurea f. undulata Schiffner apud Schiffner & Vatova
- Porphyra augustinae Kützing
- Porphyra autumnalis Zanardini
- Porphyra bangiaeformis Kützing
- Porphyra boryana Montagne
- Porphyra boryi Trevisan
- Porphyra brumalis T.F. Mumford
- Porphyra brumalis T.F. Mumford
- Porphyra brumalis subsp. oligospora L.P. Perestenko
- Porphyra bulbopes (Yendo) Ueda
- Porphyra bulbopes Yendo
- Porphyra cameronii W.A. Nelson
- Porphyra capensis Kützing
- Porphyra carnea Grunow
- Porphyra carolinensis J. Coll & J. Cox
- Porphyra ceramicola (Lyngbye) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra ceramicola var. vertebrata P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra ceylanica J. Agardh
- Porphyra chauhanii C. Anil Kumar & M.V.N. Panikkar
- Porphyra ciliaris (Carmichael) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra coccinea J. Agardh
- Porphyra coccinea J. Agardh ex Areschoug
- Porphyra columbina Montagne
- Porphyra columbina var. laingii Levring
- Porphyra cordata Meneghini
- Porphyra cordata var. orbicularis Grunow
- Porphyra coriacea Zanardini
- Porphyra crassa Ueda
- Porphyra crispata Kjellman
- Porphyra cucullata De Notaris
- Porphyra cuneiformis (Setchell & Hus) V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra delicatula Welwitsch
- Porphyra dentata Kjellman
- Porphyra denticulata Levring
- Porphyra dentimarginata C.Y. Chu & S.C. Wang
- Porphyra drachii J. Feldmann
- Porphyra drachii J. Feldmann
- Porphyra drewiae ('drewae') M.K. Elias
- Porphyra elegans (Chauvin) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra endiviifolia ('endiviifolium') (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) Y.M. Chamberlain
- Porphyra fallax S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
- Porphyra fallax subsp. conwayae S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
- Porphyra fucicola V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra fuscopurpurea ('fusco-purpurea') (Dillwyn) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra gardneri (G.M. Smith & G.J. Hollenberg) M.W. Hawkes
- Porphyra grateloupicola P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra grayana Reinsch
- Porphyra haitanensis T.J. Chang & B.F. Zheng
- Porphyra helenae A.D. Zinova
- Porphyra hiberna S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
- Porphyra hiemalis Kylin
- Porphyra hiemalis T.F. Mumford
- Porphyra hollenbergii E.Y. Dawson
- Porphyra hospitans Zanardini ex Frauenfeld
- Porphyra hospitans Zanardini
- Porphyra inaequicrassa L.P. Perestenko
- Porphyra indica V. Krishnamurthy & M. Baluswami
- Porphyra insolita P. Kornmann & P.-H. Sahling
- Porphyra ionae R.W. Ricker
- Porphyra irregularis E. Fukuhara
- Porphyra ishigecola A. Miura
- Porphyra kanakaensis T.F. Mumford
- Porphyra kanyakumariensis V. Krishnamurthy & M. Baluswami
- Porphyra kaspar W.A. Nelson & N.M. Adams
- Porphyra katadae ('katadai') A. Miura
- Porphyra katadae var. hemiphylla C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
- Porphyra kinositae ('kinositai') (Y. Yamada & T. Tanaka) E. Fukuhara
- Porphyra koreana M.S. Hwang & I.K. Lee
- Porphyra kuniedae ('kuniedai') M. Kurogi
- Porphyra kunthiana Kützing
- Porphyra kurogii S.C. Lindstrom
- Porphyra lacerata A. Miura
- Porphyra laciniata (Lightfoot) C. Agardh
- Porphyra laciniata f. epiphytica Collins
- Porphyra laciniata f. linearis (Greville) Le Jolis
- Porphyra laciniata f. umbilicalis (Kützing) Kleen
- Porphyra laciniata f. vulgaris (Ruprecht) Le Jolis
- Porphyra laciniata var. capensis (Kützing) Grunow
- Porphyra laciniata var. elongata Areschoug
- Porphyra laciniata var. livida (De Notaris) Grunow
- Porphyra laciniata var. novae-zelandiae Laing
- Porphyra laciniata var. umbilicalis C. Agardh
- Porphyra laciniata var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
- Porphyra lanceolata (Setchell & Hus) G.M. Smith
- Porphyra ledermannii Pilger
- Porphyra lejolisii ('le jolisii') (De Notaris) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra leucosticta Thuret
- Porphyra leucosticta f. atlantica Hamel
- Porphyra leucosticta f. mediterranea Hamel
- Porphyra leucosticta f. suborbiculata (Kjellman) Yendo
- Porphyra linearis Greville
- Porphyra livida De Notaris
- Porphyra lucasii Levring
- Porphyra maculosa E. Conway
- Porphyra marcosii P.A. Cordero
- Porphyra marginata C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
- Porphyra martensiana Suhr
- Porphyra microphylla Zanardini
- Porphyra microphylla Reinsch
- Porphyra miniata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
- Porphyra miniata f. cuneiformis Setchell & Hus
- Porphyra miniata f. latior Areschoug
- Porphyra miniata var. abyssicola (Kjellman) Rosenvinge
- Porphyra miniata var. amplissima (Kjellman) Rosenvinge
- Porphyra miniata var. pusilla Areschoug
- Porphyra minima P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra minor Zanardini
- Porphyra monosporangia S. Wang & J. Zhang
- Porphyra moriensis H. Ohmi
- Porphyra mumfordii S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
- Porphyra naiadum C.L. Anderson
- Porphyra naiadum f. major Hus
- Porphyra naiadum f. major Hus
- Porphyra naiadum f. minor Hus
- Porphyra naiadum f. minor Hus
- Porphyra naiadum var. australis E.Y. Dawson
- Porphyra naiadum var. major (Hus) E.Y. Dawson
- Porphyra naiadum var. minor (Hus) E.Y. Dawson
- Porphyra nereocystis C.L. Anderson
- Porphyra nereocystis C.L. Anderson
- Porphyra nobilis De Notaris
- Porphyra nobilis J. Agardh
- Porphyra norrisii V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra occidentalis Setchell & Hus
- Porphyra ochotensis Nagai
- Porphyra ochotensis f. lanceolata T. Tanaka
- Porphyra okamurae ('okamurai') Ueda
- Porphyra oligospermatangia C.K. Tseng & B.F. Zheng
- Porphyra onoi ('onoii') Ueda
- Porphyra palleola M. Noda
- Porphyra papenfussii V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra pendula E.Y. Dawson
- Porphyra perforata J. Agardh
- Porphyra perforata f. lanceolata Hus
- Porphyra perforata f. lanceolata Setchell & Hus
- Porphyra perforata f. patens V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra perforata f. patens V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra perforata f. segregata Hus
- Porphyra perforata f. segregata Setchell & Hus
- Porphyra pertusa Postels & Ruprecht
- Porphyra plocamiestris R.W. Ricker
- Porphyra pseudoangusta A. Miura
- Porphyra pseudocrassa Y. Yamada & H. Mikami
- Porphyra pseudolanceolata V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra pseudolinearis Ueda
- Porphyra pujalsiae ('pujalsii') J. Coll & E.C. Oliveira
- Porphyra pulchra G.J. Hollenberg
- Porphyra pumila (Areschoug) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra punctata Y. Yamada & H. Mikami
- Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh
- Porphyra purpurea var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
- Porphyra purpureoviolacea ('purpureo-violacea') (Roth) V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra rediviva J.W. Stiller & J.R. Waaland
- Porphyra reflexa (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra reniformis Meneghini
- Porphyra rizzinii J. Coll & E.C. Oliveira
- Porphyra roseana Howe
- Porphyra rosengurttii J. Coll & J. Cox
- Porphyra sanjuanensis V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra saldanhae H. Stegenga, J.J. Bolton, & R.J. Anderson
- Porphyra sanjuanensis V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra schizophylla G.J. Hollenberg
- Porphyra segregata (Setchell & Hus) V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra seriata Kjellman
- Porphyra sericea (Wulfen) J. Agardh
- Porphyra smithii G.J. Hollenberg & I.A. Abbott
- Porphyra spiralis E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
- Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
- Porphyra suborbiculata Kjellman
- Porphyra suborbiculata f. latifolia T. Tanaka
- Porphyra subtumens J. Agardh ex Laing
- Porphyra subtumens J. Agardh
- Porphyra tanegashimensis I. Shinmura
- Porphyra tasa (Yendo) Ueda
- Porphyra tenera Kjellman
- Porphyra tenera f. kjellmanii ('kjellmani') Ueda
- Porphyra tenera var. tamatsuensis A. Miura
- Porphyra tenera var. tamatsuensis A. Miura ex K. Yamauchi
- Porphyra tenuipedalis A. Miura
- Porphyra tenuissima J. Agardh ex Frauenfeld
- Porphyra tenuissima (Strömfelt) Setchell & Hus
- Porphyra tenuitasa E. Fukuhara
- Porphyra thulaea I.M. Munda & P.M. Pedersen
- Porphyra thuretii Setchell & E.Y. Dawson
- Porphyra torta V. Krishnamurthy
- Porphyra tristanensis Baardseth
- Porphyra uedae E. Fukuhara
- Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing
- Porphyra umbilicalis (Linnaeus) J. Agardh
- Porphyra umbilicalis var. divisa J. Agardh
- Porphyra umbilicalis subsp. laciniata (Lightfoot) J. Agardh
- Porphyra umbilicalis f. laciniata (Lightfoot) Rosenvinge
- Porphyra umbilicalis var. laciniata (Lightfoot) J. Agardh
- Porphyra umbilicalis f. linearis (Greville) Rosenvinge
- Porphyra umbilicalis var. novae-zelandiae ('novae zelandiae') Laing
- Porphyra umbilicalis f. pudica Hamel
- Porphyra umbilicalis subsp. purpurea (Roth) J. Agardh
- Porphyra umbilicalis f. purpurea (Roth) Jadin
- Porphyra umbilicalis f. rosea Hamel
- Porphyra umbilicalis var. simplex J. Agardh
- Porphyra umbilicalis subsp. pacifica L.P. Perestenko
- Porphyra umbilicalis f. vulgaris (Ruprecht) Rosenvinge
- Porphyra umbilicata Ruprecht
- Porphyra umbilicata var. laciniata (Lightfoot) Ruprecht
- Porphyra umbilicata f. perforata Ruprecht
- Porphyra umbilicata var. sanguinea Ruprecht
- Porphyra umbilicata var. vulgaris Ruprecht
- Porphyra variegata (Kjellman) Kjellman
- Porphyra vermicellifera Kützing
- Porphyra vexillaris Montagne
- Porphyra vietnamensis T. Tanaka & Pham-Hoang Ho
- Porphyra violacea J. Agardh
- Porphyra vulgaris C. Agardh
- Porphyra vulgaris var. laciniata Lenormand
- Porphyra vulgaris var. laciniata Rabenhorst
- Porphyra vulgaris var. linearis Lenormand
- Porphyra vulgaris var. minor (Zanardini) Zanardini
- Porphyra vulgaris var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) Naccari
- Porphyra vulgaris f. umbilicata (C. Agardh) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Porphyra woolhouseae ('woolhousiae') Harvey
- Porphyra yamadae T. Yoshida
- Porphyra yezoensis Ueda
- Porphyra yezoensis f. coreana Ueda
- Porphyra yezoensis f. kinositae Y. Yamada & T. Tanaka
- Porphyra yezoensis f. narawaensis A. Miura
- PORPHYRELLA G.M. Smith & G.J. Hollenberg
- Porphyrella californica G.J. Hollenberg
- Porphyrella gardneri G.M. Smith & G.J. Hollenberg
- PORPHYRIDAEA J. Agardh {subgenus of section of Iridaea}
- PORPHYRIDIUM Naegeli {info}
- Porphyridium aerugineum Geitler
- Porphyridium cruentum (J.E. Smith) Naegeli
- Porphyridium griseum Geitler
- Porphyridium magnificum Wood
- Porphyridium marinum Kylin
- Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew & Ross
- Porphyridium schinzii_('schinzi') Schmidle
- Porphyridium sordidum Geitler
- Porphyridium violaceum Kornmann
- Porphyridium wittrockii Richter
- Porphyrodiscus simulans Batters
- Porphyroglossum zollingeri Kützing
- Porphyropsis coccinea (J. Agardh ex Areschoug) Rosenvinge
- Porphyropsis coccinea var. dawsonii Hollenberg & Abbott
- Porphyropsis imperfecta Kornmann & Sahling
- Porphyropsis minuta Womersley & Conway
- Porphyropsis vexillaris (Montagne) Heerebout
- PORPHYROSIPHON Kützing ex Gomont {tribe}
- Porphyrosiphon animalis (C. Agardh ex Gomont) Drouet
- Porphyrosiphon fuscus ('fuscum') Gomont
- Porphyrosiphon kaernbachii (P. Hennings) De Toni
- Porphyrosiphon kaernbachii var. samoensis Wille
- Porphyrosiphon kurzii (Zeller ex Gomont) Drouet
- Porphyrosiphon miniatus (Hauck ex Gomont) Drouet
- Porphyrosiphon notarisii (Meneghini) Kützing
- Porphyrosiphon notarisii Kützing ex Gomont
- Porphyrosiphon notarisii f. amazonense Drouet
- Porphyrosiphon notarisii var. canus Baker & Bold
- Porphyrosiphon notarisii f. neglectus ('neglecta') (Wood) Bornet ex De Toni
- Porphyrosiphon robustus Gardner
- Porphyrosiphon samoensis (Wille) Drouet
- Porphyrosiphon splendidus (Greville ex Gomont) Drouet
- Porphyrosiphon velasquezii Drouet
- Porphyrostromium boryanum ('boryana') (Montagne) M.J. Wynne
- Porphyrostromium boryanum (Montagne) P.C. Silva
- Porphyrostromium boryi Trevisan
- Porphyrostromium ciliare (Carmichael) M.J. Wynne
- Porphyrostromium obscurum (Berthold) Kornmann
- PORTACUS O. Kuntze
- Portacus aggregatus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus atropurpureus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus botryoides ('botryodes') (Carmichael) Kuntze
- Portacus brebissonianus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus lenticula (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus minor (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus mutilus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus nitidus (C. Agardh) Kuntze
- Portacus parasiticus (Chauvin) Kuntze
- Portacus parvulus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus plicatus (Carmichael) Kuntze
- Portacus pisum (C. Agardh) Kuntze
- Portacus pulcher (Cramer) Kuntze
- Portacus pygmaeus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus salinus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus sprengelianus (Kützing) Kuntze
- Portacus terebralis (Kützing) Kuntze
- PORTALITES Hemer & Nygreen {acritarch}
- Portalites confertus Hemer & Nygreen
- Porterinema fluviatile (H.C. Porter) Waern
- Porterinema marina Jaasund
- PORTIERIA Zanardini
- Portieria cincinnata (Montagne) Grunow
- Portieria cincinnata var. pulvinata (Harvey) Grunow
- Portieria coccinea Zanardini
- Portieria dichotoma (Hauck) P. C. Silva
- Portieria harveyi (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva
- Portieria hornemannii (Lyngbye) P. C. Silva
- Portieria hornemannioides Kendrick, Huisman, & Walker
- Portieria japonica (Harvey) P. C. Silva
- Portieria kilneri (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva
- Portieria spinulosa P. C. Silva
- Portieria tripinnata ('tripinnatus') (Hering) Farrell, Critchley, & Aken
- Portphillipia australis (J. Agardh) P.C. Silva
- Possonia sestonica Hindák
- POSTELSIA Ruprecht
- Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht
- POSTEROCORNIA Kofoid {subgenus of Triposolenia}
- POSTEROCORNIA Kofoid {subgenus of Triposolenia}
- Postprorocentrum maximum Gourret
- Postprorocentrum ovale Gourret
- Potamodiscus kalbei Gerloff
- POTARCUS Rafinesque
- Potarcus bicolor Rafinesque
- Potentillina campanulata Korde
- Potentillina monstrata (Korde) Korde
- POTERIODENDRON (Stein) Bourrelly {sect. of Bicoeca}
- Poteriodendron epistyloides (Kent) Bütschli
- Poteriodendron petiolatum Stein
- Poteriodendron petiolatum var. abbottii ('abbotti') (Stokes) Playfair
- Poteriodendron petiolatum var. minus ('minor') Geitler
- Poterioochromonas malhamensis (Pringsheim) L. St. Peterfi
- Poterioochromonas stipitata Scherffel
- Poterophora donnellii Wolle
- POUCHETIA {subgenus Pouchetia}
- POUCHETIA {Subgenus}
- Pouchetia alba Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia armata Dogiel
- Pouchetia atra Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia cochlea F. Schütt
- Pouchetia compacta F. Schütt
- Pouchetia contorta F. Schütt
- Pouchetia cornuta F. Schütt
- Pouchetia fusus F. Schütt
- Pouchetia hataii Kofoid
- Pouchetia juno F. Schütt
- Pouchetia maculata Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia maculata Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia maxima Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia mutsui Kofoid
- Pouchetia nigra (Pouchet) Lemmermann
- Pouchetia panamensis Kofoid
- Pouchetia parva Lohmann
- Pouchetia polyphemus F. Schütt
- Pouchetia polyphemus (Pouchet) Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia pouchetii ('poucheti') Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia pulchra Schiller
- Pouchetia purpurata Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia purpurescens Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia rosea (Pouchet) F. Schütt
- Pouchetia rubescens Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia schuettii ('schuetti') Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia striata Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia subnigra Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia violescens Kofoid & Swezy
- Pouchetia voracis Kofoid & Swezy
- POUCHETLILLA Kofoid & Swezy {subgenus}
- Praearenaria bullulata Vologdin
- PRAECHARA Horn af Rantzien
- Praechara donetziana Saidakovsky
- Praechara elongata Saidakovsky
- Praechara glypta (Peck) Peck
- Praechara maedleri ('mädleri') Horn af Rantzien
- Praechara ovata Saidakovsky
- Praechara pseudoglypta Horn af Rantzien
- Praechara symmetrica Peck
- Praechara texensis (J. Groves) Peck
- Praechara voluta (Peck) Peck
- Praechroococcus catervatus Vologdin
- Praechroococcus hsiachiakouensis Vologdin
- Prae-epithemia robusta Jousé
- Praesolenopora formosa R.C. Tsao & Y.Z. Liang
- Praesolenopora furcata R.C. Tsao & Y.Z. Liang
- Praesolenopora liaoningensis R.C. Tsao & Y.Z. Liang
- Praethalassiosiropsis hasleae R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood
- PRASADIELLA Srivastava
- Prasadiella indica Srivastava
- Prasinocarteria semiglobosa (Pascher) Chadefaud
- Prasinochlamydomonas impressa (Pascher) Chadefaud
- Prasinochloris sessilis Belcher
- PRASINOCLADIA Hori, R. E. Norris, & Chihara
- PRASINOCLADIA Hori, R. E. Norris, & Chihara {subgenus}
- PRASINOCLADIA Hori & Chihara {subgenus of Tetraselmis}
- Prasinocladus ascus J. Proskauer
- Prasinocladus curtus N.L. Gardner, inval.
- Prasinocladus indicus Weber-van Bosse
- Prasinocladus lubricus Kuckuck
- Prasinocladus lubricus f. subsalsus ('subsalsa') (Davis) Zimmermann
- Prasinocladus marinus (Cienkowski) Waern
- Prasinocladus subsalsus (Davis) Davis
- Prasinocladus verrucosus ('verrucosa') (Butcher) Parke
- PRASINOCOCCUS H. Miyashita & M. Chihara
- Prasinococcus capsulatus H. Miyashita & M. Chihara
- PRASINODERMA T. Hasegawa & M. Chihara
- Prasinoderma coloniale T. Hasegawa & M. Chihara
- Prasiococcus calcarius (Boye Petersen) Vischer
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