Index Nominum Algarum Image Index

beginning with PHYLLOPHORA Greville

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  1. PHYLLOPHORA Greville
  3. PHYLLOPHORA \{also on card: sections by J. Agardh\}
  4. PHYLLOPHORA (Greville) Endlicher \{also on card: [section of] Sphaerococcus\}
  5. PHYLLOPHORA J. Agardh \{also on card: [section] of Phyllophora\}
  6. Phyllophora abyssalis Skottsberg
  7. Phyllophora ahnfeltioides Skottsberg
  8. Phyllophora antarctica A. Gepp & E. S. Gepp
  9. Phyllophora appendiculata Skottsberg
  10. Phyllophora bangii (Hornemann) Areschoug
  11. Phyllophora brodiei_('brodiaei') (Turner) J. Agardh
  12. Phyllophora brodiei var. angustissima (Turner) Rabenhorst
  13. Phyllophora brodiei f. baltica J. E. Areschoug
  14. Phyllophora brodiei f. baltica Areschoug ex Gobi
  15. Phyllophora brodiei var. baltica Hauck
  16. Phyllophora brodiei var. concatenata (Lyngbye) Areschoug
  17. Phyllophora brodiei var. concatenata (Lyngbye) Rabenhorst
  18. Phyllophora brodiei f. concatenata (Lyngbye) Kylin
  19. Phyllophora brodiei f. cuneatopalmata ('cuneato-palmata') Mazza
  20. Phyllophora brodiei var. elongata Hauck
  21. Phyllophora brodiei f. elongata (Hauck) Svedelius
  22. Phyllophora brodiei f. filiformis Rosenvinge
  23. Phyllophora brodiei subsp. interrupta (Greville) Rosenvinge
  24. Phyllophora brodiei f. latifolia Rabenhorst
  25. Phyllophora brodiei var. ligulata (Agardh) Rabenhorst
  26. Phyllophora brodiei f. ligulata (C. Agardh) Sjöstedt
  27. Phyllophora brodiei f. linearis Mazza
  28. Phyllophora brodiei var. pumila Suhr ex Rabenhorst
  29. Phyllophora brodiei var. simplex (Greville) Harvey
  30. Phyllophora brodiei f. stellata Rosenvinge
  31. Phyllophora brodiei f. typica Kylin
  32. Phyllophora californica (J. Agardh) Kylin
  33. Phyllophora chamissoi 'Agardh'
  34. Phyllophora clevelandii Farlow
  35. Phyllophora coccocarpa Montagne
  36. Phyllophora crenulata J. Agardh
  37. Phyllophora crispa (Hudson) Dixon
  38. Phyllophora cuneifolia Hooker f. & Harvey
  39. Phyllophora cuneifolia Hooker f. & Harvey
  40. Phyllophora denticulata Lenormand in litt.
  41. Phyllophora diversifolia Suhr
  42. Phyllophora epiphylla (Müller) Batters
  43. Phyllophora epiphylla f. bangii (Hornemann) Rosenvinge
  44. Phyllophora epiphylla f. tenuior (Lyngbye) Rosenvinge
  45. Phyllophora fimbriata Ercegovic
  46. Phyllophora gelidioides Crouan mscr. in herb. Thuret
  47. Phyllophora heredia (Clemente) J. Agardh
  48. Phyllophora interrupta (Greville) J. Agardh
  49. Phyllophora intricata Okamura
  50. Phyllophora japonica Yendo
  51. Phyllophora lactuca (C. Agardh) Greville
  52. Phyllophora lanceolata Filarszky
  53. Phyllophora lucida (Turn.) Greville
  54. Phyllophora luxurians (C. Agardh) Montagne
  55. Phyllophora maillardii ('Maillardi') Montagne & Millardet
  56. Phyllophora mammillosa (Good. & Woodw.) Areschoug
  57. Phyllophora membranifolia (Good. & Woodw.) Endlicher
  58. Phyllophora membranifolia var. angustissima (Turner) Chauvin in herb. Crouan
  59. Phyllophora membranifolia f. baltica J. E. Areschoug
  60. Phyllophora membranifolia var. ciliata Chauvin in herb. Crouan
  61. Phyllophora membranifolia f. fibrillosa (C. Agardh) Svedelius
  62. Phyllophora membranifolia var. fimbriata (Hudson) Chauvin in herb. Crouan
  63. Phyllophora membranifolia var. latifolia (Turner) Rabenhorst
  64. Phyllophora morinii ('Morini') Børgesen
  65. Phyllophora nervosa (DC.) Greville
  66. Phyllophora nervosa f. breviarticulata Kalugina
  67. Phyllophora nervosa subf. sphaerica Kalugina
  68. Phyllophora nervosa var. longiarticulata Kalugina
  69. Phyllophora nervosa f. latifolia Kalugina
  70. Phyllophora nervosa subf. intermedia Kalugina
  71. Phyllophora nervosa subf. nana Kalugina
  72. Phyllophora nervosa var. spiralis [Zanardini]
  73. Phyllophora nervosa var. spiralis (Agardh) Zanardini
  74. Phyllophora nicaeensis (Lamouroux ex Duby) Rodríguez y Femenías
  75. Phyllophora nicaeensis (Lamouroux) Schmitz
  76. Phyllophora obtusa Greville
  77. Phyllophora obtusa var. crispata Sonder
  78. Phyllophora orientalis A. Zinova & Makienko
  79. Phyllophora pacifica (Hollenberg) Kylin
  80. Phyllophora palmettoides J. Agardh
  81. Phyllophora palmettoides J. Agardh ex Harvey
  82. Phyllophora parvula Darbishire
  83. Phyllophora peruviana Dawson, Acleto, & Foldvik
  84. Phyllophora platycarpa (Turner) Greville ex Krauss
  85. Phyllophora pristoides (Turner) Greville
  86. Phyllophora pseudoceranoides (Gmelin) Newroth & Taylor
  87. Phyllophora reptans Suhr
  88. Phyllophora rubens (L.) Greville
  89. Phyllophora rubens var. nervosa (De Candolle) Hauck
  90. Phyllophora seminervis (C. Agardh) Greville
  91. Phyllophora palmettoides var. nicaeensis (Lamouroux) J. Agardh
  92. Phyllophora spissa Suhr
  93. Phyllophora submaritimus Dawson
  94. Phyllophora traillii Holmes & Batters
  95. Phyllophora traillii Holmes mscr.
  96. Phyllophora traillii E.M. Holmes ex E.A.L. Batters
  97. Phyllophora truncata (Pallas) Zinova
  98. Phyllophora truncata (Pallas) Newroth & Taylor
  99. Phyllophora truncata f. brodiaei (Turner) P.R. Newroth & A.R.A. Taylor
  100. Phyllophora turquetii (Hariot) Skottsberg {invalid: provisional}
  101. Phyllophora vittata (Turner) Greville
  102. PHYLLOPHYSA Kützing \{also on card: Section of Halochloa\}
  103. Phyllophysa patens Kützing in litt.
  104. PHYLLOPHYSA Kützing \{also on card: subgenus Halochloa\}
  105. Phyllophysa schizophylla Kützing in litt.
  106. PHYLLOPLAX Schmidle
  107. PHYLLOPLAX (Schmidle) Wille \{also on card: Section of Cephaleuros\}
  108. Phylloplax candelabrum (Lagerheim & Schmidle) Schmidle
  109. Phylloplax purpureum (Raciborski) Schmidle
  111. Phyllosiphon alocasiae Lagerheim
  112. Phyllosiphon deformans Mangenot
  113. Phyllosiphon maximus Lagerheim
  114. Phyllosiphon philodendri Lagerheim
  115. Phyllospermum fasciculatum Schousboe
  116. Phyllospermum paniculatum Schousboe
  117. Phyllospermum terminale Schousboe
  118. PHYLLOSPORA C.A. Agardh
  119. Phyllospora chamissoi C. Agardh
  120. Phyllospora comosa (Labill.) C. Agardh
  121. Phyllospora menziesii (Turner) C. Agardh
  122. Phyllospora menziesii var. glabra [Farlow]
  123. Phyllospora obtusa (Harvey) Endlicher
  124. Phyllospora quercifolia (Turner) Harvey
  125. PHYLLOTRICHA J. Agardh \{also on card: subgenus of Sargassum\}
  126. PHYLLOTRICHA J. E. Areschoug
  127. PHYLLOTRICHA (Areschoug) J. Agardh \{also on card: section of Sargassum\}
  128. Phyllotricha sonderi (J. Agardh) J. E. Areschoug
  129. Phyllotricha sonderi f. evoluta J. E. Areschoug
  130. Phyllotricha spartioides (Turner) J. E. Areschoug
  131. PHYLLOTYLUS Kützing
  132. PHYLLOTYLUS J. Agardh \{also on card: [section] of Phyllophora\}
  133. Phyllotylus affinis J. Agardh {mscr. in Hb. Binder}
  134. Phyllotylus australis J. Agardh
  135. Phyllotylus flabellatus J. Agardh
  136. Phyllotylus membranifolius (Goodenough & Woodward) Kützing
  137. Phyllotylus microcarpus (C. Agardh) J. Agardh
  138. Phyllotylus palmettoides (J. Agardh) Thuret
  139. Phyllotylus siculus Kützing
  140. PHYLLYMENIA J. Agardh
  141. Phyllymenia (J. Agardh) J. Agardh \{also on card: [section] of Grateloupia\}
  142. Phyllymenia belangeri ('Belangerii') (Bory) Setchell & Gardner
  143. Phyllymenia cornea (Kützing) Setchell & Gardner
  144. Phyllymenia hieroglyphica J. Agardh
  145. Phyllymenia papenfussii Acleto
  146. Phyllymenia sparsa (Okamura) Kylin
  147. PHYMACIUM H. F. Link
  148. Phymacium rhizodes (Turner) Link
  149. PHYMATIUM 'Link'
  150. Phymatium imbricatum Schousboe
  151. PHYMATODERMA Ad. Brongniart
  152. PHYMATODERMA [Saporta]
  153. Phymatoderma coelatum Saporta
  154. Phymatoderma lemerianum Ad. Brongniart
  155. PHYMATODOCIS Nordstedt
  156. Phymatodocis alternans Nordstedt
  157. Phymatodocis irregularis_('irregulare') Schmidle
  158. Phymatodocis irregularis var. intermedia_('intermedium') Gutwinski
  159. Phymatodocis irregularis var. profusa Grönblad & Scott
  160. Phymatodocis irregularis f. sonfonensis_('sonfonense') Woodhead & Tweed
  161. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana_('Nordstetianum') Wolle
  162. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana var. alternans (Nordstedt) Förster
  163. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana f. minor Børgesen
  164. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana var. novizelandica Nordstedt
  165. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana var. novizelandica Nordstedt
  166. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana f. pentagonalis Tell & Vélez
  167. Phymatodocis nordstedtiana var. triangularis Prowse
  168. Phymatodocis simplex Förster & Eckert
  170. Phymatolithon acervatum (Foslie) Adey
  171. Phymatolithon brunneum Y.M. Chamberlain
  172. Phymatolithon calcareum (Pallas) Adey & McKibbin
  173. Phymatolithon compactum (Kjellman) Foslie
  174. Phymatolithon compactum f. circumscriptum ('circumscripta') (Strömf.) Foslie
  175. Phymatolithon compactum f. coalescens (Foslie) Foslie
  176. Phymatolithon compactum f. testaceum ('testacea') (Foslie) Foslie
  177. Phymatolithon emboloides (Heydrich) Heydrich ex De Toni
  178. Phymatolithon evanescens (Foslie) Foslie
  179. Phymatolithon foecundum (Kjellman) L. Düwel & S. Wegeberg
  180. Phymatolithon investiens (Foslie) Foslie
  181. Phymatolithon investiens f. ocellatum ('ocellata') (Foslie) Foslie
  182. Phymatolithon investiens f. torosum ('torosa') (Foslie) Foslie
  183. Phymatolithon laevigatum (Foslie) Foslie
  184. Phymatolithon lenormandii ('lenormandi') (Areschoug) Adey {comb. invalid}
  185. Phymatolithon lenormandii ('lenormandi') (Areschoug) Adey
  186. Phymatolithon lenormandii f. macquariense ('macquariensis') Zaneveld & Sanford
  187. Phymatolithon loculosum (Kjellman) Foslie
  188. Phymatolithon loculosum f. evanidum ('evanida') Foslie
  189. Phymatolithon masonianum K M. Wilks & W. J. Woelkerling
  190. Phymatolithon muricatum Foslie
  191. Phymatolithon muricatum Foslie
  192. Phymatolithon notatum (Foslie) Adey
  193. Phymatolithon oblimans (Heydrich) De Toni
  194. Phymatolithon ocellatum (Foslie) Foslie
  195. Phymatolithon polymorphum (L.) Foslie
  196. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. battersii (Foslie?) Heydrich
  197. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. coerulescens Heydrich nom. prov.
  198. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. intermedium ('intermedia') Foslie
  199. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. laevigatum ('laevigata') (Foslie) Foslie
  200. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. papillatum ('papillata') (Foslie) Foslie
  201. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. sublaeve ('sublaevis') Foslie \{pcs\}
  202. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. tuberculatum ('tuberculata') (Foslie) Foslie
  203. Phymatolithon polymorphum f. validum ('valida') (Foslie) Foslie
  204. Phymatolithon purpureum (Crouan fr.) Woelkerling & L. Irvine
  205. Phymatolithon repandum (Foslie) K.M. Wilks & W.J. Woelkerling
  206. Phymatolithon rugulosum Adey
  207. Phymatolithon tenue (Rosenvinge) L. Düwel & S. Wegeberg
  208. Phymatolithon tenuissimum (Foslie) Adey
  209. Phymatosera concatenata Schousboe
  210. Phymatosera humilis Schousboe
  211. PHYSACTIS Kützing
  212. PHYSACTIS \{also on card: subgenus Chalaractis (Kützing) Kützing\}
  213. PHYSACTIS Kützing \{also on card: two infrageneric taxa of unspecified rank\}
  214. PHYSACTIS (Kützing) Crouan frat. \{also on card: subgen. of Rivularia\}
  215. Physactis aggregata Kützing
  216. Physactis atropurpurea Kützing
  217. Physactis atropurpurea Kützing
  218. Physactis bullata (DC.) Kützing
  219. Physactis cerasum Kützing
  220. Physactis chalybea Kützing
  221. Physactis durissima Kützing
  222. Physactis fuscescens (Kützing) Kützing
  223. Physactis gelatinosa Nägeli ex Kützing
  224. Physactis gracilis Crouan frat.
  225. Physactis lloydii Crouan frat.
  226. Physactis lloydii Kützing
  227. Physactis lobata Kützing
  228. Physactis mexicana Kützing
  229. Physactis mutila (Kützing) Kützing
  230. Physactis obducens Kützing
  231. Physactis pilifera Kützing
  232. Physactis pilifera var. fuscescens Kützing
  233. Physactis pisum (C. Agardh) Kützing
  234. Physactis pisum var. saccata (Kützing) Kützing
  235. Physactis plicata (Carm.) Kützing
  236. Physactis pulchra Cramer
  237. Physactis saccata Kützing
  238. Physactis spiralis Kützing
  239. Physactis spirifera Kützing
  240. Physactis terebralis Kützing
  241. Physactis villosa (Kützing) Kützing
  242. Physactis villosa var. major Kützing
  243. Physactis villosa f. obsoleta Suringar
  244. Physactis wichurae V. Martens
  245. PHYSCOPHORA (Kützing) Kützing \{also on card: subgenus of Bryothamnion\}
  246. PHYSCOPHORA Kützing
  247. Physcophora triangularis (S. F. Gmelin) Kützing
  248. Physcophora triangularis (Turner) Kützing
  249. PHYSEMATOPLEA Kjellman
  250. Physematoplea attenuata (Kjellman) Kjellman
  251. PHYSIDRUM Rafinesque
  252. Physidrum aggregatum Rafinesque
  253. Physidrum bullosum (Lamouroux) Delle Chiaje
  254. Physidrum hyalinum Rafinesque
  255. Physidrum ovale Chiaje
  256. Physidrum pisiforme ('pisiformis') Rafinesque \{pcs\}
  257. Physidrum rubescens Rafinesque
  258. Physidrum uvarium (J. Murray) Chiaje
  259. PHYSOCAULON Kützing
  260. Physocaulon mackayi ('Mackaji') (Turner) Kützing
  261. Physocaulon nodosum (L.) Kützing
  262. PHYSOCYTIUM Borzì
  263. Physocytium confervicola Borzì
  264. Physocytium indicum Iyengar
  265. Physocytium indicum Iyengar
  266. PHYSODICTYON Kützing
  267. Physodictyon graniforme Kützing
  268. PHYSOLINUM Printz
  269. Physolinum monile (De Wildeman) Printz
  270. Physolinum monilia var. subsphericum_('subspherica') Islam
  271. Physoma cylindrica Schousboe
  272. Physoma globosa Schousboe
  273. Physoma sessilis Schousboe
  274. Physoma stipitata Schousboe
  275. Physoma subglobosa Schousboe
  276. Physoma villosum Schousboe
  277. PHYSOMONAS W. S. Kent
  278. PHYSOMONAS Lemmermann
  279. Physomonas elongata Stokes
  280. Physomonas socialis (Ehr.) W.S. Kent
  281. Physomonas vestita A. C. Stokes
  282. PHYSOPORELLA Steinmann
  283. Physoporella classiforata R. Endo
  284. Physoporella dissita (Gümbel) Pia
  285. Physoporella elegantannulata R. Endo
  286. Physoporella herakii ('heraki') J. Bystrický
  287. Physoporella herakii var. tenuipora J. Bystrický
  288. Physoporella intusannulata Hurka
  289. Physoporella japonica R. Endo
  290. Physoporella kanmerae_('kanmerai') R. Endo
  291. Physoporella kitakamiensis R. Endo
  292. Physoporella konishii R. Endo
  293. Physoporella laevis Praturlon
  294. Physoporella lativentrusa R. Endo
  295. Physoporella minutula (Gümbel) Pia
  296. Physoporella minutuloidea Herak
  297. Physoporella nyugawensis R. Endo
  298. Physoporella ovata R. Endo
  299. Physoporella pauciforata var. gemerica Bystrický \{also on card, possibly instead of gemerica: germanica\}
  300. Physoporella pauciforata var. sulcata Bystrický
  301. Physoporella pauciforata var. variabilis Zanin Buri
  302. Physoporella praealpina Pia
  303. Physoporella rotunda R. Endo
  304. Physoporella tenuiaxis R. Endo
  305. PHYSOTRIS Rafinesque
  306. Physotris capitata ('capitatus') Rafinesque
  307. Physotris glomerata Rafinesque
  308. PHYTELIS Rafinesque
  309. Phytelis atra Rafinesque
  310. Phytelis granulata Rafinesque
  311. Phytelis macrocarpa Rafinesque
  312. Phytelis radiata Rafinesque
  313. Phytelis sulcata Rafinesque
  314. Phytelis tuberculata ('tubercolata') Rafinesque \{pcs\}
  315. PHYTHELIOS Frenzel
  316. PHYTELIOS (Frenzel) Wille \{also on card: Section of Micractinium\}
  317. Phythelios detonii ('De-Tonii') González Guerrero
  318. Phytelios loricata Penard
  319. Phythelios viridis Frenzel
  320. Phytelios viridis var. brasiliensis ('brasiliense') C. Bicudo & Ventrice
  321. PHYTHOCOME Donati
  322. PHYTOBION Lohmann
  323. PHYTOCONIS {info}
  324. PHYTOCONIS Bory
  325. Phytoconis alpicola (Lyngbye) Meneghini in litt.
  326. Phytoconis botryoides (L.) Bory
  327. Phytoconis cruenta (J. E. Smith) Trevisan
  328. Phytoconis glauca Bory
  329. Phytoconis hormospora Meneghini in litt.
  330. Phytoconis hormospora (Meneghini) Trevisan
  331. Phytoconis incana (L.) Bory
  332. Phytoconis jolithus (L.) Bory
  333. Phytoconis lactea (L.) Bory
  334. Phytoconis livida Brébisson in lilt.
  335. Phytoconis livida Brébisson ms.
  336. Phytoconis lutea Bory
  337. Phytoconis natans Bory
  338. Phytoconis nigrigans Bory
  339. Phytoconis purpurea (Lamarck) Bory
  340. Phytoconis saxatilis (L.) Bory
  341. Phytoconis sordida Brébisson mss. in herb. Meneghini
  342. PHYTOCONIUM Palisot de Beauvois
  343. PHYTODINEDRIA Pascher
  344. Phytodinedria adpressa Pascher
  345. Phytodinedria aeruginea Pascher
  346. Phytodinedria coconiformis_('coconiforme') Baumeister
  347. Phytodinedria hemisphaera Pascher
  348. Phytodinedria hyalina Pascher
  349. Phytodinedria kokoniforme Baumeister
  350. Phytodinedria procubans Pascher
  351. Phytodinedria reniformis Baumeister
  352. Phytodinedria setosa Pascher
  353. PHYTODINIUM Klebs
  354. Phytodinium aureum Starmach
  355. Phytodinium globosum Pascher
  356. Phytodinium simplex Klebs
  357. PHYTOMONAS Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer, & Huntoon
  358. PHYTOMONAS C. Donovan Nom. nud.
  359. PHYTOMONAS Donovan
  360. Phytomonas davidii ('davidi') (Lafont) Wenyon
  361. Phytomonas leptovasorum Stahel
  362. Phytomonas tirucalli Reichenow
  363. PHYTOMORULA Kofoid
  364. Phytomorula regularis Kofoid
  365. PHYTOPHAGA Christen \{also on card: subgenus of Astasia\}
  366. PHYTOPHYSA Weber Bosse
  367. Phytophysa treubii Weber Bosse
  368. Phytophysa vanleeuwenii ('van Leeuwenii') Weber Bosse
  369. PHYTOPSIS J. Hall
  370. Phytopsis cellulosa_('cellulosum') J. Hall
  371. Phytopsis tubulosum J. Hall
  372. PHYXALLIUM Rafinesque
  373. PIAEA Florin
  374. Piaea gigantea Florin
  375. Piaea punctata Florin
  376. PIANELLA Radiocic
  377. Pianella atlantica J. M. Johnson
  378. Pianella exilis Dragastan
  379. Pianella genevensis M. Conrad
  380. Pianella grudii Radoicic
  381. Pianella johnsonii ('johnsoni') Dragastan
  382. Pianella texana (Johnson) Praturlon & Radoicic
  383. Pianella tosaensis (Yabe & Toyama) [G. F. Elliott]
  384. PICCONIELLA De Toni f.
  385. Picconiella pectinata (Hooker & Harvey) De Toni f.
  386. Picconiella plumosa (Kylin) De Toni f.
  387. Picnostroma vesiculosa Maslov
  388. PICOSTELLA F. H. Cramer, Allam, Kanes, Diez
  389. Picostella perforata F. H. Cramer, Allam, Kanes, & Diez
  390. PIKEA Harvey
  391. Pikea californica Harvey
  392. Pikea clevelandii Farlow
  393. Pikea grayana J. Agardh
  394. Pikea pinnata Setchell
  395. Pikea robusta Abbott
  396. Pikea woodii J. Agardh
  397. Pikea yoshizakii C.A. Maggs & B.A. Ward
  398. PILA [Bertrand]
  399. Pila australis Bertrand
  400. Pila bibractensis [Bertrand]
  401. Pila popovii_('popovi') Zalessky, inval.
  402. Pilasporites brevis V. Sinha