Index Nominum Algarum Image Index
beginning with PHYCODRYS
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Processed by T. Rosatti
- PHYCODRYS J. Agardh \{also on card: [subgenus?] of Delesseria\}
- Phycodrys (Kützing) Harvey \{also on card: sub-genus of Delesseria\}
- Phycodrys ambigua Gardner
- Phycodrys amchitkensis M. J. Wynne
- Phycodrys amplissima Dawson
- Phycodrys antarctica (Skottsberg) Skottsberg
- Phycodrys australasica A.J.K. Millar
- Phycodrys austrogeorgica Skottsberg
- Phycodrys bullata Gardner
- Phycodrys cerrateae Dawson, Acleto, & Foldvik
- Phycodrys crenata (S. Gmelin) P. C. Silva
- Phycodrys elegans Setchell & Gardner
- Phycodrys fimbriata (Kuntze ex J. Agardh) Kylin
- Phycodrys fimbriata f. dissecta Nagai
- Phycodrys fimbriata f. typica Nagai
- Phycodrys isabellae Norris & Wynne
- Phycodrys lucasana Dawson
- Phycodrys polycarpa A. Zinova
- Phycodrys profunda Dawson
- Phycodrys pulchra Taylor
- Phycodrys pumila A. Zinova
- Phycodrys quercifolia (Bory) Skottsberg
- Phycodrys radicosa (Okamura) Yamada & Inagaki
- Phycodrys riggii Gardner
- Phycodrys rossica (E.S. Sinova) A.D. Zinova
- Phycodrys rubens Batters
- Phycodrys rubens f. aegagropila Rosenvinge
- Phycodrys rubens var. lingulata (C. Agardh) Batters
- Phycodrys rubens f. lingulata (C. Agardh) Rosenvinge
- Phycodrys rubens var. quercifolia (Turner) Batters
- Phycodrys rubens f. quercifolia (Turner) Rosenvinge
- Phycodrys rubens f. sublinearis Rosenvinge
- Phycodrys serratiloba (Rupr.) Zinova
- Phycodrys setchellii Skottsberg
- Phycodrys simplex Dawson
- Phycodrys sinuosa (Goodenough & Woodward) Kützing
- Phycodrys sinuosa [c.] lingulata (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
- Phycodrys sinuosa [b.] quercifolia (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
- Phycodrys vinogradovae Perestenko & Gussarova
- Phycoidella stichidifera Matthew
- PHYCOLAPATHUM (Kützing) Batters \{also on card: subgenus of Punctaria\}
- Phycolapathum crispatum Kützing
- Phycolapathum cuneatum (Suhr) Kützing
- Phycolapathum debile Kützing
- Phycolapathum fissum Kützing
- Phycolapathum lanceolatum Kützing
- Phycolapathum plantagineum (Roth) Kützing
- PHYCOLEDA Itzigsohn
- PHYCOPELTIS \{also on card: sections by Wille\}
- Phycopeltis arundinacea (Montagne) De Toni
- Phycopeltis arundinacea (Montagne) Hariot
- Phycopeltis arundinacea (Montagne) Wille
- Phycopeltis arundinacea var. kelanensis (Grunow) De Toni
- Phycopeltis aurea Karsten
- Phycopeltis epiphyton Millardet
- Phycopeltis flabelligera (De Toni) Hansgirg
- Phycopeltis hawaiiensis J.W. King
- Phycopeltis indica Tiwari & Lal
- Phycopeltis irregularis ('irregulare') (Schmidle) Wille
- Phycopeltis iucundus Salujha, Kindra, & Rehman
- Phycopeltis kosteriana Cribb
- Phycopeltis maritima Karsten
- Phycopeltis microcystis Schmidle
- Phycopeltis polymorpha ('polymorphum') (Schmidle) Wille
- Phycopeltis treubii Karsten
- Phycopeltis treubii var. expansa Schmidle
- Phycopeltis tropica (Möbius) Hansgirg
- PHYCOPHILA (Kützing) J. Agardh \{also on card: [section] of Elachistea\}
- Phycophila agardhii Kützing
- Phycophila arabica Kützing
- Phycophila breviarticulata (Suhr) Kützing
- Phycophila curta (Dillw.) Kützing
- Phycophila ferruginea (Roth) Kützing
- Phycophila flaccida (Dillw.) Kützing
- Phycophila fucorum (Roth) Kützing
- Phycophila gracilis Kützing
- Phycophila rigida Kützing
- Phycophila rivulariae (Suhr) Kützing
- Phycophila stellaris (Areschoug) Kützing
- Phycophila stellulata (Harv.) Kützing
- Phycophila torulosa Kützing
- Phycophila vulpina Kützing
- Phycophila wallrothii (Meneghini) Kützing
- PHYCOPSIS Rothpletz
- Phycopteris angustata (Sonder) Kützing
- Phycopteris cornea Kützing in herb. Sonder
- Phycopteris costata Sonder ex Kützing
- Phycopteris cuneata Kützing herb.
- Phycopteris dentata Kützing
- Phycopteris harveyana Pappe ex Kützing
- Phycopteris interrupta (Lamour.) Kützing
- Phycopteris microloba Sonder herb.
- Phycopteris microphylla Kützing
- Phycopteris sinclairii (Hook. f. & Harvey) Kützing
- Phycopteris stuposa (R. Brown ex J. Agardh) Kützing
- Phycopteris tournefortii (Lamour.) Kützing
- PHYCOSERIS (Kützing) Harvey \{also on card: section of Ulva\}
- Phycoseris asciformis Wollny
- Phycoseris asciformis var. ramosa Wollny
- Phycoseris australis Kützing
- Phycoseris australis var. umbilicalis Kützing
- Phycoseris australis var. umbilicalis (L.) Kützing
- Phycoseris belangeri Montagne
- Phycoseris bertolonii ('Bertoloni') (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
- Phycoseris burmanica Zeller
- Phycoseris capensis Grunow
- Phycoseris claviformis ('clavaeformis') Wollny
- Phycoseris cornea Kützing
- Phycoseris cornucopiae Kützing
- Phycoseris crispata (Bertoloni) Kützing
- Phycoseris curvata Kützing
- Phycoseris fasciata (Delile) Montagne
- Phycoseris gigantea Kützing
- Phycoseris gigantea var. elongata Suringar
- Phycoseris gigantea var. perforata Kützing
- Phycoseris lacerata Vidovich
- Phycoseris lacinulata Kützing
- Phycoseris lacinulata Kützing
- Phycoseris lactuca (L.) "Lamouroux"
- Phycoseris lanceolata (L.) Kützing
- Phycoseris lanceolata var. angusta Kützing
- Phycoseris lanceolata var. ramifera Kützing
- Phycoseris lapathifolia Kützing
- Phycoseris lapathifolia Kützing
- Phycoseris latissima (L.) Frauenfeld
- Phycoseris latissima (L.) Harvey
- Phycoseris latissima var. myriotrema (Kützing) Grun.
- Phycoseris ligula Montagne ex Kützing
- Phycoseris linza (C. Agardh) Kützing
- Phycoseris linza var. angusta (Kützing) Rabenhorst
- Phycoseris linza var. lanceolata (L.) Rabenhorst
- Phycoseris linza var. ramifera (Kützing) Rabenhorst
- Phycoseris linza var. spiralis Rabenhorst
- Phycoseris lobata Kützing
- Phycoseris lobata Kützing
- Phycoseris lobata [beta] africana Kützing
- Phycoseris myriotrema Lenormand ex Kützing
- Phycoseris nematoidea (Bory) Montagne
- Phycoseris nematoidea var. angustior Grun.
- Phycoseris nematoidea f. brevior Grun.
- Phycoseris nematoidea f. latior Grun.
- Phycoseris olivacea Kützing
- Phycoseris papillosa Ardissone
- Phycoseris planifolia Kützing
- Phycoseris plicata (Muell.) Kützing
- Phycoseris ramosa Kützing
- Phycoseris reticulata (Forssk.) Kützing
- Phycoseris rigida (C. Agardh) Kützing
- Phycoseris rigida (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
- Phycoseris smaragdina Kützing
- Phycoseris smaragdina var. angustifolia Kützing
- Phycoseris smaragdina var. latifolia Kützing
- Phycoseris ulva Sonder
- Phycoseris uncialis Kützing
- Phycoseris uncialis Kützing
- PHYCOSIPHON Fischer-Ooster {info}
- Phyllacantha affinis Kützing
- Phyllacantha affinis [beta] major Kützing
- Phyllacantha affinis f. latior Kützing
- Phyllacantha boryana Kützing
- Phyllacantha boryana [beta] gracilis Kützing
- Phyllacantha chauviniana Kützing
- Phyllacantha concatenata (L.) Kützing
- Phyllacantha fibrosa (Hudson) Kützing
- Phyllacantha gracilis (Kützing) Kützing
- Phyllacantha granulata (L.) Kützing
- Phyllacantha melanothrix Kützing
- Phyllacantha moniliformis Kützing
- Phyllacantha montagnei (J. Agardh) Kützing
- Phyllacantha montagnei var. cirrosa Kützing
- Phyllacantha myrica (Gmelin) Kützing
- Phyllacantha myrica var. hispida Kützing
- Phyllacantha oligacantha Kützing
- Phyllacantha opuntioides (Bory ex Montagne) Kützing
- Phyllacantha pinnata Kützing
- Phyllacantha setacea Kützing
- Phyllacantha setacea var. minor Kützing
- Phyllacantha squarrosissima Kützing
- Phyllacantha thesiophylla (Duby) Kützing
- Phyllacantha trichophylla Kützing
- Phyllactidium arundinaceum Montagne
- Phyllactidium arundinaceum var. kelanensis Grunow
- Phyllactidium coleochaete Kützing
- Phyllactidium confervicola Kützing
- Phyllactidium cyclodiscus Kützing
- Phyllactidium lens (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
- Phyllactidium maculiforme Kützing
- Phyllactidium marinum Grunow
- Phyllactidium ocellatum Kützing
- Phyllactidium pulchellum Kützing
- Phyllactidium quincunciale Rabenhorst
- Phyllactidium setigerum Kützing
- Phyllactidium tropicum Möbius
- PHYLLANTHUS Götting {nomen}
- PHYLLARIA Le Jolis \{also on card: sectio of Haligenia\}
- PHYLLARIA Le Jolis \{also on card: sect. of Haligenia\}
- PHYLLARIA (Le Jolis) Rostafinski
- Phyllaria dermatodea (De la Pylaie) Gobi
- Phyllaria dermatodea f. arctica Kjellman
- Phyllaria dermatodea f. lanceolata Foslie
- Phyllaria dermatodea f. oblonga Foslie
- Phyllaria dermatodea f. typica Kjellman
- Phyllaria lorea (Bory) Kjellman
- Phyllaria purpurascens (C. Agardh) Rostafinski ex Bornet
- Phyllaria reniformis (C. Agardh) Rostafinski in herb. Mus. par.
- PHYLLARIELLA Petrov & Vozzhinskaja
- Phyllariella ochotensis Petrov & Vozzhinskaja
- Phyllariochloris caeca (Pascher) Pascher & Jahoda
- Phyllariochloris indica Iyengar
- Phyllariochloris korschikoffii ('Korschikoffi') (Skvortsov) Huber-Pestalozzi
- Phyllariochloris phacoides (Korshikov) Pascher & Jahoda
- Phyllariochloris striata (Korshikov) Pascher & Jahoda
- Phyllariomonas caeca (Pascher) Pascher
- Phyllariomonas phacoides (Korshikov) Pascher
- Phyllariomonas striata (Korshikov) Pascher
- Phyllariopsis brevipes (C. Agardh) Henry & South
- Phyllariopsis brevipes subsp. pseudopurpurascens Pérez-Cirera, Cremades, Bárbara, & López
- Phyllariopsis purpurascens (C. Agardh) Henry & South
- PHYLLERPA (Kützing) Harvey \{also on card: section of Caulerpa\}
- Phyllerpa algeriensis Kützing
- Phyllerpa concatenata Kützing
- Phyllerpa firma Kützing
- Phyllerpa flagelliformis (C. Agardh) Kützing
- Phyllerpa nervata Kützing
- Phyllerpa prolifera (Forssk.) Kützing
- Phyllitis brevipes (C. Agardh) Kützing
- Phyllitis caespitosa (J. Agardh) Le Jolis
- Phyllitis debilis Kützing
- Phyllitis debilis var. laciniata Dufour
- Phyllitis fascia (Müller) Kützing
- Phyllitis fascia var. caespitosa (J. Agardh) Farlow
- Phyllitis fascia f. caespitosa (J. Agardh) Ardissone
- Phyllitis fascia [beta] curvata Kützing
- Phyllitis fascia var. debilis (Kützing) Hauck
- Phyllitis fascia f. debilis (C. Agardh) Ardissone
- Phyllitis fascia var. fascia {info}
- Phyllitis fascia var. latior Hariot
- Phyllitis fascia [beta] tenuissima (J. Agardh) Batters
- Phyllitis filiformis E.A.L. Batters
- Phyllitis lanceolata Kützing
- Phyllitis tenuissima J. Agardh
- Phyllitis zosterifolia Reinke
- Phyllobium dimorphum Klebs
- Phyllobium incertum Klebs
- Phyllobium sphagnicola G.S. West
- Phyllocardium complanatum Korshikov
- PHYLLOCHORDA Sch. \{also on card: given by Andrews as Schimper\}
- Phylloderma sacrum Suringar
- Phyllodictyocha hastata Deflandre
- Phyllodictyocha recta (Schulz) Deflandre
- Phyllodictyocha schulzii ('schulzi') Deflandre \{pcs\}
- Phyllodictyon anastomosans (Harvey) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
- Phyllodictyon gardineri (A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
- Phyllodictyon haterumense ('haterumensis') (H. Itono) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne \{pcs\}
- Phyllodictyon intermedium (C.F. Chang & E.Z. Xia) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
- Phyllodictyon japonicum (Okamura & Segawa) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
- Phyllodictyon orientale ('orientalis') (A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne \{pcs\}
- Phyllodictyon pulcherrimum J.E. Gray
- Phyllodictyon tuticorinense ('tuticorinensis') (Børgesen) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne \{pcs\}
- Phyllodinium scutellaris Conrad
- PHYLLOGENES Targioni-Tozzetti
- PHYLLOGENES Targioni-Tozzetti
- PHYLLOGENES Targioni-Tozzetti ex Ruprecht
- Phyllogenes scabiosa Targioni-Tozzetti mss
- PHYLLOGIGAS Skottsberg
- Phyllogigas grandifolius (Gepp) Skottsberg
- Phyllogigas simulans (Gepp & Gepp) Gepp & Gepp
- Phyllogigas skottsbergii A. Zinova
- Phyllogloea fimbriata (Korshikov) P.C. Silva
- Phyllomitus amylophagus Klebs
- Phyllomitus apiculatus Skuja
- Phyllomitus salinus Lackey
- Phyllomitus undulans Stein
- Phyllomitus yorkeënsis Ruinen
- Phyllomonas caeca Pascher
- Phyllomonas contorta Klebs
- Phyllomonas korschikoffii ('Korschikoffi') Skvortsov
- Phyllomonas palmata Skvortsov
- Phyllomonas phacoides Korshikoff
- Phyllomonas phacoides subsp. henschii A. Szabados
- Phyllomonas simplex Griessmann
- Phyllomonas striata Korshikov
- Phyllomonas torta Korshikov
- PHYLLONA Wiggers
- Phyllona abyssicola (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona amethystea (Kützing) Kuntze
- Phyllona amplissima (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona areolata (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona atropurpurea (Olivi) Kuntze
- Phyllona augustinae Kuntze
- Phyllona bangiaeformis (Kützing) Kuntze
- Phyllona boryana (Montagne) Kuntze
- Phyllona capensis (Kützing) Kuntze
- Phyllona carnea (Grunow) Kuntze
- Phyllona coccinea (J. Agardh ex Areschoug) Kuntze
- Phyllona columbina (Montagne) Kuntze
- Phyllona cordata (Meneghini) Kuntze
- Phyllona coriacea (Zanardini) Kuntze
- Phyllona crispata (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona dentata (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona grayana (Reinsch) Kuntze
- Phyllona kunthiana (Kützing) Kuntze
- Phyllona lactuca (Linnaeus) Wiggers
- Phyllona lanceolata (Linnaeus) Wiggers
- Phyllona linearis (Greville) Kuntze
- Phyllona martensiana (Suhr) Kuntze
- Phyllona miniata (C. Agardh) Kuntze
- Phyllona minor (Zanardini) Kuntze
- Phyllona nobilis Kuntze
- Phyllona pertusa (Postels & Ruprecht) Kuntze
- Phyllona pumila ('pusilla') (Areschoug) Kuntze \{pcs\}
- Phyllona purpurea (Wahlenberg) Wallroth
- Phyllona purpurea var. protensa Wallroth
- Phyllona purpurea var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) Wallroth
- Phyllona seriata (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona suborbiculata (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona tenera (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona tenuissima (Strömfelt) Kuntze
- Phyllona variegata (Kjellman) Kuntze
- Phyllona vermicellifera ('vermicillifera') (Kützing) Kuntze \{pcs\}
- Phyllona vexillaris (Montagne) Kuntze
- Phyllona woolhouseae ('woolhousiae') (Harvey) Kuntze \{pcs\}