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beginning with PHYCODRYS

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  1. PHYCODRYS Kützing
  2. PHYCODRYS J. Agardh \{also on card: [subgenus?] of Delesseria\}
  3. Phycodrys (Kützing) Harvey \{also on card: sub-genus of Delesseria\}
  4. Phycodrys ambigua Gardner
  5. Phycodrys amchitkensis M. J. Wynne
  6. Phycodrys amplissima Dawson
  7. Phycodrys antarctica (Skottsberg) Skottsberg
  8. Phycodrys australasica A.J.K. Millar
  9. Phycodrys austrogeorgica Skottsberg
  10. Phycodrys bullata Gardner
  11. Phycodrys cerrateae Dawson, Acleto, & Foldvik
  12. Phycodrys crenata (S. Gmelin) P. C. Silva
  13. Phycodrys elegans Setchell & Gardner
  14. Phycodrys fimbriata (Kuntze ex J. Agardh) Kylin
  15. Phycodrys fimbriata f. dissecta Nagai
  16. Phycodrys fimbriata f. typica Nagai
  17. Phycodrys isabellae Norris & Wynne
  18. Phycodrys lucasana Dawson
  19. Phycodrys polycarpa A. Zinova
  20. Phycodrys profunda Dawson
  21. Phycodrys pulchra Taylor
  22. Phycodrys pumila A. Zinova
  23. Phycodrys quercifolia (Bory) Skottsberg
  24. Phycodrys radicosa (Okamura) Yamada & Inagaki
  25. Phycodrys riggii Gardner
  26. Phycodrys rossica (E.S. Sinova) A.D. Zinova
  27. Phycodrys rubens Batters
  28. Phycodrys rubens f. aegagropila Rosenvinge
  29. Phycodrys rubens var. lingulata (C. Agardh) Batters
  30. Phycodrys rubens f. lingulata (C. Agardh) Rosenvinge
  31. Phycodrys rubens var. quercifolia (Turner) Batters
  32. Phycodrys rubens f. quercifolia (Turner) Rosenvinge
  33. Phycodrys rubens f. sublinearis Rosenvinge
  34. Phycodrys serratiloba (Rupr.) Zinova
  35. Phycodrys setchellii Skottsberg
  36. Phycodrys simplex Dawson
  37. Phycodrys sinuosa (Goodenough & Woodward) Kützing
  38. Phycodrys sinuosa [c.] lingulata (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
  39. Phycodrys sinuosa [b.] quercifolia (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
  40. Phycodrys vinogradovae Perestenko & Gussarova
  41. PHYCOIDELLA Matthew
  42. Phycoidella stichidifera Matthew
  44. PHYCOLAPATHUM (Kützing) Batters \{also on card: subgenus of Punctaria\}
  45. Phycolapathum crispatum Kützing
  46. Phycolapathum cuneatum (Suhr) Kützing
  47. Phycolapathum debile Kützing
  48. Phycolapathum fissum Kützing
  49. Phycolapathum lanceolatum Kützing
  50. Phycolapathum plantagineum (Roth) Kützing
  51. PHYCOLEDA Itzigsohn
  52. PHYCOMATER Fries
  53. PHYCOPELTIS Millardet
  54. PHYCOPELTIS \{also on card: sections by Wille\}
  55. Phycopeltis arundinacea (Montagne) De Toni
  56. Phycopeltis arundinacea (Montagne) Hariot
  57. Phycopeltis arundinacea (Montagne) Wille
  58. Phycopeltis arundinacea var. kelanensis (Grunow) De Toni
  59. Phycopeltis aurea Karsten
  60. Phycopeltis epiphyton Millardet
  61. Phycopeltis flabelligera (De Toni) Hansgirg
  62. Phycopeltis hawaiiensis J.W. King
  63. Phycopeltis indica Tiwari & Lal
  64. Phycopeltis irregularis ('irregulare') (Schmidle) Wille
  65. Phycopeltis iucundus Salujha, Kindra, & Rehman
  66. Phycopeltis kosteriana Cribb
  67. Phycopeltis maritima Karsten
  68. Phycopeltis microcystis Schmidle
  69. Phycopeltis polymorpha ('polymorphum') (Schmidle) Wille
  70. Phycopeltis treubii Karsten
  71. Phycopeltis treubii var. expansa Schmidle
  72. Phycopeltis tropica (Möbius) Hansgirg
  73. PHYCOPHILA (Kützing) J. Agardh \{also on card: [section] of Elachistea\}
  74. PHYCOPHILA Kützing
  75. Phycophila agardhii Kützing
  76. Phycophila arabica Kützing
  77. Phycophila breviarticulata (Suhr) Kützing
  78. Phycophila curta (Dillw.) Kützing
  79. Phycophila ferruginea (Roth) Kützing
  80. Phycophila flaccida (Dillw.) Kützing
  81. Phycophila fucorum (Roth) Kützing
  82. Phycophila gracilis Kützing
  83. Phycophila rigida Kützing
  84. Phycophila rivulariae (Suhr) Kützing
  85. Phycophila stellaris (Areschoug) Kützing
  86. Phycophila stellulata (Harv.) Kützing
  87. Phycophila torulosa Kützing
  88. Phycophila vulpina Kützing
  89. Phycophila wallrothii (Meneghini) Kützing
  90. PHYCOPSIS Rothpletz
  91. PHYCOPTERIS Kützing
  92. Phycopteris angustata (Sonder) Kützing
  93. Phycopteris cornea Kützing in herb. Sonder
  94. Phycopteris costata Sonder ex Kützing
  95. Phycopteris cuneata Kützing herb.
  96. Phycopteris dentata Kützing
  97. Phycopteris harveyana Pappe ex Kützing
  98. Phycopteris interrupta (Lamour.) Kützing
  99. Phycopteris microloba Sonder herb.
  100. Phycopteris microphylla Kützing
  101. Phycopteris sinclairii (Hook. f. & Harvey) Kützing
  102. Phycopteris stuposa (R. Brown ex J. Agardh) Kützing
  103. Phycopteris tournefortii (Lamour.) Kützing
  104. PHYCOSERIS Kützing
  105. PHYCOSERIS (Kützing) Harvey \{also on card: section of Ulva\}
  106. Phycoseris asciformis Wollny
  107. Phycoseris asciformis var. ramosa Wollny
  108. Phycoseris australis Kützing
  109. Phycoseris australis var. umbilicalis Kützing
  110. Phycoseris australis var. umbilicalis (L.) Kützing
  111. Phycoseris belangeri Montagne
  112. Phycoseris bertolonii ('Bertoloni') (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
  113. Phycoseris burmanica Zeller
  114. Phycoseris capensis Grunow
  115. Phycoseris claviformis ('clavaeformis') Wollny
  116. Phycoseris cornea Kützing
  117. Phycoseris cornucopiae Kützing
  118. Phycoseris crispata (Bertoloni) Kützing
  119. Phycoseris curvata Kützing
  120. Phycoseris fasciata (Delile) Montagne
  121. Phycoseris gigantea Kützing
  122. Phycoseris gigantea var. elongata Suringar
  123. Phycoseris gigantea var. perforata Kützing
  124. Phycoseris lacerata Vidovich
  125. Phycoseris lacinulata Kützing
  126. Phycoseris lacinulata Kützing
  127. Phycoseris lactuca (L.) "Lamouroux"
  128. Phycoseris lanceolata (L.) Kützing
  129. Phycoseris lanceolata var. angusta Kützing
  130. Phycoseris lanceolata var. ramifera Kützing
  131. Phycoseris lapathifolia Kützing
  132. Phycoseris lapathifolia Kützing
  133. Phycoseris latissima (L.) Frauenfeld
  134. Phycoseris latissima (L.) Harvey
  135. Phycoseris latissima var. myriotrema (Kützing) Grun.
  136. Phycoseris ligula Montagne ex Kützing
  137. Phycoseris linza (C. Agardh) Kützing
  138. Phycoseris linza var. angusta (Kützing) Rabenhorst
  139. Phycoseris linza var. lanceolata (L.) Rabenhorst
  140. Phycoseris linza var. ramifera (Kützing) Rabenhorst
  141. Phycoseris linza var. spiralis Rabenhorst
  142. Phycoseris lobata Kützing
  143. Phycoseris lobata Kützing
  144. Phycoseris lobata [beta] africana Kützing
  145. Phycoseris myriotrema Lenormand ex Kützing
  146. Phycoseris nematoidea (Bory) Montagne
  147. Phycoseris nematoidea var. angustior Grun.
  148. Phycoseris nematoidea f. brevior Grun.
  149. Phycoseris nematoidea f. latior Grun.
  150. Phycoseris olivacea Kützing
  151. Phycoseris papillosa Ardissone
  152. Phycoseris planifolia Kützing
  153. Phycoseris plicata (Muell.) Kützing
  154. Phycoseris ramosa Kützing
  155. Phycoseris reticulata (Forssk.) Kützing
  156. Phycoseris rigida (C. Agardh) Kützing
  157. Phycoseris rigida (C. Agardh) Rabenhorst
  158. Phycoseris smaragdina Kützing
  159. Phycoseris smaragdina var. angustifolia Kützing
  160. Phycoseris smaragdina var. latifolia Kützing
  161. Phycoseris ulva Sonder
  162. Phycoseris uncialis Kützing
  163. Phycoseris uncialis Kützing
  164. PHYCOSIPHON Fischer-Ooster {info}
  165. PHYLLACANTHA Kützing
  166. Phyllacantha affinis Kützing
  167. Phyllacantha affinis [beta] major Kützing
  168. Phyllacantha affinis f. latior Kützing
  169. Phyllacantha boryana Kützing
  170. Phyllacantha boryana [beta] gracilis Kützing
  171. Phyllacantha chauviniana Kützing
  172. Phyllacantha concatenata (L.) Kützing
  173. Phyllacantha fibrosa (Hudson) Kützing
  174. Phyllacantha gracilis (Kützing) Kützing
  175. Phyllacantha granulata (L.) Kützing
  176. Phyllacantha melanothrix Kützing
  177. Phyllacantha moniliformis Kützing
  178. Phyllacantha montagnei (J. Agardh) Kützing
  179. Phyllacantha montagnei var. cirrosa Kützing
  180. Phyllacantha myrica (Gmelin) Kützing
  181. Phyllacantha myrica var. hispida Kützing
  182. Phyllacantha oligacantha Kützing
  183. Phyllacantha opuntioides (Bory ex Montagne) Kützing
  184. Phyllacantha pinnata Kützing
  185. Phyllacantha setacea Kützing
  186. Phyllacantha setacea var. minor Kützing
  187. Phyllacantha squarrosissima Kützing
  188. Phyllacantha thesiophylla (Duby) Kützing
  189. Phyllacantha trichophylla Kützing
  190. PHYLLACTIDIUM Kützing
  192. Phyllactidium arundinaceum Montagne
  193. Phyllactidium arundinaceum var. kelanensis Grunow
  194. Phyllactidium coleochaete Kützing
  195. Phyllactidium confervicola Kützing
  196. Phyllactidium cyclodiscus Kützing
  197. Phyllactidium lens (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  198. Phyllactidium maculiforme Kützing
  199. Phyllactidium marinum Grunow
  200. Phyllactidium ocellatum Kützing
  201. Phyllactidium pulchellum Kützing
  202. Phyllactidium quincunciale Rabenhorst
  203. Phyllactidium setigerum Kützing
  204. Phyllactidium tropicum Möbius
  205. PHYLLANTHUS Götting {nomen}
  206. PHYLLARIA Le Jolis \{also on card: sectio of Haligenia\}
  207. PHYLLARIA Le Jolis \{also on card: sect. of Haligenia\}
  208. PHYLLARIA (Le Jolis) Rostafinski
  209. Phyllaria dermatodea (De la Pylaie) Gobi
  210. Phyllaria dermatodea f. arctica Kjellman
  211. Phyllaria dermatodea f. lanceolata Foslie
  212. Phyllaria dermatodea f. oblonga Foslie
  213. Phyllaria dermatodea f. typica Kjellman
  214. Phyllaria lorea (Bory) Kjellman
  215. Phyllaria purpurascens (C. Agardh) Rostafinski ex Bornet
  216. Phyllaria reniformis (C. Agardh) Rostafinski in herb. Mus. par.
  217. PHYLLARIELLA Petrov & Vozzhinskaja
  218. Phyllariella ochotensis Petrov & Vozzhinskaja
  219. PHYLLARIOCHLORIS Pascher & Jahoda
  220. Phyllariochloris caeca (Pascher) Pascher & Jahoda
  221. Phyllariochloris indica Iyengar
  222. Phyllariochloris korschikoffii ('Korschikoffi') (Skvortsov) Huber-Pestalozzi
  223. Phyllariochloris phacoides (Korshikov) Pascher & Jahoda
  224. Phyllariochloris striata (Korshikov) Pascher & Jahoda
  226. Phyllariomonas caeca (Pascher) Pascher
  227. Phyllariomonas phacoides (Korshikov) Pascher
  228. Phyllariomonas striata (Korshikov) Pascher
  229. PHYLLARIOPSIS Henry & South
  230. Phyllariopsis brevipes (C. Agardh) Henry & South
  231. Phyllariopsis brevipes subsp. pseudopurpurascens Pérez-Cirera, Cremades, Bárbara, & López
  232. Phyllariopsis purpurascens (C. Agardh) Henry & South
  233. PHYLLERPA (Kützing) Harvey \{also on card: section of Caulerpa\}
  234. PHYLLERPA Kützing
  235. Phyllerpa algeriensis Kützing
  236. Phyllerpa concatenata Kützing
  237. Phyllerpa firma Kützing
  238. Phyllerpa flagelliformis (C. Agardh) Kützing
  239. Phyllerpa nervata Kützing
  240. Phyllerpa prolifera (Forssk.) Kützing
  241. PHYLLITIS Kützing
  242. Phyllitis brevipes (C. Agardh) Kützing
  243. Phyllitis caespitosa (J. Agardh) Le Jolis
  244. Phyllitis debilis Kützing
  245. Phyllitis debilis var. laciniata Dufour
  246. Phyllitis fascia (Müller) Kützing
  247. Phyllitis fascia var. caespitosa (J. Agardh) Farlow
  248. Phyllitis fascia f. caespitosa (J. Agardh) Ardissone
  249. Phyllitis fascia [beta] curvata Kützing
  250. Phyllitis fascia var. debilis (Kützing) Hauck
  251. Phyllitis fascia f. debilis (C. Agardh) Ardissone
  252. Phyllitis fascia var. fascia {info}
  253. Phyllitis fascia var. latior Hariot
  254. Phyllitis fascia [beta] tenuissima (J. Agardh) Batters
  255. Phyllitis filiformis E.A.L. Batters
  256. Phyllitis lanceolata Kützing
  257. Phyllitis tenuissima J. Agardh
  258. Phyllitis zosterifolia Reinke
  259. PHYLLOBIUM Klebs
  260. Phyllobium dimorphum Klebs
  261. Phyllobium incertum Klebs
  262. Phyllobium sphagnicola G.S. West
  263. PHYLLOCARDIUM Korshikov
  264. Phyllocardium complanatum Korshikov
  265. PHYLLOCHORDA Sch. \{also on card: given by Andrews as Schimper\}
  266. PHYLLOCLADIA J. Agardh
  267. PHYLLODERMA Suringar
  268. Phylloderma sacrum Suringar
  269. PHYLLODICTYOCHA Deflandre
  270. Phyllodictyocha hastata Deflandre
  271. Phyllodictyocha recta (Schulz) Deflandre
  272. Phyllodictyocha schulzii ('schulzi') Deflandre \{pcs\}
  274. Phyllodictyon anastomosans (Harvey) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
  275. Phyllodictyon gardineri (A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
  276. Phyllodictyon haterumense ('haterumensis') (H. Itono) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne \{pcs\}
  277. Phyllodictyon intermedium (C.F. Chang & E.Z. Xia) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
  278. Phyllodictyon japonicum (Okamura & Segawa) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne
  279. Phyllodictyon orientale ('orientalis') (A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne \{pcs\}
  280. Phyllodictyon pulcherrimum J.E. Gray
  281. Phyllodictyon tuticorinense ('tuticorinensis') (Børgesen) G.T. Kraft & M.J. Wynne \{pcs\}
  282. PHYLLODINIUM Conrad
  283. Phyllodinium scutellaris Conrad
  284. PHYLLOGENES Targioni-Tozzetti
  285. PHYLLOGENES Targioni-Tozzetti
  286. PHYLLOGENES Targioni-Tozzetti ex Ruprecht
  287. Phyllogenes scabiosa Targioni-Tozzetti mss
  288. PHYLLOGIGAS Skottsberg
  289. Phyllogigas grandifolius (Gepp) Skottsberg
  290. Phyllogigas simulans (Gepp & Gepp) Gepp & Gepp
  291. Phyllogigas skottsbergii A. Zinova
  292. PHYLLOGLOEA P.C. Silva
  293. Phyllogloea fimbriata (Korshikov) P.C. Silva
  294. PHYLLOMA Link
  295. Phyllomitus amylophagus Klebs
  296. Phyllomitus apiculatus Skuja
  297. Phyllomitus salinus Lackey
  298. PHYLLOMITUS Stein
  299. Phyllomitus undulans Stein
  300. Phyllomitus yorkeënsis Ruinen
  301. PHYLLOMONAS Klebs
  302. PHYLLOMONAS Korshikov
  303. Phyllomonas caeca Pascher
  304. Phyllomonas contorta Klebs
  305. Phyllomonas korschikoffii ('Korschikoffi') Skvortsov
  306. Phyllomonas palmata Skvortsov
  307. Phyllomonas phacoides Korshikoff
  308. Phyllomonas phacoides subsp. henschii A. Szabados
  309. Phyllomonas simplex Griessmann
  310. Phyllomonas striata Korshikov
  311. Phyllomonas torta Korshikov
  312. PHYLLONA Hill
  313. PHYLLONA Wiggers
  314. Phyllona abyssicola (Kjellman) Kuntze
  315. Phyllona amethystea (Kützing) Kuntze
  316. Phyllona amplissima (Kjellman) Kuntze
  317. Phyllona areolata (Kjellman) Kuntze
  318. Phyllona atropurpurea (Olivi) Kuntze
  319. Phyllona augustinae Kuntze
  320. Phyllona bangiaeformis (Kützing) Kuntze
  321. Phyllona boryana (Montagne) Kuntze
  322. Phyllona capensis (Kützing) Kuntze
  323. Phyllona carnea (Grunow) Kuntze
  324. Phyllona coccinea (J. Agardh ex Areschoug) Kuntze
  325. Phyllona columbina (Montagne) Kuntze
  326. Phyllona cordata (Meneghini) Kuntze
  327. Phyllona coriacea (Zanardini) Kuntze
  328. Phyllona crispata (Kjellman) Kuntze
  329. Phyllona dentata (Kjellman) Kuntze
  330. Phyllona grayana (Reinsch) Kuntze
  331. Phyllona kunthiana (Kützing) Kuntze
  332. Phyllona lactuca (Linnaeus) Wiggers
  333. Phyllona lanceolata (Linnaeus) Wiggers
  334. Phyllona linearis (Greville) Kuntze
  335. Phyllona martensiana (Suhr) Kuntze
  336. Phyllona miniata (C. Agardh) Kuntze
  337. Phyllona minor (Zanardini) Kuntze
  338. Phyllona nobilis Kuntze
  339. Phyllona pertusa (Postels & Ruprecht) Kuntze
  340. Phyllona pumila ('pusilla') (Areschoug) Kuntze \{pcs\}
  341. Phyllona purpurea (Wahlenberg) Wallroth
  342. Phyllona purpurea var. protensa Wallroth
  343. Phyllona purpurea var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) Wallroth
  344. Phyllona seriata (Kjellman) Kuntze
  345. Phyllona suborbiculata (Kjellman) Kuntze
  346. Phyllona tenera (Kjellman) Kuntze
  347. Phyllona tenuissima (Strömfelt) Kuntze
  348. Phyllona variegata (Kjellman) Kuntze
  349. Phyllona vermicellifera ('vermicillifera') (Kützing) Kuntze \{pcs\}
  350. Phyllona vexillaris (Montagne) Kuntze
  351. Phyllona woolhouseae ('woolhousiae') (Harvey) Kuntze \{pcs\}