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beginning with DICTYOTA Lamouroux
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Processed by T. Rosatti
- DICTYOTA Lamouroux
- DICTYOTA Lamouroux (cont., backside of previous)
- DICTYOTA \{also on card: [section] of Dictyota\}
- DICTYOTA \{also on card: [section]'s by T. Lestiboudois\}
- DICTYOTA (Lamouroux) Endlicher \{also on card: [section of] Zonaria\}
- DICTYOTA \{also on card: subgenera by Trevisan\}
- DICTYOTA \{also on card: subgenera by J. Agardh\}
- DICTYOTA \{also on card: nine names designated as "Tribus" by J. Agardh\}
- DICTYOTA \{also on card: five names designated as "Tribus" by J. Agardh\}
- Dictyota abyssinica Kützing in herb. Sonder
- Dictyota acuminata Kützing
- Dictyota acuta Kützing
- Dictyota acuta var. minor Kützing
- Dictyota acuta var. patens Kützing
- Dictyota acutiloba J. Agardh
- Dictyota adnata Zanardini
- Dictyota adnata f. nana Post
- Dictyota aequalis Kützing
- Dictyota aequalis var. minor Kützing
- Dictyota alternans (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W.F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota alternifida J. Agardh
- Dictyota alternifida var. foliosa J. Agardh
- Dictyota alternifida var. prolifera J. Agardh
- Dictyota angusta Harvey {in Herb. Curdie (olim)}
- Dictyota angusta (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota angustissima Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota antiguae Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota apiculata J. Agardh ms.
- Dictyota apiculata J. Agardh
- Dictyota apiculata var. jedanensis Weber-van Bosse
- Dictyota areolata Schousboe
- Dictyota atomaria (Woodward) Greville
- Dictyota atomaria Hauck
- Dictyota atomaria var. bertolonii Meneghini
- Dictyota attenuata Crouan frat.
- Dictyota attenuata Kützing
- Dictyota bartayresiana Lamouroux
- Dictyota bartayresiana f. angustiloba Hohenacker
- Dictyota bartayresiana var. denticulata Kützing
- Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata J. Agardh
- Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata J. Agardh
- Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata Kützing
- Dictyota bartayresii Lamouroux
- Dictyota bartayresii var. plectens Allender & Kraft
- Dictyota beccariana Zanardini
- Dictyota affinis Kützing
- Dictyota bidentata Harvey & Bailey
- Dictyota bifurca J. Agardh
- Dictyota binghamiae J. Agardh
- Dictyota bipinnata Crouan frat.
- Dictyota caribaea I. Hörnig & R. Schnetter
- Dictyota cervicornis Kützing in Herb. Sonder
- Dictyota cervicornis f. curvula W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota cervicornis f. curvula W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudobartayresii W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudodichotoma W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudohamata (A. B. Cribb) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota cervicornis f. spiralis Taylor
- Dictyota ceylanica Kützing in herb. Sonder
- Dictyota ceylanica var. anastomosans Yamada
- Dictyota ceylanica var. rotundata Weber Bosse
- Dictyota ciliata Lamouroux
- Dictyota ciliata J. Agardh
- Dictyota ciliata var. ceylonensis J. Agardh in herb.
- Dictyota ciliata var. crispata J. Agardh
- Dictyota ciliata var. humilis Grunow
- Dictyota ciliolata Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota ciliolata var. bermudensis W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota ciliolata var. lata Womersley
- Dictyota cirrhosa Schousboe
- Dictyota cirrhosa Suhr
- Dictyota complanata Schousboe
- Dictyota concrescens W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota crenulata J. Agardh
- Dictyota crenulata J. Agardh (cont.)
- Dictyota crenulata var. canariensis Grunow
- Dictyota crenulata f. canariensis Grunow
- Dictyota cribrosa Setchell & Gardner
- Dictyota crinita (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota crispata Lamouroux
- Dictyota crispata Schousboe
- Dictyota cuneata G. Dickie
- Dictyota cuspidata Kützing in herb. Sonder
- Dictyota decumbens (R. W. Ricker) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota dentata Lamouroux nom. illeg.
- Dictyota dentata f. intermedia O. C. Schmidt
- Dictyota dentata f. mertensii (Martius) O. C. Schmidt
- Dictyota denticulata (Kützing) Kützing
- Dictyota denticulata (Kützing) Trevisan
- Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux
- Dictyota dichotoma var. acuta Chauvin in litt.
- Dictyota dichotoma f. angustior [Schiffner]
- Dictyota dichotoma f. attenuata (Kützing) Vinassa
- Dictyota dichotoma var. curvula Crouan frat.
- Dictyota dichotoma var. elongata Crouan frat.
- Dictyota dichotoma var. elongata (Kützing) Grunow
- Dictyota dichotoma f. elongata (Kützing) Schiffner
- Dictyota dichotoma var. fimbriata Piccone & Grunow
- Dictyota dichotoma var. genuina Grunow
- Dictyota dichotoma var. implexa (Desfontaines) S.F. Gray
- Scanning error
- Dictyota dichotoma f. implexa (Desfontaines) Hauck
- Dictyota dichotoma var. inequalis S.F. Gray
- Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata (C. Agardh) Duby
- Dictyota dichotoma f. intricata (C. Agardh) O.C. Schmidt
- Dictyota dichotoma f. latifolia (Kützing) Vinassa
- Dictyota dichotoma var. latifrons Crouan frat.
- Dictyota dichotoma f. latifrons Holmes & Batters
- Dictyota dichotoma var. menstrualis Hoyt
- Dictyota dichotoma var. minor Kützing
- Dictyota dichotoma var. patens Kützing
- Dictyota dichotoma var. prolifera Mazé & Schramm
- Dictyota dichotoma f. proliferans Ercegovic
- Dictyota dichotoma var. rigida Crouan frat.
- Dictyota dichotoma var. spiralis (Montagne) [Crouan frat.]
- Dictyota dichotoma f. spiralis Nizamuddin
- Dictyota dichotoma var. stenoloba Hohenacker
- Dictyota dichotoma var. volubilis Lenormand in herb.
- Dictyota dichotoma var. volubilis Lenormand ms.
- Dictyota dichotoma var. vulgaris (Kützing) Grunow
- Dictyota diemensis Sonder herb.
- Dictyota dilatata Yamada
- Dictyota divaricata Lamouroux
- Dictyota divaricata Crouan frat.
- Dictyota divaricata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
- Dictyota divaricata var. pusilla (Lamouroux) Trevisan
- Dictyota dumosa Børgesen
- Dictyota elongata Kützing herb.
- Dictyota fasciata Schousboe
- Dictyota fasciculata Shperk
- Dictyota fascida J. Agardh
- Dictyota fasciola (Roth) Lamouroux
- Dictyota fasciola var. abyssinica J. Agardh
- Dictyota fasciola var. acuta Kützing
- Dictyota fasciola var. angustissima (Kützing) Schiffner
- Dictyota fasciola var. capillaris Kützing
- Dictyota fasciola var. divergens Schiffner
- Dictyota fasciola f. major Schiffner
- Dictyota fasciola f. minor Schiffner
- Dictyota fasciola var. elongata De Notaris
- Dictyota fasciola var. ligulata (Kützing) Vinassa
- Dictyota fasciola var. pusilla (Lamouroux) Kützing
- Dictyota fasciola var. repens (J. Agardh) Ardissone
- Dictyota fasciola var. striolata (Kützing) De Notaris
- Dictyota fastigiata Sonder
- Dictyota fenestrata J. Agardh
- Dictyota fibrosa Kützing Herb.
- Dictyota flabellata (Collins) Setchell & Gardner
- Dictyota flabellulata Foster & Schiel
- Dictyota foliosa J. Agardh ms.
- Dictyota foliosa J. Agardh
- Dictyota friabilis Setchell
- Dictyota furcellata (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota furcellata C. Agardh
- Dictyota furcellata Sonder
- Dictyota grandis Kützing
- Dictyota guajirae I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & J. M. Over
- Dictyota guineensis_('guineense') (Kützing) Crouan frat.
- Dictyota gunniana (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota hamifera Setchell
- Dictyota harveyana Sonder
- Dictyota hauckiana Nizamuddin
- Dictyota hesperia Setchell & Gardner
- Dictyota humifusa I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & E. Coppejans
- Dictyota implexa (Desfontaines) Lamouroux
- Dictyota indica Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota indica Anand
- Dictyota indica f. torta Crouan frat.
- Dictyota inscripta J. Agardh
- Dictyota intermedia Zanardini
- Dictyota interrupta Lamouroux
- Dictyota intricata (C. Agardh) Kützing
- Dictyota jamaicensis W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota johnstonii Setchell & Gardner
- Dictyota kohlmeyeri (M. Nizamuddin & J. Gerloff) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota kunthii (C. Agardh) Greville
- Scanning error
- Scanning error
- Dictyota laciniata Lamouroux
- Dictyota laciniata Schousboe
- Dictyota lata Lamouroux
- Dictyota latifolia Suhr
- Dictyota latifolia Kützing herb.
- Dictyota latifolia J. Agardh
- Dictyota ligulata (Woodward) S.F. Gray
- Dictyota ligulata Kützing
- Dictyota linearis (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota linearis Trevisan
- Dictyota linearis var. campsosticha Montagne
- Dictyota linearis var. major Crouan frat.
- Dictyota linearis var. minor Sonder
- Dictyota linearis var. spiralis (Montagne) Ardissone
- Dictyota lineolata (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota littoralis Anand
- Dictyota liturata J. Agardh
- Dictyota maculata J. Agardh
- Dictyota major W.R. Taylor
- Dictyota marginata (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota marginata J.E. Areschoug
- Dictyota marginata Okamura
- Dictyota marginata Okamura
- Dictyota marginata (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota marginispora E. Coppejans
- Dictyota masonii Setchell & Gardner
- Dictyota maxima Zanardini
- Dictyota mediterranea (Schiffner) G. Furnari
- Dictyota menstrualis (Hoyt) Schnetter, Hörnig, Weber-Peukert
- Dictyota mertensii (Martius) Kützing
- Dictyota minor Sonder
- Dictyota minor Noda
- Dictyota moniliformis (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota multifida (J. E. Smith) Bory
- Dictyota multifida (J. E. Smith) Bory
- Dictyota naevosa (Suhr) Montagne
- Dictyota neglecta I. Hörnig & R. Schnetter
- Dictyota nigrescens Zanardini
- Dictyota nigricans J. Agardh
- Dictyota notarisii Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota obtusangula Harvey
- Dictyota obtusangula Harvey in Herb. Sonder \{also on card: ex above in Herb.\}
- Dictyota obtusangula Harvey
- Dictyota ocellata J. Agardh
- Dictyota okamurae (E. Y. Dawson) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota ornata Zanardini ex Frauenfeld
- Dictyota ornata Zanardini in herb. Sonder
- Dictyota paniculata J. Agardh
- Dictyota papenfussii Lindauer
- Dictyota papenfussii Lindauer
- Dictyota papillosa Lamouroux mscr.
- Dictyota papillosa (C. Agardh) Duby
- Dictyota papillosa (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota pappeana Kützing
- Dictyota pardalis Kützing
- Dictyota pardalis f. pseudohamata A. B. Cribb
- Dictyota patens J. Agardh
- Dictyota pavonia var. elongata Lamouroux
- Dictyota pavonia var. maxima Lamouroux
- Dictyota pellucida J. Agardh ms.
- Dictyota pelucida J. Agardh
- Dictyota penicellata Lamouroux
- Dictyota penicillata Lamouroux
- Dictyota pfaffii Schnetter
- Dictyota phlyctaenodes Montagne
- Dictyota pinnatifida Kützing in Herb. Sonder
- Dictyota pinnata (Dawson) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota pinnatifida var. rigida Grunow
- Dictyota plantaginea "Lamouroux"
- Dictyota polycarpa Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota polyclada Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota polypodioides Lamouroux
- Dictyota pontica Shperk
- Dictyota prolifera Lamouroux
- Dictyota prolifera Suhr
- Dictyota prolificans A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp
- Dictyota pulchella I. Hörnig & R. Schnetter
- Dictyota pusilla Lamouroux
- Dictyota repens J. Agardh
- Dictyota rhizodes (Turner) Lamouroux
- Dictyota robusta J. Agardh
- Dictyota rosea Lamouroux
- Dictyota rotunda C. Agardh
- Dictyota rotundata Lamouroux
- Dictyota rugulosa Lucas
- Dictyota sandvicensis Sonder Herb.
- Dictyota sandvicensis J. Agardh
- Dictyota schroederi ('Schröderi') (C. Agardh) Greville
- Dictyota serrulata Lamouroux
- Dictyota setosa Duby mss.
- Dictyota sibenicensis Zanardini
- Dictyota sibenicensis Zanardini
- Dictyota simplex Kützing
- Dictyota solieri Chauvin
- Dictyota spathulata Yamada
- Dictyota spinigera Kützing Herb.
- Dictyota spinulosa Hooker & Arnott
- Dictyota spiralis Montagne
- Dictyota spiralis Schousboe
- Dictyota stolonifera Dawson
- Dictyota striolata Kützing
- Dictyota subarticulata Lamouroux
- Dictyota subdentata Kützing Herb.
- Dictyota submaritima Tanaka & Ho
- Dictyota suhrii (Kützing) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota tenera (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
- Dictyota tournefortiana Lamouroux
- Dictyota trichodes Meneghini
- Dictyota variabilis_('variabile') (Figari & De Notaris) Crouan frat.
- Dictyota variegata Lamouroux
- Dictyota verrucosa Suhr
- Dictyota verrucosa Suhr in Herb. Sonder
- Dictyota vieillardii ('Vieillardi') Kützing
- Dictyota virellus Noda
- Dictyota virellus Noda
- Dictyota viscida Schousboe
- Dictyota suhrii G. Murray
- Dictyota vittarioides J. Agardh
- Dictyota vivesii Howe
- Dictyota volubilis Kützing
- Dictyota vulgaris (Kützing) Kützing
- Dictyota vulgaris var. intricata (C. Agardh) Kützing
- Dictyota zonata Lamouroux
- Dictyota zonata J. Agardh
- Dictyothamnion saltatum A.J.K. Millar
- Dictyothrix lateritia Kützing
- Dictyotidium cambriense Slavíková
- Dictyotidium cohora Wicander & G. D. Wood
- Dictyotidium craticulum (E. Wicander & A.R. Loeblich, Jr.) R. Wicander & G. Playford
- Dictyotidium eastendense S. A. J. Pocock
- Dictyotidium hasletianum Vanguestaine
- Dictyotidium polosymmetrium Staplin
- Dictyotidium polygonium Staplin
- Dictyotidium shaunavonense S. A. J. Pocock
- Dictyotidium stenodictyum Eisenack
- Dictyotidium tenuiornatum Eisenack
- DICTYOTITES Ad. Brongniart \{also on card: sect. of Fucoides\}
- DICTYOTITES (Ad. Brongniart) Massalongo
- Dictyotites fasciolus Penhallow
- Dictyotites maximus Penhallow
- Dictyotopsis propagulifera Troll
- Dictyurus australasicus Sonder
- Dictyurus australis Sonder
- Dictyurus fenestratus Dickinson
- Dictyurus gymnopus J. Agardh {ms. olim}
- Dictyurus gymnopus J. Agardh
- Dictyurus maldivensis Hackett & Aregood
- Dictyurus occidentalis J. Agardh
- Dictyurus purpurascens Bory
- Dictyurus quercifolius (Decaisne) J. Agardh
- Dictyurus teres (Harvey) J. Agardh
- DICURELLA Harvey ex J. Agardh
- Dicurella affinis J. Agardh
- Dicurella concinna (Turner) J. Agardh
- Dicurella elatior Harvey
- Dicurella flabellata Harvey
- Dicurella flabellata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
- Dicurella fragilis (C. Agardh) J. Agardh
- Dicurella scutellata (Hering) Papenfuss