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beginning with DICTYOTA Lamouroux

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  1. DICTYOTA Lamouroux
  2. DICTYOTA Lamouroux (cont., backside of previous)
  3. DICTYOTA \{also on card: [section] of Dictyota\}
  4. DICTYOTA \{also on card: [section]'s by T. Lestiboudois\}
  5. DICTYOTA (Lamouroux) Endlicher \{also on card: [section of] Zonaria\}
  6. DICTYOTA \{also on card: subgenera by Trevisan\}
  7. DICTYOTA \{also on card: subgenera by J. Agardh\}
  8. DICTYOTA \{also on card: nine names designated as "Tribus" by J. Agardh\}
  9. DICTYOTA \{also on card: five names designated as "Tribus" by J. Agardh\}
  10. Dictyota abyssinica Kützing in herb. Sonder
  11. Dictyota acuminata Kützing
  12. Dictyota acuta Kützing
  13. Dictyota acuta var. minor Kützing
  14. Dictyota acuta var. patens Kützing
  15. Dictyota acutiloba J. Agardh
  16. Dictyota adnata Zanardini
  17. Dictyota adnata f. nana Post
  18. Dictyota aequalis Kützing
  19. Dictyota aequalis var. minor Kützing
  20. Dictyota alternans (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W.F. Prud'homme van Reine
  21. Dictyota alternifida J. Agardh
  22. Dictyota alternifida var. foliosa J. Agardh
  23. Dictyota alternifida var. prolifera J. Agardh
  24. Dictyota angusta Harvey {in Herb. Curdie (olim)}
  25. Dictyota angusta (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  26. Dictyota angustissima Sonder Herb.
  27. Dictyota antiguae Sonder Herb.
  28. Dictyota apiculata J. Agardh ms.
  29. Dictyota apiculata J. Agardh
  30. Dictyota apiculata var. jedanensis Weber-van Bosse
  31. Dictyota areolata Schousboe
  32. Dictyota atomaria (Woodward) Greville
  33. Dictyota atomaria Hauck
  34. Dictyota atomaria var. bertolonii Meneghini
  35. Dictyota attenuata Crouan frat.
  36. Dictyota attenuata Kützing
  37. Dictyota bartayresiana Lamouroux
  38. Dictyota bartayresiana f. angustiloba Hohenacker
  39. Dictyota bartayresiana var. denticulata Kützing
  40. Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata J. Agardh
  41. Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata J. Agardh
  42. Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata Kützing
  43. Dictyota bartayresii Lamouroux
  44. Dictyota bartayresii var. plectens Allender & Kraft
  45. Dictyota beccariana Zanardini
  46. Dictyota affinis Kützing
  47. Dictyota bidentata Harvey & Bailey
  48. Dictyota bifurca J. Agardh
  49. Dictyota binghamiae J. Agardh
  50. Dictyota bipinnata Crouan frat.
  51. Dictyota caribaea I. Hörnig & R. Schnetter
  52. Dictyota cervicornis Kützing in Herb. Sonder
  53. Dictyota cervicornis f. curvula W.R. Taylor
  54. Dictyota cervicornis f. curvula W.R. Taylor
  55. Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudobartayresii W.R. Taylor
  56. Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudodichotoma W.R. Taylor
  57. Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudohamata (A. B. Cribb) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  58. Dictyota cervicornis f. spiralis Taylor
  59. Dictyota ceylanica Kützing in herb. Sonder
  60. Dictyota ceylanica var. anastomosans Yamada
  61. Dictyota ceylanica var. rotundata Weber Bosse
  62. Dictyota ciliata Lamouroux
  63. Dictyota ciliata J. Agardh
  64. Dictyota ciliata var. ceylonensis J. Agardh in herb.
  65. Dictyota ciliata var. crispata J. Agardh
  66. Dictyota ciliata var. humilis Grunow
  67. Dictyota ciliolata Sonder Herb.
  68. Dictyota ciliolata var. bermudensis W.R. Taylor
  69. Dictyota ciliolata var. lata Womersley
  70. Dictyota cirrhosa Schousboe
  71. Dictyota cirrhosa Suhr
  72. Dictyota complanata Schousboe
  73. Dictyota concrescens W.R. Taylor
  74. Dictyota crenulata J. Agardh
  75. Dictyota crenulata J. Agardh (cont.)
  76. Dictyota crenulata var. canariensis Grunow
  77. Dictyota crenulata f. canariensis Grunow
  78. Dictyota cribrosa Setchell & Gardner
  79. Dictyota crinita (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  80. Dictyota crispata Lamouroux
  81. Dictyota crispata Schousboe
  82. Dictyota cuneata G. Dickie
  83. Dictyota cuspidata Kützing in herb. Sonder
  84. Dictyota decumbens (R. W. Ricker) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  85. Dictyota dentata Lamouroux nom. illeg.
  86. Dictyota dentata f. intermedia O. C. Schmidt
  87. Dictyota dentata f. mertensii (Martius) O. C. Schmidt
  88. Dictyota denticulata (Kützing) Kützing
  89. Dictyota denticulata (Kützing) Trevisan
  90. Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux
  91. Dictyota dichotoma var. acuta Chauvin in litt.
  92. Dictyota dichotoma f. angustior [Schiffner]
  93. Dictyota dichotoma f. attenuata (Kützing) Vinassa
  94. Dictyota dichotoma var. curvula Crouan frat.
  95. Dictyota dichotoma var. elongata Crouan frat.
  96. Dictyota dichotoma var. elongata (Kützing) Grunow
  97. Dictyota dichotoma f. elongata (Kützing) Schiffner
  98. Dictyota dichotoma var. fimbriata Piccone & Grunow
  99. Dictyota dichotoma var. genuina Grunow
  100. Dictyota dichotoma var. implexa (Desfontaines) S.F. Gray
  101. Scanning error
  102. Dictyota dichotoma f. implexa (Desfontaines) Hauck
  103. Dictyota dichotoma var. inequalis S.F. Gray
  104. Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata (C. Agardh) Greville
  105. Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata (C. Agardh) Duby
  106. Dictyota dichotoma f. intricata (C. Agardh) O.C. Schmidt
  107. Dictyota dichotoma f. latifolia (Kützing) Vinassa
  108. Dictyota dichotoma var. latifrons Crouan frat.
  109. Dictyota dichotoma f. latifrons Holmes & Batters
  110. Dictyota dichotoma var. menstrualis Hoyt
  111. Dictyota dichotoma var. minor Kützing
  112. Dictyota dichotoma var. patens Kützing
  113. Dictyota dichotoma var. prolifera Mazé & Schramm
  114. Dictyota dichotoma f. proliferans Ercegovic
  115. Dictyota dichotoma var. rigida Crouan frat.
  116. Dictyota dichotoma var. spiralis (Montagne) [Crouan frat.]
  117. Dictyota dichotoma f. spiralis Nizamuddin
  118. Dictyota dichotoma var. stenoloba Hohenacker
  119. Dictyota dichotoma var. volubilis Lenormand in herb.
  120. Dictyota dichotoma var. volubilis Lenormand ms.
  121. Dictyota dichotoma var. vulgaris (Kützing) Grunow
  122. Dictyota diemensis Sonder herb.
  123. Dictyota dilatata Yamada
  124. Dictyota divaricata Lamouroux
  125. Dictyota divaricata Crouan frat.
  126. Dictyota divaricata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
  127. Dictyota divaricata var. pusilla (Lamouroux) Trevisan
  128. Dictyota dumosa Børgesen
  129. Dictyota elongata Kützing herb.
  130. Dictyota fasciata Schousboe
  131. Dictyota fasciculata Shperk
  132. Dictyota fascida J. Agardh
  133. Dictyota fasciola (Roth) Lamouroux
  134. Dictyota fasciola var. abyssinica J. Agardh
  135. Dictyota fasciola var. acuta Kützing
  136. Dictyota fasciola var. angustissima (Kützing) Schiffner
  137. Dictyota fasciola var. capillaris Kützing
  138. Dictyota fasciola var. divergens Schiffner
  139. Dictyota fasciola f. major Schiffner
  140. Dictyota fasciola f. minor Schiffner
  141. Dictyota fasciola var. elongata De Notaris
  142. Dictyota fasciola var. ligulata (Kützing) Vinassa
  143. Dictyota fasciola var. pusilla (Lamouroux) Kützing
  144. Dictyota fasciola var. repens (J. Agardh) Ardissone
  145. Dictyota fasciola var. striolata (Kützing) De Notaris
  146. Dictyota fastigiata Sonder
  147. Dictyota fenestrata J. Agardh
  148. Dictyota fibrosa Kützing Herb.
  149. Dictyota flabellata (Collins) Setchell & Gardner
  150. Dictyota flabellulata Foster & Schiel
  151. Dictyota foliosa J. Agardh ms.
  152. Dictyota foliosa J. Agardh
  153. Dictyota friabilis Setchell
  154. Dictyota furcellata (C. Agardh) Greville
  155. Dictyota furcellata C. Agardh
  156. Dictyota furcellata Sonder
  157. Dictyota grandis Kützing
  158. Dictyota guajirae I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & J. M. Over
  159. Dictyota guineensis_('guineense') (Kützing) Crouan frat.
  160. Dictyota gunniana (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  161. Dictyota hamifera Setchell
  162. Dictyota harveyana Sonder
  163. Dictyota hauckiana Nizamuddin
  164. Dictyota hesperia Setchell & Gardner
  165. Dictyota humifusa I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & E. Coppejans
  166. Dictyota implexa (Desfontaines) Lamouroux
  167. Dictyota indica Sonder Herb.
  168. Dictyota indica Anand
  169. Dictyota indica f. torta Crouan frat.
  170. Dictyota inscripta J. Agardh
  171. Dictyota intermedia Zanardini
  172. Dictyota interrupta Lamouroux
  173. Dictyota intricata (C. Agardh) Kützing
  174. Dictyota jamaicensis W.R. Taylor
  175. Dictyota johnstonii Setchell & Gardner
  176. Dictyota kohlmeyeri (M. Nizamuddin & J. Gerloff) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  177. Dictyota kunthii (C. Agardh) Greville
  178. Scanning error
  179. Scanning error
  180. Dictyota laciniata Lamouroux
  181. Dictyota laciniata Schousboe
  182. Dictyota lata Lamouroux
  183. Dictyota latifolia Suhr
  184. Dictyota latifolia Kützing herb.
  185. Dictyota latifolia J. Agardh
  186. Dictyota ligulata (Woodward) S.F. Gray
  187. Dictyota ligulata Kützing
  188. Dictyota linearis (C. Agardh) Greville
  189. Dictyota linearis Trevisan
  190. Dictyota linearis var. campsosticha Montagne
  191. Dictyota linearis var. major Crouan frat.
  192. Dictyota linearis var. minor Sonder
  193. Dictyota linearis var. spiralis (Montagne) Ardissone
  194. Dictyota lineolata (C. Agardh) Greville
  196. Dictyota littoralis Anand
  197. Dictyota liturata J. Agardh
  198. Dictyota maculata J. Agardh
  199. Dictyota major W.R. Taylor
  200. Dictyota marginata (C. Agardh) Greville
  201. Dictyota marginata J.E. Areschoug
  202. Dictyota marginata Okamura
  203. Dictyota marginata Okamura
  204. Dictyota marginata (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  205. Dictyota marginispora E. Coppejans
  206. Dictyota masonii Setchell & Gardner
  207. Dictyota maxima Zanardini
  208. Dictyota mediterranea (Schiffner) G. Furnari
  209. Dictyota menstrualis (Hoyt) Schnetter, Hörnig, Weber-Peukert
  210. Dictyota mertensii (Martius) Kützing
  211. Dictyota minor Sonder
  212. Dictyota minor Noda
  213. Dictyota moniliformis (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  214. Dictyota multifida (J. E. Smith) Bory
  215. Dictyota multifida (J. E. Smith) Bory
  216. Dictyota naevosa (Suhr) Montagne
  217. Dictyota neglecta I. Hörnig & R. Schnetter
  218. Dictyota nigrescens Zanardini
  219. Dictyota nigricans J. Agardh
  220. Dictyota notarisii Sonder Herb.
  221. Dictyota obtusangula Harvey
  222. Dictyota obtusangula Harvey in Herb. Sonder \{also on card: ex above in Herb.\}
  223. Dictyota obtusangula Harvey
  224. Dictyota ocellata J. Agardh
  225. Dictyota okamurae (E. Y. Dawson) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  226. Dictyota ornata Zanardini ex Frauenfeld
  227. Dictyota ornata Zanardini in herb. Sonder
  228. Dictyota paniculata J. Agardh
  229. Dictyota papenfussii Lindauer
  230. Dictyota papenfussii Lindauer
  231. Dictyota papillosa Lamouroux mscr.
  232. Dictyota papillosa (C. Agardh) Duby
  233. Dictyota papillosa (C. Agardh) Greville
  234. Dictyota pappeana Kützing
  235. Dictyota pardalis Kützing
  236. Dictyota pardalis f. pseudohamata A. B. Cribb
  237. Dictyota patens J. Agardh
  238. Dictyota pavonia var. elongata Lamouroux
  239. Dictyota pavonia var. maxima Lamouroux
  240. Dictyota pellucida J. Agardh ms.
  241. Dictyota pelucida J. Agardh
  242. Dictyota penicellata Lamouroux
  243. Dictyota penicillata Lamouroux
  244. Dictyota pfaffii Schnetter
  245. Dictyota phlyctaenodes Montagne
  246. Dictyota pinnatifida Kützing in Herb. Sonder
  247. Dictyota pinnata (Dawson) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  248. Dictyota pinnatifida var. rigida Grunow
  249. Dictyota plantaginea "Lamouroux"
  250. Dictyota polycarpa Sonder Herb.
  251. Dictyota polyclada Sonder Herb.
  252. Dictyota polypodioides Lamouroux
  253. Dictyota pontica Shperk
  254. Dictyota prolifera Lamouroux
  255. Dictyota prolifera Suhr
  256. Dictyota prolificans A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp
  257. Dictyota pulchella I. Hörnig & R. Schnetter
  258. Dictyota pusilla Lamouroux
  259. Dictyota repens J. Agardh
  260. Dictyota rhizodes (Turner) Lamouroux
  261. Dictyota robusta J. Agardh
  262. Dictyota rosea Lamouroux
  263. Dictyota rotunda C. Agardh
  264. Dictyota rotundata Lamouroux
  265. Dictyota rugulosa Lucas
  266. Dictyota sandvicensis Sonder Herb.
  267. Dictyota sandvicensis J. Agardh
  268. Dictyota schroederi ('Schröderi') (C. Agardh) Greville
  269. Dictyota serrulata Lamouroux
  270. Dictyota setosa Duby mss.
  271. Dictyota sibenicensis Zanardini
  272. Dictyota sibenicensis Zanardini
  273. Dictyota simplex Kützing
  274. Dictyota solieri Chauvin
  275. Dictyota spathulata Yamada
  276. Dictyota spinigera Kützing Herb.
  277. Dictyota spinulosa Hooker & Arnott
  278. Dictyota spiralis Montagne
  279. Dictyota spiralis Schousboe
  280. Dictyota stolonifera Dawson
  281. Dictyota striolata Kützing
  282. Dictyota subarticulata Lamouroux
  283. Dictyota subdentata Kützing Herb.
  284. Dictyota submaritima Tanaka & Ho
  285. Dictyota suhrii (Kützing) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  286. Dictyota tenera (J. Agardh) I. Hörnig, R. Schnetter, & W. F. Prud'homme van Reine
  287. Dictyota tournefortiana Lamouroux
  288. Dictyota trichodes Meneghini
  289. Dictyota variabilis_('variabile') (Figari & De Notaris) Crouan frat.
  290. Dictyota variegata Lamouroux
  291. Dictyota verrucosa Suhr
  292. Dictyota verrucosa Suhr in Herb. Sonder
  293. Dictyota vieillardii ('Vieillardi') Kützing
  294. Dictyota virellus Noda
  295. Dictyota virellus Noda
  296. Dictyota viscida Schousboe
  297. Dictyota suhrii G. Murray
  298. Dictyota vittarioides J. Agardh
  299. Dictyota vivesii Howe
  300. Dictyota volubilis Kützing
  301. Dictyota vulgaris (Kützing) Kützing
  302. Dictyota vulgaris var. intricata (C. Agardh) Kützing
  303. Dictyota zonata Lamouroux
  304. Dictyota zonata J. Agardh
  306. Dictyothamnion saltatum A.J.K. Millar
  307. DICTYOTHELE Borzì
  308. DICTYOTHELE Borzì
  309. DICTYOTHELE Borzì
  310. DICTYOTHRIX Kützing
  311. Dictyothrix lateritia Kützing
  312. DICTYOTHYLAKOS Ulrich Horst
  313. DICTYOTIDIUM Eisenack
  314. Dictyotidium cambriense Slavíková
  315. Dictyotidium cohora Wicander & G. D. Wood
  316. Dictyotidium craticulum (E. Wicander & A.R. Loeblich, Jr.) R. Wicander & G. Playford
  317. Dictyotidium eastendense S. A. J. Pocock
  318. Dictyotidium hasletianum Vanguestaine
  319. Dictyotidium polosymmetrium Staplin
  320. Dictyotidium polygonium Staplin
  321. Dictyotidium shaunavonense S. A. J. Pocock
  322. Dictyotidium stenodictyum Eisenack
  323. Dictyotidium tenuiornatum Eisenack
  324. DICTYOTITES Ad. Brongniart \{also on card: sect. of Fucoides\}
  325. DICTYOTITES (Ad. Brongniart) Massalongo
  326. DICTYOTITES Penhallow
  327. Dictyotites fasciolus Penhallow
  328. Dictyotites maximus Penhallow
  329. DICTYOTOPSIS W. Troll
  330. Dictyotopsis propagulifera Troll
  331. DICTYURUS Bory
  332. Dictyurus australasicus Sonder
  333. Dictyurus australis Sonder
  334. Dictyurus fenestratus Dickinson
  335. Dictyurus gymnopus J. Agardh {ms. olim}
  336. Dictyurus gymnopus J. Agardh
  337. Dictyurus maldivensis Hackett & Aregood
  338. Dictyurus occidentalis J. Agardh
  339. Dictyurus purpurascens Bory
  340. Dictyurus quercifolius (Decaisne) J. Agardh
  341. Dictyurus teres (Harvey) J. Agardh
  342. DICURELLA Harvey
  343. DICURELLA Harvey ex J. Agardh
  344. Dicurella affinis J. Agardh
  345. Dicurella concinna (Turner) J. Agardh
  346. Dicurella elatior Harvey
  347. Dicurella flabellata Harvey
  348. Dicurella flabellata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
  349. Dicurella fragilis (C. Agardh) J. Agardh
  350. Dicurella scutellata (Hering) Papenfuss