Jepson eFlora: Key page
Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Rhinotropis

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(For a list of species in Rhinotropis, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Inflorescence thornless

2. Flowers 2.5–5 mm, ± cleistogamouskeel petal beakless ..... R. californica (2)

2' At least some flowers > 7 mm, opening, keel petal beaked

3. Flower 9–14.5 mm (occasionally 2.5–5 mm cleistogamous flowers near plant base), keel petal beak , generally notched or contorted, ± 0.7–1 mm diam near tip; aril glabrous ..... R. californica (2)

3' Flower 7–14 mm, of 1 kind, keel petal beak , ± 0.2 mm diam near tip; aril hairy ..... R. cornuta

4. Flower 8.5–14 mm, wings dense-puberulent; upper sepal generally  to  ..... var. cornuta

4' Flower 7–11.2 mm, wings generally , surface glabrous or  only near tip; upper sepal generally rounded to  ..... var. fishiae

1' Inflorescence thorn-tipped

5. Flower 2.5–5.3 mm, wings cream or ± green; twigs densely hairy

6. Pedicels, outer sepals, and leaves spreading-hairy ..... R. acanthoclada

6' Pedicels glabrous; outer sepals glabrous or ciliate, occasionally sparsely hairy near tip;  hairs incurved or  ..... R. intermontana

5' Flower 6–13.5 mm, wings pink; twigs glabrous to short-stiff-hairy

7. Keel petal beak prominently notched below; seeds hairier near aril ..... R. heterorhyncha

7' Keel petal beak entire or ± jagged; seeds generally evenly hairy ..... R. subspinosa


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