Key to AlliumView taxon page for Allium
(For a list of species in Allium, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Bulblets present in inflorescence 2' Bulblets present at bulb bases; disturbed places 1' Bulblets not present in inflorescence, present at bulb bases or on rhizomes or not; disturbed places or not 4. Leaves 1 per stem, cylindric Elongate, with parallel sides and, at any point, round in transverse section. ; ovary crests 6, obvious, ± triangular 5. Stigma lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. ± 0 6. Stamens exserted Protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens exserted from corolla). ; perianth parts 5–9 mm, inner > outer, margins ± irregular to jagged; stem 20–50 cm ..... A. sanbornii var. sanbornii 6' Stamens included Not protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens included in corolla). ; perianth parts 8–20 mm, ± equal, entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.). ; stem generally < 20 cm 7. Plants of DMtns, flowers white; outer bulb coat sculpture ± obvious, cells transversely elongate, intricately contorted; DMtns ..... A. nevadense 7' Plants not of DMtns or flowers not white; outer bulb coat sculpture 0 or cells ± square, in 2–3 rows basally, or obscurely polygonal 8. Perianth parts 8–12 mm; pedicels Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. slender, > flowers ..... A. atrorubens 9. Perianth parts generally deep red-purple (white), lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. , appearing long-acuminate by inrolled margins ..... var. atrorubens 9' Perianth parts pale pink, dark-veined, ± ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. , acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. to acuminate Having a long-tapered, sharp tip, the sides concave. ..... var. cristatum 8' Perianth parts 12–20 mm; pedicels stout, generally < flowers 10. Perianth parts lance-linear, long-tapered; bulblets 1. Small bulb generally produced at the base of a bulb. 2. Any small, bulb-like structure that propagates a plant, often in a leaf or bract axil. 1–2, stalked, at bulb base; TR, w PR ..... A. monticola 5' Stigma lobes 3, often slender, recurved Gradually curved downward or backward. 11. Stamens exserted or ± at same level as perianth 12' Inner perianth parts ± = outer; ovary crests irregularly dentate Having margins with sharp, relatively coarse teeth pointing outward, not tipward. to deeply cut ..... A. howellii 13. Stem (10)± 20(35) cm, slender; flowers generally 10–30; perianth generally pink to lavender (white); ovary crests purple; flower Mar–Apr; s SNF, Teh, SnJV, SnFrB, SCoR, WTR ..... var. howellii 13' Stem 20–60 cm, stout; flowers generally > 50; perianth generally white; ovary crests white or green; flower Apr–Jun; SCoRI, n WTR 15. Perianth parts (at least inner) dentate or jagged 17. Outer bulb coats brown to gray; perianth ± spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. , tips reflexed Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward. , inner parts jagged ..... A. abramsii 17' Outer bulb coats red-brown; perianth erect Upright; vertically oriented. , ± straight, inner parts dentate near tip ..... A. denticulatum 15' Perianth parts ± entire 18. Ovary crests entire, notched, or jagged, not dentate to deeply cut 19. Perianth 10–18 mm, maroon or deep red-purple 20. Perianth deep red-purple, tips ± spreading to ± erect; plants of serpentine, se SnFrB (Mount Hamilton Range) ..... A. sharsmithiae 20' Perianth maroon near tips, white or ± green basally, tips reflexed; plants not of serpentine, s SNH, Teh ..... A. shevockii 19' Perianth 6–9 mm, white to pink, in age ± red 21. Inflorescence dense, pedicels straight in fruit; perianth parts elliptic In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear to ovate, obtuse Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. to acute ..... A. munzii 21' Inflorescence open, pedicels curved in fruit; perianth parts lanceolate, acuminate ..... A. parryi 18' Ovary crests dentate to deeply cut 22' Perianth white, pink, or lavender, midveins darker, tips erect 23' Flowers generally 6–9 mm 4' Leaves >= 2 per stem (if 1, leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). flat or channeled); ovary crests 6, obvious, ± triangular, or ± 0 26. Stem 3–30 mm diam, hollow, inflated below middle; bulb generally 5–10 cm diam; flowers 100–500 ..... [A. cepa] 26' Stem < 3 mm diam unless flattened and/or winged, solid or hollow, not inflated below middle; bulb < 3 cm diam; flowers 5–150 27. Bulbs oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. or oblong-ovoid, clustered on stout rhizome 1. In seed plants, stem that is often elongate, more or less horizontal, usually underground; distinguished from roots by bearing of leaves, leaf scars, axillary buds, etc. 2. In ferns, stem that is located underground, embedded in leaf litter, on rocks or in rock crevices, or on trees or tree branches, often scaly or hairy; distinguished from roots by bearing of fronds (roots rarely bear fronds), and their greater diameter. 28. Stem 50–100 cm; perianth parts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate; stamens exserted ..... A. validum 28' Stem 10–40 cm; perianth parts narrowly ovate, acute; stamens including 29. Ovary topped with a low, papillate Pertaining to a surface (e.g., of a leaf, stigma, fruit) bearing small, rounded or conic protuberances (papillae). cap covering lobes ..... A. haematochiton 27' Bulbs ovoid to ± spheric, not clustered on short rhizome 30. Ovary crests 6, obvious, triangular; bulblets > 3, generally << bulb, generally clustered at bulb base or on rhizome 31. Leaves generally withered in flower; perianth red-purple, rigid-keeled, ± shiny in fruit, tip margins inrolled, parts with a purple crescent adaxially just above base ..... A. campanulatum 31' Leaves generally not withered in flower; perianth white or pink to rose-purple, not keeled, papery in fruit, tip margins ± flat, parts without darker crescent adaxially 30' Ovary crests 0 or obscure, not triangular; bulblets 1–3, ± = bulb, within bulb coats or on rhizome 33. Leaves flat or widely channeled, generally ± sickle-shaped; plant in fruit dry, breaking at ground 34. Outer bulb coat sculpture ± net-like throughout 35. Outer bulb coat cells rectangular, transversely elongate, in ± regular rows 36' Perianth parts ovate to oblanceolate 37. Stem 15–20 cm, inflorescence held well above ground; pedicel Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. > flower ..... A. lemmonii 35' Outer bulb coat cells ± square or polygonal, if transversely elongate then curved and not in regular rows 38' Outer bulb coat cells ± rectangular, ± transversely elongate, square, or polygonal ..... A. obtusum 34' Outer bulb coat sculpture 0 or cells ± square, in 2–3 rows basally 40. Stem cylindric or ± flat, not winged 41. Stamens well included 42. Leaves straight or ± sickle-shaped; flowers 20–30; KR, NCoR, n&c SNF, s SNH, Teh, SCoRI, WTR, SnJt ..... A. cratericola 41' Stamens exserted or ± at same level as perianth 40' Stem ± flat, generally winged above 46' Perianth parts lanceolate to ovate, obtuse to long-acuminate; stamens including 47' Leaves < 6 mm wide; perianth parts 6–10 mm, obtuse to acute 48' Perianth parts widely lanceolate to ovate, obtuse (tip margins ± flat) 33' Leaves narrowly channeled to ± cylindric, if flat or widely channeled, not sickle-shaped; plant in fruit dry or not, not breaking at ground 50. Outer bulb coat sculpture 0 or obscure 51. Bulb symmetric, present at flower; rhizomes 0 52' Longest inflorescence bracts <= pedicels; flower 7–18 mm 51' Bulb symmetric or not, ± 0 at flower; rhizomes obscure or obvious 54. Rhizomes obvious, generally 3–5 cm; leaves widely channeled or ± flat, keeled; perianth parts ovate to obovate, ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. , entire ..... A. unifolium 54' Rhizomes obscure, < 2 cm; leaves ± cylindric; perianth parts ± lanceolate, erect, at least inner serrate Having margins with sharp, fine to coarse teeth generally pointing tipward, not outward; margins with such teeth on such primary teeth are doubly serrate. ..... A. bolanderi 55. Bulb oblique-ovoid, not tuber-like, outer coat breaking with serrate edges; perianth parts 8–12 mm, narrowly ovate ..... var. bolanderi 55' Bulb oblique-oblong, tuber-like, outer coat breaking with irregular edges; perianth parts 9–14 mm, narrowly lanceolate ..... var. mirabile 50' Outer bulb coat sculpture obvious, ± net-like 56. Outer bulb coat cells square, polygonal, in regular rows, not in ± herringbone pattern, not ± contorted 58. Stem 10–25 cm; inflorescence dense, pedicel 0.7–1.5 × flower 58' Stem 15–35 cm; inflorescence open, pedicel 1.5–3.5 × flower 56' Outer bulb coat cells transversely elongate, in ± herringbone pattern, or ± contorted 61. Outer bulb coat cells in obscure, wavy, herringbone pattern; perianth parts spreading, outer ± = inner 62' Stem 15–50 cm; perianth parts folded over fruit; flowers, pedicels deciduous 63' Ovary crests 0 or 3, central, minute; inflorescence open, pedicels 1.5–4 × flower 64. Leaves 1–3(4) mm wide, widely channeled to cylindric, not keeled; inner bulb coats light yellow; perianth translucent in fruit ..... A. hyalinum 64' Leaves (3)4–6 mm wide, widely channeled or flat, keeled; inner bulb coats white; perianth ± opaque, papery in fruit ..... A. praecox 61' Outer bulb coat cells in obvious, not wavy, herringbone pattern; perianth parts ± erect, outer > inner 65. Perianth parts folded over ovary in fruit; flowers, pedicels deciduous ..... A. serra 65' Perianth parts erect, rigid in fruit; flowers, pedicels persistent 66. Leaves 3–6 per stem, curved to curled; inflorescence dense, pedicels erect, 0.7–2 × flower; on or near sea cliffs ..... A. dichlamydeum 66' Leaves 2–3 per stem, straight to ± curved; inflorescence open, pedicels spreading, 1–3 × flower; not on or near sea cliffs
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