Key to HypericumView taxon page for Hypericum
(For a list of species in Hypericum, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Petals < 5 mm; styles 1–1.5 mm; fruit chamber 1, placenta parietal Pertaining to placentas on the inside surface of the ovary wall in a compound ovary with one or more chambers. 2. Plant prostrate Lying flat on the ground. to decumbent lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up. , 3–30 cm; flower branches near stem tips; leaves below inflorescence elliptic In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear to ± round, 4–15 mm, abruptly reduced above lowest flower branches ..... H. anagalloides 2' Plant ± erect Upright; vertically oriented. , 20–60 cm; flower branches from mid-stem or lower; leaves below inflorescence elliptic to ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. , 10–25 mm, slightly reduced above lowest flower branches ..... H. mutilum subsp. mutilum 1' Petals > 5 mm; styles 2–20 mm; fruit chambers 3, placentas Structure or area to which ovules are attached in an ovary; variously shaped and positioned. axile Pertaining to an axis, as of a placenta along the central axis in a compound ovary with more than one chamber. 3. Perennial herb from taproot, rhizome 1. In seed plants, stem that is often elongate, more or less horizontal, usually underground; distinguished from roots by bearing of leaves, leaf scars, axillary buds, etc. 2. In ferns, stem that is located underground, embedded in leaf litter, on rocks or in rock crevices, or on trees or tree branches, often scaly or hairy; distinguished from roots by bearing of fronds (roots rarely bear fronds), and their greater diameter. , or woody caudex Generally short, sometimes woody, more or less vertical stem of a perennial, at or beneath ground level. 4. Leaf linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. to lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. , generally folded, tip acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. ; stem from woody caudex ..... H. concinnum 4' Leaf ± elliptic to ovate or oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. , not folded, tip obtuse Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. ; stem from taproot or rhizome 5' Leaf ovate to elliptic; sterile axillary branches generally < 2 cm; fruit 3-lobed ..... H. scouleri 6' Petals > 10 mm, 2–4 × sepals 7' Stem many-branched; flowers generally > 1 per branch 8. Leaves sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk. , narrowly lance-oblong; petals 12–17 mm ..... H. canariense 8' Leaves petioled, petiole Leaf stalk, connecting leaf blade to stem; sometimes more or less indistinct. 1–4 mm; leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate; petals 15–30 mm ..... [H. hookerianum]
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