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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Plantago

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(For a list of species in Plantago, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Leaves caulineinflorescence spikes generally in cyme-like clusters at  tip ..... P. arenaria

1' Leaves in  ; inflorescence , with 1 terminal 

2. Corolla tube hairy; inner side of seed perpendicular to plane between cotyledons (subg. Coronopus)

3. Leaf deeply pinnately lobed; calyx pressed against inflorescence axis (except on re-hydrated material); adaxial sepals each with 1 wide keel or  on midrib ..... P. coronopus

3' Leaf  to sparsely ; calyx not pressed against inflorescence axis; adaxial sepals each with 0 or 1 narrow keel or wing on midrib ..... P. maritima

2' Corolla tube glabrous; inner side of seed perpendicular to plane between cotyledons to not

4. Seeds (1)2, inner side deep-concave (concavity generally 1/2 thickness of seed), perpendicular to plane between cotyledons (subg. Psyllium)

5. Peduncle grooved; abaxial sepals united > 1/2 from base, scarious parts united; green  midrib not reaching tip ..... P. lanceolata

5' Peduncle not grooved; abaxial sepals united at base, scarious parts free; green bract midrib generally reaching tip

6. Hairs on peduncle generally ±  (ascending), each in diam generally << to = 2 × those on leaves ..... P. ovata

7. Corolla  generally without red-brown midrib; bract midrib green ..... var. fastigiata

7' Corolla lobes generally with prominent red-brown midrib; bract midrib brown ..... var. insularis

6' Hairs on peduncle nearly always , each in diam ± 2 × those on leaves

8. Bract  to round, generally <= calyx, not  ..... P. erecta

8' Bract , 1–12 × calyx, some or all exserted

9. Bract generally 3–12 × calyx; corolla lobes generally ; plant drying dark green, hairs 0 to ± present ..... P. aristata

9' Bract generally 1–2.5 × calyx; corolla lobes ± ; plant drying light green, hairs ± dense ..... P. patagonica

4' Seeds 1–many, inner side flat, rarely convex or concave (concavity 1/2 thickness of seed), parallel to plane between cotyledons if seeds 1–2, parallel to  to perpendicular if seeds > 2 (subg. Plantago)

10. Perennial herb (rarely annual in Plantago major)

11. Leaf widely  to ± , narrowed abruptly to ; flower ; corolla lobes spreading to , ± 0.5 mm; plant with many  roots ..... P. major

11' Leaf oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic-ovate,  to wide petiole; flower unisexual or bisexual; corolla lobes spreading, ± 1 mm, or generally  in pistillate flowers, spreading in staminate, ± 3 mm; plant with 1–2 taproots or many fibrous roots

12. Plant with 1–2 taproots; flower bisexual; corolla lobes spreading, ± 1 mm ..... P. eriopoda

12' Plant with many fibrous roots; flower unisexual; corolla lobes generally erect in pistillate flowers, spreading in staminate, ± 3 mm ..... P. subnuda

10' Annualbiennial

13. Leaf widely oblanceolate to obovate or elliptic, tapered to petiole, entire to ± toothed

14. Abaxial sepals 2.7–3.6 mm,  to mucronate; seeds 2.5–3 mm, generally red to red-brown, with concavity on inner side < 1/2 thickness of seed ..... P. rhodosperma

14' Abaxial sepals 1.5–2.4 mm, obtuse; seeds 1.5–2 mm, pale brown, with concavity on inner side ± 1/2 thickness of seed ..... P. virginica

13' Leaf thread-like to narrowly oblanceolate, tapered to base, generally entire

15. Leaf narrowly oblanceolate; corolla lobes ± 2–3 mm; inflorescence axis generally not visible between flowers; flowers unisexual, stamens 0 or 4 ..... P. truncata subsp. firma

15' Leaf thread-like to linear; corolla lobes ± 0.5 mm; inflorescence axis generally at least partially visible between flowers; flowers bisexual, stamens 2

16. Corolla lobes generally 1 erect, 3 spreading or reflexed; seeds (3)4–9(12) per fruit, 1.5–2.5 mm; CA-FP (except CaRH, s SNF, SNH, Teh) ..... P. elongata

16' Corolla lobes generally erect; seeds 4 per fruit, 0.7–1.8 mm; SnJV, SCo (San Diego Co.) ..... P. pusilla


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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