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Key to Clarkia

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Fruit 2–3 mm, nut-like, , 1–2-seeded ..... C. heterandra

1' Fruit > 5 mm, not nut-like, , many-seeded

2. Stamens 4; petals 3-lobed

3. Petal length ± = width, middle  narrower ..... C. breweri

3' Petal length ± 2 × width,  ± equally wide ..... C. concinna

4. Stigma  beyond anthers; petals 15–30 mm ..... subsp. concinna

4' Stigma not exserted beyond anthers; petals 10–20 mm

5. Petal lobes prominent, separated by deep sinuses ..... subsp. automixa

5' Petal lobes short, not separated by deep sinuses ..... subsp. raichei

2' Stamens 8; petals not 3-lobed

6. Axis of inflorescence in  straight;   or 

7. Buds reflexed; corolla  or bowl-shaped; inner anthers < outer, paler

8. Petal lobes 2, with slender  between ..... C. xantiana

9. Petals 6–12 mm; stigma not exserted beyond anthers ..... subsp. parviflora

9' Petals 12–20 mm; stigma exserted beyond anthers ..... subsp. xantiana

8' Petals 

10. Corolla bowl-shaped; petals not clawed

11. Seeds brown; s SNF, CCo, SCoRO, SCo, WTR, SnGb, nw PR ..... C. bottae

11' Seeds gray; n SCoRO (Monterey Co.) ..... C. jolonensis

10' Corolla rotate; petals clawed

12. Petal claw ..... C. delicata

12' Petal claw >= blade

13. Calyx and ovary  and with longer, straight,  hairs < 3 mm ..... C. unguiculata

13' Calyx and ovary sparsely to densely puberulent, longer straight spreading hairs 0

14. Leaves bright green, not glaucous ..... C. exilis

14' Leaves gray-green or ± red, glaucous

15. Sepals generally dark red-purple – stigma exserted beyond anthers ..... C. springvillensis

15' Sepals green, red-tinged or not ..... C. tembloriensis

16. Petals ± 10 mm wide; stigma not exserted beyond anthers ..... subsp. calientensis

16' Petals generally < 10 mm wide; stigma exserted beyond anthers or not ..... subsp. tembloriensis

7' Buds erect; corolla bowl-shaped; anthers alike

17. Sepals staying fused in 4s

18. Ovary and immature fruit 8-grooved

19. Petals 5–15 mm; immature fruit  ..... C. affinis

19' Petals 30–60 mm; immature fruit  ..... C. amoena subsp. whitneyi

18' Ovary and immature fruit 4-grooved

20. Petals with red spot or marks near middle ..... C. amoena

21. Stem ; inflorescence dense generally < subtending flower ..... subsp. amoena

21' Stem erect; inflorescence open; internode generally > subtending flower ..... subsp. huntiana

20' Petals with ± red spot or zone at base

22. Petals 5–13 mm; stigma not exserted beyond anthers ..... C. franciscana

22' Petals 10–30 mm; stigma exserted beyond anthers ..... C. rubicunda

17' Sepals all coming free or staying fused in 2s

23. Stigma not exserted beyond anthers; petals 5–15 mm

24. Stem generally erect; leaves generally  to  ..... C. purpurea subsp. quadrivulnera

24' Stem  to decumbent; leaves  to obovate, tip generally 

25. Petals 5–11 mm, spot 0 ..... C. davyi

25' Petals 10–15 mm, ± red spot above base ..... C. prostrata

23' Stigma exserted beyond anthers; petals generally 15–30 mm

26. Sepals free at tip in bud ..... C. williamsonii

26' Sepals fused to tip in bud

27. Inflorescence dense; ovary generally > distal internode

28. Hypanthium conspicuously veined; petals with a large wedge-shaped purple-red spot distally ..... C. imbricata

28' Hypanthium not conspicuously veined; petal spot near middle

29. Leaves broadly lanceolate to elliptic or glabrous to sparsely puberulent ..... C. purpurea subsp. purpurea

29' Leaves lanceolate, puberulent ..... C. speciosa subsp. nitens

27' Inflorescence open; ovary generally < distal internode

30. Petals lacking red or red-purple spot ..... C. speciosa subsp. immaculata

30' Petals with red or red-purple spot

31. Petal spot distal (darker proximally or not) ..... C. purpurea subsp. viminea

31' Petal spot near middle

32. Flowers many on well-developed branches; c&s SNF, Teh ..... C. speciosa subsp. polyantha

32' Flowers few on well-developed branches; SCoR ..... C. speciosa subsp. speciosa

6' Axis of inflorescence in bud  at tip; buds pendent

33. Petal claw broad, 2-lobed

34. Stigma not exserted beyond anthers; petals 6–12 mm

35. Petals generally spotted; pollen blue-gray ..... C. rhomboidea

35' Petals unspotted; pollen yellow ..... C. stellata

34' Stigma exserted beyond anthers; petals generally > 12 mm

36. Axis of inflorescence in bud recurved within 3  of open flower; petal length 1.4–1.6 × width ..... C. mildrediae

37. Anthers yellow to orange-red or red; fresh pollen yellow to tan ..... subsp. lutescens

37' Anthers magenta; fresh pollen blue-gray ..... subsp. mildrediae

36' Axis of inflorescence straight 4 or more nodes distal to open flower; petal length 1.6–3 × width

38. Flower buds fusiform, tip acute ..... C. borealis

39. Seed 1.8–2.5 mm; se KR, CaRF ..... subsp. arida

39' Seed 1.5–1.8 mm; KR ..... subsp. borealis

38' Flower buds obovate, tip obtuse

40. Petal length 1.6–2 × width ..... C. mosquinii

40' Petal length 1.9–3 × width

41. Leaves lance-linear ..... C. australis

41' Leaves elliptic to ovate ..... C. virgata

33' Petal claw 0 or < 2 mm, not lobed

42. Petals 2-lobed ..... C. biloba

43. Petals bright pink to magenta, length generally > 1.5 × width ..... subsp. australis

43' Petals lavender to purple-pink, length generally < 1.5 × width

44. Petal lobes generally 1/5–1/2 petal length ..... subsp. biloba

44' Petal lobes generally < 1/5 petal length ..... subsp. brandegeeae

42' Petals entire, occasionally notched at tip

45. Anthers alike in size and color

46. Ovary and immature fruit conspicuously 8-grooved; fruit not wider distally

47. Stigma exserted beyond anthers;  5–15 mm ..... C. arcuata

47' Stigma not exserted beyond anthers; pedicel 0–3 mm ..... C. lassenensis

46' Ovary and immature fruit 4- or rarely shallowly 8-grooved; fruit generally wider distally ..... C. gracilis

48. Petals 6–23 mm, spot 0, base darker or not; stigma not exserted beyond anthers ..... subsp. gracilis

48' Petals 20–40 mm with a red spot near middle or red at base; stigma exserted beyond anthers

49. Petals with a red spot near middle ..... subsp. sonomensis

49' Petals red at base

50. Petals generally 30–40 mm; s CaRF ..... subsp. albicaulis

50' Petals generally 20–30 mm; NCoRI ..... subsp. tracyi

45' Anthers in 2 unlike series, inner smaller, paler

51. Stigma not exserted beyond anthers; petals 5–12 mm

52. Petals white, not flecked, fading pink ..... C. epilobioides

52' Petals pale to dark pink, generally flecked, fading darker

53. Petals pink, not lighter near base, generally darker flecked ..... C. modesta

53' Petals pale pink, shading lighter near base, purple flecked ..... C. similis

51' Stigma exserted beyond anthers; petals 10–35 mm

54. Corolla rotate; petals oblanceolate ..... C. lingulata

54' Corolla bowl-shaped; petals fan-shaped

55. Ovary and immature fruit 8-grooved ..... C. dudleyana

55' Ovary and immature fruit 4-grooved

56. Width of outer filaments ± 2 × inner; ring of hairs in  below rim ..... C. cylindrica

57. Fruit wider distally ..... subsp. clavicarpa

56' Width of all filaments ± equal; ring of hairs in hypanthium at rim

58. Fruit beak 0–3 mm ..... C. lewisii

58' Fruit beak 7–15 mm ..... C. rostrata


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