Key to Erythronium
View taxon page for Erythronium
(For a list of species in Erythronium, use the above link.)
Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
1. Leaves uniformly green, not mottled
2. Perianth yellow;
stigma entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.).
or lobed
3. Perianth parts 15–28 mm;
filaments yellow; stigma entire or
lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth.
< 1 mm; flowers 1–10
..... E. pluriflorum 3' Perianth parts 20–35 mm; style, filaments white; stigma ± entire or lobes < 1 mm or 2–4 mm; flowers 1–5
4' Flowers 1–5; style 8–10 mm; fresh perianth parts without pale zone at base; stigma ± entire or lobes < 1 mm; c SNF
..... E. tuolumnense 2' Perianth white with yellow base; stigma ± entire
5' Perianth parts 18–45 mm, inner with small sac-like folds at base
6' Perianth parts 1/3–2/3 yellow; leaves 10–35 cm; flowers 1–8; c&s SNH
1' Leaves irregularly mottled with brown or white
8. Filaments >= 1 mm wide; stigma lobed
8' Filaments < 0.8 mm wide; stigma entire to lobed
10' Perianth ± white with yellow base
11. Longest style > 10 mm
12' Anthers white to cream; style straight; largest leaves <=15 cm
13. Peduncle when flowers > 1 branched well above leaves;
bulblets 1. Small bulb generally produced at the base of a bulb. 2. Any small, bulb-like structure that propagates a plant, often in a leaf or bract axil.
..... E. californicum 11' Longest style <= 10 mm
14. Anthers yellow; style ± bent; bulblets 0 or
sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk.
..... E. helenae 14' Anthers white to cream, pink to brown- or purple-red; style ± straight; bulblets 0
..... E. citrinum
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