Key to CalochortusView taxon page for Calochortus
(For a list of species in Calochortus, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Flower nodding; perianth ± closed, spheric to oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. 2. Petal white, pink, or rose 3. Sepal appressed Parallel or nearly parallel to and often in contact with surface of origin; used to describe the disposition of hairs, leaves, pedicels, etc. to petals; lower nectary membrane 1/3–2/3 petal width; petal generally white to pink; s CaRF, n&c SN, CW, n ChI, TR, PR ..... C. albus 3' Sepal spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. , not appressed to petals; lower nectary membrane ± = petal width; petal rose; c&s SN (Madera, Fresno cos.) ..... C. amoenus 4. Stem generally simple Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched. above base; petals > sepals, hairy; plant generally 10–100 cm, very glaucous ..... C. raichei 4' Stem generally branched above base; petals generally <= sepals, glabrous to sparsely hairy; plant generally < 30(50) cm, not very glaucous 1' Flower erect Upright; vertically oriented. to spreading; perianth open, bell- or cup-shaped or ± rotate Wheel-shaped, spreading, or saucer-shaped; often applied to a fused corolla with a short or nonexistent tube and a spreading limb. 6. Fruit nodding; petal ± not spotted or striped (or above-ground stem < 10 cm) (sect. Calochortus in part) 7' Petal generally < 28 mm, color various; widespread except s CA 8. Petal ± glabrous adaxially 9' Cauline leaves present; NW, n&c CCo, SnFrB 10. Stem 8–25 cm, branched, bulblets 1. Small bulb generally produced at the base of a bulb. 2. Any small, bulb-like structure that propagates a plant, often in a leaf or bract axil. 0; s NCoRO, SnFrB ..... C. umbellatus 10' Stem generally < 5 cm, generally simple, bulblets present; NW, CaRH, n&c CCo, SnFrB ..... C. uniflorus 8' Petal ± conspicuously hairy adaxially 11' Petal white, pink, purple, or blue 12. Petal lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. to obovate, ± ciliate Having generally straight, conspicuous hairs along margins or edges. on sides but not tip 13. Petal obovate to wedge-shaped; stem simple or branched; NW, CaR, n SN, n ScV, n CCo, SnFrB ..... C. tolmiei 12' Petal ± oblanceolate to obovate, ciliate throughout 14' Petal green-white, base dark ± purple, minute-bumpy adaxially; e KR, NCoRI ..... C. elegans 6' Fruit erect; petal spotted or striped (except Calochortus nudus, occasionally Calochortus palmeri) 15. Basal leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). ± persistent at flower 16' Petal white to purple; KR, CaR, MP 17' Petal without crescent adaxially 18. Petal 30–40 mm with dark purple crescent abaxially; nectary deeply depressed Flattened from above and below, or with the center lower than the margins. ; dry places; < 1100 m ..... C. greenei 18' Petal 14–16 mm, without crescent abaxially; nectary ± shallow; moist places; > 1200 m ..... C. nudus 15' Basal leaf ± withered by flowering (except Calochortus excavatus, Calochortus syntrophus) 19. Nectary surface ± glabrous but ± hidden by bordering hairs; bulb coat fibrous 1. Pertaining to structures that are composed at least in part of more or less thread-like but usually tough elements (e.g., Yucca leaves). 2. Pertaining to a root system composed of many roots similar in length and thickness (e.g., grass roots). – s CW, SW 20' Petal tan, yellow, ± purple to red-brown, generally ± ciliate 21' Petal tip fringed Having ragged or finely cut margins. , not hair-tufted 22' Petal margin fringed with 1 row of hairs; anthers rounded; SCoRO, SCo, WTR, PR ..... C. weedii 19' Nectary surface hairy; bulb coat membranous 24. Nectary ± round, clearly to ± depressed, encircled by fringed membrane 25' Petal yellow, gold, or white generally tinged lilac or lavender 26. Petal white, tinged lilac, or lavender, green-striped abaxially; sepal occasionally dark-spotted 27. Petal base marked dark purple; bracts generally 3–8 cm; anthers red-brown – sw SNE ..... C. excavatus 27' Petal base white or tinged lilac; bracts 2–7 cm; anthers yellow, maroon, blue, purple, red or red-brown 28' Sepal base dark-spotted; petal narrowly obovate 29. Petal with red or purple arch above nectary; nectary in yellow spot; n SNH, e edges c&s SNH, MP, s SNE ..... C. bruneaunis 26' Petal yellow or gold, not green-striped abaxially; sepal base generally dark-spotted 30. Perianth bell-shaped; nectary encircled by slender or club-shaped hairs; stem straight or occasionally twisted – SnBr, PR, n&e DMtns 31. Leaves flat or inrolled; nectary encircled by dense, slender hairs; stem straight, generally stout; SnBr (s slope), PR ..... C. concolor 31' Leaves channeled; nectary encircled by sparse, club-like hairs; stem occasionally twisted; n&e DMtns (Panamint, Clark Mtn ranges, Providence Mtns) ..... C. kennedyi var. munzii 30' Perianth cup-shaped; nectary encircled by club-shaped hairs; stem often zigzag ..... C. clavatus 32' Petal >= sepal; nectary shallow to ± deep 33. Stem generally < 30 cm, slender, straight 34. Petal 30–40 mm, sparsely hairy; leaves not recurved Gradually curved downward or backward. ; WTR, SnGb ..... var. gracilis 33' Stem generally 50–100 cm, coarse, zigzag 35' Petal light yellow, hairs not very knobby; anther yellow to purple; w SnJV (and adjacent e SnFrB, SCoRI), n WTR ..... var. pallidus 24' Nectary not simultaneously ± round, clearly to ± depressed, encircled by fringed membrane (but occasionally 1 of these) 36. Stem bulblets generally 0 (except some Calochortus splendens) 37' Petal spotted, not obviously veined or striped 38' Stem ± erect; perianth not yellow-banded 39. Petal white or flushed pink, red-brown-spotted above nectary, nectary yellow-hairy; s PR (s San Diego Co.) ..... C. dunnii 39' Petal lavender to deep purple, base generally purple-spotted, not yellow-hairy; c&s NCoRI, w edge SnJV, CW, w SW, SnJt, w edge DSon ..... C. splendens (2) 36' Stem bulblets generally present (except Calochortus palmeri var. munzii) 40. Petal bright or deep yellow 41' Nectary chevron- or crescent-shaped to oblong 40' Petal white to pink, purple, lavender, or red 43. Petal light to deep lilac, lavender, or variably colored – generally with sparse white hairs near base; not striped, highly patterned ..... C. splendens (2) 43' Petal all or variably white, pink, purple, or red 44. Nectary ± ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. or oblong (occasionally ± round) 45. Anther sagittate Arrowhead-shaped, with two basal lobes oriented nearly parallel to the long axis. – CaRH, SNH, MP, SNE ..... C. leichtlinii 46' Fruit linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. , angled 47. Petals generally 40–50 mm; nectary hairs slender; ne KR (near Yreka, Siskiyou Co.) ..... C. monanthus 48. Nectary glabrous or purple-hairy; stem bulblets 0; bracts opposite 1. Arranged in pairs along an axis - e.g., two leaves per node. 2. Occurring in the same rank, directly above or below, as 'stamens opposite petals'. 3. Located directly across from. ; SnJt ..... var. munzii 48' Nectary yellow-hairy; stem bulblets present; bracts alternate 1. Arranged singly, often spirally, along an axis - e.g., one leaf per node. 2. Occurring in different ranks, appearing to be between, not directly above or below, as 'stamens alternate petals'. ; Teh, s CW, TR, SnJt ..... var. palmeri 44' Nectary 1–2 crescents or chevrons, ± triangular, ± square, or ± elliptic In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear 49' Nectary 1–2 crescents or chevrons or ± square or ± elliptic; sepals <= petals 51. Nectary in red spot; 2nd, distal, paler petal spot 0 (present); seed 5–6 mm, 3 mm wide ..... C. simulans 51' Nectary not in red spot; 2nd, distal, paler petal spot generally present; seed 4–5 mm, 1–2 mm wide ..... C. venustus (2) 50' Nectary 1–2 crescents, chevrons, or ± elliptic 52' Nectary 1 crescent, chevron, or ± elliptic 53. Nectary hairs orange; petal light yellow basally; basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. leaves generally persistent; KR, CaR (The Cove, Shasta Co.) ..... C. syntrophus 53' Nectary hairs red-brown or brown; petal highly variable in color basally, often purple-lined near base; basal leaves generally withering; NW, CaRF, SNF, s SNH, CW, SW
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