Key to Melanthiaceae
View taxon page for Melanthiaceae
Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
1. Leaves linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong.
2. Leaves
persistent after 1 year,
wiry, tough;
cauline leaves many,
reduced upward
..... XEROPHYLLUM 2' Leaves
deciduous after 1 year, not wiry, not tough; cauline leaves 0 or 1–2, much reduced
3. Perianth parts pale green-yellow to ± purple, without
ovary partly
inferior (at base)
..... STENANTHIUM 1' Leaves
lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip.
to widely
ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf.
4. Leaves > 3,
alternate 1. Arranged singly, often spirally, along an axis - e.g., one leaf per node. 2. Occurring in different ranks, appearing to be between, not directly above or below, as 'stamens alternate petals'.
; plant 1–2 m
..... VERATRUM 4' Leaves 3, in 1
whorl subtending flower; plant < 0.7 m
5' Leaves
sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk.
or subsessile, not leathery; petals white, ± pink, ± yellow, or purple, not spotted
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