Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Key to Lupinus

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(For a list of species in Lupinus, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Annual, rarely living > 1 growing season

2. Cotyledons persistent at plant base, disk- or cup-like, or deciduous, leaving circular fruit generally ovoidseeds generally 2, generally tubercled or wrinkled (fruit ; seeds 2–6 in Lupinus odoratus)

3. Flowers distinctly bracts persistent, ; upper keel margins  near claw

4. Stem generally not clearly hollow; lower keel margins as densely ciliate as upper; leaflets adaxially generally hairy; seed dark brown, tubercled.

5. Plant <= 1 m at flowering; petals generally pale yellow (± pink or bright blue); flowering Mar–Aug; 200–1900 m; NW, CaRF, e SnFrB and n SCoRI (Diablo Range), w WTR ..... L. luteolus

5' Plant 1–2 m at flowering; petals ± blue, in age ± yellow; flowering (Jun)Jul–Sep; < 500 m; NCoRO (Round Valley, Mendocino Co.) ..... L. milobakeri

4' Stem clearly hollow at least below; lower keel margins glabrous or less ciliate than upper; leaflets adaxially glabrous; seed generally mottled, wrinkled or smooth ..... L. microcarpus

6. Wings widely , not withering, in age translucent; lower keel margins ciliate near claw ..... var. horizontalis

6' Wings  to oblanceolate, withering, in age not translucent; lower keel margins occasionally sparsely ciliate near claw

7. Bracts short-appressed- to long-spreading-hairy; fruit ± , generally on 1 side of axis ..... var. densiflorus

7' Bracts long-shaggy-hairy; fruit generally ± , generally on > 1 side of axis ..... var. microcarpus

3' Flowers not distinctly whorled, generally spiraled; bracts straight, not reflexed, persistent or deciduous; upper keel margins glabrous

8. Leaves herbage sparsely hairy in youth, generally glabrous at flower – SNE (exc W&I), D ..... L. odoratus

8' Leaves basal or cauline, crowded near base; herbage sparsely hairy to canescent or soft-shaggy-hairy

9. Plant 1–2(3) cm; inflorescences (1)2-flowered; free blades of stipules < 1 mm; leaflets 2–7 mm – MP ..... L. uncialis

9' Plant 3–20 cm; inflorescences 3–many flowered; free blades of stipules > 1 mm; leaflets generally 7–30 mm

10. Herbage canescent, hairs 0.6–1 mm; upper suture of fruit generally wavy and densely stiff-long-ciliate; fruit sides with hairs short, inflated, when dry scale-like – SNE, D ..... L. shockleyi

10' Herbage hairs spreading, > 1 mm; upper suture of fruit not obviously wavy and densely stiff-ciliate; fruit sides with hairs long, not inflated

11. Peduncle 0–1 cm; inflorescence generally < leaves; fruit oblong, narrowed between seeds – GB (Modoc, Inyo cos.), DMoj ..... L. pusillus var. intermontanus

11' Peduncle 2–5(10) cm; inflorescence > leaves; fruit , not narrowed between seeds

12. Inflorescence 1–2.5 cm;  0.5–1.5 mm; seed smooth ..... L. brevicaulis

12' Inflorescence 3–10 cm; pedicels 2–3 mm; seed wrinkled ..... L. flavoculatus

2' Cotyledons petioled, generally withering, generally deciduous, not leaving circular scar; fruit oblong; seeds generally > 2, smooth

13. Lower and often upper margins of keel ciliate near claw, both glabrous near tip

14. Flowers whorled – petals generally blue-purple (white, pink, lavender) – NCoRO, NCoRI, CaRF, GV, CW, SW ..... L. succulentus (2)

14' Flowers spiraled, lowermost often crowded, appearing ± whorled

15. Banner yellow, wings generally pink (± white), keel white – SN, n SCoRO (Monterey Co.), SnGb, SnBr ..... L. stiversii

15' Banner and wings not colored in that combination

16. Petals golden-yellow or white; pedicels recurving ..... L. citrinus

17. Petals golden-yellow, drying translucent, ± purple; c&s SNH, c SNF (Fresno, Madera cos.) ..... var. citrinus

17' Petals white, pink- or lavender-tinged or not, banner occasionally drying translucent, yellow; c SNF (Mariposa Co.) ..... var. deflexus

16' Petals blue or dark pink to magenta; pedicels not recurving

18. Herbage short-appressed- and stiff-spreading-stinging-hairy; leaflets 10–20 mm wide – c&s CW (SnFrB, SCoRO, possibly others), SW ..... L. hirsutissimus

18' Herbage not stiff-spreading-stinging-hairy; leaflets generally < 10(12) mm wide

19. Petiole flat, leaflet-like;  tip generally ; keel tip stout, blunt – c&s CW, SW ..... L. truncatus

19' Petiole not flat, not leaflet-like; leaf tip not truncate; keel tip slender. pointed

20. Pedicel 5–9 mm;  10–15 mm, >> flower bud. – SNF, Teh, deltaic GV, SCoRO ..... L. benthamii

20' Pedicel < 5 mm; bract 3–8 mm, < to ± > flower 

21. Leaflets 4–12 mm wide, adaxially glabrous; petals dark pink to magenta; e DMoj, DSon ..... L. arizonicus

21' Leaflets 2–5 mm wide, adaxially hairy at least near margins; petals generally blue (± pink); s SCoR, SW, D ..... L. sparsiflorus

13' Lower, upper keel margins glabrous or upper ciliate only near tip

22. Flowers spiraled; bracts generally persistent; upper keel margins generally glabrous

23. Plant with central  erect, lateral often open or disturbed areas, burns, s SN, c&s CW, SW, D ..... L. concinnus

23' Plant with  decumbent; stable dunes, s CCo (Nipomo Dunes, sw San Luis Obispo Co.) ..... L. nipomensis

22' Flowers whorled at some or all ; bracts deciduous; upper keel margins generally ciliate near tip

24. Banner longer than wide; pedicels generally < 3 mm

25. Fruit generally 3–6 mm wide; keel generally ciliate on upper margins near tip; abundant, < 1600 m, CA-FP, DMoj ..... L. bicolor

25' Fruit 6–9 mm wide; keel glabrous; uncommon, < 600 m, NCoRO, NCoRI, CaRF, SNF, ScV, SnFrB, SCoRO ..... L. pachylobus

24' Banner as wide as or wider than long; pedicels generally > 3 mm

26. Upper keel margins with occasionally inconspicuous  near middle – NCo, NCoR, CCo, SnFrB ..... L. affinis

26' Upper keel margins without tooth

27. Fruit 4–7 mm wide – < 1300 m, CA-FP ..... L. nanus

27' Fruit 8–10 mm wide

28. Pedicel 4–5 mm; herbage sparsely hairy; ChI (San Clemente Island) ..... L. guadalupensis

28' Pedicel 6–8 mm; herbage densely hairy; c SNF (Mariposa, Tuolumne cos.) ..... L. spectabilis

1' Perennial herb to shrub (L. succulentus annual but sometimes persists > 1 year)

29. Upper keel margin ciliate from claw to middle, glabrous from middle to tip

30. Plant fleshy; inflorescence 9–15 cm; fruit 35–50 mm; open or disturbed areas ..... L. succulentus (2)

30' Plant not fleshy; inflorescence 16–60 cm; fruit 20–45 mm; open to shady, moist areas ..... L. latifolius

31. Flower 13–18 mm

32. Stem densely hairy, not hollow; flower 13–16 mm; SnFrB ..... var. dudleyi

32' Stem subglabrous to sparsely , generally hollow; flower 14–18 mm; c SNH, s SN, SW ..... var. parishii

31' Flower 8–14(16) mm

33. Flower 8–10(12) mm; plant 4–6 dm; KR, CaR, MP ..... var. viridifolius

33' Flower 10–14(16) mm; plant 3–15 dm; NW, SN, CW, SW, SNE ..... var. latifolius

29' Upper keel margin glabrous or variously ciliate, but not as in 29.

34. Calyx spurred, spur 1–3 mm

35. Wings with dense patch of hair outside near tip; leaf green, strigose ..... L. arbustus

35' Wings glabrous; leaf silver-silky ..... L. argenteus var. heteranthus

34' Calyx not spurred or spur <= 1 mm

36. Banner back generally hairy (best seen in buds)

37. Upper keel margin ± glabrous

38. Stem  to decumbent, generally < 4 dm ..... L. albifrons var. collinus (2)

38' Stem erect, generally > 4 dm

39. Shrub – coastal strand, dunes ..... L. chamissonis

39' Perennial herb

40. Leaf green

41. Petals pale yellow to orange-yellow; bracts ± persistent; CaRH, n&c SNH, GB ..... L. angustiflorus

41' Petals purple to occasionally pink or white; bracts deciduous; n SNH ..... L. apertus

40' Leaf silver- to white-hairy

42. Petals generally yellow; plant 2–5 dm; n SNH (Plumas Co.) ..... L. dalesiae

42' Petals cream-yellow to -white, pale yellow, lavender, or blue; plant 5–9 dm; s SNH, TR, SNE

43. Petals lavender to blue; stem hairs short-silky; 1500–3000 m ..... L. elatus (2)

43' Petals cream to pale yellow; stem hairs long-soft-wavy; generally 2500–4000 m ..... L. padrecrowleyi

37' Upper keel margin ciliate

44. Subshrub or shrub

45. Shrubs, 5–50 dm

46. Raceme axis persistent, 10–70 cm;  4–10 cm; (700) 1200–2700 m, DMoj, adjacent s SNH, SNE ..... L. excubitus

46' Raceme axis deciduous, 4–40 cm; petiole 1–8 cm; chaparralfoothill woodland; 0–1500 m, CA-FP (except CaR, GV), sw DSon ..... L. albifrons

47. Flowers 14–18 mm; leaves greenish-hairy ..... var. hallii

47' Flowers 10–14 mm, leaves silver-silky

48. Inflorescence bracts 4–8 mm ..... var. albifrons

48' Inflorescence bracts 10–24 mm ..... var. douglasii

45' Subshrubs, ± woody at base, generally < 7 dm

49. Flowers 14–18 mm; Teh, SW except ChI

50. Racemes 14–40 cm ..... var. austromontanus (2)

50' Racemes 3–14 cm ..... var. johnstonii

49' Flowers 10–15(16) mm; NW, SNF, CW, sw DSon

51. Longest  > 12 cm ..... var. medius

51' Petiole 3–8 cm

52. Plant woolly to shaggy, 2–6(10) dm – SCoRO (Santa Lucia Range, Monterey Co.) ..... var. abramsii

52' Plants  silky, not woolly or shaggy, 2–4 dm ..... var. collinus (2)

44' Perennial herb

53. Calyx generally bulged or spurred < 1 mm; KR, CaR, n&c SNH, GB, DMtns ..... L. argenteus (in part)

54. Leaves basal and cauline; petioles (5)7–15 cm; CaRH, c&s SNH, SNE ..... var. montigenus

54' Leaves cauline; petioles 1–10 cm

55. Stem hairs appressed; leaf generally appearing green; flower (8)10–12 mm; KR, CaR, n&c SNH, GB, DMtns ..... var. argenteus

55' Stem hairs long-spreading; leaf gray to silver; flower 8–10 mm; CaRH, SNH, Wrn, SNE ..... var. palmeri

53' Calyx not bulged or spurred

56. Petals yellow

57. Bracts deciduous; SnGb ..... L. peirsonii

57' Bracts persistent; KR, CaRH, MP ..... L. leucophyllus (2)

56' Petals pink to ± purple or blue

58. Leaflets spoon-shaped, broadest from middle to tip

59. Peduncle 13–20 cm; leaf long-spreading-hairy; petals light blue, pink (straw), often drying pale yellow; SCoRO (Santa Lucia Range) ..... L. cervinus

59' Peduncle 8–15 cm; leaf short-appressed-hairy; petals purple to violet; s NCoRI (Colusa, Napa, Lake, Sonoma cos.) ..... L. sericatus

58' Leaflets 

60. Plant < 1 dm

61. Flowers in many crowded whorls; 2000–3500 m, SNH, TR, SNE ..... L. breweri var. grandiflorus

61' Flowers in few spaced whorls; 1500–3000 m, KR ..... L. lapidicola (2)

60' Plant > 1 dm

62. Leaf hairs appressed, occasionally sparse

63. Bracts deciduous; leaflets 20–50 mm, silver-silky; NCoRH, CaR, n SNH ..... L. obtusilobus

63' Bracts persistent; leaflets 30–80(130) mm, green, hairy; SNE (Big Pine Creek, Inyo Co.) ..... L. pratensis var. eriostachyus

62' Leaf hairs ± spreading, dense

64. Stem prostrate to matted, 2–3.5 dm – SN ..... L. grayi (2)

64' Stem erect, 3–9 dm

65. Bracts generally persistent; banner back densely hairy; 500–2000 m, KR, CaRH, MP ..... L. leucophyllus (2)

65' Bracts deciduous; banner back ± hairy; 50–520 m, s SCoRO (San Luis Obispo Co.) ..... L. ludovicianus (2)

36' Banner back ± glabrous

66. Subshrub or shrub

67. Shrub, generally 5–20 dm; woody stems erect

68. Inflorescence 10–30 cm; petioles 2–3(6) cm; petals generally yellow (lilac to purple, especially north of central NCo); NCo, CCo, SnFrB, SCo, ChI ..... L. arboreus

68' Inflorescence 20–45 cm; petioles 4–10 cm; petals violet to blue; SW ..... L. longifolius

67' Subshrub, < 5 dm; woody stems prostrate to decumbent

69. Flower 14–18 mm; Teh, SnGb, SnBr ..... L. albifrons var. austromontanus (2)

69' Flower 10–16 mm; NCo, CCo

70. Flower 10–13 mm; petals purple except banner spot ± white; roots generally yellow; petioles (2)3–5(6) cm; n&c NCo ..... L. littoralis var. littoralis (2)

70' Flower 11–16 mm; petals white, yellow, rose, or purple, often on 1 pl; roots not yellow; petioles 4–10 cm; s NCo, n&c CCo ..... L. littoralis var. variicolor (2)

66' Perennial herb, generally not woody at base

71. Leaf adaxially glabrous to sparsely hairy (except Lupinus elmeri, leaves  to short soft-wavy-hairy), green

72. Upper keel margin ciliate (occasionally sparsely so in Lupinus onustus)

73. Plant 3.5–10 dm; leaves cauline – NCo ..... L. rivularis

73' Plant < 4 dm; leaves generally basal or cauline, clustered near base

74. Flower 8–11 mm; bract 3–4 mm; leaf abaxially silky-hairy; KR, CaRH, n SNH ..... L. onustus

74' Flower 12–18 mm; bract 4–7 mm; leaf abaxially long-stiff-hairy; MP ..... L. polyphyllus var. saxosus

72' Upper keel margin generally glabrous, occasionally with a few hairs

75. Petals ± yellow

76. Banner narrow, wings narrow, not covering keel tip – KR, NCoRH, CaRH, SN, WTR ..... L. albicaulis (3)

76' Banner wide, wings wide, covering keel tip

77. Bract 2–7 mm; plant 4–6 dm; petals bright yellow to orange-yellow; KR, CaR ..... L. croceus (2)

77' Bract 7–14 mm; plant 6–9 dm; petals pale yellow; nw NCoRH (South Fork Mtn, Humboldt, Trinity cos.) ..... L. elmeri

75' Petals bluish at least in bud (may fade to pale yellow to white in L. tracyi)

78. Banner narrow, wings narrow, not covering keel tip – KR, NCoRH, CaRH, SN, WTR..... L. albicaulis (3)

78' Banner wide, wings wide, covering keel tip

79. Stem slender; leaves cauline; leaflets 10–40 mm; dry areas – KR ..... L. tracyi

79' Stem stout; leaves basal and cauline; leaflets 40–150 mm; moist to wet areas ..... L. polyphyllus (in part)

80. Leaflets 5–11; KR, CaR, SNH, TR, SnJt, GB ..... var. burkei

80' Leaflets 9–17; NW, CW (except SCoRI) ..... var. polyphyllus

71' Leaf adaxially hairy, green or green-gray to silver

81. Bracts persistent; inflorescence generally dense – plants mostly montane to alpine

82. Most leaves clustered at base, appearing basal ..... L. lepidus (2)

83. Banner scarcely reflexed, forming a "shed roof" overhanging wings, 2.5–3 mm wide; flowers in 2–3 whorls, inflorescence generally < leaves; MP, W&I (White Mtns) ..... var. utahensis

83' Banner reflexed, as normal in Lupinus

84. Inflorescence generally within leaves; plant 1–3.5 dm ..... var. aridus

84' Inflorescence well above leaves, elongate, 4.5–11 cm; plant 1.2–3.5 dm; 1000–2500 m

85. Inflorescence ± head-like, 2–8 cm; plants < 1 dm; 2000–3500 m ..... var. lobbii

85' Inflorescence elongate, 4.5–11(15) cm; plants 1.2–3.5 dm; 1000–2500 m ..... var. sellulus

82' Most leaves clearly cauline, sometimes some clustered at base

86. Largest leaflets > 40 mm

87. Leaves cauline, strigose to shaggy-hairy, hairs > 1 mm; inflorescence open; bracts 7–15 mm; petals light blue; c&s SNH ..... L. covillei

87' Leaves cauline and basal, strigose, hairs < 1 mm; inflorescence dense, bracts 5–10 mm; petals violet to dark blue; c&s SNH, SNE ..... L. pratensis var. pratensis

86' Largest leaflets <= 40 mm ..... L. lepidus (2)

88. Inflorescence dense, 5–30 cm, whorls > 7, ± crowded; leaves cauline – meadows, vernally moist areas; KR, NCoRH, CaRH, SNH, WTR, SnBr, GB, DMtns ..... var. confertus

88' Inflorescence generally open, 2–12 cm, whorls 3–7, ± well spaced; leaves, or at least some, basal

89. Leaflets generally 10–30 mm; flower 9–11 mm; 1900–3600 m; s SNH (Kaweah River, Tulare, Fresno cos.) ..... var. culbertsonii

89' Leaflets generally 5–15(23) mm; flower generally 7–9(12) mm; 2300–4000 m; c&s SNH, SNE ..... var. ramosus

81' Bracts ± deciduous; inflorescence generally ± open

90. Upper keel margin generally glabrous

91. Plant < 2 dm; flower 4–11 mm; keel ± straight

92. Petioles (2)3–6(8) cm; plant tufted;  6–11 mm; pedicels (2)4–5 mm; pumice gravel flats – SNE (Smokey Bear Flat, Mono Co.) ..... L. duranii

92' Petioles 1–3(4) cm; plant matted or tufted; stipule 2–5 mm; pedicels 1–3(4) mm; montane ..... L. breweri (in part)

93. Flower 6–9 mm;  6–20 mm; plant mat-forming,  generally below ground; 1000–4000 m ..... var. breweri

93' Flower 4–7 mm; leaflet 3–5 mm; plant forming dense tufts, caudex extending above ground; 2500–4000 m ..... var. bryoides

91' Plant > 2 dm; flower generally > 9 mm; keel generally upcurved

94. Stipules green, some leaf-like – flowers 10–14 mm; SNH ..... L. fulcratus

94' Stipule green to silvery, not leaf-like

95. Petals pale yellow or bright yellow to orange-yellow

96. Flower 9–12 mm; petals pale yellow; KR, NCoR, SnFrB, SN ..... L. adsurgens (2)

96' Flower 12–15 mm; petals bright yellow to orange-yellow; KR, CaR ..... L. croceus (2)

95' Petals ± yellow-white to white, ± blue, lavender, violet, purple, or pink

97. Banner narrow, wings narrow, not covering keel tip – KR, NCoRH, CaRH, SN, WTR ..... L. albicaulis (3)

97' Banner wide, wings wide, covering keel tip

98. Leaf green, sparsely to densely hairy

99. Flower 9–12 mm; NW, SNH, TR, PR, SNE ..... L. andersonii

99' Flower 13–16 mm; SnGb, SnBr, PR ..... L. hyacinthinus

98' Leaf dull green- or gray-hairy to silver-silky

100. Plant resprouting below ground, rhizomed; spreading to ± erect ..... L. formosus

101. Flower 10–14 mm; stem 3–4 mm diam ..... var. formosus

101' Flower 16–18 mm; stem 5–7 mm diam ..... var. robustus

100' Plant resprouting above ground, not rhizomed; erect

102. Petals white, banner spot turning tawny; seeds 7–11 mm – NCoRH (Anthony Peak, Mendocino Co.) ..... L. antoninus

102' Petals not white; seeds 4–6 mm

103. Leaflets appressed-hairy to ± silver-silky to dull green; bract 2–8 mm; flower 9–12 mm, petals pale yellow to lavender or violet; NCoR, SN, SnFrB ..... L. adsurgens (2)

103' Leaflets densely silver-silky to woolly; bract 6–11 mm; flower 10–14 mm, petals lavender to blue; s SNH, TR ..... L. elatus (2)

90' Upper keel margin ciliate

104. Plant ± prostrate to decumbent, generally < 3 dm

105. Petals pink; serpentine barrens, ne NCoRO (The Lassics, se Humboldt, sw Trinity cos.) ..... L. constancei

105' Petals purple, ± violet, lavender, rose, light blue, yellow, or white

106. Leaves generally basal, if cauline, clustered near base; KR, NCoRO, SN, SNE

107. Inflorescence 10–16 cm; flower 10–16 mm; SN ..... L. grayi (2)

107' Inflorescence 2–7 cm; flower 9–12 mm; KR ..... L. lapidicola (2)

106' Leaves cauline; NCo, CCo

108. Leaflets 3–5; stem weak – s NCo (Sonoma Co.), n&c CCo (Marin, Monterey, Sonoma cos.) ..... L. tidestromii

108' Leaflets 5–9; stem not weak

109. Flower 10–13 mm; petals purple except banner spot ± white; roots generally yellow; petioles generally < 2 × leaflets, 2–6 cm; n&c NCo ..... L. littoralis var. littoralis (2)

109' Flower 11–16 mm; petals white, yellow, rose, or purple, often on 1 plant; roots not yellow; petioles generally > 2 × leaflets, 4–10 cm; s NCo, n&cCCo ..... L. littoralis var. variicolor (2)

104' Plant generally erect, generally > 2 dm

110. Leaf densely woolly

111. Stem hairs < 1 mm, not sharp, not stiff; petiole 5–12 cm; flower 10–15 mm; s SCoRO (San Luis Obispo Co.) ..... L. ludovicianus (2)

111' Stem hairs sometimes 1–3 mm, sharp, stiff; petiole 6–30 cm; flower 10–18 mm; se SNH, SNE, DMoj ..... L. magnificus

112. Flowers (13)16–18 mm; racemes 3–4.5 dm – SNE, n DMoj ..... var. magnificus

112' Flowers 10–13 mm; racemes <= 3 dm

113. Keel straight; racemes <= 1 dm; pedicels stout, ± 4 mm; SNE (Inyo Co.) ..... var. hesperius

113' Keel curved; racemes 1–3 dm; pedicels slender, ± 8 mm; se SNH, SNE, DMoj ..... var. glarecola

110' Leaf occasionally densely hairy but not woolly

114. Flower 5–7(10) mm; CaRH, n&c SNH, GB ..... L. argenteus var. meionanthus

114' Flower 8–18 mm; c&s SNH, GB, DMtns

115. Leaves cauline, well distributed along stem, leaflets 35–80 mm ..... L. gracilentus

115' Leaves basal and cauline, leaflets 15–55(70) mm

116. Plant 4–7 dm; flower 13–15 mm; ne DMtns (Last Chance Range, Grapevine Mtns, Inyo Co.) ..... L. polyphyllus var. humicola

116' Plant 1–4 dm; flower 10–12 mm; GB, DMtns ..... L. nevadensis


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