Key to LupinusView taxon page for Lupinus
(For a list of species in Lupinus, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Annual, rarely living > 1 growing season 2. Cotyledons sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk. , persistent at plant base, disk- or cup-like, or deciduous, leaving circular scar Mark left by the natural separation of two structures, as a leaf scar on a stem. ; fruit generally ovoid; seeds generally 2, generally tubercled or wrinkled (fruit oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. ; seeds 2–6 in Lupinus odoratus) 3. Flowers distinctly whorled Arranged in groups of three or more at nodes or positions along an axis (e.g., three leaves per node). ; bracts persistent, reflexed Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward. ; upper keel margins ciliate Having generally straight, conspicuous hairs along margins or edges. near claw 4. Stem generally not clearly hollow; lower keel margins as densely ciliate as upper; leaflets adaxially generally hairy; seed dark brown, tubercled. 5. Plant <= 1 m at flowering; petals generally pale yellow (± pink or bright blue); flowering Mar–Aug; 200–1900 m; NW, CaRF, e SnFrB and n SCoRI (Diablo Range), w WTR ..... L. luteolus 5' Plant 1–2 m at flowering; petals ± blue, in age ± yellow; flowering (Jun)Jul–Sep; < 500 m; NCoRO (Round Valley, Mendocino Co.) ..... L. milobakeri 4' Stem clearly hollow at least below; lower keel margins glabrous or less ciliate than upper; leaflets adaxially glabrous; seed generally mottled, wrinkled or smooth ..... L. microcarpus 6. Wings widely elliptic In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear , not withering, in age translucent; lower keel margins ciliate near claw ..... var. horizontalis 6' Wings linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. to oblanceolate, withering, in age not translucent; lower keel margins occasionally sparsely ciliate near claw 7. Bracts short-appressed- to long-spreading-hairy; fruit ± spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. , generally on 1 side of axis ..... var. densiflorus 7' Bracts long-shaggy-hairy; fruit generally ± erect Upright; vertically oriented. , generally on > 1 side of axis ..... var. microcarpus 3' Flowers not distinctly whorled, generally spiraled; bracts straight, not reflexed, persistent or deciduous; upper keel margins glabrous 8. Leaves basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. ; herbage sparsely hairy in youth, generally glabrous at flower – SNE (exc W&I), D ..... L. odoratus 8' Leaves basal or cauline, crowded near base; herbage sparsely hairy to canescent or soft-shaggy-hairy 9. Plant 1–2(3) cm; inflorescences (1)2-flowered; free blades of stipules < 1 mm; leaflets 2–7 mm – MP ..... L. uncialis 9' Plant 3–20 cm; inflorescences 3–many flowered; free blades of stipules > 1 mm; leaflets generally 7–30 mm 10. Herbage canescent, hairs 0.6–1 mm; upper suture of fruit generally wavy and densely stiff-long-ciliate; fruit sides with hairs short, inflated, when dry scale-like – SNE, D ..... L. shockleyi 10' Herbage hairs spreading, > 1 mm; upper suture of fruit not obviously wavy and densely stiff-ciliate; fruit sides with hairs long, not inflated 11' Peduncle 2–5(10) cm; inflorescence > leaves; fruit ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. , not narrowed between seeds 12. Inflorescence 1–2.5 cm; pedicels Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. 0.5–1.5 mm; seed smooth ..... L. brevicaulis 2' Cotyledons petioled, generally withering, generally deciduous, not leaving circular scar; fruit oblong; seeds generally > 2, smooth 13. Lower and often upper margins of keel ciliate near claw, both glabrous near tip 14. Flowers whorled – petals generally blue-purple (white, pink, lavender) – NCoRO, NCoRI, CaRF, GV, CW, SW ..... L. succulentus (2) 14' Flowers spiraled, lowermost often crowded, appearing ± whorled 15. Banner yellow, wings generally pink (± white), keel white – SN, n SCoRO (Monterey Co.), SnGb, SnBr ..... L. stiversii 15' Banner and wings not colored in that combination 17. Petals golden-yellow, drying translucent, ± purple; c&s SNH, c SNF (Fresno, Madera cos.) ..... var. citrinus 17' Petals white, pink- or lavender-tinged or not, banner occasionally drying translucent, yellow; c SNF (Mariposa Co.) ..... var. deflexus 16' Petals blue or dark pink to magenta; pedicels not recurving 18. Herbage short-appressed- and stiff-spreading-stinging-hairy; leaflets 10–20 mm wide – c&s CW (SnFrB, SCoRO, possibly others), SW ..... L. hirsutissimus 18' Herbage not stiff-spreading-stinging-hairy; leaflets generally < 10(12) mm wide 19. Petiole flat, leaflet-like; leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). tip generally truncate Abruptly (not gradually) narrower or smaller at base or tip, as if cut straight across or nearly so. ; keel tip stout, blunt – c&s CW, SW ..... L. truncatus 19' Petiole not flat, not leaflet-like; leaf tip not truncate; keel tip slender. pointed 20. Pedicel 5–9 mm; bract Reduced, leaf- or scale-like structure subtending a branch, cone scale, peduncle, pedicel, or flower. 10–15 mm, >> flower bud. – SNF, Teh, deltaic GV, SCoRO ..... L. benthamii 20' Pedicel < 5 mm; bract 3–8 mm, < to ± > flower bud 1. An incompletely developed, more or less embryonic shoot, usually covered with bud scales. 2. An unopened flower, often protected by sepals. 21' Leaflets 2–5 mm wide, adaxially hairy at least near margins; petals generally blue (± pink); s SCoR, SW, D ..... L. sparsiflorus 13' Lower, upper keel margins glabrous or upper ciliate only near tip 22. Flowers spiraled; bracts generally persistent; upper keel margins generally glabrous 23. Plant with central peduncle Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). erect, lateral often decumbent lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up. ; open or disturbed areas, burns, s SN, c&s CW, SW, D ..... L. concinnus 23' Plant with peduncles Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). decumbent; stable dunes, s CCo (Nipomo Dunes, sw San Luis Obispo Co.) ..... L. nipomensis 22' Flowers whorled at some or all nodes Position on a stem from which one or more structures (especially leaves, buds, branches, or flowers) arise. ; bracts deciduous; upper keel margins generally ciliate near tip 24. Banner longer than wide; pedicels generally < 3 mm 25. Fruit generally 3–6 mm wide; keel generally ciliate on upper margins near tip; abundant, < 1600 m, CA-FP, DMoj ..... L. bicolor 25' Fruit 6–9 mm wide; keel glabrous; uncommon, < 600 m, NCoRO, NCoRI, CaRF, SNF, ScV, SnFrB, SCoRO ..... L. pachylobus 24' Banner as wide as or wider than long; pedicels generally > 3 mm 26. Upper keel margins with occasionally inconspicuous tooth 1. A small, pointed projection, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals (somewhat archaic usage); smaller than lobes. near middle – NCo, NCoR, CCo, SnFrB ..... L. affinis 26' Upper keel margins without tooth 1' Perennial herb to shrub ( L. succulentus annual but sometimes persists > 1 year) 29. Upper keel margin ciliate from claw to middle, glabrous from middle to tip 32' Stem subglabrous to sparsely strigose With stiff, straight, sharp, appressed hairs. , generally hollow; flower 14–18 mm; c SNH, s SN, SW ..... var. parishii 29' Upper keel margin glabrous or variously ciliate, but not as in 29. 34. Calyx spurred, spur 1–3 mm 34' Calyx not spurred or spur <= 1 mm 36. Banner back generally hairy (best seen in buds) 37. Upper keel margin ± glabrous 38' Stem erect, generally > 4 dm 40' Leaf silver- to white-hairy 42' Petals cream-yellow to -white, pale yellow, lavender, or blue; plant 5–9 dm; s SNH, TR, SNE 37' Upper keel margin ciliate 46. Raceme axis persistent, 10–70 cm; petiole Leaf stalk, connecting leaf blade to stem; sometimes more or less indistinct. 4–10 cm; (700) 1200–2700 m, DMoj, adjacent s SNH, SNE ..... L. excubitus 46' Raceme axis deciduous, 4–40 cm; petiole 1–8 cm; chaparral, foothill woodland; 0–1500 m, CA-FP (except CaR, GV), sw DSon ..... L. albifrons 47' Flowers 10–14 mm, leaves silver-silky 45' Subshrubs, ± woody at base, generally < 7 dm 49. Flowers 14–18 mm; Teh, SW except ChI 49' Flowers 10–15(16) mm; NW, SNF, CW, sw DSon 51. Longest petioles Leaf stalk, connecting leaf blade to stem; sometimes more or less indistinct. > 12 cm ..... var. medius 52' Plants appressed Parallel or nearly parallel to and often in contact with surface of origin; used to describe the disposition of hairs, leaves, pedicels, etc. silky, not woolly or shaggy, 2–4 dm ..... var. collinus (2) 54' Leaves cauline; petioles 1–10 cm 55. Stem hairs appressed; leaf generally appearing green; flower (8)10–12 mm; KR, CaR, n&c SNH, GB, DMtns ..... var. argenteus 55' Stem hairs long-spreading; leaf gray to silver; flower 8–10 mm; CaRH, SNH, Wrn, SNE ..... var. palmeri 53' Calyx not bulged or spurred 56' Petals pink to ± purple or blue 58. Leaflets spoon-shaped, broadest from middle to tip 59. Peduncle 13–20 cm; leaf long-spreading-hairy; petals light blue, pink (straw), often drying pale yellow; SCoRO (Santa Lucia Range) ..... L. cervinus 59' Peduncle 8–15 cm; leaf short-appressed-hairy; petals purple to violet; s NCoRI (Colusa, Napa, Lake, Sonoma cos.) ..... L. sericatus 58' Leaflets lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. 62. Leaf hairs appressed, occasionally sparse 62' Leaf hairs ± spreading, dense 36' Banner back ± glabrous 67. Shrub, generally 5–20 dm; woody stems erect 68. Inflorescence 10–30 cm; petioles 2–3(6) cm; petals generally yellow (lilac to purple, especially north of central NCo); NCo, CCo, SnFrB, SCo, ChI ..... L. arboreus 67' Subshrub, < 5 dm; woody stems prostrate to decumbent 69' Flower 10–16 mm; NCo, CCo 66' Perennial herb, generally not woody at base 71. Leaf adaxially glabrous to sparsely hairy (except Lupinus elmeri, leaves puberulent Minutely hairy. to short soft-wavy-hairy), green 72. Upper keel margin ciliate (occasionally sparsely so in Lupinus onustus) 73' Plant < 4 dm; leaves generally basal or cauline, clustered near base 72' Upper keel margin generally glabrous, occasionally with a few hairs 76' Banner wide, wings wide, covering keel tip 77. Bract 2–7 mm; plant 4–6 dm; petals bright yellow to orange-yellow; KR, CaR ..... L. croceus (2) 77' Bract 7–14 mm; plant 6–9 dm; petals pale yellow; nw NCoRH (South Fork Mtn, Humboldt, Trinity cos.) ..... L. elmeri 75' Petals bluish at least in bud (may fade to pale yellow to white in L. tracyi) 78' Banner wide, wings wide, covering keel tip 71' Leaf adaxially hairy, green or green-gray to silver 81. Bracts persistent; inflorescence generally dense – plants mostly montane to alpine 83. Banner scarcely reflexed, forming a "shed roof" overhanging wings, 2.5–3 mm wide; flowers in 2–3 whorls, inflorescence generally < leaves; MP, W&I (White Mtns) ..... var. utahensis 83' Banner reflexed, as normal in Lupinus 84' Inflorescence well above leaves, elongate, 4.5–11 cm; plant 1.2–3.5 dm; 1000–2500 m 82' Most leaves clearly cauline, sometimes some clustered at base 86. Largest leaflets > 40 mm 87. Leaves cauline, strigose to shaggy-hairy, hairs > 1 mm; inflorescence open; bracts 7–15 mm; petals light blue; c&s SNH ..... L. covillei 88. Inflorescence dense, 5–30 cm, whorls > 7, ± crowded; leaves cauline – meadows, vernally moist areas; KR, NCoRH, CaRH, SNH, WTR, SnBr, GB, DMtns ..... var. confertus 88' Inflorescence generally open, 2–12 cm, whorls 3–7, ± well spaced; leaves, or at least some, basal 89' Leaflets generally 5–15(23) mm; flower generally 7–9(12) mm; 2300–4000 m; c&s SNH, SNE ..... var. ramosus 81' Bracts ± deciduous; inflorescence generally ± open 90. Upper keel margin generally glabrous 91. Plant < 2 dm; flower 4–11 mm; keel ± straight 92. Petioles (2)3–6(8) cm; plant tufted; stipule Appendage at base of petiole, generally paired, variable in form but often leaf- or scale-like, sometimes a spine. 6–11 mm; pedicels (2)4–5 mm; pumice gravel flats – SNE (Smokey Bear Flat, Mono Co.) ..... L. duranii 92' Petioles 1–3(4) cm; plant matted or tufted; stipule 2–5 mm; pedicels 1–3(4) mm; montane ..... L. breweri (in part) 93. Flower 6–9 mm; leaflet A leaf-like unit of a compound leaf; distinguished from a leaf by the absence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; lacking lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (leaf 1-compound, with primary leaflets) or compound (leaf 2-compound, with primary and secondary leaflets; 3-compound, with primary, secondary, and tertiary leaflets, etc). 6–20 mm; plant mat-forming, caudex Generally short, sometimes woody, more or less vertical stem of a perennial, at or beneath ground level. generally below ground; 1000–4000 m ..... var. breweri 93' Flower 4–7 mm; leaflet 3–5 mm; plant forming dense tufts, caudex extending above ground; 2500–4000 m ..... var. bryoides 91' Plant > 2 dm; flower generally > 9 mm; keel generally upcurved 94' Stipule green to silvery, not leaf-like 95. Petals pale yellow or bright yellow to orange-yellow 95' Petals ± yellow-white to white, ± blue, lavender, violet, purple, or pink 97' Banner wide, wings wide, covering keel tip 98. Leaf green, sparsely to densely hairy 98' Leaf dull green- or gray-hairy to silver-silky 100' Plant resprouting above ground, not rhizomed; erect 102. Petals white, banner spot turning tawny; seeds 7–11 mm – NCoRH (Anthony Peak, Mendocino Co.) ..... L. antoninus 102' Petals not white; seeds 4–6 mm 103. Leaflets appressed-hairy to ± silver-silky to dull green; bract 2–8 mm; flower 9–12 mm, petals pale yellow to lavender or violet; NCoR, SN, SnFrB ..... L. adsurgens (2) 103' Leaflets densely silver-silky to woolly; bract 6–11 mm; flower 10–14 mm, petals lavender to blue; s SNH, TR ..... L. elatus (2) 90' Upper keel margin ciliate 104. Plant ± prostrate to decumbent, generally < 3 dm 105' Petals purple, ± violet, lavender, rose, light blue, yellow, or white 106. Leaves generally basal, if cauline, clustered near base; KR, NCoRO, SN, SNE 106' Leaves cauline; NCo, CCo 108' Leaflets 5–9; stem not weak 104' Plant generally erect, generally > 2 dm 111. Stem hairs < 1 mm, not sharp, not stiff; petiole 5–12 cm; flower 10–15 mm; s SCoRO (San Luis Obispo Co.) ..... L. ludovicianus (2) 111' Stem hairs sometimes 1–3 mm, sharp, stiff; petiole 6–30 cm; flower 10–18 mm; se SNH, SNE, DMoj ..... L. magnificus 112' Flowers 10–13 mm; racemes <= 3 dm 110' Leaf occasionally densely hairy but not woolly 114' Flower 8–18 mm; c&s SNH, GB, DMtns 115' Leaves basal and cauline, leaflets 15–55(70) mm
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