Key to AstragalusView taxon page for Astragalus
(For a list of species in Astragalus, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. Key to Groups
1. Corolla bright red, banner 35–41 mm; calyx 18–24 mm; fruit 25–40 mm, densely woolly ..... A. coccineus 1' Corolla not red, banner < 35 mm; calyx < 18 mm; fruit often < 25 mm, often not woolly 2. Leaflet ± 1 mm wide, generally spine-tipped; raceme In flowering plants excluding Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, an unbranched inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on pedicels and nearly always open from the bottom to the top of the inflorescence. 2. In Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a raceme-like inflorescence is one in which the inflorescence units (e.g., heads in Asteraceae; spikelets in Cyperaceae and Poaceae), instead of individual flowers, are stalked and attached directly to the main axis of the inflorescence, not to branches, and in which floral development may or may not proceed as in 1. 1–3-flowered, ± included Not protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens included in corolla). in axil Distal, adaxial angle between an appendage or branch and a main axis (e.g., between leaf and stem, or between lateral vein and midrib on a leaf). ; peduncle Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). inconspicuous or 0; flower, fruit generally 3–10 mm ..... A. kentrophyta varieties 2' Leaflet generally > 1 mm wide, not spine-tipped; raceme often > 3-flowered, well exserted Protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens exserted from corolla). from axil; peduncle conspicuous; flower 3–30 mm, fruit 2–60 mm 3' Plant generally of GB, D, or both, occasionally adjacent CA-FP
2. Banner generally 2.5–3.3 mm; flowers early dense, ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. , then spaced, reflexed Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward. ; fruit reflexed, 2.8–4.2 mm, width > depth – fruits overlapped, ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. or ± round in top view ..... A. gambelianus 2' Banner generally > 3 mm; flowers remaining dense, erect Upright; vertically oriented. if banner ± 3 mm, otherwise erect, spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. , or reflexed; fruit erect to pendent, generally > 4 mm, if not then width ± = to or << depth 3. Flower, fruit generally strongly ascending or spreading, in dense, oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. or ± spheric, head-like racemes; fruit 2–4 or >> 4 mm, 1–2-chambered, not or 2-lobed in ×-section 3' Flower, fruit often ascending early, then spreading or reflexed, often in loose racemes; fruit > 4 mm, generally unlobed in ×-section, 1–2-chambered 5. Inflorescence 10–40-flowered; fruit inflated, papery, 1-chambered, 4–17 mm wide, sides generally strongly convex ..... A. palmeri (2) 5' Inflorescence 2–14-flowered; fruit not inflated, ± 2-chambered, <= 4 mm wide, sides parallel or ± convex 6. Plant silvery-canescent; local, Cushenbury Canyon (ne SnBr, adjacent DMoj) ..... A. albens (2) 6' Plant ± green, ± hairy; widespread, not Cushenbury Canyon 7. Fruit body 5–10 mm, tapered Gradually (not abruptly) narrower or smaller at base or tip. to spine-like or hooked beak ± = body; ovules 2–6; fruit in head- or umbel-like racemes ..... A. breweri 7' Fruit body > 10 mm or beak < 1/4 body; ovules 5–20; fruit in head- or umbel-like racemes or not 8. Keel > wings; fruit base stalk-like, receptacle with peg-like extension (evident after fruit drop) ..... A. claranus 8' Keel << wings; fruit base ± stalk-like or not, receptacle without peg-like extension 9. Inflorescence 2–7-flowered, open, axis in fruit 7–20 mm; fruit ± purple or ± purple-mottled ..... A. pauperculus 9' Inflorescence 2–12-flowered, ± dense, axis in fruit 1–8 mm; fruit pale yellow or black 10. Fruit on erect peduncle Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). ; seeds pitted; NCoR, ce SCoRI ..... A. rattanii varieties 10' Fruit on spreading or reflexed peduncle; seeds smooth; GV, CCo, SnFrB, SCo ..... A. tener varieties 11' Hairs simple Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched. ; corolla often pink-purple, white, or yellow; fruit erect to reflexed; generally not n GB, adjacent CA-FP 12. Calyx 10–12 mm, base with pouch adaxially; flowers reflexed – petals dull yellow; fruit hanging from stalk-like base; n SNH ..... A. gibbsii 12' Calyx generally < 10 mm, base generally without pouch; flowers ascending or spreading if calyx > 10 mm 13. Terminal leaflet A leaf-like unit of a compound leaf; distinguished from a leaf by the absence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; lacking lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (leaf 1-compound, with primary leaflets) or compound (leaf 2-compound, with primary and secondary leaflets; 3-compound, with primary, secondary, and tertiary leaflets, etc). not or ± jointed to midrib, joint unlike that of lateral leaflets; lateral leaflets often reduced or 0, spaces between generally >> 1.5 × leaflet width; leaves few, sparse 13' Terminal leaflet jointed to midrib, joint like that of lateral leaflets; lateral leaflets present, spaces between rarely > 1.5 × leaflet width; leaves generally many, not sparse 15. Plant tufted or matted; stem < 15 cm (generally much shorter), from crown at surface; flowers strongly ascending, plant hairs dense 16. Banner, wings hairy on outside; fruit 5–7 mm, ± included Not protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens included in corolla). in calyx ..... A. austiniae 16' Banner, wings glabrous on outside; fruit >= 7 mm, well exserted Protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens exserted from corolla). from calyx 17. Calyx 4–6 mm; fruit 3-sided in ×-section, generally < 4 mm wide; hairs of stem, leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). sparse, ± straight, generally < 0.5 mm ..... A. obscurus (2) 17' Calyx 6–14 mm; fruit ± round or 2-lobed in ×-section, generally > 4 mm wide; hairs of stem, leaf dense, curly, often > 0.5 mm 18' Fruit hairs generally <<, rarely > 1 mm, hiding surface or not 15' Plant generally open; stem generally > 15 cm, generally from crown at or below surface; flowers in age spreading or reflexed, plant hairs sparse, or both, if plant tufted or matted 20. Lower stipules fused around stem into sheath A surrounding or partially surrounding, often tubular structure or part of a structure, such as a leaf base in Apiaceae or Poaceae. or low and ± inconspicuous 21. Leaflets of at least some leaves > 22; petals ± white or cream 22' Banner 10–19 mm; fruit often > 11 mm, beak not long, not hooked 23. Plant gray-white-woolly; stipules finely tomentose Covered with densely interwoven, generally matted hairs. ; ChI ..... A. miguelensis 23' Plant ± green even if hairy; stipules generally glabrous or sparsely hairy or densely strigose With stiff, straight, sharp, appressed hairs. ; ChI or mainland 24. Fruit base not stalk-like; stems not more densely hairy than leaves; generally coastal ..... A. nuttallii varieties 24' Fruit base stalk-like; stems more densely hairy than leaves or not; often non-coastal 25. Flowers early spreading, then reflexed; stalk-like fruit base 5–40 mm, ± strigose 25' Flowers early ascending or spreading, then often reflexed; stalk-like fruit base 2–12 mm, glabrous, strigose, or shaggy 27. Stalk of ovary with hairs minute, dense, ± wavy, ± ascending; lower stipules densely shaggy or not; keel >= 13 mm ..... A. oxyphysus (2) 27' Stalk of ovary glabrous or sparsely strigose; lower stipules ± glabrous or sparsely shaggy; keel < 13 mm 28. Stalk-like fruit base 5–12 mm, jointed at base; fruit ± 2-lobed in ×-section, 2-chambered; CaRH, SNH ..... A. bolanderi (2) 28' Stalk-like fruit base 2–6 mm, jointed at top; fruit ± round in ×-section, 1-chambered; s CCo, w SCoR, n ChI ..... A. curtipes 21' Leaflets generally < 22; petals white, pale yellow, cream, ± pink, or ± purple 29. Stalk-like fruit base >= 2 mm 30. Fruit ± narrowly oblong in side view, compressed Flattened side-to-side or front-to-back. side-to-side, hairy 31' Calyx tube 3–3.5 mm, hairs ± appressed Parallel or nearly parallel to and often in contact with surface of origin; used to describe the disposition of hairs, leaves, pedicels, etc. ; fruit body 17–30 mm ..... A. filipes (2) 30' Fruit widely oblong, ovate, or ± round in side view, swollen, often glabrous 32' Fruit swollen, often ± inflated, but not bladdery, not thinly papery 33. Fruit body stiffly leathery or ± woody when dry, ± pendent on a downcurved stalk-like base, 1-chambered ..... A. bicristatus (2) 33' Fruit body stiff-papery when dry, erect or ± spreading – at angle on ascending to ± reflexed stalk-like base, 2-chambered ..... A. bolanderi (2) 29' Stalk-like fruit base 0 or < 2 mm 34. Calyx 8–13 mm; banner 14–19 mm 34' Calyx generally < 9 mm; banner generally 5–12(14) mm, except in Astragalus cicer 36. Stem 1–10 cm, from crown below surface; fruit swollen but not bladdery, walls stiff-papery or leathery 37. Inflorescence 7–17-flowered; peduncle ± stout, hairs spreading; s SNH, n Teh, 1750–1900 m ..... A. ertterae (2) 37' Inflorescence 2–8-flowered; peduncle ± thread-like, hairs appressed; s SNH, 3400–3450 m ..... A. ravenii 36' Stem > 10 cm, generally from crown at surface (1–35 cm if from crown below surface); fruit bladdery, walls thinly papery, or fruit swollen, walls stiff-papery or leathery 38. Fruit 1-chambered; crown below surface (except Astragalus pulsiferae var. coronensis) 39. Stem ± prostrate Lying flat on the ground. ; fruit bladdery, not 3-sided proximally, blunt at both ends, 10–20 mm ..... A. pulsiferae varieties 39' Stem decumbent lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up. to ascending; fruit narrow, ± 3-sided proximally, tapered at both ends, 13–31 mm ..... A. shevockii 38' Fruit 2-chambered; crown generally at surface 40' Fruit spreading, bent or curved downward, or pendent, ± lenticular, oblong, or linear-oblong to narrowly lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. , inflated or not 20' Lower stipules not fused around stem into sheath or sometimes lowest 1–3 pairs fused into a sheath around stem but ruptured early and seemingly not fused 42. Stalk-like fruit base > 3 mm; corolla white to yellow 43. Plant of islands (San Nicolas, Santa Barbara, San Clemente islands), fruit ± 2-chambered, not bladdery – lower side of fruit grooved; leaves soft-hairy 43' Plant of mainland, if of islands then fruit 1-chambered, bladdery 45. Fls, fruits strongly ascending; leaflets linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. or linear-oblong, adaxially silvery-strigose, abaxially less densely strigose, ± green or ± gray; leaves few, sparse – plant bushy, stems wiry ..... A. pachypus varieties 45' Fls, fruits spreading to reflexed; leaflets linear to widely obovate, both sides ± green or ± gray-strigose; leaves many, not sparse 46' Inflorescence generally 10–65-flowered; fruit papery; not KR, CaRF 47' Stalk-like fruit base strigose or ± glabrous 42' Stalk-like fruit base 0 or < 3 mm; corolla white or cream to yellow, ± pink, or ± purple, tinged red-brown or not 49. Leaflets 5–9; plant silvery; Cushenbury Canyon (ne SnBr, adjacent DMoj) ..... A. albens (2) 49' Leaflets generally > 9; plants often green; Cushenbury Canyon, elsewhere 50. Fruit 4–7 mm, generally 2-chambered; calyx 3–4 mm; banner 4–7 mm 50' Fruit 6.5–60 mm, 2- or often 1-chambered; calyx 4–13 mm; banner generally > 7 mm 52. Fruit bladdery, walls generally thinly papery 53. Middle of fruit 2-chambered, beak compressed side-to-side, triangular in side view, 1-chambered; banner recurved Gradually curved downward or backward. 30–50° ..... A. lentiginosus varieties (2) 53' Middle of fruit 1-chambered, beak often not or ± compressed side-to-side, not triangular in side view, 2-chambered or not; banner recurved 40–90°, often > 60° 54' Fls, fruits, if crowded, in clusters > 3.5 cm wide; fruit generally > 18 mm, often spreading, hairs ascending or ± appressed or 0 in age 55. Banner generally > 11 mm, recurved ± 40–45°; leaflets often > 25 (see also Astragalus macrodon, at 57.) 56. Leaflets 19–29, not clearly smaller from leaf base to tip; leaflet midrib prominently raised abaxially; ovules 29–40; 250–300 m; PR (sw San Diego Co.) ..... A. deanei 56' Leaflets 25–41, clearly, gradually smaller from leaf base to tip; leaflet midrib not prominently raised abaxially; ovules 34–55; 50–700 m; s SCoRO, SCo, PR, nw Baja California ..... A. pomonensis 55' Banner generally < 11 mm, recurved 60–90°; leaflets generally < 25 (see also Astragalus deanei, at 56.) 57. Leaf, fruit minutely strigose or in age glabrous; leaflet margin, midrib green; calyx lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. 0.7–2.6 mm; ovules 51–71; s SN, Teh, GV, CW, SW ..... A. douglasii varieties 57' Leaf, fruit hairs ± sparse to dense, ± ascending or spreading to ± incurved; leaflet margin, midrib generally purple; calyx lobes 2.5–4.3 mm; ovules 29–52; c&s SCoR ..... A. macrodon 52' Fruit narrow or swollen, ± bladdery or inflated, walls stiff-papery, leathery, or woody 58' Stem generally > 10 cm, ascending- or appressed-strigose or ± glabrous, generally from crown at surface; s SNH, n Teh, elsewhere 59. Stem erect to widely ascending, 60–150 cm; sw SW 60. Flower reflexed; corolla dull lilac; fruit reflexed, deciduous, < 10 mm, densely wavy-hairy ..... A. brauntonii 60' Flower widely ascending; corolla cream; fruit erect, persistent, 15–25 mm, ± glabrous ..... A. oocarpus 59' Stem decumbent to erect, 30–90 cm; widespread, including sw SW 61. Fruit 1-chambered, thickly papery, ± strongly inflated; flowers spreading; corolla often pink-purple (or cream); w edge DSon, adjacent foothills of SnBr, PR ..... A. palmeri (2) 61' Fruit ± 2-chambered, at least in middle, thinly papery to stiffly leathery or woody, linear to swollen or ± bladdery-inflated; flowers ascending to reflexed; corolla white, cream or pink-purple; widespread (including places at 61.) 62. Beak of fruit triangular in side view, compressed strongly side-to-side, 1-chambered; fruit > 5 mm wide, swollen, both sutures ± sunken; corolla ± purple or ± white ..... A. lentiginosus varieties (2) 62' Beak of fruit acuminate Having a long-tapered, sharp tip, the sides concave. to ± triangular in side view, generally not compressed strongly, generally 2-chambered; fruit generally < 5 mm wide, ± 3-sided, lower suture generally sunken, upper raised; corolla pale to dark lilac, pink- or green-white, or ± white 63. Fruit, ovary glabrous 64' Plant minutely strigose, especially above; fruit body 20–42 mm, ascending; SnBr, DMtns 66. Flowers generally 3–14 per inflorescence, ascending; fruit erect; stem 5–15 cm; se KR, CaR (also MP) ..... A. obscurus (2) 66' Flowers generally (8)10–40 per inflorescence, spreading or reflexed; fruit ascending or reflexed; stem > 15 cm; SNE, SNF, NCoRO, SnFrB 67. Plant ± glabrous, especially at base, ± green; calyx 6.5–9 mm; corolla white; NCoRO, SnFrB ..... A. agnicidus 67' Plant hairy, gray to silver; calyx ± 5–13 mm; corolla pink- to lilac-white, wing 1. Thin, flat extension or appendage of a surface or margin. 2. In many members of Fabaceae and in some other groups, each of two lateral petals. tips ± white, or ± cream; c&s SNF, e edge SNH, SNE 68. Herbage silvery-silky, hairs appressed; calyx 8.5–13 mm; corolla pink- to lilac-white, wing tips ± white; e edge SNH, SNE ..... A. sepultipes (2) 1. Terminal leaflet A leaf-like unit of a compound leaf; distinguished from a leaf by the absence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; lacking lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (leaf 1-compound, with primary leaflets) or compound (leaf 2-compound, with primary and secondary leaflets; 3-compound, with primary, secondary, and tertiary leaflets, etc). generally not jointed to midrib, if jointed, ± so and unlike that of lateral leaflet; lateral leaflets often reduced or 0, spaces between generally >> 1.5 × leaflet width; leaves few, sparse 1' Terminal leaflet jointed to midrib, generally like that of lateral leaflet; lateral leaflets present, spaces between rarely > 1.5 × leaflet width; leaves generally many, not sparse 3. Hairs dense, branched; leaflets 1–7, crowded near leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). tip ..... A. calycosus var. calycosus 3' Hairs 0 to dense, simple Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched. ; leaflets often > 7, generally not crowded near leaf tip 4. Annual, or flowering 1st year and appearing so 5. Flower, fruit strongly ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. to erect Upright; vertically oriented. , in dense, head-like racemes; fruit ± spheric, 2–4 mm ..... A. didymocarpus varieties 5' Flower, fruit ± spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. to ascending or reflexed Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward. , in often open racemes; fruit linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. to ± ovate-inflated, > 4 mm 7. Plant densely shaggy-hairy; stem generally << 7 cm, ± prostrate Lying flat on the ground. , often ± 0; fruit 1-chambered ..... A. tidestromii (2) 7' Plant ± glabrous to strigose With stiff, straight, sharp, appressed hairs. ; stem > 9 cm, prostrate to erect; fruit 1- or 2-chambered 9. Fruit bladdery, walls thinly papery, translucent 10. Inflorescence generally 10–35-flowered 10' Inflorescence generally 2–10-flowered 12' Corolla ± purple; leaflets 7–19; upper suture of fruit straight or convex; ovules 7–24 13' Keel 5.9–6.6 mm; leaflets generally 7–13; upper suture of fruit ± equally convex as lower; ovules 19–24 ..... A. nutans (2) 9' Fruit linear to incurved or swollen, ± inflated, walls papery, ± translucent, or leathery 14' Inflorescence < 20-flowered 15. Fruit 1-chambered, swollen, half-ovate or -elliptic in side view, ± ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. or round in ×-section 16. Plant, fruit hairs appressed Parallel or nearly parallel to and often in contact with surface of origin; used to describe the disposition of hairs, leaves, pedicels, etc. , ± straight, ± obscuring surface; ovules 3–7 ..... A. aridus 16' Plant, fruit hairs ascending or spreading, ± wavy, not obscuring surface; ovules 10–19 ..... A. sabulonum 15' Fruit 2-, rarely 1-chambered, then often ± linear, curved, ± 2- or 3-sided in ×-section 17. Leaflets adaxially sparsely hairy; inflorescence 1–6-flowered; keel < 6 mm; fruit diam often < 3 mm 18. Leaflets of upper leaves generally blunt, notched at tip; fruit early-deciduous 19. Keel tip acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. ; fruit upside-down, glabrous to sparsely and minutely strigose ..... A. acutirostris 19' Keel tip obtuse Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. ; fruit slightly incurved, becoming minutely rough-hairy ..... A. nyensis 17' Leaflets adaxially silvery-canescent; inflorescence 3–16-flowered; keel > 6 mm; fruit diam often > 3 mm 20. Fruit 10–18 mm, 2.8–3.5 mm wide, incurved, ± 3-sided; ovules 8–11; Cushenbury Canyon (ne SnBr, adjacent DMoj) ..... A. albens (2) 20' Fruit 13–32 mm, 3.5–8.5 mm wide, straight, ± 2-sided, or incurved, ± 3-sided; ovules 20–30; widespread in DMoj ..... A. mohavensis varieties (2) 21. Fruit, generally ovary, glabrous ( Astragalus douglasii, Astragalus nutans, under 20', glabrous or not) 22. Leaflet hairs 0 or few, restricted to margins, midrib on 1 or both surfaces; fruit base stalk-like 23. Flowers early ascending, then reflexed or not; keel 9.5–10.6 mm; fruit ± ascending to spreading, ± 2-chambered ..... A. cimae varieties 23' Flowers strongly ascending; keel 11–19 mm; fruit erect, 1-chambered ..... A. preussii varieties (2) 22' Leaflet hairs ± throughout 1 or both surfaces; fruit base stalk-like or not 24. Keel 6–9.4 mm; fruit 2-chambered, at least at middle 25. Plant often coarse, leafy, generally in open areas; stem not wiry; stalk-like fruit base 0 – fruit swollen, beak compressed Flattened side-to-side or front-to-back. side-to-side, triangular in side view, 1-chambered ..... A. lentiginosus varieties (4) 25' Plant slender, sparsely leafy, often in shelter of shrubs; stem ± wiry; stalk-like fruit base 1–5 mm 24' Keel 9.7–19 mm; fruit 1- or 2-chambered 27' Calyx strigose; banner recurved < 50°; fruit ovate or narrow, not bladdery, ± 2-chambered, base stalk-like or not 28. Corolla pink-purple; leaflets narrow, adaxially often paler than abaxially (silvery vs ± green); fruit erect, stalk-like base 0; n Inyo Co. ..... A. serenoi var. shockleyi (2) 28' Corolla white or cream to lemon yellow; leaflets narrow or wide, adaxially not paler than adaxially; fruit ascending to pendent, stalk-like base 1–10 mm; west or southwest edge of D 29. Banner 15–22 mm; fruit 15–27 mm, swollen, ± compressed side-to-side; leaflets > 17 or not ..... A. pachypus varieties 21' Fruit, ovary with at least some hairs ( Astragalus douglasii, Astragalus nutans glabrous or not) 30. Plant woolly- or wavy-hairy; stems < 9 cm, generally densely tufted 31' Leaflets <= 21 (rarely to 23 in Astragalus layneae); inflorescence often < 10-flowered (10–45-flowered in Astragalus layneae); widespread 32. Keel 18–28 mm; fruit 1-chambered, densely white-hairy 33. Calyx with more black than white hairs; fruit 25–50 mm; leaf bases not notably persistent on crown; ne DMtns (e of Death Valley) ..... A. funereus 32' Keel generally < 20 mm; fruit 2-chambered if densely white-hairy 34. Inflorescence 10–45-flowered; corolla 2-colored, ± white with keel tip, wing 1. Thin, flat extension or appendage of a surface or margin. 2. In many members of Fabaceae and in some other groups, each of two lateral petals. tips, and sometimes banner tip ± purple; fruit hairs spreading – plants from deep rhizomes (± stemless plants of Astragalus minthorniae will key out here; see 36.) ..... A. layneae (2) 34' Inflorescence 3–16-flowered; corolla pink-purple or ± 2-colored (± as at 33.); fruit hairs spreading or not 35' Keel 10–12 mm; petals ± white, tinged dull purple; fruit 1-chambered, hairs generally appressed ..... A. tidestromii (2) 30' Plant hairy to ± glabrous; stems generally > 9 cm (if < 9 cm, plant generally not woolly- or wavy-hairy except sometimes in Astragalus layneae), tufted or not 36. Stem <= 16 cm, from rhizome 1. In seed plants, stem that is often elongate, more or less horizontal, usually underground; distinguished from roots by bearing of leaves, leaf scars, axillary buds, etc. 2. In ferns, stem that is located underground, embedded in leaf litter, on rocks or in rock crevices, or on trees or tree branches, often scaly or hairy; distinguished from roots by bearing of fronds (roots rarely bear fronds), and their greater diameter. well below surface; corolla 2-colored, ± white with keel tip, wing tips, and sometimes banner tip ± purple ..... A. layneae (2) 36' Stem often > 15 cm, from crown at or ± below surface; corolla 1- or 2-colored (as at 35.). 37. Leaflet hairs 0 or few on margins, midrib on 1 or both sides; stalk-like fruit base 0 or 2–7 mm ..... A. preussii varieties (2) 37' Leaflet hairs >= few, ± throughout 1 or both sides; stalk-like fruit base 0 or < 3 mm 38' Stem, leaf hairs appressed, not curly, if spreading then < 0.8 mm; fruit often strigose or silky-canescent, erect to reflexed or pendent 39. Stem slender, wiry, incurved, generally < 15 cm; petioles Leaf stalk, connecting leaf blade to stem; sometimes more or less indistinct. persistent, wiry; inflorescence 1–4-flowered – plants of limestone, resembling an unkempt nest ..... A. panamintensis 39' Stem slender or coarse, if wiry then not incurved, often > 15 cm; petioles deciduous, not wiry; inflorescence often > 4-flowered 40. Petals dingy white at least at base, dull lilac on margins or tips; wings ± twisted, tips shortly fringed Having ragged or finely cut margins. or notched; fruit pendent, ± compressed side-to-side, 2-chambered ..... A. atratus var. mensanus 40' Petals pale yellow or white to ± purple; wings plane or curved, tips not fringed, not notched; fruit erect to reflexed, ± 3-sided or round in ×-section, sometimes plump and widely grooved on upper side, 1- or 2-chambered 41. Fruit 2-chambered in middle, beak often 1-chambered; banner recurved 30–50° 42. Leaflets generally > 11; fruit in ×-section ± round, upper suture generally ± sunken in a wide channel; plant generally robust – fruit beak widely triangular, 1-chambered ..... A. lentiginosus varieties (4) 42' Leaflets 3–11; fruit ± 2- or 3-sided, upper suture raised; plant robust or delicate 43. Fruit 10–18 mm, 2.8–3.5 mm wide, incurved, ± 3-sided; ovules 8–11; Cushenbury Canyon (ne SnBr, adjacent DMoj) ..... A. albens (2) 43' Fruit 13–32 mm, 3.5–8.5 mm wide, straight, ± 2-sided, or incurved, ± 3-sided; ovules 20–30; widespread in DMoj ..... A. mohavensis varieties (2) 41' Fruit 1-chambered; banner recurved 45–90° 44. Of the following, all true: most leaves with > 19 leaflets; fruit bladdery; inflorescence generally > 12-flowered ..... A. douglasii varieties 44' Of the following, 1 true: most leaves with << 19 leaflets; fruit swollen but not bladdery; inflorescence < 12-flowered 45. Banner > 11 mm; calyx generally > 7 mm; fruit stiff-papery or leathery 46. Keel < 14 mm; fruit pendent to reflexed, 5–10 mm wide; SNE, DMtns (Inyo Co.) ..... A. casei 45' Banner < 11 mm; calyx 4–7 mm; fruit ± papery, ± bladdery, or inflated 47. Inflorescence generally 10–40-flowered; petals generally bright pink-purple; w edge DSon, adjacent foothills of SnBr, PR ..... A. palmeri (2) 47' Inflorescence often < 10-flowered; petals ± white or pink-purple; c&e DSon, e DMoj 48' Petals pink-purple; leaflets 7–13; fruit beak deltate More or less equilaterally triangular, with the corners rounded or not. , compressed side-to-side
1. Terminal leaflet A leaf-like unit of a compound leaf; distinguished from a leaf by the absence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; lacking lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (leaf 1-compound, with primary leaflets) or compound (leaf 2-compound, with primary and secondary leaflets; 3-compound, with primary, secondary, and tertiary leaflets, etc). not or ± jointed to midrib, joint unlike that of lateral leaflet; lateral leaflets often reduced or 0, spaces between generally >> 1.5 × leaflet width; leaves few, sparse 2. Fruit compressed Flattened side-to-side or front-to-back. side-to-side, base stalk-like; banner 9.4–12.2 mm ..... A. inversus 2' Fruit cylindric Elongate, with parallel sides and, at any point, round in transverse section. or ± compressed side-to-side, base not stalk-like; banner 17–26 mm ..... A. serenoi var. shockleyi 1' Terminal leaflet jointed to midrib, joint like that of lateral leaflet; lateral leaflets not reduced or 0, spaces between rarely > 1.5 × leaflet width; leaves generally many, not sparse 3. Annual, slender, rarely persisting to 2nd season 4' Banner 4.7–7.6 mm; fruit >= 12 mm 3' Perennial herb, often coarse – flower, fruit > 5 mm (fruit < 5 in Astragalus anxius) 6' Leaf hairs simple Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched. 8. Fruit densely white-hairy, resembling a cotton ball; stem 0–14 cm; plant hairs dense, of 2 kinds or not 9. Stems forming thickened crown covered by persistent leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). bases; longer hairs of leaf generally straight, some spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. ; fruit hairs of 2 kinds, some curly, short, some ± straight, long (see also Astragalus platytropis) ..... A. newberryi var. newberryi 9' Stems tufted or matted, leaf bases not persistent; longer hairs of leaf wavy, tangled; fruit hairs of 1 kind, ± wavy or straight ..... A. purshii varieties 8' Fruit silvery-hairy or not, not resembling a cotton ball; stem often > 10 cm; plant hairs sparse or dense, generally not of 2 kinds 10. Calyx base strongly asymmetric Not divisible into identical or mirror-image halves. , pedicel Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. attached at lower side, upper ± pouched; petals white to ± yellow; fruit curved 1/4 to ± full circle, base stalk-like 11' Stem hairs generally spreading, straight; fruit 4–8 mm wide; lowest stipules fused around stem into sheath A surrounding or partially surrounding, often tubular structure or part of a structure, such as a leaf base in Apiaceae or Poaceae. ..... A. gibbsii 10' Calyx base ± symmetric, pedicel attached ± at middle, upper side ± not pouched; petals white, ± yellow, or purple-pink; fruit straight to curved ± full circle, base stalk-like or not 12. Fruit spreading or pendent, early ± flat, then bulged around seeds, base stalk-like; corolla white, pale yellow, or cream 13. Calyx, leaf hairs wavy, ± ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. or spreading; calyx > 6 mm ..... A. californicus 13' Calyx, leaf hairs ± straight, appressed Parallel or nearly parallel to and often in contact with surface of origin; used to describe the disposition of hairs, leaves, pedicels, etc. ; calyx generally < 6 mm ..... A. filipes 12' Fruit erect Upright; vertically oriented. to pendent or reflexed Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward. , early ± swollen, then ± round, triangular, or 2-lobed in ×-section, base stalk-like or not; corolla ± white, ± yellow, or ± purple 14. Stipule sheaths (on herbarium specimens or not) ruptured by stem expansion or not 15. Stalk-like fruit base >= 0.5 mm 15' Stalk-like fruit base 0 (see also Astragalus johannis-howellii, at 16.) 17. Banner generally < 9 mm (< 10 mm in Astragalus anxius); fruit 1-chambered; stem delicate, 1–20 cm 18. Fruit generally compressed side-to-side, ± 3-sided, 3.5–4.5 mm, hairs subappressed, ± straight; banner 6.5–10 mm, recurved Gradually curved downward or backward. ± 60–80° ..... A. anxius 18' Fruit bladdery, ± round in ×-section, 10–20 mm, hairs ± spreading; banner 5.2–8.5 mm, recurved 90–100° ..... A. pulsiferae varieties (2) 17' Banner often > 9 mm; fruit ± 2-chambered; stem often coarse, 0–35 cm 19. Herbage sparsely hairy or ± glabrous; flowers, fruits strongly ascending, crowded ..... A. agrestis (2) 19' Herbage densely hairy; flowers ± ascending to spreading, fruits ± ascending, spreading, reflexed, or pendent, crowded or not 20. Plants cespitose Having a densely clumped, tufted, matted, or cushion-like growth form. ; stem < 2 cm; fruit bladdery ..... A. platytropis 20' Plants tufted or loose-matted; stem > 5 cm; fruit not bladdery 21. Crown at surface; lowest few internodes Segment of an axis (generally a stem) between successive positions (nodes) from which one or more structures (especially leaves, buds, branches, or flowers) arise. above surface, densely white-tomentose; fruit ×-section blunt-triangular ..... A. andersonii 21' Crown below surface; lowest few internodes below surface, ± glabrous; fruit ×-section oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. or blunt-triangular 22. Keel 6.7–8 mm; fruit oblong in ×-section, not fully 2-chambered, ± narrowed at sutures ..... A. monoensis 22' Keel 10–12.2 mm; fruit bluntly 3-sided in ×-section, fully 2-chambered, not narrowed at sutures ..... A. sepultipes 14' Stipule sheaths ± 0 (lower stipules not or appearing not to be fused around stem into sheaths) 23. Flowers 1–4 per inflorescence, strongly ascending; corolla pink-purple; stems low, tufted or matted, strigose With stiff, straight, sharp, appressed hairs. to spreading-hairy ..... A. argophyllus var. argophyllus 23' Flowers generally > 4 per inflorescence, strongly ascending to reflexed; corolla ± red-purple to white; stems low or not, tufted or not, rarely matted, ± glabrous to strigose to spreading-hairy 24. Fruit ± 1-chambered at mid-section, stalk-like base generally > 3 mm or 0 25. Stalk-like fruit base 2–12 mm 25' Stalk-like base of fruit 0 27' Keel >= 8 mm; fruit 12–55 mm, swollen but not bladdery 28. Stem ascending or erect, not mat-forming; leaflets > 4 × longer than wide, spaces between >> width; keel > 10 mm ..... A. casei 28' Stem ± prostrate Lying flat on the ground. to decumbent lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up. , ± mat-forming; leaflets < 2.5 × longer than wide, spaces << or ± = width; keel < 10 mm 29. Herbage, fruit hairs 0 or stiff, straight, appressed, < 0.7 mm; among sagebrush, woodland to barren areas on gravels, sands, volcanic ash ..... A. iodanthus varieties 24' Fruit ± 2-chambered at mid-section, stalk-like base generally <= 3 mm or 0 30. Banner 4.8–6.1 mm; peduncles Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). often in 2s or 3s in upper axils ..... A. lemmonii 30' Banner > 7 mm; peduncles generally in 1s in upper axils 31. Stipules 7–17 mm, ± white or pale yellow; fruit, herbage hairs ± 1.5–2.5 mm, spreading ..... A. malacus 31' Stipules < 6 mm, often ± green; fruit, herbage hairs 0 or generally < 1.5 mm, ± appressed 32. Fls, fruits in head-like racemes, strongly ascending; herbage sparsely hairy or ± glabrous ..... A. agrestis (2) 32' Fls, fruits not in head-like racemes, generally spreading or reflexed; herbage ± glabrous to densely hairy 33' Fruit spreading or reflexed, generally > 4 mm wide, straight to curved, beak ± triangular
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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .
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