Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
Jepson eFlora: Key page
Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Downingia

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Anthers abruptly bent, > 70° to filaments; lower corolla lip  ± parallel

2. Corolla with 1 purple band or 3 distinct spots near throatovary chambers 2 ..... D. insignis

2' Corolla without purple near throat, or, if present, diffuse; ovary chambers 1

3. Corolla 3-colored (blue, white, yellow); lower corolla lobes mucronate ..... D. bacigalupii

3' Corolla 2-colored (blue, white); lower corolla lobes  ..... D. elegans

1' Anthers not or ± bent, < 45° to filaments; lower corolla lip lobes divergent, not parallel

4. Corolla <= 7 mm; flower not inverting, upper corolla lip 3-lobed

5. Corolla 4–7 mm, with blue or purple spots or band near throat; seeds with longitudinal lines ..... D. laeta

5' Corolla 2.5–4 mm, without blue or purple spots near throat; seeds with spiral lines, appearing twisted ..... D. pusilla

4' Corolla generally >= 7 mm; flower inverting, upper corolla lip 2-lobed

6. Sinus between 2 upper corolla lobes with a backward-projecting horn ..... D. ornatissima

7. Upper corolla lobes densely hairy adaxially near tips ..... var. mirabilis

7' Upper corolla lobes glabrous or sparsely hairy adaxially near tips ..... var. ornatissima

6' Sinus between 2 upper corolla lobes without a horn

8. 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers twisted together (or not or 0) ..... D. bicornuta

9. 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers generally >= anthers; corolla tube light blue to pale yellow, with prominent blue veins adaxially ..... var. picta

9' 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers < anthers; corolla tube blue, without prominent veins adaxially ..... var. bicornuta

8' 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers not twisted

10. Corolla without purple near throat; seeds with spiral lines, appearing twisted ..... D. cuspidata

10' Corolla with 1 purple, ± square spot or 2–3 purple, non-square spots or 1 purple band near throat; seeds with longitudinal lines

11. Corolla with 1 purple, ± square spot (2-lobed or not) near throat; upper corolla lobes ciliate-scabrous ..... D. concolor

12. Mature fruit generally 12–30 mm, readily , lines translucent ..... var. brevior

12' Mature fruit (25)30–50 mm, tardily dehiscent, lines not translucent ..... var. concolor

11' Corolla with 2–3 purple, non-square spots or 1 purple band near throat; upper corolla lobes glabrous

13. Anthers , ± , pointed at tip ..... D. pulchella

13' Anthers  to ± exserted, blunt at tip

14. Ovary chambers 2;  ; GV, SCo, n WTR ..... D. bella

14' Ovary chambers 1; placentas ; CaR, SN

15. Upper 3 anthers densely hairy at tips; upper 3 sepals >> lower 2 ..... D. montana

15' Upper 3 anthers glabrous or ± hairy at tips; upper 3 sepals ± > lower 2

16. Plants at 500–1550 m in KR, CaR ..... D. pulcherrima

16' Plants at generally < 200 m in NW (650 m, Lake Co.) ..... D. willamettensis


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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