Key to DowningiaView taxon page for Downingia
(For a list of species in Downingia, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Anthers abruptly bent, > 70° to filaments; lower corolla lip lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. ± parallel 2. Corolla with 1 purple band or 3 distinct spots near throat; ovary chambers 2 ..... D. insignis 2' Corolla without purple near throat, or, if present, diffuse; ovary chambers 1 3. Corolla 3-colored (blue, white, yellow); lower corolla lobes obtuse Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. , mucronate ..... D. bacigalupii 3' Corolla 2-colored (blue, white); lower corolla lobes acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. ..... D. elegans 1' Anthers not or ± bent, < 45° to filaments; lower corolla lip lobes divergent, not parallel 4. Corolla <= 7 mm; flower not inverting, upper corolla lip 3-lobed 5. Corolla 4–7 mm, with blue or purple spots or band near throat; seeds with longitudinal lines ..... D. laeta 5' Corolla 2.5–4 mm, without blue or purple spots near throat; seeds with spiral lines, appearing twisted ..... D. pusilla 4' Corolla generally >= 7 mm; flower inverting, upper corolla lip 2-lobed 6' Sinus between 2 upper corolla lobes without a horn 9. 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers generally >= anthers; corolla tube light blue to pale yellow, with prominent blue veins adaxially ..... var. picta 9' 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers < anthers; corolla tube blue, without prominent veins adaxially ..... var. bicornuta 8' 2 largest bristles at tips of lower anthers not twisted 10' Corolla with 1 purple, ± square spot or 2–3 purple, non-square spots or 1 purple band near throat; seeds with longitudinal lines 11. Corolla with 1 purple, ± square spot (2-lobed or not) near throat; upper corolla lobes ciliate-scabrous ..... D. concolor 12. Mature fruit generally 12–30 mm, readily dehiscent Opening at maturity to release contents; usually pertaining to anthers or fruits. , lines translucent ..... var. brevior 11' Corolla with 2–3 purple, non-square spots or 1 purple band near throat; upper corolla lobes glabrous 13. Anthers exserted Protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens exserted from corolla). , ± tapered Gradually (not abruptly) narrower or smaller at base or tip. , pointed at tip ..... D. pulchella 13' Anthers included Not protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens included in corolla). to ± exserted, blunt at tip 14. Ovary chambers 2; placentas Structure or area to which ovules are attached in an ovary; variously shaped and positioned. axile Pertaining to an axis, as of a placenta along the central axis in a compound ovary with more than one chamber. ; GV, SCo, n WTR ..... D. bella 14' Ovary chambers 1; placentas parietal Pertaining to placentas on the inside surface of the ovary wall in a compound ovary with one or more chambers. ; CaR, SN 15' Upper 3 anthers glabrous or ± hairy at tips; upper 3 sepals ± > lower 2
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