Key to BotrychiumView taxon page for Botrychium
(For a list of species in Botrychium, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1' Leaf divided into trophophore and sporophore (latter occasionally aborted) 2. Trophophore ternate, appearing to be divided into 3 ± equal segments due to great enlargement and dissection of basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. pinna In ferns, primary division of a compound or dissected frond blade. pair 3. Trophophore sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk. or nearly so, stalk of sporophore 0.3–0.7 × trophophore ..... B. pumicola (2) 3' Trophophore clearly stalked, sporophore stalk generally >= trophophore ..... B. simplex 4. Middle pinnae narrowly attached to rachis In ferns, primary axis of a compound or dissected frond blade. , slightly or not decurrent Pertaining to a wing-like or ridge-like extension basal to the apparent or actual point of attachment, particularly a leaf base that appears to continue onto the stem. ; plants yellow-green; generally in seasonally moist meadows ..... var. compositum 4' Middle pinnae broadly attached to rachis, strongly decurrent; plants blue-green; generally in hard-water-saturated substrate ..... var. simplex (2) 2' Trophophore pinnate Feather-like; pertaining to veins, lobes, leaflets, or other structures arranged in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane) along either side of an axis; a leaf is odd-pinnate if there is a terminal leaflet, even-pinnate if there is not, and either odd- or even-pinnate may be 1-pinnate (blade divided into primary leaflets), 2-pinnate (primary leaflets divided into secondary leaflets), 3-pinnate (secondary leaflets divided into tertiary leaflets), etc. ; basal pinnae not disproportionately enlarged 5. Basal pinna pair pinnately dissected, midribbed; pinnae ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. to elliptic In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear , broadest near base or middle ..... B. pinnatum 5' Basal pinna pair entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.). or palmately dissected, fan-shaped, broadest at outer margin 6. Trophophore and sporophore joined well below mid-leaf, generally at ground level ..... B. simplex or B. pumicola (small or shade pls, see couplet 3 to separate the species) 6' Trophophore and sporophore joined generally near or distal to mid-leaf 7. Side margins of simple Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched. pinnae ± parallel or, if cleft into segments, side margins of segments ± parallel 8. Trophophore ± sessile; sporophore stalk very short, pinnae elongate, longer than wide, not decurrent to rachis ..... B. lineare 8' Trophophore and sporophore stalk long, pinnae rhomboid, as long as wide, strongly decurrent ..... B. montanum 7' Side margins of simple pinnae converging at > 30°, or, if cleft into segments, segments wedge-shaped 9. Side margins of basal pinnae converging at (90)150–180°; pinnae touching to overlapping, especially toward tip 10. Middle pinnae spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. , ± perpendicular to rachis; pinna texture delicate, outer margins generally finely crenate Pertaining to margins with shallow, rounded teeth, between which are usually acute sinuses (i.e., scalloped) to dentate Having margins with sharp, relatively coarse teeth pointing outward, not tipward. ; basal sporophore branches often downturned, occurring in or near saturated substrate ..... B. crenulatum (2) 10' Middle pinnae ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. ; pinna texture firm, outer margins entire to wavy to coarsely toothed; basal sporophore branches generally not downturned 9' Side margins of basal pinnae converging at 30–120(160)°; pinnae generally well-spaced to touching 12. Pinnae spreading, ± perpendicular to rachis; fertile portion of sporophore triangular to deltate More or less equilaterally triangular, with the corners rounded or not. ; basal sporophore branches often downturned 13. Pinnae fan-shaped, texture delicate, deep green, outer margins generally finely crenate to dentate; occurring in or near saturated substrate ..... B. crenulatum (2) (sun plants) 13' Pinnae oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. or rounded without a sharp angle between side and outer margin, texture thick, yellow-green, outer margins entire or shallowly cleft; occurring in well-drained sites ..... B. tunux 12' Pinnae ascending; fertile portion of sporophore oblong to deltate; basal sporophore branches not downturned 14. Pinnae entire to symmetrically cleft into 2–4 segments, outer margins dentate; sporophore branches short, stiffly erect Upright; vertically oriented. ..... B. ascendens 14' Pinnae entire to irregularly cleft or shallowly lobed, outer margins entire to coarsely toothed or lobed; sporophore branches long, spreading ..... B. minganense
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