Key to Camissoniopsis
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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
2' Subshrub; hairs generally dense and silvery; style 13–23 mm; petals (10)12–20 mm; stigma
exceeding anthers
..... subsp. suffruticosa 1' Annual or short-lived
perennial Completing life cycle (germination through death) in more than two years or growing seasons, generally non-woody (at least above ground) to woody; includes perennial herbs as well as subshrubs to trees; the abbreviation 'per' only refers to perennial herb, not to the word 'perennial' alone.
herb; inland or coastal
3' Stigma generally surrounded by anthers
4' Fruit not especially stout, 0.7–2.2 mm wide at base, not deeply grooved
5. > 25% of
pollen grains 4–5-angled (visible with light microscopy)
6. Inflorescence hairs nonglandular; 25–60% of pollen grains 4–5-angled – SCoRO (Monterey Co.)
..... C. luciae 6' Inflorescence hairs both
glandular and other types nonglandular; 70–100% of pollen grains 4–5-angled
7. Fruit 1.3–1.6 mm wide, ±
cylindric Elongate, with parallel sides and, at any point, round in transverse section.
, drying ± 4-angled; SCoR (Monterey, San Luis Obispo cos.)
..... C. hardhamiae 5' < 5% of pollen grains 4–5-angled (visible with light microscopy)
8' Fruit cylindric or weakly 4-angled when fresh, 0.7–1.8 mm wide
9' Petioles of distal leaves 0 or < 2 mm; fruit straight to 3-coiled
10. Plant
strigose With stiff, straight, sharp, appressed hairs.
, ± gray – s SnJV, n slope SnBr, D
..... C. pallida 11. Petals 6.5–13 mm;
hypanthium Structure generally in the shape of a tube, cup, or bowl, derived from the fused lower portions of the perianth and stamens, from which these parts seem to arise, and to which the ovary wall is fused in an inferior ovary (to which the ovary wall is partially fused in a half-inferior ovary; from which the ovary is free in a superior ovary).
3.8–4.2 mm; style 6.5–10.5 mm
..... subsp. hallii 10' Plant not strigose, ± gray or not
12. Fruit 0.7–0.9 mm wide; distal leaves narrowly
ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf.
to ovate;
stem ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment.
..... C. hirtella 12' Fruit 0.8–1.8 mm wide; distal leaves narrowly
lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip.
to narrowly ovate; stem ±
erect Upright; vertically oriented.
decumbent lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up.
13. Distal leaves generally narrowly lanceolate;
inflorescence hairs generally nonglandular
..... C. micrantha 13' Distal leaves lanceolate to narrowly ovate; inflorescence generally with glandular hairs
14. Plant ± gray with
spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal.
hairs; hypanthium 2–3.8 mm;
sepals 3.2–8 mm
..... C. confusa 14' Plant with spreading hairs, but not conspicuously ± gray; hypanthium 1.2–2 mm; sepals 1–2.5 mm
..... C. intermedia
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