Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Lewisia

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Cauline leaves 3–5, , less often 2, taproot 0; tuberous root spheric, with many rootlets ..... L. triphylla

1' Cauline leaves 0–many, opposite or ; taproot present; tuberous root 0

2. Basal leaves green after flower, not shriveled

3. Basal  blades  to narrowly oblanceolate; leaf margin 

4. Leaves flat or adaxialy grooved ..... L. ×whiteae

4' Leaves ± , adaxially not grooved ..... L. leeana

3' Basal leaf blades , oblanceolate, ± spoon-shaped, or obovate to round (± linear); leaf margin entire or toothed

5. Petals 5–9 mm, white to pale pink with darker veinsinflorescence open

6. Pedicel 0.3–4 mm; petals 6–9 mm ..... L. cantelovii

6' Pedicel 3–8 mm; petals 5–6 mm ..... L. serrata

5' Petals (8)10–20 mm, generally pink-purple with pale and darker stripes, less often white, cream with pink-orange stripes, yellow, or orange; inflorescence , ± , or panicle, ± dense ..... L. cotyledon

7. Leaf margin ± entire; petals (8)12–14 ..... var. cotyledon

7' Leaf margin  or wavy; petals 12–20 mm

8. Leaf margin dentate; 225–2200 m ..... var. heckneri

8' Leaf margin ± wavy; 100–400 m ..... var. howellii

2' Basal leaves shriveled after flower, turning brown

9. Flowers sepal pairs resembling 4-parted calyx

10. Sepal margin entire, not glandular; petals 12–26 mm ..... L. brachycalyx

10' Sepal margin toothed, glandular or not; petals 10–30 mm ..... L. kelloggii

11. Leaf  > 4.5 cm, > 1 cm wide; petals >= 20 mm ..... subsp. hutchisonii

11' Leaf blade < 4.5 cm, < 1 cm wide; petals <= 20 mm ..... subsp. kelloggii

9' Flowers pedicelled; bract, sepal pairs not resembling 4-parted calyx

12. Flowers breaking apart in fruitsepals 2–9, scariousmargins entire to ± jagged, not toothed

13. Sepals 2; petals 5–9; proximal bracts 2–4 per  ..... L. disepala

13' Sepals (4)6–9; petals 10–19; proximal bracts 4–7(8) per node ..... L. rediviva

14. Sepals 10–12(15) mm; petals ± 15 mm; stamens 20–30 ..... var. minor

14' Sepals 15–25 mm; petals 18–35 mm; stamens 30–50 ..... var. rediviva

12' Flowers not breaking apart in fruit; sepals 2, not scarious, margins entire, toothed, or gland-toothed

15. Cauline leaves opposite, not markedly smaller than  ..... L. oppositifolia

15' Cauline leaves 0 or alternate, markedly smaller than basal

16. Basal leaves oblanceolate, spoon-shaped, or obovate; inflorescence 3–100-flowered

17. Cymes panicle-like, 20–100-flowered; petals 6–7, pale pink, base yellow-green; stamens 4–5 ..... L. congdonii

17' Cymes ± umbel-like, 3–11-flowered; petals 7–10, magenta or red, bases white or ± pink; stamens 10–13 ..... L. stebbinsii

16' Basal leaves thread-like to linear to narrow-lanceolate or -oblanceolate; inflorescence < 16-flowered

18. Flowers 2.5–4 cm diam; petals >= 15 mm ..... L. longipetala

18' Flowers 0.5–2 cm diam; petals <= 20 mm

19. Petals 9–20 mm; sepal margins entire to ± jagged, not gland-toothed (obscurely or irregularly toothed), tips ±  ..... L. nevadensis

19' Petals 4–10 mm; sepal margins ± jagged, toothed, or gland-toothed (entire), tips ± rounded or 

20. Bract, sepal glands ± red or dark; stamens 6; stigmas 4 ..... L. glandulosa

20' Bract, sepal glands 0 or pale; stamens 4–8; stigmas 3–6 ..... L. pygmaea


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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