Jepson eFlora: Key page
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Key to Linanthus

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(For a list of species in Linanthus, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Perennial herbsubshrub  sharp-tipped

2. Leaves , pinnate-3-lobed; corolla lobes 5–6;  generally 4-valved – SnJt ..... L. jaegeri

2' Leaves generally , palmate- or pinnate-3–many-lobed; corolla lobes 5; capsules generally 3-valved

3. Corolla , lobes 7–10 mm, white or pink; 1700–4000 m ..... L. pungens

4. Leaves generally unlobed; bracts 3-lobed; hairs not glandular ..... subsp. hallii

4' Leaves generally 3–13-lobed; bracts generally >= 5-lobed; hairs glandular and non-glandular ..... subsp. pulchriflorus

3' Corolla , lobes 9–18 mm, generally pink; 0–1500 m ..... L. californicus

5. Hairs 1–4-celled, sparse to dense ..... subsp. californicus

5' Hairs >= (1)5-celled, moderate to dense

6. Leaf lobes 5–9, longest  7.0–9.0 mm; corolla lobes 3.5–8 mm wide; corolla dark pink; scrub, forest, TR ..... subsp. glandulosus

6' Leaf lobes 3–5, longest lobe 4.0–6.0 mm; corolla lobes 8.0–15 mm wide; corolla pale pink; stabilized coastal dunes, s CCo, SCoRO (w edge) ..... subsp. tomentosus

1' Annual; leaf lobes not sharp-tipped

7. Corolla generally open at night, if open during day, then limb > 10 mm wide; calyx membrane wider than lobes; corolla lacking red marks near throat

8. Calyx glandular-hairy ..... L. jonesii

8' Calyx hairy or not, not glandular

9. Calyx 4–5 mm, hairy adaxially ..... L. arenicola

9' Calyx 8–14 mm, glabrous adaxially

10. Corolla tube without hairy pads where stamens attached ..... L. bigelovii subp. johnsonii

10' Corolla tube with hairy pads where stamens attached ..... L. dichotomus

11. Flowers open from morning until evening, closed during night ..... subsp. meridianus

11' Flowers open from evening until morning, closed much or all of day

12. Corolla 15–33 mm, tube 10–12.5 mm ..... subsp. dichotomus

12' Corolla 13–17.5 mm, tube 7–10 mm ..... subsp. pattersonii

7' Corolla open during day, limb generally < 10 mm wide; calyx membrane generally narrower than lobes, if wider then corolla with red marks near throat

13. Leaves alternate (opposite or ± alternate in Linanthus concinnus)

14. Leaf  to thread-like; corolla lobes yellow ..... L. filiformis

14' Leaf , or narrowly oblanceolate; corolla lobes white

15. Plant > 3 cm, stem glandular; calyx membrane not ; s SNH, GB, DMoj

16. Corolla throat with 2 purple marks below lobes, tube and throat  from calyx ..... L. campanulatus

16' Corolla throat lacking purple marks, tube and throat  in calyx ..... L. inyoensis

15' Plant < 3 cm, stem not glandular; calyx membrane ciliate; DMtns (Little San Bernardino Mtns), w DSon ..... L. maculatus

17. Corolla lobes lacking  red spot ..... subsp. emaculatus

17' Corolla lobes with basal red spot ..... subsp. maculatus

13' Leaves opposite (or ± alternate in Linanthus concinnus)

18. Membrane ± not connecting calyx lobes; corolla tube inconspicuous

19. Stem thread-like, openly branched at base; calyx lobes with purple marks at base ..... L. bellus

19' Stem not thread-like, compactly branched; calyx lobes without purple marks at base

20. Corolla bell-shaped, lobes white, base with 2 red marks ..... L. demissus

20' Corolla funnel-shaped, lobes blue-purple or white, base with 1–2 purple marks ..... L. parryae

18' Membrane connecting calyx lobes; corolla tube conspicuous

21. Leaf lobes 0; corolla lobe tips fine-toothed ..... L. dianthiflorus

21' Leaf lobes deep; corolla lobe tips ± 

22. Calyx membrane much wider than lobes – SnGb ..... L. concinnus

22' Calyx membrane as wide as lobes

23. Corolla lobes with 2 purple marks at base, 1 in each ; PR, D ..... L. orcuttii

23' Corolla lobes with 1 reddish mark at base, in center of each lobe; SnBr

24. Corolla tube maroon to purple ..... L. bernardinus

24' Corolla tube yellow ..... L. killipii


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