Key to GiliaView taxon page for Gilia
(For a list of species in Gilia, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Flowers generally in heads or clusters of > 8 2. Heads hemispheric; corolla throat > tube; stamens exceeded by to reaching corolla lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. ..... G. achilleifolia subsp. achilleifolia 2' Heads spheric; corolla throat <= tube; stamens reaching or exceeding corolla lobes ..... G. capitata 3. Corolla 5–8 mm (7–11 in subsp. tomentosa), lobes linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. or narrowly oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. ; calyx lobes acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. , erect Upright; vertically oriented. or ± recurved Gradually curved downward or backward. 4. Base of heads tomentose Covered with densely interwoven, generally matted hairs. 4' Base of heads glabrous, glandular, or sparsely tufted-woolly-hairy, but not tomentose 3' Corolla 7–13 mm, lobes oblong; calyx lobes acuminate Having a long-tapered, sharp tip, the sides concave. , recurved 7. Base of heads glabrous, sparsely tufted-woolly-hairy, not tomentose; pedicels Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. 1–2 mm; especially s California ..... subsp. abrotanifolia 7' Base of heads densely tomentose; pedicels 0; especially n&c CA 8' Corolla pale blue-violet; plant lacking skunk-like odor 1' Flowers not in heads, if clustered at ends of branches then generally <= 8 10' Basal leaves, lower stem glabrous or hairy, but not with white, sharply bent, acute-tipped hairs 11. Cauline leaves (particularly mid- to upper leaves) clasping or expanded at base 12. Corolla 9–35 mm, 2–7 × calyx 13. Stem tufted-woolly-hairy below middle 14' Corolla 18–35 mm, throat narrowly tapered; fruit > calyx 13' Stem glabrous, glaucous below middle 16' Pedicels elongate in flower; corolla purple from base to base of throat 12' Corolla 5–12 mm, 1–2 × calyx 18. Stem below middle glabrous, glaucous; upper leaves generally not deeply toothed 19. Stamens, style reaching corolla lobe 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. middle; pollen blue ..... G. diegensis 18' Stem below middle green, not glaucous, ± to densely tufted-woolly-hairy; upper leaves generally deeply toothed 20. Basal leaves strap-shaped, 1-pinnate-lobed, lobes < leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). axis; corolla throat yellow, midveins occasionally purple ..... G. modocensis 20' Basal leaves not strap-shaped, 2-pinnate-lobed, lobes > leaf axis; corolla throat purple or distally yellow, purple-veined 21. Branches decumbent lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up. ; throat generally purple ..... G. jacens (2) 21' Branches spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. to ± erect; throat yellow with purple veins ..... G. brecciarum subsp. brecciarum (2) 11' Cauline leaves not clasping or expanded at base 22. Calyx glabrous or hairy, nonglandular 23. Stamens reaching or exceeding corolla lobes 24' Corolla 6–15 mm, lobes lavender to bright pink-lavender 25. Basal leaves densely tufted-woolly-hairy; calyx membranes generally dull purple-spotted (colorless), flat; SNH, w MP, nw SNE (Mono Co.) ..... G. salticola 25' Basal leaves glabrous or ± tufted-woolly-hairy; calyx membranes bright purple or purple-spotted, inflated-puckered or keeled; s SN, n SnGb, n SnBr, DMoj ..... G. aliquanta 23' Stamens exceeded by corolla lobes 27. Corolla throat with purple spots 28. Corolla throat funnel-shaped Widening from the base more or less gradually through the throat into an ascending, spreading, or recurved limb; often applied to a fused calyx or corolla. ; lobes 3–5 mm wide; style included Not protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens included in corolla). or ± exserted Protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens exserted from corolla). ..... G. clivorum (2) 29. Flower generally in open clusters; pedicel Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. 15–35 mm; corolla 7–13 mm ..... subsp. diffusa (2) 27' Corolla throat without purple spots 30. Basal leaves glabrous to sparsely short-hairy 30' Basal leaves tufted-woolly-hairy at least on central veins and in axils 32. Basal leaf lobes spreading; corolla throat yellow or white with 5 yellow spots at base 33. Corolla 4–7 mm; throat yellow-spotted, <= lobes; calyx lobes short-pointed ..... G. clokeyi 32' Basal leaf lobes generally ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. ; corolla throat yellow proximally, blue distally ..... G. ochroleuca 34. Stem glabrous, glaucous below inflorescence 34' Stem generally tufted-woolly-hairy or glandular below inflorescence (if glabrous, not glaucous) 36. Lower branches suberect; basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. leaves entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.). to generally 1-pinnate-lobed; corolla tube white, generally purple-streaked, throat yellow proximally, blue distally, lobes blue (entire corolla ± yellow); SCo, SnGb, s SnBr, PR, w D ..... subsp. exilis 36' Lower branches spreading; basal leaves 2–3-pinnate-lobed; corolla tube purple, throat yellow proximally, deep violet distally, lobes deep violet; Teh, SnGb ..... subsp. vivida 22' Calyx glandular-hairy, occasionally also long-shaggy- or tufted-woolly-hairy 37. Corolla tube purple, throat purple to mid-throat or beyond, or throat with purple spots or stripes distally 38. Leaf dissection ± irregular, lobes not linear; cauline leaf axis wide, terminal lobe wider than lateral; calyx densely fine-black-glandular 39' Stamens, style, stigmas included or ± exserted; corolla 5–11 mm, lobes 1.8–3.5 mm 38' Leaf dissection regular, lobes linear; cauline leaf axis narrow, terminal lobe not wider than lateral; calyx not densely fine-black-glandular 41. Corolla throat with 2 purple spots below each lobe 42' Pedicel 1–10 mm; corolla 6–11 mm, throat funnel-shaped, pale yellow proximally, lobes 3–5 mm wide; style included or ± exserted 43. Stem sparsely tufted-woolly-hairy to long-shaggy-hairy, sparsely but not densely glandular; fruit 3–4.8 mm; calyx 5–6 mm in fruit; corolla 6–8 mm ..... G. clivorum (2) 41' Corolla throat purple-marked but without 2 spots below each lobe 45. Corolla lobes 4–6 mm wide; throat 3.7–5 mm wide at top 45' Corolla lobes 2.1–4.2 mm wide; throat 1.5–3.4(3.8) mm wide at top 47' Longest stamens ± exserted; stigmas among or only slightly exceeding anthers 49. Corolla throat purple to above middle, or purple at base and yellow above with purple along veins; flowers 1–2 per bract Reduced, leaf- or scale-like structure subtending a branch, cone scale, peduncle, pedicel, or flower. 50. Basal leaf lobes 0.9–1.5 mm wide; calyx 2.5–4.2 mm, membranes ± keeled; corolla 6–10.7 mm ..... G. malior (2) 50' Basal leaf lobes 0.6–0.9 mm wide; calyx 2–3.2 mm, membranes not keeled; corolla 4–8 mm ..... G. minor (2) 49' Corolla throat yellow, with 1 purple spot at base of lobes; flowers 1–5 per bract 51' Stamens unequal in length, exserted 52' Calyx 2.6–4.6 mm; corolla lobes 1.6–5 mm 37' Corolla tube purple or white, throat without purple (lavender) 54. Style reaching no farther than corolla lobe middle, stigma when receptive among anthers 55. Basal leaves glabrous, sparsely tufted-woolly-hairy, or long-shaggy-glandular-hairy, but not densely tufted-woolly-hairy 56' Fruit 3–6 mm, ovoid to spheric; mainland 55' Basal leaves densely tufted-woolly-hairy, at least on midvein 58. Longest stamens exceeding corolla lobe middle 58' Longest stamens exceeded by to reaching corolla lobe middle 60. Branches decumbent; corolla without spots, lobe tips obtuse Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. ..... G. malior (2) 60' Branches spreading to erect; corolla with purple spots below lobes, lobe tips acute 54' Style exceeding corolla lobes, stigma when receptive above anthers 62' Corolla 9–32 mm, tube, throat, lobes of different colors 64. Corolla tube 2–4 × calyx 64' Corolla tube < 2 × calyx 63' Longest stamens exceeded by corolla lobes; corolla throat blue distally, yellow proximally ..... G. cana 67. Adjacent pedicels spreading, shorter pedicel > 1/2 longer 67' Adjacent pedicels ascending, shorter pedicel < 1/2 longer 69. Fruit narrowly ovoid, generally < 5 mm; basal leaves generally tufted-woolly-hairy-matted ..... subsp. cana 69' Fruit widely ovoid, 5–9 mm; basal leaves tufted-woolly-hairy, not matted
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