Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Polygonum

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Stem 8–16 ribbed venation abaxial 2° veins obvious; anthers white-yellow (sect. Polygonum)

2. Distal leaves <= distal flowers; inflorescence terminal

3. Margins of perianth  pink (red or white); fruit 1.3–2.3 mm ..... P. argyrocoleon

3' Margins of perianth lobes green-yellow, yellow (white, pink); fruit (2.3)2.5–3.5 mm ..... P. ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum (2)

2' Distal leaves > to >> distal flowers; inflorescence axillary

4. Fruit smooth to rough

5. Fruit tip beaked, edges strongly concave ..... [P. fowleri subsp. fowleri]

5' Fruit tip not beaked, edges flat

6. Plant ± succulent; leaf red-tinged,  tips rounded; ocrea  proximally; flowers 1/2-open ..... P. marinense

6' Plant not ± succulent; leaf light-yellow-green to -blue-green, blade tips  to ; ocrea  proximally; flowers closed ..... P. ramosissimum

7. Stem leaves 1–2.5 × branch leaves, blue-green fresh, dark-brown or black dry;  1–2 mm ..... subsp. prolificum

7' Stem leaves 2.1–3.5(4.2) × branch leaves, generally yellow-green fresh or dry; pedicels 2.5–6 mm ..... subsp. ramosissimum (2)

4' Fruit striate-tubercled ..... P. aviculare

8. Perianth tube 40–57% of length ..... subsp. depressum

8' Perianth tube (15)20–40% of length

9. Ocreae generally ± persistent distally, especially on upper leaves; perianth 0.9–1.3(1.5) × as long as wide, ± pouched at base ..... [subsp. buxiforme]]

9' Ocreae soon disintegrating distally to fibers or completely; perianth 1.5–2.9 × as long as wide, not pouched at base

10. Leaf blade (6)10–20 mm wide, 2–4.5 × as long as wide; flowers 3–8, ± crowded distally; fruit  or ±  ..... subsp. aviculare

10' Leaf blade 0.5–6.8(8) mm wide, (3.4)4.2–15(19) × as long as wide; flowers 1–3(5), not crowded distally; fruit generally exserted

11. Ocrea (3)4–8 mm, distally disintegrating ± completely, veins obscure; lateral veins of leaves visible but not raised adaxially ..... [subsp. neglectum]]

11' Ocrea (6)8–12 mm, distally disintegrating to fibers, veins obvious; lateral veins of leaves raised adaxially ..... [subsp. rurivagum]]

1' Stem ± angled, ribs 0 or obscure; leaf venation parallel, abaxial 2° veins obscure; anthers pink to purple (orange-pink) (sect. Duravia)

12. Perennial herb to shrub

13. Stem wiry; perianth 2.6–3.2 mm ..... P. bolanderi

13' Stem  or , not wiry; perianth (4.5)5–10 mm

14. Ocreae 15–20 mm, distally ± persistent; leaf blade midrib coarsely scabrous to  abaxially; coastal dunesscrub ..... P. paronychia

14' Ocreae 3–5 mm, distally deciduous; leaf blade midrib glabrous abaxially; mtns ..... P. shastense

12' Annual

15. Ocrea not jointed to leaf

16. Ocreae  or shallowly  distally ..... P. bidwelliae

16' Ocreae disintegrating to fibers distally

17. Stem 4–40 cm; plant with branches 0 or widely  ..... P. californicum

17' Stem 1.5–5(8) cm; plant cushion-like

18. Ocreae distally disintegrating to straight fibers; fruit 2–2.5 mm ..... P. hickmanii

18' Ocreae distally disintegrating to curly fibers; fruit 1.2–1.6 mm ..... P. parryi

15' Ocrea jointed to leaf

19. Tips of perianth lobes acute to acuminate; fruit light-yellow or light- or green- to dark-brown, smooth or net-like with longitudinal ridges ..... P. polygaloides

20. Inflorescence  margin green, if white then scarious border < 0.2 mm wide

21. Fruit , 2–2.5 mm; inflorescence bracts lance-elliptic, , rigid; stamens 5–8 ..... subsp. esotericum (2)

21' Fruit , 1.3–1.7 mm; inflorescence bracts  to lance-linear, ± spreading, not rigid; stamens 3 ..... subsp. kelloggii

20' Inflorescence bract margin white, scarious border (0.2)0.25–1 mm wide

22. Inflorescence ovate to cylindric, generally distal, rarely also continuous from stem bases; fruit 1.3–2.1 mm, lance-ovate to ovate ..... subsp. confertiflorum

22' Inflorescence narrowly cylindric, continuous from stem bases; fruit 2–2.5 mm, lanceolate ..... subsp. esotericum (2)

19' Tips of perianth lobes rounded; fruit black, smooth to minute- and/or striate-tubercled

23. Pedicels 

24. Ocrea 3–5 mm; fruit 2–2.5 mm ..... P. austiniae

24' Ocrea 5–12 mm; fruit 3–5 mm

25. Flower closed;  2–6 mm; perianth tube 20–28% of perianth length ..... P. douglasii

25' Flower open or half-open; pedicel 0.5–1 mm; perianth tube 9–17% of perianth length ..... P. majus

23' Pedicels erect to spreading

26. Ocrea 1–5 mm, distally entire to dentate-torn; perianth 1.8–2.5 mm; fruit 1.8–2.3 mm ..... P. minimum

26' Ocrea 4–12 mm, distally disintegrating to fibers; perianth (2.5)3–5 mm; fruit 2.5–5 mm

27. Inflorescence dense, flowers crowded distally ..... P. spergulariiforme

27' Inflorescence not dense, flowers not crowded distally ..... P. sawatchense

28. Stem, ocrea papillate-scabrous; leaf blade  to oblong-elliptic, margin papillate-fine-dentate; flowers, or at least some, open ..... subsp. oblivium

28' Stem, ocrea glabrous; leaf blade lance-linear to narrowly  or oblanceolate, margin smooth, entire; flowers closed ..... subsp. sawatchense


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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