Key to DeinandraView taxon page for Deinandra
(For a list of species in Deinandra, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Subshrub or shrub; paleae in 2 or 3+ series or subtending all or most disk flowers 2. Ray flowers (11)13(20); anthers ± red to dark purple; paleae in 2 series (1 between ray and disk flowers, 1 between outermost and adjacent disk flowers) ..... D. clementina 2' Ray flowers (4)8; anthers yellow or ± brown; paleae in 3+ series or throughout receptacle ..... D. minthornii 1' Annual; paleae in 1 series, between ray and disk flowers 3. Ray flowers 3–5; disk flowers 3–6; pappus of (4)5–12 scales 4' Ray flowers 5; disk flowers 6 5. Phyllaries generally sessile-glandular, at least near margins, rarely stalked-glandular, stalks < glands; anthers ± red to dark purple 6. Phyllaries glandular near margins, sometimes also with slender-based glandless hairs; bracts subtending head 1. A dense, often spheric inflorescence of sessile or subsessile flowers. 2. In Asteraceae and some other groups, a head-like inflorescence is one in which sessile or subsessile inflorescence units (e.g., heads in Asteraceae, umbels enclosed by involucres in Eriogonum), instead of individual flowers, are attached in a short dense cluster without an evident axis or branches. generally overlapping at least proximal 1/2 of involucre Group of bracts more or less held together as a unit, subtending a flower, fruit (acorn cup), or inflorescence. ..... D. fasciculata 6' Phyllaries ± evenly glandular and with swollen-based glandless hairs, at least on midribs; bracts subtending head generally overlapping proximal 1/2 or less of involucre ..... D. pentactis 5' Phyllaries stalked-glandular, stalks generally >= glands; anthers yellow or ± brown (± red to dark purple or maroon). 7. Proximal leaves generally pinnately lobed to toothed (entire); heads in open, panicle-like clusters; pappus of linear Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. to oblong Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. , entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.). or fringed Having ragged or finely cut margins. scales ..... D. kelloggii 7' Proximal leaves generally entire, sometimes serrate Having margins with sharp, fine to coarse teeth generally pointing tipward, not outward; margins with such teeth on such primary teeth are doubly serrate. ; heads generally ± sessile Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk. in tight groups; pappus of irregular, awl-shaped to square, deeply cut scales ..... D. mohavensis 3' Ray flowers (4)8–35; disk flowers 8–70; pappus 0, or of 1–14 scales, or crown-like 8. Anthers yellow or ± brown 9. Disk pappus generally 0, rarely of 1–5, linear to bristle-like scales 0.1–0.6 mm or rudimentary; faces of proximal leaves glabrous or hairy and stalked-glandular; disk flowers 17–60 10. Proximal leaves hairy and stalked-glandular; stem solid; disk flowers 17–25 ..... D. arida 10' Proximal leaves glabrous, margins and midribs sometimes scabrous or bristly; stem hollow; disk flowers 28–60 ..... D. halliana 9' Disk pappus generally of 4–13 scales, sometimes crown-like, rarely 0; faces of proximal leaves ± hairy and stalked-glandular; disk flowers 10–21 8' Anthers ± red to dark purple 12. Disk flowers all or mostly bisexual Both male and female reproductive parts occurring and functional in the same plant or structure (e.g., flower, spikelet, inflorescence). – pappus scales often maroon or maroon-flecked ..... D. floribunda 12' Disk flowers all or mostly staminate 13' Ray flowers (7)8–13; pappus of 4–14, generally oblong or linear to lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. scales 0.5–2 mm. 14. Phyllaries unevenly sessile- and stalked-glandular, glands highly variable in size; phyllary body 3–7+ striate; pappus scales 0.5–1 mm, << 1/2 corolla length ..... D. conjugens 14' Phyllaries ± evenly stalked-glandular, glands generally ± uniform in size; phyllary body not striate; pappus scales 1–2 mm, often >= 1/2 corolla length 15. Disk flowers 8–14(15); ray flowers (7)8(10), rays 3–7.5 mm; phyllaries 5–6 mm, < peduncle Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). – basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. leaves sometimes persistent in SCoR ..... D. paniculata 15' Disk flowers (11)13–32; ray flowers 8–13(15), rays 5–9.5 mm; phyllaries 5–8.5 mm, < or > peduncle ..... D. increscens 16. Plants <= 10 dm; heads in panicle-like clusters; peduncle generally > involucre, peduncle bracts generally overlapping < proximal 3/4 of phyllaries; ray flowers 8–13 ..... subsp. increscens 16' Plants generally <= 4.5 dm; heads in pairs or tight groups; peduncle generally < involucre, peduncle bracts generally overlapping >= proximal 3/4 of phyllaries; ray flowers (8)13(15) ..... subsp. villosa
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