Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Key to Deinandra

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Subshrub or shrubpaleae in 2 or 3+ series or subtending all or most disk flowers

2. Ray flowers (11)13(20); anthers ± red to dark purple; paleae in 2 series (1 between ray and disk flowers, 1 between outermost and adjacent disk flowers) ..... D. clementina

2' Ray flowers (4)8; anthers yellow or ± brown; paleae in 3+ series or throughout receptacle ..... D. minthornii

1' Annual; paleae in 1 series, between ray and disk flowers

3. Ray flowers 3–5; disk flowers 3–6; pappus of (4)5–12 scales

4. Ray flowers 3(4); disk flowers 3(4) ..... D. lobbii

4' Ray flowers 5; disk flowers 6

5. Phyllaries generally sessile-glandular, at least near margins, rarely stalked-glandular, stalks < glands; anthers ± red to dark purple

6. Phyllaries glandular near margins, sometimes also with slender-based glandless hairsbracts subtending  generally overlapping at least proximal 1/2 of  ..... D. fasciculata

6' Phyllaries ± evenly glandular and with swollen-based glandless hairs, at least on midribs; bracts subtending head generally overlapping proximal 1/2 or less of involucre ..... D. pentactis

5' Phyllaries stalked-glandular, stalks generally >= glands; anthers yellow or ± brown (± red to dark purple or maroon).

7. Proximal leaves generally pinnately lobed to toothed (entire); heads in open, panicle-like clusters; pappus of  to  or  scales ..... D. kelloggii

7' Proximal leaves generally entire, sometimes ; heads generally ±  in tight groups; pappus of irregular, awl-shaped to square, deeply cut scales ..... D. mohavensis

3' Ray flowers (4)8–35; disk flowers 8–70; pappus 0, or of 1–14 scales, or crown-like

8. Anthers yellow or ± brown

9. Disk pappus generally 0, rarely of 1–5, linear to bristle-like scales 0.1–0.6 mm or rudimentary; faces of proximal leaves glabrous or hairy and stalked-glandular; disk flowers 17–60

10. Proximal leaves hairy and stalked-glandular; stem solid; disk flowers 17–25 ..... D. arida

10' Proximal leaves glabrous, margins and midribs sometimes scabrous or bristly; stem hollow; disk flowers 28–60 ..... D. halliana

9' Disk pappus generally of 4–13 scales, sometimes crown-like, rarely 0; faces of proximal leaves ± hairy and stalked-glandular; disk flowers 10–21

11. Ray deep yellow, 2–4 mm ..... D. bacigalupii

11' Ray pale yellow, 6–12 mm ..... D. pallida

8' Anthers ± red to dark purple

12. Disk flowers all or mostly  – pappus scales often maroon or maroon-flecked ..... D. floribunda

12' Disk flowers all or mostly staminate

13. Ray flowers 15–35; pappus 0 or crown-like, with irregular scales < 1 mm ..... D. corymbosa

13' Ray flowers (7)8–13; pappus of 4–14, generally oblong or linear to  scales 0.5–2 mm.

14. Phyllaries unevenly sessile- and stalked-glandular, glands highly variable in size; phyllary body 3–7+ striate; pappus scales 0.5–1 mm, << 1/2 corolla length ..... D. conjugens

14' Phyllaries ± evenly stalked-glandular, glands generally ± uniform in size; phyllary body not striate; pappus scales 1–2 mm, often >= 1/2 corolla length

15. Disk flowers 8–14(15); ray flowers (7)8(10), rays 3–7.5 mm; phyllaries 5–6 mm, <  –  leaves sometimes persistent in SCoR ..... D. paniculata

15' Disk flowers (11)13–32; ray flowers 8–13(15), rays 5–9.5 mm; phyllaries 5–8.5 mm, < or > peduncle ..... D. increscens

16. Plants <= 10 dm; heads in panicle-like clusters; peduncle generally > involucre, peduncle bracts generally overlapping < proximal 3/4 of phyllaries; ray flowers 8–13 ..... subsp. increscens

16' Plants generally <= 4.5 dm; heads in pairs or tight groups; peduncle generally < involucre, peduncle bracts generally overlapping >= proximal 3/4 of phyllaries; ray flowers (8)13(15) ..... subsp. villosa


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