Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Key to Symphyotrichum

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Annual, taprooted; ray corolla < 8 mm, generally > disk flowers by 2 mm or less

2. Ray flowers 90–110, rays <= 0.2 mm wide; disk flowers > 35; phyllaries  to rounded; leaves  to obovate, ± obtuse ..... S. frondosum

2' Ray flowers 21–54, rays >= 0.2 mm wide; disk flowers 7–23; phyllaries  to ; leaves  to oblanceolate, obtuse to acute ..... S. subulatum

3. Ray corolla pink to lavender, generally 2.5–3.5 mm, drying in 2–3 coils; ray flowers >= 30, disk flowers 11–23 ..... var. elongatum

3' Ray corolla generally white to pink, 1.3–3 mm, drying in 1–2 coils or curling; ray flowers 27–40, disk flowers 7–15

4. Phyllaries > 30; pappus bristles generally 3.5–4 mm, < ray corollas ..... var. parviflorum

4' Phyllaries < 30; pappus bristles generally 4.0–5.2 mm, > ray corollas ..... var. squamatum

1' Perennial herb, generally from  or ; ray corolla 6–12 mm, conspicuous

5. Involucre ± glandular –  ± glandular ..... S. campestre

5' Involucre glabrous to ± hairy, not glandular

6. Outer phyllaries obtuse to rounded, < inner ones, ± pale-margined at base, with green area at tip generally < 2.5 × longer than wide; stem generally densely and uniformly , especially below heads

7. Inflorescence open, branches generally > 5 cm; leaves glabrous to ± strigose, generally lacking short leafy shoots in axils; stem 2–6 dm ..... S. ascendens

7' Inflorescence narrow, branches generally < 5 cm; leaves strigose, generally with short leafy shoots in axils; stem 4–10 dm ..... S. defoliatum

6' Outer phyllaries acute to obtuse, <= inner ones, green throughout, or ± pale-margined at base with green area at tip generally > 2.5 × longer than wide; stem ± glabrous to ± hairy distally or with hairs generally ± in lines

8. Leaves rough-hairy on faces, elliptic to obovate, cauline; phyllaries acute ..... S. greatae

8' Leaves glabrous to ± soft-hairy, generally ± linear to narrowly elliptic (if wider, basal > cauline); phyllaries acute to obtuse

9. Leaves ± equal or mid-cauline largest, basal generally 0 at flower; ray white to pink or violet; < 2000 m

10. Outer phyllaries pale-margined > 1/2 length, length generally 3+ × width

11. Stem ± hairy in lines; leaves inflorescence bracts well developed ..... S. lanceolatum var. hesperium

11' Stem ± glabrous; leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate; inflorescence bracts small ..... S. lentum

10' Outer phyllaries pale-margined < 1/2 length, length generally < 3 × width

12. Ray generally pink to white; inflorescence generally narrow, lateral branches generally < 10 cm; phyllaries generally ± equal ..... S. bracteolatum

12' Ray violet; inflorescence generally open, lateral branches generally 10+ cm; outer phyllaries generally < inner

13. Outer phyllaries obtuse ..... S. chilense

13' Outer phyllaries ± acute ..... S. subspicatum

9' Basal or proximal cauline leaves largest, basal generally present at flower; ray violet to purple; > 1000 m

14. Stem 7–15 dm; cauline leaves elliptic to oblanceolate base lobed, clasping; heads > 35; phyllaries ± pale-margined at base ..... S. hendersonii

14' Stem 0.5–8 dm; cauline leaves linear to narrowly elliptic or heads < 35; phyllaries pale-margined at base or outermost green throughout

15. Leaves < 7 × longer than wide; outermost phyllaries generally green throughout, ± = inner ..... S. foliaceum

16. Heads 1(2–4); stem 0.5–2 dm; phyllaries ± purple-tinged ..... var. apricum

16' Heads 1–12 (generally > 1); stem 1–4 dm; phyllaries green ..... var. parryi

15' Leaves 7+ × longer than wide; outermost phyllaries pale-margined at base, < inner ..... S. spathulatum

17' Leaves lanceolate to narrowly elliptic

18. Stem 4–8 dm, heads generally 10–50 ..... var. intermedium

18' Stem 2–6 dm, heads generally 3–10 ..... var. spathulatum


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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